# Shows temp (rounded to nearest degree) on SenseHat LEDs # Using small 3x5 characters, so we can fit two digits without scrolling # TBD: we still have 3 lines free on the LED matrix: # We could fit a little 'degrees' symbol if digits were shifted down..... from smallhex import to_dec_chars from sense_hat import SenseHat from time import sleep sense = SenseHat() sense.set_rotation(180) sense.low_light = True while True: temp = int(round(sense.get_temperature())) sense.set_pixels(to_dec_chars(temp)) sleep(5)
from smallhex import to_hex_chars, to_dec_chars, two_chars from time import sleep from sense_hat import SenseHat sense = SenseHat() sense.set_pixels(two_chars("Hi")) for rot in range(0, 360, 90): sense.set_rotation(rot) sleep(0.25) sense.set_rotation(180) for count in range(256): sense.set_pixels(to_hex_chars(count)) sleep(0.1) for count in range(100): sense.set_pixels(to_dec_chars(count)) sleep(0.1)
# Shows temp (rounded to nearest degree) on SenseHat LEDs # Using small 3x5 characters, so we can fit two digits without scrolling # TBD: we still have 3 lines free on the LED matrix: # We could fit a little 'degrees' symbol if digits were shifted down..... from smallhex import to_dec_chars from sense_hat import SenseHat from time import sleep sense=SenseHat() sense.set_rotation(180) sense.low_light = True while True: temp = int( round( sense.get_temperature() ) ) sense.set_pixels( to_dec_chars( temp ) ) sleep(5)
from smallhex import to_hex_chars, to_dec_chars, two_chars from time import sleep from sense_hat import SenseHat sense=SenseHat() sense.set_pixels( two_chars("Hi") ) for rot in range(0,360,90): sense.set_rotation(rot) sleep(0.25) sense.set_rotation(180) for count in range(256): sense.set_pixels( to_hex_chars(count) ) sleep(0.1) for count in range(100): sense.set_pixels( to_dec_chars(count) ) sleep(0.1)