예제 #1
def test_valdshortline():
    """Test code paths and cases in vald.ValdShortLine().
    for vslstr in vald_short_line_strings:
        vsl = ValdShortLine(vslstr)
        assert isinstance(vsl, ValdShortLine)
        assert vsl.__str__() == vslstr
        assert vsl.__repr__() == type(vsl).__name__ + f'({vslstr!r})'
예제 #2
def test_smeline():
    """Test code paths and cases in vald.SmeLine().
    line = SmeLine('H 1', '6564.61', '10.20', '0.71', '8.766', '2', '3')
    for vslstr in vald_short_line_strings:
        # Pass various VALD short line (vsl) strings to __init__().
        vsl = ValdShortLine(vslstr)
        line = SmeLine(vsl.species, vsl.wlcent, vsl.excit, vsl.loggf,
                       vsl.gamrad, vsl.gamqst, vsl.gamvw)
        assert isinstance(line, SmeLine)

        # __init__() argument order maps to properties as expected.
        assert line.species == vsl.species
        assert line.wlcent == vsl.wlcent
        assert line.excit == vsl.excit
        assert line.loggf == vsl.loggf
        assert line.gamrad == vsl.gamrad
        assert line.gamqst == vsl.gamqst
        assert line.gamvw == vsl.gamvw

        # eval(repr()) yields equal result according to __eq__().
        line2 = eval(repr(line))
        assert line == line2

        # __eq__() yields False when value of a property differs.
        line2.excit += 0.1
        assert not line == line2

        # __eq__() yields False when type of other object is not SmeLine.
        assert not line == ''
예제 #3
def test_valdshortref():
    """Test code paths and cases in vald.ValdShortRef().
    for vslstr in vald_short_line_strings:
        vsr = ValdShortLine(vslstr).ref
        datastr, refstr = vslstr.strip().split(", '")
        refs = refstr.split()[1::2]
        assert isinstance(vsr, ValdShortRef)
        assert refs[0] in [vsr.wlcent, 'wl:' + vsr.wlcent]
        assert refs[1] == vsr.excit
        assert refs[2] in [vsr.loggf, 'gf:' + vsr.loggf]
        assert refs[3] == vsr.gamrad
        assert refs[4] == vsr.gamqst
        assert refs[5] == vsr.gamvw
        assert refs[6] == vsr.lande_mean
    with raises(ValdFileError, match='expected 15 words'):
        vsr = ValdShortLine(datastr + ", 'invalid reference string'")
예제 #4
def test_linelist():
    """Test code paths and cases in vald.LineList().
    # __init__() creates a LineList with 0 lines.
    linelist = LineList()
    assert isinstance(linelist, LineList)
    assert len(linelist) == 0
    inputs = []
    for iline, vslstr in enumerate(vald_short_line_strings):
        assert len(linelist) == iline
        vsl = ValdShortLine(vslstr)

        # Append SmeLine and ValdShortLine objects (add ValdLongLine).
        # __getitem__() returns the object just appended.
        if iline % 2 == 0:
            assert linelist[iline] == vsl
            smeline = SmeLine(vsl.species, vsl.wlcent, vsl.excit, vsl.loggf,
                              vsl.gamrad, vsl.gamqst, vsl.gamvw)
            assert linelist[iline] == smeline

    # __len__() returns number of appended lines.
    assert len(linelist) == len(vald_short_line_strings)

    # Exercise __str__() to make sure it returns a value.
    assert type(str(linelist)) is str

    # Properties return lists of values equal to the input values.
    assert isinstance(linelist.species, list)
    assert len(linelist.species) == len(vald_short_line_strings)
    assert linelist.species == [line.species for line in inputs]
    assert linelist.wlcent == [line.wlcent for line in inputs]
    assert linelist.excit == [line.excit for line in inputs]
    assert linelist.loggf == [line.loggf for line in inputs]
    assert linelist.gamrad == [line.gamrad for line in inputs]
    assert linelist.gamqst == [line.gamqst for line in inputs]
    assert linelist.gamvw == [line.gamvw for line in inputs]

    # Exceptions
    with raises(TypeError, match='line in LineList has invalid type'):
        linelist[0] = 'invalid type'
    with raises(TypeError, match='line in LineList has invalid type'):
        linelist.append('invalid type')
예제 #5
def _make_linelist(index, delta_loggf=None):
    """Make a line list for use in tests.
    vald_short_line_strings = [
        "'Ti 1',       6554.2230,   1.4432, 1.0, -1.150, 7.870,-6.070,"
        " 284.261,  1.070, 0.606, '   9 wl:LGWSC   9 LGWSC   9 gf:LGWSC"
        "   7 K10   7 K10   7 K10  10 BPM Ti            '",
        "'MgH 1',      6556.8086,   0.9240, 1.0, -0.867, 7.060, 0.000,"
        "   0.000, 99.000, 0.021, '  12 KMGH  12 KMGH  12 KMGH"
        "  12 KMGH  12 KMGH  12 KMGH  12 KMGH (24)MgH       '"
    linelist = LineList()
    for i in index:
        vsl = ValdShortLine(vald_short_line_strings[i])
        if delta_loggf:
            vsl.loggf += delta_loggf
    return (linelist)
예제 #6
def test_basic():
    libsme = LibSme()
    libsme.InputWaveRange(5000, 6000)

    vald_short_line_strings = [
        "'Ti 1',       6554.2230,   1.4432, 1.0, -1.150, 7.870,-6.070,"
        " 284.261,  1.070, 0.606, '   9 wl:LGWSC   9 LGWSC   9 gf:LGWSC"
        "   7 K10   7 K10   7 K10  10 BPM Ti            '",
        "'MgH 1',      6556.8086,   0.9240, 1.0, -0.867, 7.060, 0.000,"
        "   0.000, 99.000, 0.021, '  12 KMGH  12 KMGH  12 KMGH"
        "  12 KMGH  12 KMGH  12 KMGH  12 KMGH (24)MgH       '"

    linelist = LineList()
    for vsl in vald_short_line_strings:

    outlist = libsme.OutputLineList()

    fmt = "  Out: {0:10.4f},{2:7.4f},{1:7.3f},{3:5.2f},{4:6.2f},{5:8.3f}"
    for i in range(len(linelist)):
        outline = [x for x in outlist[i]]
        outline[1] = log10(outline[1])