예제 #1
 def __init__(self, token, uri="http://stream.plot.ly", buffersz=5):
     """Create a plotly stream publisher with a particular stream id"""
     self.streamid = token
     self._connected = False
     self._uri = uri
     self._buffer = FixedSizeList(buffersz)
예제 #2
class PlotlyStream(object):
    """Class representing a publisher of a single plot.ly stream.

    A PlotlyStream should be instantiated with the token of a plot.ly
    stream id.  You can optionally change the URL the data is sent to,
    or the buffer size.  The buffer is a fixed-sized list of data
    which has not been sent to plot.ly yet.  If you push multiple
    readings inside of a tight loop, you should make sure the buffer
    is large enough; however, since plot.ly requests that you do not
    generate data more than once every 50ms, it most likely does not
    need to be large.

    When the first reading is added, the client will open an HTTP
    connection using plot.ly streaming protocol, and hold that
    connection open until the process exists, sending keepalives every
    60 seconds.  The client class implements a reconnection state
    machine with appropriate backoffs; however, if the connection
    fails, only the data in the fixed size buffer will be sent when a
    reconnection becomes possible.

    To use, simply make a stream, and call add() to add data:

    s = PlotlyStream('5pzopc6cl6')
    s.add(time.time() * 1000, 10)
    # add more data in callbacks, whatever.

    If publishing timeseries, it appears that timestamps should be in
    units of UTC milliseconds.
    def __init__(self, token, uri="http://stream.plot.ly", buffersz=5):
        """Create a plotly stream publisher with a particular stream id"""
        self.streamid = token
        self._connected = False
        self._uri = uri
        self._buffer = FixedSizeList(buffersz)

    def __getstate__(self):
        return (self.streamid, self._uri, self._buffer.size)

    def __setstate(self, *state):

    def add(self, x, y, extra=None):
        """Publish a particular reading to plot.ly"""
        val = {'x': x, 'y': y}
        if extra: val.update(extra)

    def _flush(self):
        if not self._connected:
            d = self._connect()
            d.addCallback(lambda _: self._flush())
        elif hasattr(self, '_producer'):

    def _connect(self):
        started = Deferred()
        self._connected = True
        if self._stats['http_failures']:
            timeout = min(320, 5 ** self._stats['http_failures'])
        elif self._stats['tcp_failures']:
            timeout = min(16, 0.25 * self._stats['tcp_failures'])
            timeout = 0
        log.msg("PlotlyStream (%s - %s): retrying connection in %.02f" % (
                self._uri, self.streamid, timeout))
        reactor.callLater(timeout, self._attempt, started)
        return started

    def _attempt(self, started):
        finished = Deferred()
        self._producer = PlotlyStreamProducer(self._buffer, start_callback=started)
        agent = Agent(reactor) 
        d = agent.request('POST',
                          Headers({'User-Agent': ['twplotly'],
                                   'Content-Type': ['application/json'],
                                   'plotly-streamtoken': [self.streamid]}),
        return d

    def _reset_connection_stats(self, result):
        self._stats = {
            'http_failures': 0,
            'tcp_failures': 0
        return result

    def _http_failure(self, resp):
        log.msg("PlotlyStream (%s - %s): HTTP disconnection: %i" % (
                self._uri, self.streamid, resp.code))
        if resp.code > 200:
            self._stats['http_failures'] += 1
        self._connected = False

    def _tcp_failure(self, err):
        log.msg("PlotlyStream (%s - %s): TCP disconnection: %s" % (
                self._uri, self.streamid, str(err.value)))
        self._stats['tcp_failures'] += 1
        self._connected = False