def __init__(self, master): self.master = master # root tk window self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.closeWin) # control what happens when a window is closed externally (e.g. by the 'x') self.master.wm_title("Aerospace Robotics LIDAR Viewer") # name window self.master.geometry('+100+50') # position window 100,100 pixels from top-left corner # physical objects self.robot = DaguRover5() self.laser = RPLIDAR(DIST_MIN, DIST_MAX) # initialize serial object, prompting user for input if required self.statusQueue = Queue() # status of serial thread # FIFO queue by default self.RXQueue = Queue() # data from serial to root # FIFO queue by default self.TXQueue = Queue() # data from root to serial # FIFO queue by default self.serThread = SerialThread(self.laser, self.statusQueue, self.RXQueue, self.TXQueue) # initialize thread object # initialize root variables self.statusStr = StringVar() # status of serThread self.restarting = False # are we in the process of soft restarting? self.paused = False # should the loops be doing nothing right now? # helper objects = DataMatrix(**KWARGS) # handle map data self.slam = Slam(self.robot, self.laser, **KWARGS) # do slam processing if FAST_MAPPING: # create the OpenCV window self.regionFrame = SlamShow(CV_IMG_SIZE, CV_IMG_RES_PIX_PER_MM, 'SLAM Rover: Hit ESC to quit') # create Tkinter control frames self.statusFrame = EntryFrame(self.master, self.robot, self.closeWin, self.restartAll, self.saveImage, \ self.serThread.getACK, self.serThread.resetACK, self.TXQueue, self.statusStr, twoLines=True, setDisplayMode=self.setDisplayMode, **KWARGS) self.insetFrame = InsetFrame(self.master,, sendCommand=self.statusFrame.sendCommand, setRelDestination=self.setRelDestination, **KWARGS) # pack frame self.statusFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.insetFrame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) else: # create all the pretty stuff in the Tkinter window self.statusFrame = EntryFrame(self.master, self.robot, self.closeWin, self.restartAll, self.saveImage, \ self.serThread.getACK, self.serThread.resetACK, self.TXQueue, self.statusStr, setDisplayMode=self.setDisplayMode, **KWARGS) self.regionFrame = RegionFrame(self.master,, **KWARGS) self.insetFrame = InsetFrame(self.master,, sendCommand=self.statusFrame.sendCommand, setRelDestination=self.setRelDestination, **KWARGS) # pack frames self.statusFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.regionFrame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) self.insetFrame.pack(side='right', fill='both', expand=True) # Start loops self.serThread.start() # begin fetching data from serial port and processing it self.updateData() # pull data from queue, put into data matrix self.updateMap() # draw new data matrix self.statusFrame.autosendCommand() # check for user input and automatically send it
class App(object): # init creates all objects, draws initUI, and starts all loops (including serial thread) # closeWin first prompts the user if they really want to close, then ends serial thread and tkinter # restartAll restarts all objects that store map data, allowing history to be wiped without hard reset # setDisplayMode link to data.setDisplayMode function (prevents restart from breaking reference) # setRelDestination link to data.setRelDestination function (prevents restart from breaking reference) # saveImage tells data object to capture the current map and save as a png # getScanData pulls LIDAR data directly from the serial port and does preliminary processing # updateData calls getScanData, and updates the slam object and data matrix with this data, and loops to itself # updateMap draws a new map, using whatever data is available, and loops to itself def __init__(self, master): self.master = master # root tk window self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.closeWin) # control what happens when a window is closed externally (e.g. by the 'x') self.master.wm_title("Aerospace Robotics LIDAR Viewer") # name window self.master.geometry('+100+50') # position window 100,100 pixels from top-left corner # physical objects self.robot = DaguRover5() self.laser = RPLIDAR(DIST_MIN, DIST_MAX) # initialize serial object, prompting user for input if required self.statusQueue = Queue() # status of serial thread # FIFO queue by default self.RXQueue = Queue() # data from serial to root # FIFO queue by default self.TXQueue = Queue() # data from root to serial # FIFO queue by default self.serThread = SerialThread(self.laser, self.statusQueue, self.RXQueue, self.TXQueue) # initialize thread object # initialize root variables self.statusStr = StringVar() # status of serThread self.restarting = False # are we in the process of soft restarting? self.paused = False # should the loops be doing nothing right now? # helper objects = DataMatrix(**KWARGS) # handle map data self.slam = Slam(self.robot, self.laser, **KWARGS) # do slam processing if FAST_MAPPING: # create the OpenCV window self.regionFrame = SlamShow(CV_IMG_SIZE, CV_IMG_RES_PIX_PER_MM, 'SLAM Rover: Hit ESC to quit') # create Tkinter control frames self.statusFrame = EntryFrame(self.master, self.robot, self.closeWin, self.restartAll, self.saveImage, \ self.serThread.getACK, self.serThread.resetACK, self.TXQueue, self.statusStr, twoLines=True) self.insetFrame = InsetFrame(self.master,, sendCommand=self.statusFrame.sendCommand, setRelDestination=self.setRelDestination, **KWARGS) # pack frame self.statusFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.insetFrame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) else: # create all the pretty stuff in the Tkinter window self.statusFrame = EntryFrame(self.master, self.robot, self.closeWin, self.restartAll, self.saveImage, \ self.serThread.getACK, self.serThread.resetACK, self.TXQueue, self.statusStr) self.regionFrame = RegionFrame(self.master,, setDisplayMode=self.setDisplayMode, **KWARGS) self.insetFrame = InsetFrame(self.master,, sendCommand=self.statusFrame.sendCommand, setRelDestination=self.setRelDestination, **KWARGS) # pack frames self.statusFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.regionFrame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) self.insetFrame.pack(side='right', fill='both', expand=True) # Start loops self.serThread.start() # begin fetching data from serial port and processing it self.updateData() # pull data from queue, put into data matrix self.updateMap() # draw new data matrix self.statusFrame.autosendCommand() # check for user input and automatically send it def closeWin(self): self.paused = True self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Paused.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) if askokcancel("Quit?", "Are you sure you want to quit?"): self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Stopping.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) print("Shutting down LIDAR") self.serThread.stop() # tell serial thread to stop running print("Closing program") self.master.quit() # kills interpreter (necessary for some reason) else: self.paused = False def restartAll(self, funcStep=0): # two-part initialization to be re-done at soft reset if funcStep == 0: self.restarting = True # stop currently running loops self.master.after(2000, lambda: self.restartAll(funcStep=1)) # let processor wrap things up elsewhere # should be smarter return elif funcStep == 1: with self.RXQueue.mutex: self.RXQueue.queue.clear() # empty incoming data queue = DataMatrix(**KWARGS) self.slam = Slam(self.robot, self.laser, **KWARGS) self.restarting = False self.updateData() # pull data from queue, put into data matrix self.updateMap() # draw new data matrix def setDisplayMode(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def setRelDestination(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def saveImage(self): # function prototype until data is initialized self.paused = True self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Saving image. Close to resume.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) # keep length of label constant self.master.update() # force statusStr update self.updateMap(loop=False) # make sure we save the newest map self.paused = False def getScanData(self, repeat=False): self.points = [] # wipe old data before writing new data while True: # Make sure there's actually data to get try: queueItem = self.RXQueue.get_nowait() except QueueEmpty: # something's wrong self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("RXQueue empty. Send 'l' iff LIDAR stopped.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) return # stop because no data to read else: if isinstance(queueItem[0], float): # scan data self.points.append(queueItem) elif isinstance(queueItem[1], int): # encoder data self.slam.currEncPos = queueItem break # encoder data signals new scan else: print("RXQueue broken (something weird happened...)") if repeat: self.getScanData() def updateData(self, init=True): self.dataInit = init if not self.paused: try: status = self.statusQueue.get_nowait() # do this before anything else except QueueEmpty: pass else: self.statusStr.set(paddedStr(status, len(self.statusStr.get()))) if self.RXQueue.qsize() > (2 if init else 1)*NUM_SAMP: # ready to pull new scan data # pull data from serial thread via RXQueue, ignoring the first scan, which is incomplete self.getScanData(repeat=init) # 2ms # update robot position if init: self.slam.prevEncPos = self.slam.currEncPos # set both values the first time through, init=init) # send data to slam to do stuff # 15ms # draw map using scan points if init: init = False # initial data gathered successfully if not self.restarting: self.master.after(DATA_RATE, lambda: self.updateData(init=init)) else: self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Restarting...", len(self.statusStr.get()))) # if loop ends, we're restarting def updateMap(self, loop=True): if not self.paused and not self.dataInit: # wait until first data update to update map # draw map using slam data # 16ms # new relative map # 7ms self.insetFrame.updateMap(,, # 25ms if FAST_MAPPING: self.regionFrame.displayMap(,CV_IMG_SIZE))) # 36ms self.regionFrame.displayRobot( if self.regionFrame.refresh() == 27: self.closeWin() # ESC key pressed else: self.regionFrame.updateMap(,, if loop and not self.restarting: self.master.after(MAP_RATE, self.updateMap)
class App(object): # init creates all objects, draws initUI, and starts all loops (including serial thread) # closeWin first prompts the user if they really want to close, then ends serial thread and tkinter # restartAll restarts all objects that store map data, allowing history to be wiped without hard reset # setDisplayMode link to data.setDisplayMode function (prevents restart from breaking reference) # setRelDestination link to data.setRelDestination function (prevents restart from breaking reference) # saveImage tells data object to capture the current map and save as a png # getScanData pulls LIDAR data directly from the serial port and does preliminary processing # updateData calls getScanData, and updates the slam object and data matrix with this data, and loops to itself # updateMap draws a new map, using whatever data is available, and loops to itself def __init__(self, master): self.master = master # root tk window self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.closeWin) # control what happens when a window is closed externally (e.g. by the 'x') self.master.wm_title("Aerospace Robotics LIDAR Viewer") # name window self.master.geometry('+100+50') # position window 100,100 pixels from top-left corner # physical objects self.robot = DaguRover5() self.laser = RPLIDAR(DIST_MIN, DIST_MAX) # initialize serial object, prompting user for input if required self.statusQueue = Queue() # status of serial thread # FIFO queue by default self.RXQueue = Queue() # data from serial to root # FIFO queue by default self.TXQueue = Queue() # data from root to serial # FIFO queue by default self.serThread = SerialThread(self.laser, self.statusQueue, self.RXQueue, self.TXQueue) # initialize thread object # initialize root variables self.statusStr = StringVar() # status of serThread self.restarting = False # are we in the process of soft restarting? self.paused = False # should the loops be doing nothing right now? # helper objects = DataMatrix(**KWARGS) # handle map data self.slam = Slam(self.robot, self.laser, **KWARGS) # do slam processing if FAST_MAPPING: # create the OpenCV window self.regionFrame = SlamShow(CV_IMG_SIZE, CV_IMG_RES_PIX_PER_MM, 'SLAM Rover: Hit ESC to quit') # create Tkinter control frames self.statusFrame = EntryFrame(self.master, self.robot, self.closeWin, self.restartAll, self.saveImage, \ self.serThread.getACK, self.serThread.resetACK, self.TXQueue, self.statusStr, twoLines=True, setDisplayMode=self.setDisplayMode, **KWARGS) self.insetFrame = InsetFrame(self.master,, sendCommand=self.statusFrame.sendCommand, setRelDestination=self.setRelDestination, **KWARGS) # pack frame self.statusFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.insetFrame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) else: # create all the pretty stuff in the Tkinter window self.statusFrame = EntryFrame(self.master, self.robot, self.closeWin, self.restartAll, self.saveImage, \ self.serThread.getACK, self.serThread.resetACK, self.TXQueue, self.statusStr, setDisplayMode=self.setDisplayMode, **KWARGS) self.regionFrame = RegionFrame(self.master,, **KWARGS) self.insetFrame = InsetFrame(self.master,, sendCommand=self.statusFrame.sendCommand, setRelDestination=self.setRelDestination, **KWARGS) # pack frames self.statusFrame.pack(side='bottom', fill='x') self.regionFrame.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) self.insetFrame.pack(side='right', fill='both', expand=True) # Start loops self.serThread.start() # begin fetching data from serial port and processing it self.updateData() # pull data from queue, put into data matrix self.updateMap() # draw new data matrix self.statusFrame.autosendCommand() # check for user input and automatically send it def closeWin(self): self.paused = True self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Paused.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) if askokcancel("Quit?", "Are you sure you want to quit?"): self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Stopping.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) print("Shutting down LIDAR") self.serThread.stop() # tell serial thread to stop running print("Closing program") self.master.quit() # kills interpreter (necessary for some reason) else: self.paused = False def restartAll(self, funcStep=0): # two-part initialization to be re-done at soft reset if funcStep == 0: self.restarting = True # stop currently running loops self.master.after(2000, lambda: self.restartAll(funcStep=1)) # let processor wrap things up elsewhere # should be smarter return elif funcStep == 1: with self.RXQueue.mutex: self.RXQueue.queue.clear() # empty incoming data queue = DataMatrix(**KWARGS) self.slam = Slam(self.robot, self.laser, **KWARGS) self.restarting = False self.updateData() # pull data from queue, put into data matrix self.updateMap() # draw new data matrix def setDisplayMode(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def setRelDestination(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs) def saveImage(self): # function prototype until data is initialized self.paused = True self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Saving image. Close to resume.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) # keep length of label constant self.master.update() # force statusStr update self.updateMap(loop=False) # make sure we save the newest map self.paused = False def getScanData(self, repeat=False): self.points = [] # wipe old data before writing new data while True: # Make sure there's actually data to get try: queueItem = self.RXQueue.get_nowait() except QueueEmpty: # something's wrong self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("RXQueue empty. Send 'l' iff LIDAR stopped.", len(self.statusStr.get()))) return # stop because no data to read else: if isinstance(queueItem[0], float): # scan data self.points.append(queueItem) elif isinstance(queueItem[1], int): # encoder data self.slam.currEncPos = queueItem break # encoder data signals new scan else: print("RXQueue broken (something weird happened...)") if repeat: self.getScanData() def updateData(self, init=True): self.dataInit = init if not self.paused: try: status = self.statusQueue.get_nowait() # do this before anything else except QueueEmpty: pass else: self.statusStr.set(paddedStr(status, len(self.statusStr.get()))) if self.RXQueue.qsize() > (2 if init else 1)*NUM_SAMP: # ready to pull new scan data # pull data from serial thread via RXQueue, ignoring the first scan, which is incomplete self.getScanData(repeat=init) # 2ms # update robot position if init: self.slam.prevEncPos = self.slam.currEncPos # set both values the first time through, init=init) # send data to slam to do stuff # 15ms # draw map using scan points if init: init = False # initial data gathered successfully if not self.restarting: self.master.after(DATA_RATE, lambda: self.updateData(init=init)) else: self.statusStr.set(paddedStr("Restarting...", len(self.statusStr.get()))) # if loop ends, we're restarting def updateMap(self, loop=True): if not self.paused and not self.dataInit: # wait until first data update to update map # draw map using slam data # 16ms # new relative map # 7ms self.insetFrame.updateMap(,, # 25ms if FAST_MAPPING: self.regionFrame.displayMap(,CV_IMG_SIZE))) # 36ms self.regionFrame.displayRobot( if self.regionFrame.refresh() == 27: self.closeWin() # ESC key pressed else: self.regionFrame.updateMap(,, if loop and not self.restarting: self.master.after(MAP_RATE, self.updateMap)