예제 #1
    def _compute_pred_errors(self, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA):
        Get the prediction errors for the forecast.
        alpha = check_alpha(alpha)

        n_timepoints = len(self.oh)

        self.sigma_ = np.sqrt(self._fitted_forecaster.sse / (n_timepoints - 1))
        sem = self.sigma_ * np.sqrt(self._fh * self.smoothing_level_ ** 2 + 1)

        errors = []
        for a in alpha:
            z = zscore(1 - a)
            error = z * sem
                pd.Series(error, index=self.fh.absolute(self.cutoff)))

        # for a single alpha value, unwrap list
        if len(errors) == 1:
            return errors[0]

        # otherwise, return list of errors
        return errors
예제 #2
    def _predict_quantiles(self, fh, X=None, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA):
        Compute/return prediction quantiles for a forecast.

        Must be run *after* the forecaster has been fitted.

        If alpha is iterable, multiple quantiles will be calculated.

        fh : int, list, np.array or ForecastingHorizon
            Forecasting horizon, default = y.index (in-sample forecast)
        X : pd.DataFrame, optional (default=None)
            Exogenous time series
        alpha : float or list of float, optional (default=[0.05, 0.95])
            A probability or list of, at which quantile forecasts are computed.

        quantiles : pd.DataFrame
            Column has multi-index: first level is variable name from y in fit,
                second level being the values of alpha passed to the function.
            Row index is fh. Entries are quantile forecasts, for var in col index,
                at quantile probability in second col index, for the row index.
        alpha = check_alpha(alpha)
        # convert alpha to the one needed for predict intervals
        coverage = []
        for a in alpha:
            if a < 0.5:
                coverage.append((0.5 - a) * 2)
            elif a > 0.5:
                coverage.append((a - 0.5) * 2)

        valid_indices = fh.to_absolute(self.cutoff).to_pandas()

        start, end = valid_indices[[0, -1]]
        prediction_results = self._fitted_forecaster.get_prediction(
            start=start, end=end)

        pred_quantiles = pd.DataFrame()
        for a, coverage in zip(alpha, coverage):
            pred_int = prediction_results.pred_int(1 - coverage)
            pred_int.columns = ["lower", "upper"]
            if a < 0.5:
                pred_quantiles[a] = pred_int["lower"].loc[valid_indices]
                pred_quantiles[a] = pred_int["upper"].loc[valid_indices]
        index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([["Quantiles"], alpha])
        pred_quantiles.columns = index
        return pred_quantiles
예제 #3
    def _predict_quantiles(self, fh, X=None, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA):
        Compute/return prediction quantiles for a forecast.

        Must be run *after* the forecaster has been fitted.

        If alpha is iterable, multiple quantiles will be calculated.

        fh : int, list, np.array or ForecastingHorizon
            Forecasting horizon, default = y.index (in-sample forecast)
        X : pd.DataFrame, optional (default=None)
            Exogenous time series
        alpha : float or list of float, optional (default=[0.05, 0.95])
            A probability or list of, at which quantile forecasts are computed.

        quantiles : pd.DataFrame
            Column has multi-index: first level is variable name from y in fit,
                second level being the values of alpha passed to the function.
            Row index is fh. Entries are quantile forecasts, for var in col index,
                at quantile probability in second col index, for the row index.
        alpha = check_alpha(alpha)

        n_timepoints = len(self._y)

        self.sigma_ = np.sqrt(self._fitted_forecaster.sse / (n_timepoints - 1))
        sem = self.sigma_ * np.sqrt(
            self.fh.to_relative(self.cutoff) * self.initial_level_**2 + 1)

        errors = []
        for a in alpha:
            z = _zscore(1 - a)
            error = z * sem
                pd.Series(error, index=self.fh.to_absolute(self.cutoff)))

        y_pred = super(ThetaForecaster, self).predict(fh, X)

        pred_quantiles = pd.DataFrame()
        for a, error in zip(alpha, errors):
            if a < 0.5:
                pred_quantiles[a] = y_pred - error
                pred_quantiles[a] = y_pred + error

        arrays = [len(alpha) * ["Quantiles"], alpha]
        index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(list(zip(*arrays)))
        pred_quantiles.columns = index
        return pred_quantiles
예제 #4
파일: _base.py 프로젝트: ksachdeva/sktime
    def predict_interval(
        """Compute/return prediction interval forecasts.

        If coverage is iterable, multiple intervals will be calculated.

        State required:
            Requires state to be "fitted".

        Accesses in self:
            Fitted model attributes ending in "_".
            self.cutoff, self._is_fitted

        Writes to self:
            Stores fh to self.fh if fh is passed and has not been passed previously.

        fh : int, list, np.array or ForecastingHorizon
            Forecasting horizon, default = y.index (in-sample forecast)
        X : pd.DataFrame, optional (default=None)
            Exogenous time series
        coverage : float or list of float, optional (default=0.90)

        pred_int : pd.DataFrame
            Column has multi-index: first level is variable name from y in fit,
                second level being quantile fractions for interval low-high.
                Quantile fractions are 0.5 - c/2, 0.5 + c/2 for c in coverage.
            Row index is fh. Entries are quantile forecasts, for var in col index,
                at quantile probability in second col index, for the row index.
        # input checks
        coverage = check_alpha(coverage)

        # check and convert X
        X_inner = self._check_X(X=X)

        pred_int = self._predict_interval(fh=self.fh,
        return pred_int
예제 #5
파일: _base.py 프로젝트: RNKuhns/sktime
def _convert_new_to_old_pred_int(pred_int_new, alpha):
    name = pred_int_new.columns.get_level_values(0).unique()[0]
    alpha = check_alpha(alpha)
    pred_int_old_format = [
            "lower": pred_int_new[name, a / 2],
            "upper": pred_int_new[name, 1 - (a / 2)],
        }) for a in alpha

    # for a single alpha, return single pd.DataFrame
    if len(alpha) == 1:
        return pred_int_old_format[0]

    # otherwise return list of pd.DataFrames
    return pred_int_old_format
예제 #6
파일: _base.py 프로젝트: ksachdeva/sktime
    def predict_quantiles(self, fh=None, X=None, alpha=None):
        """Compute/return quantile forecasts.

        If alpha is iterable, multiple quantiles will be calculated.

        State required:
            Requires state to be "fitted".

        Accesses in self:
            Fitted model attributes ending in "_".
            self.cutoff, self._is_fitted

        Writes to self:
            Stores fh to self.fh if fh is passed and has not been passed previously.

        fh : int, list, np.array or ForecastingHorizon
            Forecasting horizon, default = y.index (in-sample forecast)
        X : pd.DataFrame, optional (default=None)
            Exogenous time series
        alpha : float or list of float, optional (default=[0.05, 0.95])
            A probability or list of, at which quantile forecasts are computed.

        quantiles : pd.DataFrame
            Column has multi-index: first level is variable name from y in fit,
                second level being the values of alpha passed to the function.
            Row index is fh. Entries are quantile forecasts, for var in col index,
                at quantile probability in second col index, for the row index.
        # input checks
        if alpha is None:
            alpha = [0.05, 0.95]
        alpha = check_alpha(alpha)

        # input check and conversion for X
        X_inner = self._check_X(X=X)

        quantiles = self._predict_quantiles(fh=self.fh, X=X_inner, alpha=alpha)
        return quantiles
예제 #7
    def compute_pred_int(self, y_pred, alpha=DEFAULT_ALPHA):
        Compute/return prediction intervals for a forecast.

        Must be run *after* the forecaster has been fitted.

        If alpha is iterable, multiple intervals will be calculated.

        public method including checks & utility
        dispatches to core logic in _compute_pred_int

        y_pred : pd.Series
            Point predictions.
        alpha : float or list, optional (default=0.95)
            A significance level or list of significance levels.

        intervals : pd.DataFrame
            A table of upper and lower bounds for each point prediction in
            ``y_pred``. If ``alpha`` was iterable, then ``intervals`` will be a
            list of such tables.
        alphas = check_alpha(alpha)
        errors = self._compute_pred_int(alphas)

        # compute prediction intervals
        pred_int = [
                "lower": y_pred - error,
                "upper": y_pred + error
            }) for error in errors

        # for a single alpha, return single pd.DataFrame
        if isinstance(alpha, float):
            return pred_int[0]

        # otherwise return list of pd.DataFrames
        return pred_int
예제 #8
파일: ets.py 프로젝트: RNKuhns/sktime
    def compute_pred_int(self, valid_indices, alpha, **simulate_kwargs):
        """Compute/return prediction intervals for AutoETS.

        Must be run *after* the forecaster has been fitted.
        If alpha is iterable, multiple intervals will be calculated.

        valid_indices : pd.PeriodIndex
            indices to compute the prediction intervals for
        alpha : float or list, optional (default=0.95)
            A significance level or list of significance levels.
        simulate_kwargs : see statsmodels ETSResults.get_prediction

        intervals : pd.DataFrame
            A table of upper and lower bounds for each point prediction in
            ``y_pred``. If ``alpha`` was iterable, then ``intervals`` will be a
            list of such tables.
        alphas = check_alpha(alpha)

        start, end = valid_indices[[0, -1]]
        prediction_results = self._fitted_forecaster.get_prediction(
            start=start, end=end, **simulate_kwargs)

        pred_ints = []
        for alpha_iter in alphas:
            pred_int = prediction_results.pred_int(alpha_iter)
            pred_int.columns = ["lower", "upper"]

        if isinstance(alpha, float):
            pred_ints = pred_ints[0]

        return pred_ints