def add(label, state, transitions = None, autonomy = None, remapping = None): """ Add a state to the opened state machine. @type label: string @param label: The label of the state being added. @param state: An instance of a class implementing the L{State} interface. @param transitions: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to other state labels or container outcomes. @param autonomy: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to their required autonomy level @param remapping: A dictionary mapping local userdata keys to userdata keys in the container. """ self = StateMachine._currently_opened_container() # add loopback transition to loopback states if isinstance(state, LoopbackState): transitions[LoopbackState._loopback_name] = label autonomy[LoopbackState._loopback_name] = -1 self._ordered_states.append(state) = label state.transitions = transitions state.autonomy = autonomy state._parent = self StateMachine.add(label, state, transitions, remapping) self._autonomy[label] = autonomy
def add(label, state, transitions=None, autonomy=None, remapping=None): """ Add a state to the opened state machine. @type label: string @param label: The label of the state being added. @param state: An instance of a class implementing the L{State} interface. @param transitions: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to other state labels or container outcomes. @param autonomy: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to their required autonomy level. Not relevant for this class. @param remapping: A dictrionary mapping local userdata keys to userdata keys in the container. """ self = StateMachine._currently_opened_container() # add loopback transition to loopback states if isinstance(state, LoopbackState): transitions[LoopbackState._loopback_name] = label StateMachine.add(label, state, transitions, remapping) = label state.transitions = transitions state.autonomy = None state._parent = self state._mute = True
def main(): rospy.init_node("smach_example_state_machine") # Create a SMACH state machine sm = StateMachine(outcomes=["outcome4", "outcome5"]) # Open the container with sm: # Add states to the container StateMachine.add("FOO", Foo(), transitions={ "outcome1": "BAR", "outcome2": "outcome4" }) StateMachine.add("BAR", Bar(), transitions={"outcome2": "FOO"}) # Create and start the introspection server sis = smach_ros.IntrospectionServer("my_smach_introspection_server", sm, "/SM_ROOT") sis.start() # Execute SMACH plan outcome = sm.execute() # Wait for ctrl-c to stop the application rospy.spin() sis.stop()
def sm_with_userdata(self): def execute(name, outcome): self._trace.append(name) return outcome sm = ResumableStateMachine(outcomes=['ok'], input_keys=['key']) with sm: StateMachine.add( 'A', CBState(lambda ud: execute('A', ud['key']), outcomes=['B'], io_keys=['key']), {'B': 'B'}) StateMachine.add( 'B', CBState(lambda ud: execute('B', ud['key']), outcomes=['ok'], input_keys=['key'])) return sm
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("speech") rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) self.move_base = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for move_base action server...") # Wait up to 60 seconds for the action server to become available self.move_base.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(60)) self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=5) nav_goal = MoveBaseGoal() nav_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'base_link' nav_goal.target_pose.header.stamp = q_angle = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0,0, axes='sxyz') q = Quaternion(*q_angle) nav_goal.target_pose.pose =Pose( Point(0.3,0,0),q) move_base_state = SimpleActionState('move_base', MoveBaseAction, goal=nav_goal, result_cb=self.move_base_result_cb, exec_timeout=rospy.Duration(60.0), server_wait_timeout=rospy.Duration(60.0)) smach_top=StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted',"valid","invalid"]) with smach_top: StateMachine.add("Wait_4_Statr", MonitorState("task_comming", xm_Task, self.start_cb), transitions={'invalid':'NAV', 'valid':'Wait_4_Statr', 'preempted':'NAV'}) StateMachine.add("NAV", move_base_state, transitions={"succeeded":"Wait_4_Stop","aborted":"NAV","preempted":"Wait_4_Stop"}) StateMachine.add("Wait_4_Stop",MonitorState("task_comming", xm_Task, self.stop_cb), transitions={'invalid':'', 'valid':'Wait_4_Stop', 'preempted':''}) smach_top.execute()
def simple_sm(self): def execute(name): self._trace.append(name) return 'ok' sm = ResumableStateMachine(outcomes=['ok']) with sm: StateMachine.add('A', CBState(lambda ud: execute('A'), outcomes=['ok']), {'ok': 'B'}) StateMachine.add('B', CBState(lambda ud: execute('B'), outcomes=['ok']), {'ok': 'C'}) StateMachine.add('C', CBState(lambda ud: execute('C'), outcomes=['ok'])) return sm
def nested_sm(self): def execute(name, outcome): self._trace.append(name) return outcome resumable_inner_sm = ResumableStateMachine(outcomes=['ok']) inner_sm = StateMachine(outcomes=['ok']) outer_sm = ResumableStateMachine(outcomes=['ok']) with outer_sm: StateMachine.add('A', resumable_inner_sm, {'ok': 'B'}) StateMachine.add('B', inner_sm, {'ok': 'C'}) StateMachine.add( 'C', CBState(lambda ud: execute('C', 'ok'), outcomes=['ok'])) with resumable_inner_sm: StateMachine.add( 'A', CBState(lambda ud: execute('A.A', 'ok'), outcomes=['ok']), {'ok': 'B'}) StateMachine.add( 'B', CBState(lambda ud: execute('A.B', 'ok'), outcomes=['ok'])) with inner_sm: StateMachine.add( 'A', CBState(lambda ud: execute('B.A', 'ok'), outcomes=['ok']), {'ok': 'B'}) StateMachine.add( 'B', CBState(lambda ud: execute('B.B', 'ok'), outcomes=['ok'])) return outer_sm
def make_sm(self): inner_sm_1 = ResumableStateMachine(outcomes=['ok'], input_keys=['key'], output_keys=['key']) inner_sm_2 = ResumableStateMachine(outcomes=['ok'], input_keys=['key'], output_keys=['key']) outer_sm = ResumableStateMachine(outcomes=['ok'], input_keys=['key'], output_keys=['key']) def execute(ud): ud['key'] += 1 return 'ok' def make_state(): return CBState(execute, outcomes=['ok'], io_keys=['key']) with outer_sm: StateMachine.add('A', inner_sm_1, {'ok': 'B'}) StateMachine.add('B', inner_sm_2, {'ok': 'C'}) StateMachine.add('C', make_state()) with inner_sm_1: StateMachine.add('A', make_state(), {'ok': 'B'}) StateMachine.add('B', make_state()) with inner_sm_2: StateMachine.add('A', make_state(), {'ok': 'B'}) StateMachine.add('B', make_state()) return outer_sm