예제 #1
from slipstream.api import Api
from pprint import pprint as pp
api = Api()
api.login('simon1992', '12mc0v2ee64o9')
	This module provides methods to access and request SlipStream Service-Offers
	and also S3 buckets. The API and library used are respectively 'CIMI' and Boto.
url = api.endpoint + "/api/service-offer?$filter="

def _check_str_list(data):
    if isinstance(data, unicode) or isinstance(data, str):
        data = [data]
    return data

def _join_attributes(attr, operator):
    attr = _check_str_list(attr)
    return (' ' + operator + ' ').join(attr)

def _format_data_resource(data):
    #data = _check_str_list(data)
    return (["resource:class='%s.SAFE'" % prod.strip() for prod in data])

def request_data(specs, data):
    :param   specs: Specs used as filter to narrpw specifically the 'DATA' service-offer
예제 #2
    This script runs a process which populates Slipstream
    service catalog with SENTINEL-1 data from S3 buckets.
from slipstream.api import Api
from pprint import pprint as pp
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import os, re, sys, math, requests, string

# Connect to Nuvla account
api = Api()
api.login('<nuvla_login>', '<nuvla_password>')

# INPUT ARGS FORMAT : ( "host_url", "bucket_name")

connectors = { 'sos.exo.io' : 'exoscale-ch-gva',
               's3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com' : 'ec2-eu-west'}

def ls_bucket(host, bucket):
    :param      host: URL of S3 storage
    :type       host: str

    :param      bucket: bucket unique name
    :type       bucket: str
    response 	= requests.get(host + '/' + bucket)
    tree     	= ElementTree.fromstring(response.content)
    regex    	= re.compile('S1(.+?)SAFE')
    host_name  = re.match(r"https://(.*)", host).group(0)[8:]
class SlipStreamNodeDriver(NodeDriver):

    SlipStream node driver

    Note: This driver manage KeyPair in a slighty different way than others.
          All configured key pairs are added to VMs at the creation of VMs.

    name = 'SlipStream'
    type = 'slipstream'
    website = 'https://sixsq.com/slipstream'

    features = {'create_node': []}

        # Deployment states
        'initializing': NodeState.PENDING,
        'provisioning': NodeState.REBOOTING, #STARTING,
        'executing': NodeState.RUNNING, #RECONFIGURING,
        'sendingReports': NodeState.RUNNING, #RECONFIGURING,
        'ready': NodeState.RUNNING,
        'finalizing': NodeState.RUNNING, #STOPPING,
        'done': NodeState.TERMINATED,
        'aborted': NodeState.ERROR,
        'cancelled': NodeState.TERMINATED,
        # VirtualMachine states
        'rebooting': NodeState.REBOOTING,
        'poweroff': NodeState.STOPPED,
        'running': NodeState.RUNNING,
        'stopped': NodeState.STOPPED,
        'deleted': NodeState.TERMINATED,
        'terminated': NodeState.TERMINATED,
        'error': NodeState.ERROR,
        'stopping': NodeState.RUNNING,
        'failed': NodeState.ERROR,
        'pending': NodeState.PENDING,
        'paused': NodeState.PAUSED,
        'suspended': NodeState.PAUSED,

    def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host='nuv.la', port=None,
                 api_version=None, **kwargs):
        Instanciate a SlipStream node driver.

        :param      key:  Username or API key
        :type       key:  ``str``

        :param      secret:  Password or Secret key
        :type       secret:  ``str``

        :param      secure:  Use secure (HTTPS) connection
        :type       secure:  ``bool``

        :param      host:  Hostname of the SlipStream endpoint (default: nuv.la)
        :type       host:  ``str``

        :param      port:  Port of the SlipStream endpoint (default: 443 if secure else 80)
        :type       port:  ``int``

        :param      api_version:  [Unused]
        :type       api_version:  ``str``

        :keyword    ex_endpoint:  The SlipStream endpoint (example: https://nuv.la)
        :type       ex_endpoint:  ``str``

        :keyword    ex_cookie_file:  Path to a existing cookie file to use instead of key and secret
        :type       ex_cookie_file:  ``str``

        :keyword    ex_login_method:  Login method (internal for username/password and api-key for key/secret)
        :type       ex_login_method:  ``str``
        :keyword    ex_login_parameters: Extra parameters to provide to the login method
        :type       ex_login_parameters: ``dict``
        insecure = not secure
        endpoint = kwargs.get('ex_endpoint')
        cookie_file = kwargs.get('ex_cookie_file')
        login_method = kwargs.get('ex_login_method', 'internal')
        login_parameters = kwargs.get('ex_login_parameters', {})

        if not endpoint:
            scheme = 'https' if secure else 'http'
            port = ':{}'.format(port) if port else ''
            endpoint = '{}://{}{}'.format(scheme, host, port)

        self.ss_api = Api(endpoint=endpoint, 
        if not cookie_file:
            login_params = {}
            if login_parameters:
            if login_method:
                login_params['href'] = 'session-template/{}'.format(login_method)
                if login_method == 'internal':
                    if key:
                        login_params['username'] = key
                    if secret:
                        login_params['password'] = secret
                elif login_method == 'api-key':
                    if key:
                        login_params['key'] = key
                    if secret:
                        login_params['secret'] = secret

    def list_nodes(self):
        List Nodes (SlipStream deployments)

        :return:    List of node objects
        :rtype:     ``list`` of :class:`Node`
        deployments = self.ss_api.list_deployments(limit=500)
        return [self._deployment_to_node(depl) for depl in deployments]

    def list_sizes(self, location=None):
        List Sizes (SlipStream service offers)list_virt

        :param    location:  Return only sizes for the specified location
        :type     location:  :class:`NodeLocation`

        :return:  List of node size objects
        :rtype:   ``list`` of :class:`.NodeSize`
        filter = 'resource:type="VM"'
        if location:
            filter += ' and connector/href = "{}"'.format(location.name)
        service_offers = self.ss_api.cimi_search('serviceOffers', filter=filter)

        return [self._service_offer_to_size(so) 
                for so in service_offers.json.get('serviceOffers', [])]

    def list_locations(self):
        List Locations (SlipStream cloud connectors)

        :return:  List of node location objects
        :rtype:   ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation`
        return [self._cloud_to_location(cloud)
                for cloud in self.ss_api.get_user().configured_clouds]

    def create_node(self, **kwargs):
        """Create a new Node (deploy an application or a component)

        :keyword  name:  Name of the node (set as a SlipStream Tag). (optional)
        :type     name:  ``str``

        :keyword  size:  Size of Cloud resources (SlipStream serviec offer). (optional)
                         If not provided the default of each VM will be used.
                         If provided the size will be applied to all VM.
        :type     size:  :class:`NodeSize`

        :keyword  image:  Image to deploy (SlipStream application or component). (required)
        :type     image:  :class:`NodeImage`

        :keyword  location:  Location where to create the node (SlipStream cloud). (optional)
                             If provided all VM will be started in the specified location.
                             If not provided the default location will be used.
        :type     location:  :class:`NodeLocation`

        :keyword  ex_tags:  List of tags that can be used to identify or annotate a node.
        :type     ex_tags:  ``str`` or ``list``

        :keyword  ex_cloud:  To be used instead of location to specify the Cloud name
                             on which to start VMs.
                             To deploy a component simply specify the Cloud name as a string.
                             To deploy a deployment specify a dict with the nodenames as keys 
                             and Cloud names as values.
        :type     ex_cloud:  ``str`` or ``dict``

        :keyword  ex_parameters:  Parameters to (re)define for this image.
                           To redefine a parameter of a SlipStream application's node 
                           use "<nodename>" as keys and dict of parameters as values.
                           To redefine a parameter of a SlipStream component or 
                           a global parameter use "<parametername>" as the key.
        :type     ex_parameters:  ``dict``

        :keyword  ex_keep_running:  [Only applies to SlipStream applications] 
                                    Define when to terminate or not a deployment 
                                    when it reach the 'Ready' state. 
                                    If scalable is set to True, this value is ignored 
                                    and it will behave as if it was set to 'always'.
        :type     ex_keep_running:  'always' or 'never' or 'on-success' or 'on-error'

        :keyword  ex_multiplicity:  [Only applies to SlipStream applications]
                                    A dict to specify how many instances to start 
                                    per application's node.
                                    Application's nodenames as keys and number of 
                                    instances to start as values.
        :type     ex_multiplicity:  ``dict``

        :keyword  ex_tolerate_failures:  [Only applies to SlipStream applications]
                                         A dict to specify how many failures to tolerate
                                         per application's node.
                                         Nodenames as keys and number of failure to 
                                         tolerate as values.
        :type     ex_tolerate_failures:  ``dict``

        :keyword  ex_check_ssh_key:  Set it to True if you want the SlipStream server 
                                     to check if you have a public ssh key defined. 
                                     Useful if you want to ensure you will have access to VMs.
        :type     ex_check_ssh_key:  ``bool``

        :keyword  ex_scalable:  [Only applies to SlipStream applications]
        :type     ex_scalable:  True to start a scalable deployment. (default: False)

        :return:  The newly created node.
        :rtype:   :class:`Node`

        name = kwargs.get('name')
        size = kwargs.get('size')
        image = kwargs.get('image')
        location = kwargs.get('location')
        tags = kwargs.get('ex_tags', [])
        cloud = kwargs.get('ex_cloud')
        parameters = kwargs.get('ex_parameters', {})
        keep_running = kwargs.get('ex_keep_running')
        multiplicity = kwargs.get('ex_multiplicity')
        tolerate_failures = kwargs.get('ex_tolerate_failures')
        check_ssh_key = kwargs.get('ex_check_ssh_key', False)
        scalable = kwargs.get('ex_scalable', False)
        path = image.id
        element = self.ss_api.get_element(path)
        if not cloud and location:
            if element.type == 'application':
                cloud = {}
                for element_node in self.ss_api.get_application_nodes(path):
                    cloud[element_node.name] = location.name
                cloud = location.name
        if size:
            if element.type == 'application':
                for app_node in self.ss_api.get_application_nodes(path):
                    node_params = parameters.setdefault(app_node.name, {})
                    if 'service-offer' not in node_params:
                        node_params['service-offer'] = size.id
                if 'service-offer' not in parameters:
                    parameters['service-offer'] = size.id
        tags = [tags] if isinstance(tags, basestring) else tags
        if name:
            tags = [name] + tags

        node_id = self.ss_api.deploy(path=path,
        return self.ex_get_node(node_id)

    def destroy_node(self, node):
        Destroy a node.

        :param    node:  The node to be destroyed
        :type     node:  :class:`Node`

        :return:  True if the destroy was successful, False otherwise.
        :rtype:   ``bool``
            return self.ss_api.terminate(node.id)
        except Exception as e:
            warnings.warn('Exception while destroying node "{}": {}'
            return False
    def list_images(self, location=None, ex_path=None, ex_recurse=False):
        """ List images (SlipStream components and applications)

        :param    location:  [NOT IMPLEMENTED] 
                             Return only images for the specified location
        :type     location:  :class:`NodeLocation`

        :param    ex_path:  Path on which to search for images. (optional)
                            If not provided it will list the content of the
                            App Store.
        :type     ex_path:  ``str``

        :param    ex_recurse: Recurse into subprojects. (default: False)
                              Setting this value to True can be expensive.

        :return:  list of node image objects.
        :rtype:   ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage`
        if ex_path is None:
            elements = self.ss_api.list_applications()
            ex_path = ex_path.lstrip('/')
            elements = self.ss_api.list_project_content(path=ex_path,
        return [self._element_to_image(el)
                for el in elements if el.type in ['component', 'application']]

    def delete_image(self, node_image):
        Deletes a node image from a provider.

        :param    node_image:  Node image object.
        :type     node_image:  :class:`NodeImage`

        :return:  ``True`` if delete_image was successful, ``False`` otherwise.
        :rtype:   ``bool``
            return self.ss_api.delete_element(path=node_image.id)
        except Exception as e:
            warnings.warn('Exception while deleting image "{}": {}'
        return False

    def get_image(self, image_id):
        Get an image from it's image_id

        :param    image_id:  Image ID (SlipStream path)
        :type     image_id:  ``str``

        :return:  NodeImage instance on success.
        :rtype:   :class:`NodeImage`:
        return self._element_to_image(self.ss_api.get_element(path=image_id))

    def list_key_pairs(self):
        List all the available key pair objects.

        :return:  List of configured key pairs
        :rtype:   ``list`` of :class:`KeyPair` objects
        return [self._ssh_public_key_to_key_pair(kp)
                for kp in self.ss_api.get_user().ssh_public_keys if kp]

    def get_key_pair(self, name):
        Retrieve a single key pair.

        :param    name:  Name of the key pair to retrieve.
        :type     name:  ``str``

        :return:  A key pair
        :rtype:   :class:`KeyPair`
        return self._list_key_pairs_by_names().get(name)

    def create_key_pair(self, name):
        Create a new key pair object.

        This operation require a working PyCrypto installation with RSA object

        :param name:    Key pair name.
        :type name:     ``str``
        if not have_pycrypto:
            raise RuntimeError('create_key_pair require pyCrypto')

        rsa_keypair = RSA.generate(2048)
        private_key_pem = rsa_keypair.exportKey()
        public_key_openssh = rsa_keypair.publickey().exportKey(format='OpenSSH')
        key_pair = self._ssh_public_key_to_key_pair(public_key_openssh, name)
        key_pair.private_key = private_key_pem
        return key_pair

    def import_key_pair_from_string(self, name, key_material):
        Import a new public key from string.

        :param    name:  Key pair name.
        :type     name:  ``str``

        :param    key_material:  Public key material.
        :type     key_material:  ``str``

        :return:  The key pair
        :rtype:   :class:`KeyPair` object
        key_pair = self._ssh_public_key_to_key_pair(key_material, name)
        return key_pair
    def import_key_pair_from_file(self, name, key_file_path):
        Import a new public key from string.

        :param    name:  Key pair name.
        :type     name:  ``str``

        :param    key_file_path:  Path to the public key file.
        :type     key_file_path:  ``str``

        :return:  The key pair
        :rtype:   :class:`KeyPair` object
        with open(key_file_path, 'r') as f:
            ssh_public_key = f.read()
        return self.import_key_pair_from_string(name, ssh_public_key)
    def delete_key_pair(self, key_pair):
        Delete an existing key pair.

        :param    key_pair:  Key pair object.
        :type     key_pair:  :class:`KeyPair`
        key_pairs = self._list_key_pairs_by_names()
        del key_pairs[key_pair.name]
        ssh_public_keys = '\n'.join([kp.public_key for kp in key_pairs.values()])

        return self.ss_api.update_user(ssh_public_keys=ssh_public_keys)

    def ex_get_node(self, node_id):
        Get a node from it's ID
        :param    node_id:  ID of the node to retrieve
        :type     node_id:  ``str`` or :class:`UUID`
        :return:    The requested node
        :rtype:     :class:`Node`
        return self._deployment_to_node(self.ss_api.get_deployment(node_id))
    def ex_wait_node_in_state(self, node, states='Ready', wait_period=10,
                              timeout=600, ignore_abort=False):
        Wait a node to be in one of the specified states (default: Ready)
        :param    states:  The names of the states to wait for. (default: Ready)
        :type     states:  ``str`` or ``list``
        :param    wait_period:  How many seconds to wait between each loop iteration. (default: 10)
        :type     wait_period: ``int``
        :param    timeout:  How many seconds to wait before giving up. (default: 600)
        :type     timeout: ``int``
        :param    ignore_abort: If False, raise an exception if the node has failed (default: False)
        :type     ignore_abort: ``bool``
        :return:    The state that was reached or raise a LibcloudError if timeout
        :rtype:     ``str``
        _states = [states] if isinstance(states, basestring) else states
        deadline = time.time() + timeout
        while time.time() < deadline:
            state = self.ss_api.get_deployment_parameter(node.id, 'ss:state', 
            if state in _states:
                return state
        raise LibcloudError(value='Timed out after %s seconds' % (timeout),

    def ex_list_virtual_machines(self, location=None, node=None):
        List Virtual Machines (SlipStream virtual machines)

        :param    location:  Return only virtual machines for the specified location
        :type     location:  :class:`NodeLocation`

        :param    node:  List VM belonging to the specified node
        :type     node:  :class:`Node`

        :return:    List of virtualmachine objects
        :rtype:     ``list`` of :class:`VirtualMachine`
        filters = []
        if location:
            filters.append('connector/href = "connector/{}"'.format(location.name))
        if node:
            filters.append('deployment/href = "run/{}"'.format(node.id))
        filter = ' and '.join(filters) or None
        virtual_machines = self.ss_api.cimi_search('virtualMachines', filter=filter)

        return [self._virtual_machine_to_node(vm)
                for vm in virtual_machines.json.get('virtualMachines', [])]

    def ex_get_node_parameter(self, node, parameter_name, ignore_abort=True):
        Get the value of a parameter for a node

        :param    node:  The node from which to get the parameter
        :type     node:  :class:`Node`

        :param    parameter_name:  The name of the parameter to retrieve
        :type     parameter_name:  `str`

        :param    ignore_abort: If False, raise an exception if the node has failed (default: True)
        :type     ignore_abort: ``bool``

        return self.ss_api.get_deployment_parameter(node.id, parameter_name, 

    def _state_to_node_state(self, state):
        return self.NODE_STATE_MAP.get(state.lower(),
    def _cloud_to_location(self, cloud):
        country = None
            filter = 'resource:type="VM" and connector/href = "{}"'.format(cloud)
            service_offer = self.ss_api.cimi_search('serviceOffers', 
            country = service_offer.json['serviceOffers'][0]['resource:country']
        except Exception as e:
        return NodeLocation(id='connector/{}'.format(cloud),
    def _deployment_to_node(self, deployment):
        return Node(id=str(deployment.id),

    def _service_offer_to_size(self, service_offer):
        return NodeSize(id=service_offer.get('id'),
    def _element_to_image(self, element):
        return NodeImage(id='{}/{}'.format(element.path, element.version),
    def _virtual_machine_to_node(self, virtual_machine):
        ip = virtual_machine.get('ip')
        state = virtual_machine.get('state', 'unknown')

        public_ips = None
        private_ips = None
            if is_public_subnet(ip):
                public_ips = [ip]
                private_ips = [ip]
        return VirtualMachine(id=virtual_machine.get('id'),
                              size=virtual_machine.get('serviceOffer', {}).get('href'),

    def _list_key_pairs_by_names(self):
        return dict([(kp.name, kp) for kp in self.list_key_pairs() 
                     if kp and kp.name])

    def _ssh_public_key_to_key_pair(self, ssh_public_key, name=None):
        key_type, key_content, key_name = self._parse_ssh_public_key(ssh_public_key)
        public_key_name = name if name else key_name                   
        public_key = '{} {} {}'.format(key_type, key_content, public_key_name)
        return KeyPair(name=public_key_name,
                       extra={'public_key_type': key_type,
                              'public_key_content': key_content})
    def _parse_ssh_public_key(self, ssh_public_key):
            key = ssh_public_key.strip('\t\r\n ').split(' ', 2)
            key_type = key[0]
            key_content = key[1]
            key_name = key[2] if len(key) > 2 else ''
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError('Invalid OpenSSH key format for key: {}'
        return key_type, key_content, key_name
    def _add_ssh_public_key(self, ssh_public_key):
        user_public_keys = self.ss_api.get_user().ssh_public_keys
        ssh_public_keys = '\n'.join(user_public_keys)
        return self.ss_api.update_user(ssh_public_keys=ssh_public_keys)
예제 #4
        if data_loc and ranking:
            msg = "SLA accepted! "
            status = "201"
            winner = ranking[0]

            print "ranking: "
            print ranking[0:3]
            serviceOffers = {'mapper': winner[1], 'reducer': winner[2]}
            deploy_run(winner[0], product_list, serviceOffers, offer,
                       time)  # offer

            msg = "Data not found in clouds!\n"
            status = 412

    except ValueError as err:
        msg = "Value error: {0} ".format(err)
        status = "404"
        print("Value error: {0} ".format(err))

    resp = Response(msg, status=status, mimetype='application/json')
    resp.headers['Link'] = 'http://sixsq.eoproc.com'
    return resp

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ss_username = sys.argv[1]
    ss_password = sys.argv[2]
    api.login(ss_username, ss_password)
    app.run(host="", port=int("81"))