# Loop over all motor tick records.
    # This is the FastSLAM filter loop, with prediction and correction.
    f = open("fast_slam_correction.txt", "w")
    for i in xrange(len(logfile.motor_ticks)):
        # Prediction.
        control = map(lambda x: x * ticks_to_mm, logfile.motor_ticks[i])

        # Correction.
        cylinders = get_cylinders_from_scan(logfile.scan_data[i], depth_jump,

        # Output particles.
        print_particles(fs.particles, f)

        # Output state estimated from all particles.
        mean = get_mean(fs.particles)
        print >> f, "F %.0f %.0f %.3f" %\
              (mean[0] + scanner_displacement * cos(mean[2]),
               mean[1] + scanner_displacement * sin(mean[2]),

        # Output error ellipse and standard deviation of heading.
        errors = get_error_ellipse_and_heading_variance(fs.particles, mean)
        print >> f, "E %.3f %.0f %.0f %.3f" % errors

        # Output landmarks of particle which is closest to the mean position.
        output_particle = min([
            (np.linalg.norm(mean[0:2] - fs.particles[i].pose[0:2]), i)
예제 #2
                  control_motion_factor, control_turn_factor)

    # Read data.
    logfile = LegoLogfile()

    # Loop over all motor tick records.
    # This is the FastSLAM filter loop, prediction only.
    f = open("fast_slam_prediction.txt", "w")
    for i in range(len(logfile.motor_ticks)):
        # Prediction.
        control = map(lambda x: x * ticks_to_mm, logfile.motor_ticks[i])

        # Output particles.
        print_particles(fs.particles, f)

        # Output state estimated from all particles.
        mean = get_mean(fs.particles)
        #print >> f, "F %.0f %.0f %.3f" %\
        #      (mean[0] + scanner_displacement * cos(mean[2]),
        #       mean[1] + scanner_displacement * sin(mean[2]),
        #       mean[2])

        print ("F %.0f %.0f %.3f" %\
              (mean[0] + scanner_displacement * cos(mean[2]),
               mean[1] + scanner_displacement * sin(mean[2]),
               mean[2]), end = "\n", file = f)

        # Output error ellipse and standard deviation of heading.
        errors = get_error_ellipse_and_heading_variance(fs.particles, mean)