예제 #1
 def interaural_level_spectrum(self, azimuth, level_spectrum_filter=None):
     Apply a frequency-dependend interaural level difference
     corresponding to a given azimuth to a binaural sound.
     The level difference cues are taken from a filter generated
     with the _make_level_spectrum_filter function from an hrtf
     recording. The default will generate the filter from the MIT
     KEMAR recordings. The left and right channel of the sound
     should have the same level.
     >>> noise = Binaural.pinknoise(kind='diotic')
     >>> noise.interaural_level_spectrum(azimuth=-45).play()
     if not level_spectrum_filter:
         ils = Binaural._make_level_spectrum_filter(
         )  # TODO: should cache this as a file in /data or global
     ils = ils[:, 1:]  # remove the frequency values (not necessary here)
     azis = ils[0, :]  # get vector of azimuths in ils filter bank
     ils = ils[1:, :]  # the rest is the filter
     # interpolate levels at azimuth
     levels = [
         numpy.interp(azimuth, azis, ils[:, i]) for i in range(ils.shape[1])
     fbank = Filter.cos_filterbank(length=self.nsamples,
     subbands_left = fbank.apply(self.left)
     subbands_right = fbank.apply(self.right)
     # change subband levels:
     subbands_left.level = subbands_left.level + levels / 2
     subbands_right.level = subbands_right.level - levels / 2
     out_left = Filter.collapse_subbands(subbands_left, filter_bank=fbank)
     out_right = Filter.collapse_subbands(subbands_right, filter_bank=fbank)
     return Binaural([out_left, out_right])
예제 #2
    def make_interaural_level_spectrum(hrtf=None):
        Compute the frequency band specific interaural intensity differences for all sound source azimuth's in
        a head-related transfer function. For every azimuth in the hrtf, the respective transfer function is applied
        to a sound. This sound is then divided into frequency sub-bands. The interaural level spectrum is the level
        difference between right and left for each of these sub-bands for each azimuth.
        When individual HRTFs are not avilable, the level spectrum of the KEMAR mannequin may be used (default).
        Note that the computation may take a few minutes. Save the level spectrum to avoid re-computation, for instance
        with pickle or numpy.save (see documentation on readthedocs for examples).

            hrtf (None | slab.HRTF): The head-related transfer function used to compute the level spectrum. If None,
                use the recordings from the KEMAR mannequin.
            (dict): A dictionary with keys `samplerate`, `frequencies` [n], `azimuths` [m], and `level_diffs` [n x m],
                where `frequencies` lists the centres of sub-bands for which the level difference was computed, and
                `azimuths` lists the sound source azimuth's in the hrft. `level_diffs` is a matrix of the interaural
                level difference for each sub-band and azimuth.

            ils = slab.Binaural.make_interaural_level_spectrum()  # get the ils from the KEMAR recordings
            ils['samplerate'] # the sampling rate
            ils['frequencies'] # the sub-band frequencies
            ils['azimuths']  # the sound source azimuth's for which the level difference was calculated
            ils['level_diffs'][5, :]  # the level difference for each azimuth in the 5th sub-band
        if not hrtf:
            hrtf = HRTF.kemar()  # load KEMAR by default
        # get the filters for the frontal horizontal arc
        idx = numpy.where((hrtf.sources[:, 1] == 0) & (
            (hrtf.sources[:, 0] <= 90) | (hrtf.sources[:, 0] >= 270)))[0]
        # at this point, we could just get the transfer function of each filter with hrtf.data[idx[i]].tf(),
        # but it may be better to get the spectral left/right differences with ERB-spaced frequency resolution:
        azi = hrtf.sources[idx, 0]
        # 270<azi<360 -> azi-360 to get negative angles on the left
        azi[azi >= 270] = azi[azi >= 270]-360
        sort = numpy.argsort(azi)
        fbank = Filter.cos_filterbank(samplerate=hrtf.samplerate, pass_bands=True)
        freqs = fbank.filter_bank_center_freqs()
        noise = Sound.pinknoise(duration=5., samplerate=hrtf.samplerate)
        ils = dict()
        ils['samplerate'] = hrtf.samplerate
        ils['frequencies'] = freqs
        ils['azimuths'] = azi[sort]
        ils['level_diffs'] = numpy.zeros((len(freqs), len(idx)))
        for n, i in enumerate(idx[sort]):  # put the level differences in order of increasing angle
            noise_filt = Binaural(hrtf.data[i].apply(noise))
            noise_bank_left = fbank.apply(noise_filt.left)
            noise_bank_right = fbank.apply(noise_filt.right)
            ils['level_diffs'][:, n] = noise_bank_right.level - noise_bank_left.level
        return ils
예제 #3
 def _make_level_spectrum_filter(hrtf=None):
     Generate a level spectrum from the horizontal recordings in an HRTF file. The defaut Filter.cos_filterbank is used and the same filter bank has to be used when applying the level spectrum to a sound.
     from slab import DATAPATH
     if not hrtf:
             ils = numpy.load(DATAPATH +
             return ils
         except FileNotFoundError:
             hrtf = HRTF(
                 DATAPATH +
                 'mit_kemar_normal_pinna.sofa')  # load the hrtf file
             save_standard = True
     # get the filters for the frontal horizontal arc
     idx = numpy.where((hrtf.sources[:, 1] == 0) & (
         (hrtf.sources[:, 0] <= 90) | (hrtf.sources[:, 0] >= 270)))[0]
     # at this point, we could just get the transfer function of each filter with hrtf.data[idx[i]].tf(),
     # but it may be better to get the spectral left/right differences with ERB-spaced frequency resolution:
     azi = hrtf.sources[idx, 0]
     # 270<azi<360 -> azi-360 to get negative angles the left
     azi[azi >= 270] = azi[azi >= 270] - 360
     sort = numpy.argsort(azi)
     fbank = Filter.cos_filterbank(samplerate=hrtf.samplerate)
     freqs = fbank.filter_bank_center_freqs()
     noise = Sound.pinknoise(samplerate=hrtf.samplerate)
     ils = numpy.zeros((len(freqs) + 1, len(idx) + 1))
     ils[:, 0] = numpy.concatenate(
         ([0], freqs))  # first row are the frequencies
     for n, i in enumerate(
     ):  # put the level differences in order of increasing angle
         noise_filt = Binaural(hrtf.data[i].apply(noise))
         noise_bank_left = fbank.apply(noise_filt.left)
         noise_bank_right = fbank.apply(noise_filt.right)
         ils[1:, n + 1] = noise_bank_right.level - noise_bank_left.level
         ils[0, n + 1] = azi[sort[n]]  # first entry is the angle
     if save_standard:
         numpy.save(DATAPATH + 'KEMAR_interaural_level_spectrum.npy', ils)
     return ils
예제 #4
    def interaural_level_spectrum(self, azimuth, ils=None):
        Apply an interaural level spectrum, corresponding to a sound sources azimuth, to a
        binaural sound. The interaural level spectrum consists of frequency specific interaural level differences
        which are computed from a head related transfer function (see the `make_interaural_level_spectrum()` method).
        The binaural sound is divided into frequency sub-bands and the levels of each sub-band are set according to
        the respective level in the interaural level spectrum. Then, the sub-bands are summed up again into one
        binaural sound.

            azimuth (int | float): azimuth for which the interaural level spectrum is calculated.
            ils (dict): interaural level spectrum to apply.  If None, `make_interaural_level_spectrum()` is called.
            For repeated use, it is better to generate and keep the ils in a variable to avoid re-computing it.
            (slab.Binaural): A binaural sound with the interaural level spectrum corresponding to the given azimuth.

            noise = slab.Binaural.pinknoise(kind='diotic')
            ils = slab.Binaural.make_interaural_level_spectrum() # using default KEMAR HRTF
            noise.interaural_level_spectrum(azimuth=-45, ils=ils).play()
        if ils is None:
            ils = Binaural.make_interaural_level_spectrum()
        ils_samplerate = ils['samplerate']
        original_samplerate = self.samplerate
        azis = ils['azimuths']
        level_diffs = ils['level_diffs']
        levels = numpy.array([numpy.interp(azimuth, azis, level_diffs[i, :]) for i in range(level_diffs.shape[0])])
        # resample the signal to the rate of the HRTF from which the filter was computed:
        resampled = self.resample(samplerate=ils_samplerate)
        fbank = Filter.cos_filterbank(length=resampled.n_samples, samplerate=ils_samplerate, pass_bands=True)
        subbands_left = fbank.apply(resampled.left)
        subbands_right = fbank.apply(resampled.right)
        # change subband levels:
        subbands_left.level = subbands_left.level + levels / 2
        subbands_right.level = subbands_right.level - levels / 2
        out_left = Filter.collapse_subbands(subbands_left, filter_bank=fbank)
        out_right = Filter.collapse_subbands(subbands_right, filter_bank=fbank)
        out = Binaural([out_left, out_right])
        return out.resample(samplerate=original_samplerate)