예제 #1
def write_pure_py(out, in_py):
    with open(in_py, "r") as in_py:
        with open(out, "w") as out:
            in_py = in_py.read()
            r = smartpyio.adaptBlocks(in_py)
    return r
def convert(code):
    adaptedCode = smartpyio.adaptBlocks(code)
    class_call = "Cryptobot(sp.address('tz1aoQSwjDU4pxSwT5AsBiK5Xk15FWgBJoYr'),True)"

    context = globals()
    context['alert'] = browser.alert
    context['window'] = browser.window

    compiledCode = compile(adaptedCode, 'SmartPy Script', 'exec')
    # print(compiledCode)
    exec(compiledCode, context)
    # print(type(num)

    contract = eval(class_call, context)
    return contract
예제 #3
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Testing SMLSE convertor with a simple demo contract.
    # filename = "./smartPY_contracts/demo.py"
    # class_call = "MyContract(50,80)"

    # Testing SMLSE converter with a complex contract
    filename = "./smartPY_contracts/CryptoBot.py"
    class_call = "Cryptobot(sp.address('tz1aoQSwjDU4pxSwT5AsBiK5Xk15FWgBJoYr'),True)"

    if filename.startswith("http"):
        code = urlopen(args.filename).read().decode("utf8")
        code = open(filename, 'r').read()

    adaptedCode = smartpyio.adaptBlocks(code)
    context = globals()
    context['alert'] = browser.alert
    context['window'] = browser.window

    compiledCode = compile(adaptedCode, filename, 'exec')
    # print(compiledCode)
    exec(compiledCode, context)
    # print(type(num)

    print("_" * 40)

    if class_call is not None:
        contract = eval(class_call, context)
        print("Class initial parameter NOT Provided")
def compileContract(contract, targetBaseFilename = None, targetDirectory = None, targetSmlse = None, targetCode = None, targetStorage = None, targetTypes = None):
    import subprocess
    if targetDirectory is None and targetBaseFilename is not None:
        targetDirectory = os.path.dirname(targetBaseFilename)
    if targetDirectory is not None:
        os.makedirs(targetDirectory, exist_ok = True)
        if targetBaseFilename is None:
            targetBaseFilename = targetDirectory + "/contract"
    if targetBaseFilename is not None:
        if targetSmlse is None:
            targetSmlse = targetBaseFilename + "Expression.smlse"
        if targetCode is None:
            targetCode = targetBaseFilename + "Code.tz"
        if targetStorage is None:
            targetStorage = targetBaseFilename + "Storage.tz"
        if targetTypes is None:
            targetTypes = targetBaseFilename + "Types.tz"

    if targetSmlse is not None:
        open(targetSmlse, 'w').write(contract.export())
        command = ["node", os.path 
.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/smartmlbasic.js",]
        for (opt, arg) in [("--compile", targetSmlse), ("--targetCode", targetCode), ("--targetStorage", targetStorage), ("--targetTypes", targetTypes)]:
            if arg is not None:
                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(arg), exist_ok = True)
                command += [opt, arg]

# if __name__ == "__main__":

# Testing SMLSE convertor with a simple demo contract.
    # filename = "./smartPY_contracts/demo.py"
    # class_call = "MyContract(50,80)"

# Testing SMLSE converter with a complex contract
    filename = "./smartPY_contracts/CryptoBot.py"
    class_call = "Cryptobot(sp.address('tz1aoQSwjDU4pxSwT5AsBiK5Xk15FWgBJoYr'),True)"

    if filename.startswith("http"):
        code = urlopen(args.filename).read().decode("utf8")
        code = open(filename, 'r').read()

    adaptedCode = smartpyio.adaptBlocks(code)
    context = globals()
    context['alert'] = browser.alert
    context['window'] = browser.window

    compiledCode = compile(adaptedCode, filename, 'exec')
    # print(compiledCode)
    exec(compiledCode, context)
    # print(type(num)

    if class_call is not None:
        contract = eval(class_call, context)
        print("Class initial parameter NOT Provided")
    print("SMLSE EXPRESSION:",contract.export())