예제 #1
import slither
import pygame

snakey = slither.Sprite()
snakey.costumeName = "costume0"

snakey.goto(0, 0)

slither.setup() # Begin slither

def handlequit():
    return True
slither.registerCallback(pygame.QUIT, handlequit) # This uses the direct call form

@slither.registerCallback(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP) # This uses the decorator form
def handlemouseup(event):
    print("Mouseup:", event.pos, event.button)

def run_a_frame():
    snakey.xpos += 1
    snakey.ypos += 1
    snakey.direction += 1

예제 #2
import slither, random  # Get functions from slither and random

doge = [None] * 30  # Initialize array 'doge'
dogecount = 1  # Initialize iterator 'dogecount'

while dogecount != 30:  # Produce 30 doges
    doge[dogecount] = slither.Sprite()  # Make each doge a sprite
                               'doge')  # Give them the costume 'doge'
    doge[dogecount].costumeName = 'doge'  # Set the doges costume to 'doge'
    doge[dogecount].ypos = random.randint(
        0, 400)  # Make the doges go to a random y position
    doge[dogecount].xpos = random.randint(
        0, 400)  # Make the doges go to a random x position
    dogecount += 1  # Increase the iterator for reiteration

    'Doge invasion!', 400, 400
)  # Setup slither, set caption to 'Doge invasion!' and set resolution to 400px by 400px

def loop():  # Define main game loop called 'loop'
    pass  # Do nothing...

slither.runMainLoop(loop)  # Run main game loop
예제 #3
#! usr/bin/env python3
# isTouchingTest.py
import slither

toucher = slither.Sprite()
toucher.addCostume("assets/arrow.png", "arrow")
toucher.costumeName = "arrow"
toucher.goto(0, 100)

snakey = slither.Sprite()
snakey.goto(slither.WIDTH // 2, 100)

def run_a_frame():
    if toucher.isTouching(snakey):
        print("Not touching.")

예제 #4
# usr/bin/env python3
# svgTest.py - Test Slither's SVG support

import slither

if slither.svgSupport:
    print("We have SVG support!")
    print("No SVGs today :(")

svg = slither.Sprite()
svg.addCostume("assets/SVG Logo.svg", "svg")
svg.costumeNumber = 1
svg.scale = 1
svg.showBoundingBox = False
svg.goto(100, 300)

svg2 = slither.Sprite()
svg2.addCostume("assets/SVG Logo.svg", "svg")
svg2.costumeNumber = 1
svg2.scale = 5
svg2.showBoundingBox = False
svg2.goto(500, 300)

slither.setup()  # Begin slither

def run_a_frame():

예제 #5
#! usr/bin/env python3
# zindextest.py
import slither

# Normally, since Snakey was made before SoExcited, SoExcited would be rendered after Snakey and be put on top.
snakey = slither.Sprite()

SoExcited = slither.Sprite()
SoExcited.addCostume("assets/SoExcited.png", "avatar")
SoExcited.costumeNumber = 1

SoExcited.zindex = -1  # But when SoExcited's z-index is set to below that of Snakey's, SoExcited gets rendered before (and thus below) Snakey.

SoExcited.goto(300, 300)
SoExcited.scale = 0.33

slither.slitherStage.bgColor = (40, 40, 222)


def run_a_frame():
    snakey.xpos += 1
    snakey.ypos += 1
    SoExcited.direction += 1

예제 #6
import slither  # Get slither functions

background = slither.slitherStage  # Make 'background' the stage
                      'grass')  # Add costume 'grass' to background
background.costumeName = 'grass'  # Set the costume to grass

snakey = slither.Sprite()  # Make a sprite named snakey (default)
snakey.goto(700, 200)  # Make snakey go to xpos 700 and ypos 200

    'Run Snakey!', 800, 400
)  # Setup slither, set the caption to 'Run Snakey!' and set the resolution to 800px by 400px

def myloop():  # Make a main loop named 'myloop'
        'Run snakey, Run!', 300, 20, 32
    )  # Add the text 'Run snakey, Run!' to the screen on xpos 300, ypos 20 with font size 32
    snakey.xpos -= 10  # Make snakey run forward
    if snakey.xpos == 100:  # Trigger code if snakey is about to exit screen
        snakey.goto(700, 200)  # Make snakey restart

slither.runMainLoop(myloop)  # Run the main game loop
예제 #7
def create_circle():
    circle = slither.Sprite()
    circle.addCostume("assets/circle.png", "circle")
    circle.costumeName = "circle"
    circle.goto(0, 0)
    return circle
예제 #8
import slither  # Get slither functions

snakey = slither.Sprite()  # Make a sprite called snakey
snakey.costumeName = "costume0"  # Set snakey's costume to costume0

snakey.goto(200, 200)  # Make snakey go to x 200 and y 200

    'Hello World!', 400, 400
)  # Setup slither with caption 'Hello World!' and resolution 400px by 400px

def run_a_frame():  # Define main game loop
    pass  # Do nothing. This is only a simple project

slither.runMainLoop(run_a_frame)  # Start main game loop
예제 #9
# mover.py
import pygame # We need pygame for the event constants and the key functions
import slither
from pygame.locals import *

sprite = slither.Sprite()
sprite.goto(slither.WIDTH // 2, slither.HEIGHT // 2) # Goto the middle of the screen
sprite.addCostume("../tests/assets/arrow.png", "arrow") # Load the arrow costume
sprite.costumeName = "arrow" # Set the costume.

# This dict holds the data for how fast the arrow moves and what direction it is pointing
controls = {"turn":0, "speed":0}

def handle_mousedown(event): # When the mouse button is pressed...
    print(controls) # ...print out the controls dict

def run_a_frame():
    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    # Because this example relies on having keys pressed down,
    # we can't use the event handlers, and have to check the key states ourself
    if keys[K_LEFT]:
        controls["turn"] -= 4
    elif keys[K_RIGHT]:
        controls["turn"] += 4
    if keys[K_SPACE]:
        controls["speed"] = min(controls["speed"] + 2, 10)
        controls["speed"] = max(controls["speed"] - 0.2, 0)
    # Set the sprites direction...
    sprite.direction = controls["turn"]