예제 #1
def test_auto_corr_scat_factor():
    num_levels, num_bufs = 3, 4
    tot_channels, lags = utils.multi_tau_lags(num_levels, num_bufs)
    beta = 0.5
    relaxation_rate = 10.0
    baseline = 1.0

    g2 = corr.auto_corr_scat_factor(lags, beta, relaxation_rate, baseline)

    assert_array_almost_equal(g2, np.array([1.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), decimal=8)
예제 #2
def test_multi_tau_lags():
    multi_tau_levels = 3
    multi_tau_channels = 8

    delay_steps = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28]

    tot_channels, lag_steps = core.multi_tau_lags(multi_tau_levels,

    assert_array_equal(16, tot_channels)
    assert_array_equal(delay_steps, lag_steps)
예제 #3
def multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs, labels, images):
    ##comments, please add start_image, end_image, the default as None

    from skxray.core import roi
    from skxray.core import utils as core
    This function computes one-time correlations.
    It uses a scheme to achieve long-time correlations inexpensively
    by downsampling the data, iteratively combining successive frames.
    The longest lag time computed is num_levels * num_bufs.
    num_levels : int
        how many generations of downsampling to perform, i.e.,
        the depth of the binomial tree of averaged frames
    num_bufs : int, must be even
        maximum lag step to compute in each generation of
    labels : array
        labeled array of the same shape as the image stack;
        each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer)
    images : iterable of 2D arrays
        dimensions are: (rr, cc)
    g2 : array
        matrix of normalized intensity-intensity autocorrelation
        shape (num_levels, number of labels(ROI))
    lag_steps : array
        delay or lag steps for the multiple tau analysis
        shape num_levels
    The normalized intensity-intensity time-autocorrelation function
    is defined as
    :math ::
        g_2(q, t') = \frac{<I(q, t)I(q, t + t')> }{<I(q, t)>^2}
    ; t' > 0
    Here, I(q, t) refers to the scattering strength at the momentum
    transfer vector q in reciprocal space at time t, and the brackets
    <...> refer to averages over time t. The quantity t' denotes the
    delay time
    This implementation is based on code in the language Yorick
    by Mark Sutton, based on published work. [1]_
    .. [1] D. Lumma, L. B. Lurio, S. G. J. Mochrie and M. Sutton,
        "Area detector based photon correlation in the regime of
        short data batches: Data reduction for dynamic x-ray
        scattering," Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol 70, p 3274-3289, 2000.
    # In order to calculate correlations for `num_bufs`, images must be
    # kept for up to the maximum lag step. These are stored in the array
    # buffer. This algorithm only keeps number of buffers and delays but
    # several levels of delays number of levels are kept in buf. Each
    # level has twice the delay times of the next lower one. To save
    # needless copying, of cyclic storage of images in buf is used.

    if num_bufs % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("number of channels(number of buffers) in "
                         "multiple-taus (must be even)")

    if hasattr(images, 'frame_shape'):
        # Give a user-friendly error if we can detect the shape from pims.
        if labels.shape != images.frame_shape:
            raise ValueError("Shape of the image stack should be equal to"
                             " shape of the labels array")

    # get the pixels in each label
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(labels)

    num_rois = np.max(label_mask)

    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(num_rois + 1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    if np.any(num_pixels == 0):
        raise ValueError("Number of pixels of the required roi's"
                         " cannot be zero, "
                         "num_pixels = {0}".format(num_pixels))

    # G holds the un normalized auto-correlation result. We
    # accumulate computations into G as the algorithm proceeds.
    G = np.zeros(((num_levels + 1) * num_bufs / 2, num_rois), dtype=np.float64)

    # matrix of past intensity normalizations
    past_intensity_norm = np.zeros(((num_levels + 1) * num_bufs / 2, num_rois),

    # matrix of future intensity normalizations
    future_intensity_norm = np.zeros(
        ((num_levels + 1) * num_bufs / 2, num_rois), dtype=np.float64)

    # Ring buffer, a buffer with periodic boundary conditions.
    # Images must be keep for up to maximum delay in buf.
    buf = np.zeros((num_levels, num_bufs, np.sum(num_pixels)),

    # to track processing each level
    track_level = np.zeros(num_levels)

    # to increment buffer
    cur = np.ones(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)

    # to track how many images processed in each level
    img_per_level = np.zeros(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)

    start_time = time.time()  # used to log the computation time (optionally)

    for n, img in enumerate(images):

        cur[0] = (1 + cur[0]) % num_bufs  # increment buffer

        # Put the image into the ring buffer.
        buf[0, cur[0] - 1] = (np.ravel(img))[pixel_list]

        # Compute the correlations between the first level
        # (undownsampled) frames. This modifies G,
        # past_intensity_norm, future_intensity_norm,
        # and img_per_level in place!
                 buf_no=cur[0] - 1)

        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1

        # Compute the correlations for all higher levels.
        level = 1
        while processing:
            if not track_level[level]:
                track_level[level] = 1
                processing = False
                prev = 1 + (cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs
                cur[level] = 1 + cur[level] % num_bufs

                    cur[level] - 1] = (buf[level - 1, prev - 1] +
                                       buf[level - 1, cur[level - 1] - 1]) / 2

                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                track_level[level] = 0

                # call the _process function for each multi-tau level
                # for multi-tau levels greater than one
                # Again, this is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                    buf_no=cur[level] - 1,
                level += 1

                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels

    # ending time for the process
    end_time = time.time()

    logger.info("Processing time for {0} images took {1} seconds."
                "".format(n, (end_time - start_time)))

    # the normalization factor
    if len(np.where(past_intensity_norm == 0)[0]) != 0:
        g_max = np.where(past_intensity_norm == 0)[0][0]
        g_max = past_intensity_norm.shape[0]

    # g2 is normalized G
    g2 = (G[:g_max] /
          (past_intensity_norm[:g_max] * future_intensity_norm[:g_max]))

    # Convert from num_levels, num_bufs to lag frames.
    tot_channels, lag_steps = core.multi_tau_lags(num_levels, num_bufs)
    lag_steps = lag_steps[:g_max]

    return g2, lag_steps
예제 #4
def multi_tau_auto_corr(num_levels, num_bufs, labels, images):
    ##comments, please add start_image, end_image, the default as None

    from skxray.core import roi
    from skxray.core import utils as core

    This function computes one-time correlations.
    It uses a scheme to achieve long-time correlations inexpensively
    by downsampling the data, iteratively combining successive frames.
    The longest lag time computed is num_levels * num_bufs.
    num_levels : int
        how many generations of downsampling to perform, i.e.,
        the depth of the binomial tree of averaged frames
    num_bufs : int, must be even
        maximum lag step to compute in each generation of
    labels : array
        labeled array of the same shape as the image stack;
        each ROI is represented by a distinct label (i.e., integer)
    images : iterable of 2D arrays
        dimensions are: (rr, cc)
    g2 : array
        matrix of normalized intensity-intensity autocorrelation
        shape (num_levels, number of labels(ROI))
    lag_steps : array
        delay or lag steps for the multiple tau analysis
        shape num_levels
    The normalized intensity-intensity time-autocorrelation function
    is defined as
    :math ::
        g_2(q, t') = \frac{<I(q, t)I(q, t + t')> }{<I(q, t)>^2}
    ; t' > 0
    Here, I(q, t) refers to the scattering strength at the momentum
    transfer vector q in reciprocal space at time t, and the brackets
    <...> refer to averages over time t. The quantity t' denotes the
    delay time
    This implementation is based on code in the language Yorick
    by Mark Sutton, based on published work. [1]_
    .. [1] D. Lumma, L. B. Lurio, S. G. J. Mochrie and M. Sutton,
        "Area detector based photon correlation in the regime of
        short data batches: Data reduction for dynamic x-ray
        scattering," Rev. Sci. Instrum., vol 70, p 3274-3289, 2000.
    # In order to calculate correlations for `num_bufs`, images must be
    # kept for up to the maximum lag step. These are stored in the array
    # buffer. This algorithm only keeps number of buffers and delays but
    # several levels of delays number of levels are kept in buf. Each
    # level has twice the delay times of the next lower one. To save
    # needless copying, of cyclic storage of images in buf is used.

    if num_bufs % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError("number of channels(number of buffers) in " "multiple-taus (must be even)")

    if hasattr(images, "frame_shape"):
        # Give a user-friendly error if we can detect the shape from pims.
        if labels.shape != images.frame_shape:
            raise ValueError("Shape of the image stack should be equal to" " shape of the labels array")

    # get the pixels in each label
    label_mask, pixel_list = roi.extract_label_indices(labels)

    num_rois = np.max(label_mask)

    # number of pixels per ROI
    num_pixels = np.bincount(label_mask, minlength=(num_rois + 1))
    num_pixels = num_pixels[1:]

    if np.any(num_pixels == 0):
        raise ValueError(
            "Number of pixels of the required roi's" " cannot be zero, " "num_pixels = {0}".format(num_pixels)

    # G holds the un normalized auto-correlation result. We
    # accumulate computations into G as the algorithm proceeds.
    G = np.zeros(((num_levels + 1) * num_bufs / 2, num_rois), dtype=np.float64)

    # matrix of past intensity normalizations
    past_intensity_norm = np.zeros(((num_levels + 1) * num_bufs / 2, num_rois), dtype=np.float64)

    # matrix of future intensity normalizations
    future_intensity_norm = np.zeros(((num_levels + 1) * num_bufs / 2, num_rois), dtype=np.float64)

    # Ring buffer, a buffer with periodic boundary conditions.
    # Images must be keep for up to maximum delay in buf.
    buf = np.zeros((num_levels, num_bufs, np.sum(num_pixels)), dtype=np.float64)

    # to track processing each level
    track_level = np.zeros(num_levels)

    # to increment buffer
    cur = np.ones(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)

    # to track how many images processed in each level
    img_per_level = np.zeros(num_levels, dtype=np.int64)

    start_time = time.time()  # used to log the computation time (optionally)

    for n, img in enumerate(images):

        cur[0] = (1 + cur[0]) % num_bufs  # increment buffer

        # Put the image into the ring buffer.
        buf[0, cur[0] - 1] = (np.ravel(img))[pixel_list]

        # Compute the correlations between the first level
        # (undownsampled) frames. This modifies G,
        # past_intensity_norm, future_intensity_norm,
        # and img_per_level in place!
            buf_no=cur[0] - 1,

        # check whether the number of levels is one, otherwise
        # continue processing the next level
        processing = num_levels > 1

        # Compute the correlations for all higher levels.
        level = 1
        while processing:
            if not track_level[level]:
                track_level[level] = 1
                processing = False
                prev = 1 + (cur[level - 1] - 2) % num_bufs
                cur[level] = 1 + cur[level] % num_bufs

                buf[level, cur[level] - 1] = (buf[level - 1, prev - 1] + buf[level - 1, cur[level - 1] - 1]) / 2

                # make the track_level zero once that level is processed
                track_level[level] = 0

                # call the _process function for each multi-tau level
                # for multi-tau levels greater than one
                # Again, this is modifying things in place. See comment
                # on previous call above.
                    buf_no=cur[level] - 1,
                level += 1

                # Checking whether there is next level for processing
                processing = level < num_levels

    # ending time for the process
    end_time = time.time()

    logger.info("Processing time for {0} images took {1} seconds." "".format(n, (end_time - start_time)))

    # the normalization factor
    if len(np.where(past_intensity_norm == 0)[0]) != 0:
        g_max = np.where(past_intensity_norm == 0)[0][0]
        g_max = past_intensity_norm.shape[0]

    # g2 is normalized G
    g2 = G[:g_max] / (past_intensity_norm[:g_max] * future_intensity_norm[:g_max])

    # Convert from num_levels, num_bufs to lag frames.
    tot_channels, lag_steps = core.multi_tau_lags(num_levels, num_bufs)
    lag_steps = lag_steps[:g_max]

    return g2, lag_steps