def get_tuned_config(self, scenario: ASlibScenario): ''' uses SMAC3 to determine a well-performing configuration in the configuration space self.cs on the given scenario Arguments --------- scenario: ASlibScenario ASlib Scenario at hand Returns ------- Configuration best incumbent configuration found by SMAC ''' taf = ExecuteTAFunc(functools.partial(self.run_cv, scenario=scenario)) ac_scenario = Scenario({"run_obj": "quality", # we optimize quality # at most 10 function evaluations "runcount-limit": 10, "cs": self.cs, # configuration space "deterministic": "true" }) # necessary to use stats options related to scenario information AC_Stats.scenario = ac_scenario # Optimize ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")"Start Configuration") ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") smbo = SMBO(scenario=ac_scenario, tae_runner=taf, rng=np.random.RandomState(42)) AC_Stats.print_stats()"Final Incumbent: %s" % (smbo.incumbent)) return smbo.incumbent
class SMBO(BaseSolver): def __init__(self, scenario, tae_runner=None, acquisition_function=None, model=None, runhistory2epm=None, stats=None, rng=None): ''' Interface that contains the main Bayesian optimization loop Parameters ---------- scenario: smac.scenario.scenario.Scenario Scenario object tae_runner: object object that implements the following method to call the target algorithm (or any other arbitrary function): run(self, config) If not set, it will be initialized with the tae.ExecuteTARunOld() acquisition_function : AcquisitionFunction Object that implements the AbstractAcquisitionFunction. Will use EI if not set. model : object Model that implements train() and predict(). Will use a RandomForest if not set. runhistory2epm : RunHistory2EMP Object that implements the AbstractRunHistory2EPM. If None, will use RunHistory2EPM4Cost if objective is cost or RunHistory2EPM4LogCost if objective is runtime. stats: Stats optional stats object rng: numpy.random.RandomState Random number generator ''' if stats: self.stats = stats else: self.stats = Stats(scenario) self.runhistory = RunHistory() self.logger = logging.getLogger("smbo") if rng is None: self.num_run = np.random.randint(1234567980) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.num_run) elif isinstance(rng, int): self.num_run = rng self.rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=rng) elif isinstance(rng, np.random.RandomState): self.num_run = rng.randint(1234567980) self.rng = rng else: raise TypeError('Unknown type %s for argument rng. Only accepts ' 'None, int or np.random.RandomState' % str(type(rng))) self.scenario = scenario self.config_space = scenario.cs self.traj_logger = TrajLogger(output_dir=self.scenario.output_dir, stats=self.stats) self.types = get_types(self.config_space, scenario.feature_array) if model is None: self.model = RandomForestWithInstances( self.types, scenario.feature_array, seed=self.rng.randint(1234567980)) else: self.model = model if acquisition_function is None: self.acquisition_func = EI(self.model) else: self.acquisition_func = acquisition_function self.local_search = LocalSearch(self.acquisition_func, self.config_space) self.incumbent = None if tae_runner is None: self.executor = ExecuteTARunOld(ta=scenario.ta, stats=self.stats, run_obj=scenario.run_obj, par_factor=scenario.par_factor) else: self.executor = tae_runner self.inten = Intensifier( executor=self.executor, stats=self.stats, traj_logger=self.traj_logger, instances=self.scenario.train_insts, cutoff=self.scenario.cutoff, deterministic=self.scenario.deterministic, run_obj_time=self.scenario.run_obj == "runtime", instance_specifics=self.scenario.instance_specific) num_params = len(self.config_space.get_hyperparameters()) self.objective = average_cost if self.scenario.run_obj == "runtime": if runhistory2epm is None: # if we log the performance data, # the RFRImputator will already get # log transform data from the runhistory cutoff = np.log10(self.scenario.cutoff) threshold = np.log10(self.scenario.cutoff * self.scenario.par_factor) imputor = RFRImputator(cs=self.config_space, rs=self.rng, cutoff=cutoff, threshold=threshold, model=self.model, change_threshold=0.01, max_iter=10) self.rh2EPM = RunHistory2EPM4LogCost(scenario=self.scenario, num_params=num_params, success_states=[ StatusType.SUCCESS, ], impute_censored_data=True, impute_state=[ StatusType.TIMEOUT, ], imputor=imputor) else: self.rh2EPM = runhistory2epm elif self.scenario.run_obj == 'quality': if runhistory2epm is None: self.rh2EPM = RunHistory2EPM4Cost\ (scenario=self.scenario, num_params=num_params, success_states=[StatusType.SUCCESS, ], impute_censored_data=False, impute_state=None) else: self.rh2EPM = runhistory2epm else: raise ValueError('Unknown run objective: %s. Should be either ' 'quality or runtime.' % self.scenario.run_obj) def run_initial_design(self): ''' runs algorithm runs for a initial design; default implementation: running the default configuration on a random instance-seed pair Side effect: adds runs to self.runhistory Returns ------- incumbent: Configuration() initial incumbent configuration ''' default_conf = self.config_space.get_default_configuration() self.incumbent = default_conf # add this incumbent right away to have an entry to time point 0 self.traj_logger.add_entry(train_perf=2**31, incumbent_id=1, incumbent=self.incumbent) rand_inst_id = self.rng.randint(0, len(self.scenario.train_insts)) # ignore instance specific values rand_inst = self.scenario.train_insts[rand_inst_id] if self.scenario.deterministic: initial_seed = 0 else: initial_seed = random.randint(0, MAXINT) status, cost, runtime, additional_info = self.executor.start( default_conf, instance=rand_inst, cutoff=self.scenario.cutoff, seed=initial_seed, instance_specific=self.scenario.instance_specific.get( rand_inst, "0")) if status in [StatusType.CRASHED or StatusType.ABORT]: self.logger.critical("First run crashed -- Abort") sys.exit(1) self.runhistory.add(config=default_conf, cost=cost, time=runtime, status=status, instance_id=rand_inst, seed=initial_seed, additional_info=additional_info) defaul_inst_seeds = set( self.runhistory.get_runs_for_config(default_conf)) default_perf = self.objective(default_conf, self.runhistory, defaul_inst_seeds) self.runhistory.update_cost(default_conf, default_perf) self.stats.inc_changed += 1 # first incumbent self.traj_logger.add_entry(train_perf=default_perf, incumbent_id=self.stats.inc_changed, incumbent=self.incumbent) return default_conf def run(self, max_iters=10): ''' Runs the Bayesian optimization loop for max_iters iterations Parameters ---------- max_iters: int The maximum number of iterations Returns ---------- incumbent: np.array(1, H) The best found configuration ''' self.stats.start_timing() #self.runhistory = RunHisory() self.incumbent = self.run_initial_design() # Main BO loop iteration = 1 while True: if self.scenario.shared_model:, output_directory=self.scenario.output_dir, configuration_space=self.config_space, logger=self.logger) start_time = time.time() X, Y = self.rh2EPM.transform(self.runhistory) self.logger.debug("Search for next configuration") # get all found configurations sorted according to acq challengers = self.choose_next(X, Y) time_spend = time.time() - start_time logging.debug( "Time spend to choose next configurations: %.2f sec" % (time_spend)) self.logger.debug("Intensify") self.incumbent, inc_perf = self.inten.intensify( challengers=challengers, incumbent=self.incumbent, run_history=self.runhistory, objective=self.objective, time_bound=max(0.01, time_spend)) # TODO: Write run history into database if self.scenario.shared_model: pSMAC.write(run_history=self.runhistory, output_directory=self.scenario.output_dir, num_run=self.num_run) if iteration == max_iters: break iteration += 1 logging.debug( "Remaining budget: %f (wallclock), %f (ta costs), %f (target runs)" % (self.stats.get_remaing_time_budget(), self.stats.get_remaining_ta_budget(), self.stats.get_remaining_ta_runs())) if self.stats.is_budget_exhausted(): break self.stats.print_stats(debug_out=True) return self.incumbent def choose_next(self, X, Y, num_interleaved_random=1010, num_configurations_by_random_search_sorted=1000, num_configurations_by_local_search=10): """Choose next candidate solution with Bayesian optimization. Parameters ---------- X : (N, D) numpy array Each row contains a configuration and one set of instance features. Y : (N, O) numpy array The function values for each configuration instance pair. Returns ------- list List of 2020 suggested configurations to evaluate. """ self.model.train(X, Y) if self.runhistory.empty(): incumbent_value = 0.0 elif self.incumbent is None: # TODO try to calculate an incumbent from the runhistory! incumbent_value = 0.0 else: incumbent_value = self.runhistory.get_cost(self.incumbent) self.acquisition_func.update(model=self.model, eta=incumbent_value) # Remove dummy acquisition function value next_configs_by_random_search = [ x[1] for x in self._get_next_by_random_search( num_points=num_interleaved_random) ] # Get configurations sorted by EI next_configs_by_random_search_sorted = \ self._get_next_by_random_search( num_configurations_by_random_search_sorted, _sorted=True) next_configs_by_local_search = \ self._get_next_by_local_search(num_configurations_by_local_search) next_configs_by_acq_value = next_configs_by_random_search_sorted + \ next_configs_by_local_search next_configs_by_acq_value.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0]) self.logger.debug( "First 10 acq func values of selected configurations: %s" % (str([_[0] for _ in next_configs_by_acq_value[:10]]))) next_configs_by_acq_value = [_[1] for _ in next_configs_by_acq_value] challengers = list( itertools.chain(*zip(next_configs_by_acq_value, next_configs_by_random_search))) return challengers def _get_next_by_random_search(self, num_points=1000, _sorted=False): """Get candidate solutions via local search. Parameters ---------- num_points : int, optional (default=10) Number of local searches and returned values. _sorted : bool, optional (default=True) Whether to sort the candidate solutions by acquisition function value. Returns ------- list : (acquisition value, Candidate solutions) """ rand_configs = self.config_space.sample_configuration(size=num_points) if _sorted: imputed_rand_configs = map(ConfigSpace.util.impute_inactive_values, rand_configs) imputed_rand_configs = [ x.get_array() for x in imputed_rand_configs ] imputed_rand_configs = np.array(imputed_rand_configs, dtype=np.float64) acq_values = self.acquisition_func(imputed_rand_configs) # From here # random = self.rng.rand(len(acq_values)) # Last column is primary sort key! indices = np.lexsort((random.flatten(), acq_values.flatten())) for i in range(len(rand_configs)): rand_configs[i].origin = 'Random Search (sorted)' # Cannot use zip here because the indices array cannot index the # rand_configs list, because the second is a pure python list return [(acq_values[ind][0], rand_configs[ind]) for ind in indices[::-1]] else: for i in range(len(rand_configs)): rand_configs[i].origin = 'Random Search' return [(0, rand_configs[i]) for i in range(len(rand_configs))] def _get_next_by_local_search(self, num_points=10): """Get candidate solutions via local search. In case acquisition function values tie, these will be broken randomly. Parameters ---------- num_points : int, optional (default=10) Number of local searches and returned values. Returns ------- list : (acquisition value, Candidate solutions), ordered by their acquisition function value """ configs_acq = [] # Start N local search from different random start points for i in range(num_points): if i == 0 and self.incumbent is not None: start_point = self.incumbent else: start_point = self.config_space.sample_configuration() configuration, acq_val = self.local_search.maximize(start_point) configuration.origin = 'Local Search' configs_acq.append((acq_val[0][0], configuration)) # shuffle for random tie-break random.shuffle(configs_acq, self.rng.rand) # sort according to acq value # and return n best configurations configs_acq.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0]) return configs_acq