예제 #1
def extract_tmp_call(ins):
    assert isinstance(ins, TmpCall)

    if isinstance(ins.called, Variable) and isinstance(ins.called.type,
        call = InternalDynamicCall(ins.lvalue, ins.called, ins.called.type)
        call.call_id = ins.call_id
        return call
    if isinstance(ins.ori, Member):
        if isinstance(ins.ori.variable_left, Contract):
            st = ins.ori.variable_left.get_structure_from_name(
            if st:
                op = NewStructure(st, ins.lvalue)
                op.call_id = ins.call_id
                return op
            libcall = LibraryCall(ins.ori.variable_left,
                                  ins.ori.variable_right, ins.nbr_arguments,
                                  ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
            libcall.call_id = ins.call_id
            return libcall
        msgcall = HighLevelCall(ins.ori.variable_left, ins.ori.variable_right,
                                ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
        msgcall.call_id = ins.call_id
        return msgcall

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpCall):
        r = extract_tmp_call(ins.ori)
        return r
    if isinstance(ins.called, SolidityVariableComposed):
        if str(ins.called) == 'block.blockhash':
            ins.called = SolidityFunction('blockhash(uint256)')
        elif str(ins.called) == 'this.balance':
            return SolidityCall(SolidityFunction('this.balance()'),
                                ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)

    if isinstance(ins.called, SolidityFunction):
        return SolidityCall(ins.called, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue,

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewElementaryType):
        return NewElementaryType(ins.ori.type, ins.lvalue)

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewContract):
        op = NewContract(Constant(ins.ori.contract_name), ins.lvalue)
        op.call_id = ins.call_id
        return op

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewArray):
        return NewArray(ins.ori.depth, ins.ori.array_type, ins.lvalue)

    if isinstance(ins.called, Structure):
        op = NewStructure(ins.called, ins.lvalue)
        op.call_id = ins.call_id
        return op

    if isinstance(ins.called, Event):
        return EventCall(ins.called.name)

    raise Exception('Not extracted {} {}'.format(type(ins.called), ins))
예제 #2
def convert_to_solidity_func(ir):
    Must be called after can_be_solidity_func
    :param ir:
    call = SolidityFunction('abi.{}()'.format(ir.function_name))
    new_ir = SolidityCall(call, ir.nbr_arguments, ir.lvalue, ir.type_call)
    new_ir.arguments = ir.arguments
    if isinstance(call.return_type, list) and len(call.return_type) == 1:
    return new_ir
예제 #3
def convert_to_low_level(ir):
        Convert to a transfer/send/or low level call
        The funciton assume to receive a correct IR
        The checks must be done by the caller

        Additionally convert abi... to solidityfunction
    if ir.function_name == 'transfer':
        assert len(ir.arguments) == 1
        ir = Transfer(ir.destination, ir.arguments[0])
        return ir
    elif ir.function_name == 'send':
        assert len(ir.arguments) == 1
        ir = Send(ir.destination, ir.arguments[0], ir.lvalue)
        return ir
    elif ir.destination.name ==  'abi' and ir.function_name in ['encode',

        call = SolidityFunction('abi.{}()'.format(ir.function_name))
        new_ir = SolidityCall(call, ir.nbr_arguments, ir.lvalue, ir.type_call)
        new_ir.arguments = ir.arguments
        if isinstance(call.return_type, list) and len(call.return_type) == 1:
        return new_ir
    elif ir.function_name in ['call',
        new_ir = LowLevelCall(ir.destination,
        new_ir.call_gas = ir.call_gas
        new_ir.call_value = ir.call_value
        new_ir.arguments = ir.arguments
        return new_ir
    logger.error('Incorrect conversion to low level {}'.format(ir))
예제 #4
파일: ssa.py 프로젝트: gyDBD/slither
def copy_ir(ir, local_variables_instances, state_variables_instances,
            temporary_variables_instances, reference_variables_instances,
        ir (Operation)
        local_variables_instances(dict(str -> LocalVariable))
        state_variables_instances(dict(str -> StateVariable))
        temporary_variables_instances(dict(int -> Variable))
        reference_variables_instances(dict(int -> Variable))

    Note: temporary and reference can be indexed by int, as they dont need phi functions
    def get(variable):
        if isinstance(variable, LocalVariable):
            if variable.name in local_variables_instances:
                return local_variables_instances[variable.name]
            new_var = LocalIRVariable(variable)
            local_variables_instances[variable.name] = new_var
            all_local_variables_instances[variable.name] = new_var
            return new_var
        if isinstance(
                variable, StateVariable
        ) and variable.canonical_name in state_variables_instances:
            return state_variables_instances[variable.canonical_name]
        elif isinstance(variable, ReferenceVariable):
            if not variable.index in reference_variables_instances:
                new_variable = ReferenceVariable(variable.node,
                if variable.points_to:
                    new_variable.points_to = get(variable.points_to)
                reference_variables_instances[variable.index] = new_variable
            return reference_variables_instances[variable.index]
        elif isinstance(variable, TemporaryVariable):
            if not variable.index in temporary_variables_instances:
                new_variable = TemporaryVariable(variable.node,
                temporary_variables_instances[variable.index] = new_variable
            return temporary_variables_instances[variable.index]
        return variable

    def get_variable(ir, f):
        variable = f(ir)
        variable = get(variable)
        return variable

    def get_arguments(ir):
        arguments = []
        for arg in ir.arguments:
            arg = get(arg)
        return arguments

    def get_rec_values(ir, f):
        # Use by InitArray and NewArray
        # Potential recursive array(s)
        ori_init_values = f(ir)

        def traversal(values):
            ret = []
            for v in values:
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    v = traversal(v)
                    v = get(v)
            return ret

        return traversal(ori_init_values)

    if isinstance(ir, Assignment):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        rvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.rvalue)
        variable_return_type = ir.variable_return_type
        return Assignment(lvalue, rvalue, variable_return_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Balance):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.value)
        return Balance(value, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, Binary):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        variable_left = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable_left)
        variable_right = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable_right)
        operation_type = ir.type
        return Binary(lvalue, variable_left, variable_right, operation_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Condition):
        val = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.value)
        return Condition(val)
    elif isinstance(ir, Delete):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        variable = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable)
        return Delete(lvalue, variable)
    elif isinstance(ir, EventCall):
        name = ir.name
        return EventCall(name)
    elif isinstance(ir, HighLevelCall):  # include LibraryCall
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.destination)
        function_name = ir.function_name
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        if isinstance(ir, LibraryCall):
            new_ir = LibraryCall(destination, function_name, nbr_arguments,
                                 lvalue, type_call)
            new_ir = HighLevelCall(destination, function_name, nbr_arguments,
                                   lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.call_id = ir.call_id
        new_ir.call_value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.call_value)
        new_ir.call_gas = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.call_gas)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        new_ir.function = ir.function
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Index):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        variable_left = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable_left)
        variable_right = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable_right)
        index_type = ir.index_type
        return Index(lvalue, variable_left, variable_right, index_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, InitArray):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        init_values = get_rec_values(ir, lambda x: ir.init_values)
        return InitArray(init_values, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, InternalCall):
        function = ir.function
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        new_ir = InternalCall(function, nbr_arguments, lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, InternalDynamicCall):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        function = ir.function
        function_type = ir.function_type
        new_ir = InternalDynamicCall(lvalue, function, function_type)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, LowLevelCall):
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.destination)
        function_name = ir.function_name
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        new_ir = LowLevelCall(destination, function_name, nbr_arguments,
                              lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.call_id = ir.call_id
        new_ir.call_value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.call_value)
        new_ir.call_gas = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.call_gas)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Member):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        variable_left = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable_left)
        variable_right = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable_right)
        return Member(variable_left, variable_right, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, NewArray):
        depth = ir.depth
        array_type = ir.array_type
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        new_ir = NewArray(depth, array_type, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_rec_values(ir, lambda x: ir.arguments)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, NewElementaryType):
        new_type = ir.type
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        new_ir = NewElementaryType(new_type, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, NewContract):
        contract_name = ir.contract_name
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        new_ir = NewContract(contract_name, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, NewStructure):
        structure = ir.structure
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        new_ir = NewStructure(structure, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Push):
        array = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.array)
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        return Push(array, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, Return):
        value = [get_variable(x, lambda y: y) for x in ir.values]
        return Return(value)
    elif isinstance(ir, Send):
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.destination)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.call_value)
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        return Send(destination, value, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, SolidityCall):
        function = ir.function
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        new_ir = SolidityCall(function, nbr_arguments, lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Transfer):
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.destination)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.call_value)
        return Transfer(destination, value)
    elif isinstance(ir, TypeConversion):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        variable = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.variable)
        variable_type = ir.type
        return TypeConversion(lvalue, variable, variable_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Unary):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        rvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.rvalue)
        operation_type = ir.type
        return Unary(lvalue, rvalue, operation_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Unpack):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        tuple_var = ir.tuple
        idx = ir.index
        return Unpack(lvalue, tuple_var, idx)
    elif isinstance(ir, Length):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.lvalue)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: ir.value)
        return Length(value, lvalue)

    logger.error('Impossible ir copy on {} ({})'.format(ir, type(ir)))
예제 #5
파일: convert.py 프로젝트: sreev/slither
def extract_tmp_call(ins, contract):
    assert isinstance(ins, TmpCall)

    if isinstance(ins.called, Variable) and isinstance(ins.called.type, FunctionType):
        call = InternalDynamicCall(ins.lvalue, ins.called, ins.called.type)
        call.call_id = ins.call_id
        return call
    if isinstance(ins.ori, Member):
        # If there is a call on an inherited contract, it is an internal call or an event
        if ins.ori.variable_left in contract.inheritance + [contract]:
            if str(ins.ori.variable_right) in [f.name for f in contract.functions]:
                internalcall = InternalCall((ins.ori.variable_right, ins.ori.variable_left.name), ins.nbr_arguments,
                                            ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
                internalcall.call_id = ins.call_id
                return internalcall
            if str(ins.ori.variable_right) in [f.name for f in contract.events]:
                eventcall = EventCall(ins.ori.variable_right)
                eventcall.call_id = ins.call_id
                return eventcall
        if isinstance(ins.ori.variable_left, Contract):
            st = ins.ori.variable_left.get_structure_from_name(ins.ori.variable_right)
            if st:
                op = NewStructure(st, ins.lvalue)
                op.call_id = ins.call_id
                return op
            libcall = LibraryCall(ins.ori.variable_left, ins.ori.variable_right, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue,
            libcall.call_id = ins.call_id
            return libcall
        msgcall = HighLevelCall(ins.ori.variable_left, ins.ori.variable_right, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue,
        msgcall.call_id = ins.call_id

        if ins.call_gas:
            msgcall.call_gas = ins.call_gas
        if ins.call_value:
            msgcall.call_value = ins.call_value

        return msgcall

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpCall):
        r = extract_tmp_call(ins.ori, contract)
        return r
    if isinstance(ins.called, SolidityVariableComposed):
        if str(ins.called) == 'block.blockhash':
            ins.called = SolidityFunction('blockhash(uint256)')
        elif str(ins.called) == 'this.balance':
            s = SolidityCall(SolidityFunction('this.balance()'), ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
            return s

    if isinstance(ins.called, SolidityFunction):
        s = SolidityCall(ins.called, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
        return s

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewElementaryType):
        n = NewElementaryType(ins.ori.type, ins.lvalue)
        return n

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewContract):
        op = NewContract(Constant(ins.ori.contract_name), ins.lvalue)
        op.call_id = ins.call_id
        return op

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewArray):
        n = NewArray(ins.ori.depth, ins.ori.array_type, ins.lvalue)
        return n

    if isinstance(ins.called, Structure):
        op = NewStructure(ins.called, ins.lvalue)
        op.call_id = ins.call_id
        return op

    if isinstance(ins.called, Event):
        e = EventCall(ins.called.name)
        return e

    if isinstance(ins.called, Contract):
        # Called a base constructor, where there is no constructor
        if ins.called.constructor is None:
            return Nop()
        # Case where:
        # contract A{ constructor(uint) }
        # contract B is A {}
        # contract C is B{ constructor() A(10) B() {}
        # C calls B(), which does not exist
        # Ideally we should compare here for the parameters types too
        if len(ins.called.constructor.parameters) != ins.nbr_arguments:
            return Nop()
        internalcall = InternalCall(ins.called.constructor, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue,
        internalcall.call_id = ins.call_id
        return internalcall

    raise Exception('Not extracted {} {}'.format(type(ins.called), ins))
예제 #6
def copy_ir(ir, *instances):
        ir (Operation)
        local_variables_instances(dict(str -> LocalVariable))
        state_variables_instances(dict(str -> StateVariable))
        temporary_variables_instances(dict(int -> Variable))
        reference_variables_instances(dict(int -> Variable))

    Note: temporary and reference can be indexed by int, as they dont need phi functions
    if isinstance(ir, Assignment):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        rvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.rvalue, *instances)
        variable_return_type = ir.variable_return_type
        return Assignment(lvalue, rvalue, variable_return_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Balance):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.value, *instances)
        return Balance(value, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, Binary):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        variable_left = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable_left, *instances)
        variable_right = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable_right,
        operation_type = ir.type
        return Binary(lvalue, variable_left, variable_right, operation_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Condition):
        val = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.value, *instances)
        return Condition(val)
    elif isinstance(ir, Delete):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        variable = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable, *instances)
        return Delete(lvalue, variable)
    elif isinstance(ir, EventCall):
        name = ir.name
        return EventCall(name)
    elif isinstance(ir, HighLevelCall):  # include LibraryCall
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.destination, *instances)
        function_name = ir.function_name
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        if isinstance(ir, LibraryCall):
            new_ir = LibraryCall(destination, function_name, nbr_arguments,
                                 lvalue, type_call)
            new_ir = HighLevelCall(destination, function_name, nbr_arguments,
                                   lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.call_id = ir.call_id
        new_ir.call_value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.call_value,
        new_ir.call_gas = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.call_gas, *instances)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        new_ir.function = ir.function
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Index):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        variable_left = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable_left, *instances)
        variable_right = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable_right,
        index_type = ir.index_type
        return Index(lvalue, variable_left, variable_right, index_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, InitArray):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        init_values = get_rec_values(ir, lambda x: x.init_values, *instances)
        return InitArray(init_values, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, InternalCall):
        function = ir.function
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        new_ir = InternalCall(function, nbr_arguments, lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, InternalDynamicCall):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        function = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.function, *instances)
        function_type = ir.function_type
        new_ir = InternalDynamicCall(lvalue, function, function_type)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, LowLevelCall):
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.destination, *instances)
        function_name = ir.function_name
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        new_ir = LowLevelCall(destination, function_name, nbr_arguments,
                              lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.call_id = ir.call_id
        new_ir.call_value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.call_value,
        new_ir.call_gas = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.call_gas, *instances)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Member):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        variable_left = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable_left, *instances)
        variable_right = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable_right,
        return Member(variable_left, variable_right, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, NewArray):
        depth = ir.depth
        array_type = ir.array_type
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        new_ir = NewArray(depth, array_type, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_rec_values(ir, lambda x: x.arguments,
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, NewElementaryType):
        new_type = ir.type
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        new_ir = NewElementaryType(new_type, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, NewContract):
        contract_name = ir.contract_name
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        new_ir = NewContract(contract_name, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, NewStructure):
        structure = ir.structure
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        new_ir = NewStructure(structure, lvalue)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Push):
        array = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.array, *instances)
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        return Push(array, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, Return):
        values = get_rec_values(ir, lambda x: x.values, *instances)
        return Return(values)
    elif isinstance(ir, Send):
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.destination, *instances)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.call_value, *instances)
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        return Send(destination, value, lvalue)
    elif isinstance(ir, SolidityCall):
        function = ir.function
        nbr_arguments = ir.nbr_arguments
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        type_call = ir.type_call
        new_ir = SolidityCall(function, nbr_arguments, lvalue, type_call)
        new_ir.arguments = get_arguments(ir, *instances)
        return new_ir
    elif isinstance(ir, Transfer):
        destination = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.destination, *instances)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.call_value, *instances)
        return Transfer(destination, value)
    elif isinstance(ir, TypeConversion):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        variable = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.variable, *instances)
        variable_type = ir.type
        return TypeConversion(lvalue, variable, variable_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Unary):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        rvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.rvalue, *instances)
        operation_type = ir.type
        return Unary(lvalue, rvalue, operation_type)
    elif isinstance(ir, Unpack):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        tuple_var = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.tuple, *instances)
        idx = ir.index
        return Unpack(lvalue, tuple_var, idx)
    elif isinstance(ir, Length):
        lvalue = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.lvalue, *instances)
        value = get_variable(ir, lambda x: x.value, *instances)
        return Length(value, lvalue)

    logger.error('Impossible ir copy on {} ({})'.format(ir, type(ir)))
    def _post_member_access(self, expression):
        expr = get(expression.expression)

        # Look for type(X).max / min
        # Because we looked at the AST structure, we need to look into the nested expression
        # Hopefully this is always on a direct sub field, and there is no weird construction
        if isinstance(expression.expression,
                      CallExpression) and expression.member_name in [
            if isinstance(expression.expression.called, Identifier):
                if expression.expression.called.value == SolidityFunction(
                    assert len(expression.expression.arguments) == 1
                    val = TemporaryVariable(self._node)
                    type_expression_found = expression.expression.arguments[0]
                    assert isinstance(type_expression_found,
                    type_found = type_expression_found.type
                    if expression.member_name == "min:":
                        op = Assignment(
                            Constant(str(type_found.min), type_found),
                        op = Assignment(
                            Constant(str(type_found.max), type_found),
                    set_val(expression, val)

        # This does not support solidity 0.4 contract_name.balance
        if (isinstance(expr, Variable)
                and expr.type == ElementaryType("address")
                and expression.member_name in ["balance", "code", "codehash"]):
            val = TemporaryVariable(self._node)
            name = expression.member_name + "(address)"
            sol_func = SolidityFunction(name)
            s = SolidityCall(
            set_val(expression, val)

        if isinstance(expr, TypeAlias) and expression.member_name in [
                "wrap", "unwrap"
            # The logic is be handled by _post_call_expression
            set_val(expression, expr)

        # Early lookup to detect user defined types from other contracts definitions
        # contract A { type MyInt is int}
        # contract B { function f() public{ A.MyInt test = A.MyInt.wrap(1);}}
        # The logic is handled by _post_call_expression
        if isinstance(expr, Contract):
            if expression.member_name in expr.file_scope.user_defined_types:

        val = ReferenceVariable(self._node)
        member = Member(expr, Constant(expression.member_name), val)
        set_val(expression, val)
예제 #8
def extract_tmp_call(ins, contract):
    assert isinstance(ins, TmpCall)

    if isinstance(ins.called, Variable) and isinstance(ins.called.type, FunctionType):
        call = InternalDynamicCall(ins.lvalue, ins.called, ins.called.type)
        call.call_id = ins.call_id
        return call
    if isinstance(ins.ori, Member):
        # If there is a call on an inherited contract, it is an internal call or an event
        if ins.ori.variable_left in contract.inheritance + [contract]:
            if str(ins.ori.variable_right) in [f.name for f in contract.functions]:
                internalcall = InternalCall((ins.ori.variable_right, ins.ori.variable_left.name), ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
                internalcall.call_id = ins.call_id
                return internalcall
            if str(ins.ori.variable_right) in [f.name for f in contract.events]:
               eventcall = EventCall(ins.ori.variable_right)
               eventcall.call_id = ins.call_id
               return eventcall
        if isinstance(ins.ori.variable_left, Contract):
            st = ins.ori.variable_left.get_structure_from_name(ins.ori.variable_right)
            if st:
                op = NewStructure(st, ins.lvalue)
                op.call_id = ins.call_id
                return op
            libcall = LibraryCall(ins.ori.variable_left, ins.ori.variable_right, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
            libcall.call_id = ins.call_id
            return libcall
        msgcall = HighLevelCall(ins.ori.variable_left, ins.ori.variable_right, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)
        msgcall.call_id = ins.call_id
        return msgcall

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpCall):
        r = extract_tmp_call(ins.ori, contract)
        return r
    if isinstance(ins.called, SolidityVariableComposed):
        if str(ins.called) == 'block.blockhash':
            ins.called = SolidityFunction('blockhash(uint256)')
        elif str(ins.called) == 'this.balance':
            return SolidityCall(SolidityFunction('this.balance()'), ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)

    if isinstance(ins.called, SolidityFunction):
        return SolidityCall(ins.called, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue, ins.type_call)

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewElementaryType):
        return NewElementaryType(ins.ori.type, ins.lvalue)

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewContract):
        op = NewContract(Constant(ins.ori.contract_name), ins.lvalue)
        op.call_id = ins.call_id
        return op

    if isinstance(ins.ori, TmpNewArray):
        return NewArray(ins.ori.depth, ins.ori.array_type, ins.lvalue)

    if isinstance(ins.called, Structure):
        op = NewStructure(ins.called, ins.lvalue)
        op.call_id = ins.call_id
        return op

    if isinstance(ins.called, Event):
        return EventCall(ins.called.name)

    if isinstance(ins.called, Contract):
        # Called a base constructor, where there is no constructor
        if ins.called.constructor is None:
            return Nop()
        internalcall = InternalCall(ins.called.constructor, ins.nbr_arguments, ins.lvalue,
        internalcall.call_id = ins.call_id
        return internalcall

    raise Exception('Not extracted {} {}'.format(type(ins.called), ins))