def testFluid(): #f = Fluid('R134a') f = Fluid('Hydrogen') #f = Fluid('Water') BibTexKeys = [ "EOS", "CP0", "VISCOSITY", "CONDUCTIVITY", "ECS_LENNARD_JONES", "ECS_FITS", "SURFACE_TENSION" ] for key in BibTexKeys: print("{0} : {1}".format(key, f.BibTeXKey(key))) print("Name: {0}".format( print("Aliases: {0}".format(f.aliases())) print("{0} : {1}".format('EOS reference', f.EOSReference())) print("{0} : {1}".format('Transpor reference', f.TransportReference())) print("{0} : {1} [g/mol]".format('Molar mass', f.molarMass())) print("{0} : {1}".format('Accentric factor', f.accentricFactor())) print("{0} : {1}".format('Critical point', f.critical())) print("{0} : {1}".format('Tripple point', f.tripple())) print("{0} : {1}".format('Fluid limits', f.fluidLimits())) print("CAS: {0}".format(f.CAS())) print("ASHRAE34: {0}".format(f.ASHRAE34())) p = (f.critical()['p'] + f.tripple()['p']) / 2 print("Saturation @ {0} bar {1}".format(p / 1e5, f.saturation_p(p))) T = (f.critical()['T'] + f.tripple()['T']) / 2 print("Saturation @ {0} K {1}".format(T, f.saturation_T(T)))
class ThermodynamicalCycle(NumericalModel): abstract = True #================ Inputs ================# # Cycle diagram cycleDiagram = F.SubModelGroup(TC.CycleDiagram, 'inputs', label = 'Diagram settings') # Solver settings solver = F.SubModelGroup(CycleIterator, 'solverSettings', label = 'Solver') #================ Results ================# #---------------- Fields ----------------# cycleStatesTable = F.TableView(( ('T', F.Quantity('Temperature', default = (1, 'degC'))), ('p', F.Quantity('Pressure', default = (1, 'bar'))), ('rho', F.Quantity('Density', default = (1, 'kg/m**3'))), ('h', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy', default = (1, 'kJ/kg'))), ('s', F.Quantity('SpecificEntropy', default = (1, 'kJ/kg-K'))), ('q', F.Quantity()), ('dT', F.Quantity('TemperatureDifference', default = (1, 'degC'))), ('mDot', F.Quantity('MassFlowRate', default = (1, 'kg/min'))), ('b', F.Quantity('SpecificEnergy', default = (1, 'kJ/kg'))) ), label="Cycle states") cycleStates = F.ViewGroup([cycleStatesTable], label = "States") resultStates = F.SuperGroup([cycleStates], label="States") #---------------- Cycle diagram -----------# phDiagram = F.Image(default='') cycleDiagramVG = F.ViewGroup([phDiagram], label = "P-H Diagram") resultDiagrams = F.SuperGroup([cycleDiagramVG], label = "Diagrams") #---------------- Convergence parameters -----------# residualPlot = F.PlotView(( ('iteration #', F.Quantity('Dimensionless')), ('h change', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')) ), label = 'Residual (plot)', ylog = True) iterationTable = F.TableView(( ('h1', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h2', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h3', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h4', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h5', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h6', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h7', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h8', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h9', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h10', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h11', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h12', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h13', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h14', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h15', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h16', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h17', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h18', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h19', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h20', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ), label = 'Residual (table)', options = {'formats': (['0.0000E0'] * 20)}) residualGroup = F.ViewGroup([residualPlot, iterationTable], label = 'Iterations') solverStats = F.SuperGroup([residualGroup], label = 'Convergence') # Info fields cycleTranscritical = F.Boolean(default = False) cycleSupercritical = F.Boolean(default = False) def initCompute(self, fluid): # Create fluid points self.fluid = Fluid(fluid) self.fp = [] #[FluidState(fluid) for _ in range(numPoints)] self.flows = [] self.solver.cycle = self def connectPorts(self, port1, port2, fluid = None): if fluid == None: fluid = self.fluid fp = FluidState(fluid) flow = P.FluidFlow() self.fp.append(fp) self.flows.append(flow) port1.state = fp port2.state = fp port1.flow = flow port2.flow = flow def solve(self): self.residualPlot.resize(len(self.solver.change_hHistory)) for i in range(len(self.solver.change_hHistory)): self.residualPlot[i] = (i + 1, self.solver.change_hHistory[i]) self.iterationTable.resize(len(self.solver.hHistory)) v = self.iterationTable.view(dtype = np.float).reshape(-1, len(self.iterationTable.dtype)) numCols = len(self.solver.hHistory[0]) for i in range(len(self.solver.hHistory)): v[i, :numCols] = self.solver.hHistory[i] # print self.iterationTable # iterRecord = np.zeros(1, dtype = self.iterationTable.dtype) # numCols = len(self.solver.hHistory[0]) # for i in range(len(self.solver.hHistory)): # for j in range(numCols): # iterRecord[j] = self.solver.hHistory[i][j] # self.iterationTable[i] = iterRecord def postProcess(self, TAmbient): ## State diagram if (self.cycleDiagram.enable): self.createStateDiagram() ## Table of states self.cycleStatesTable.resize(len(self.fp)) for i in range(len(self.fp)): fp = self.fp[i] self.cycleStatesTable[i] = (fp.T, fp.p, fp.rho, fp.h, fp.s, fp.q, fp.dT, self.flows[i].mDot, fp.b(TAmbient)) # Select the zero for the exergy scale fp = FluidState(self.fluid) fp.update_Tp(TAmbient, 1e5) b0 = fp.b(TAmbient) self.cycleStatesTable['b'] -= b0 def createStateDiagram(self): ncp = len(self.fp) fluidLines = [] for i in range(ncp): fluidLines.append((self.fp[i], self.fp[(i + 1) % ncp])) self.phDiagram = self.cycleDiagram.draw(self.fluid, self.fp, fluidLines) def setPLow(self, p): if (self.fluid.tripple['p'] < p < self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pLow = p sat = self.fluid.saturation_p(p) self.TEvaporation = sat['TsatL'] elif (p > self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pLow = p self.cycleSupercritical = True else: raise ValueError('PLow ({} bar) must be between {} bar and {} bar'.format(p/1e5, self.fluid.tripple['p']/1e5, self.fluid.critical['p']/1e5)) def setPHigh(self, p): if (self.fluid.tripple['p'] < p < self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pHigh = p sat = self.fluid.saturation_p(p) self.TCondensation = sat['TsatL'] elif (p > self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pHigh = p self.cycleTranscritical = True else: raise ValueError('PHigh ({} bar) must be between {} bar and {} bar'.format(p/1e5, self.fluid.tripple['p']/1e5, self.fluid.critical['p']/1e5))
class ThermodynamicalCycle(NumericalModel): abstract = True #================ Inputs ================# # Cycle diagram cycleDiagram = F.SubModelGroup(TC.CycleDiagram, 'inputs', label='Diagram settings') # Solver settings solver = F.SubModelGroup(CycleIterator, 'solverSettings', label='Solver') #================ Results ================# #---------------- Fields ----------------# cycleStatesTable = F.TableView( (('T', F.Quantity('Temperature', default=(1, 'degC'))), ('p', F.Quantity('Pressure', default=(1, 'bar'))), ('rho', F.Quantity('Density', default=(1, 'kg/m**3'))), ('h', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy', default=(1, 'kJ/kg'))), ('s', F.Quantity('SpecificEntropy', default=(1, 'kJ/kg-K'))), ('q', F.Quantity()), ('dT', F.Quantity('TemperatureDifference', default=(1, 'degC'))), ('mDot', F.Quantity('MassFlowRate', default=(1, 'kg/min'))), ('b', F.Quantity('SpecificEnergy', default=(1, 'kJ/kg')))), label="Cycle states") cycleStates = F.ViewGroup([cycleStatesTable], label="States") resultStates = F.SuperGroup([cycleStates], label="States") #---------------- Cycle diagram -----------# phDiagram = F.Image(default='') cycleDiagramVG = F.ViewGroup([phDiagram], label="P-H Diagram") resultDiagrams = F.SuperGroup([cycleDiagramVG], label="Diagrams") #---------------- Convergence parameters -----------# residualPlot = F.PlotView((('iteration #', F.Quantity('Dimensionless')), ('h change', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy'))), label='Residual (plot)', ylog=True) iterationTable = F.TableView(( ('h1', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h2', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h3', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h4', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h5', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h6', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h7', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h8', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h9', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h10', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h11', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h12', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h13', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h14', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h15', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h16', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h17', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h18', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h19', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ('h20', F.Quantity('SpecificEnthalpy')), ), label='Residual (table)', options={'formats': (['0.0000E0'] * 20)}) residualGroup = F.ViewGroup([residualPlot, iterationTable], label='Iterations') solverStats = F.SuperGroup([residualGroup], label='Convergence') # Info fields cycleTranscritical = F.Boolean(default=False) cycleSupercritical = F.Boolean(default=False) def initCompute(self, fluid): # Create fluid points self.fluid = Fluid(fluid) self.fp = [] #[FluidState(fluid) for _ in range(numPoints)] self.flows = [] self.solver.cycle = self def connectPorts(self, port1, port2, fluid=None): if fluid == None: fluid = self.fluid fp = FluidState(fluid) flow = P.FluidFlow() self.fp.append(fp) self.flows.append(flow) port1.state = fp port2.state = fp port1.flow = flow port2.flow = flow def solve(self): self.residualPlot.resize(len(self.solver.change_hHistory)) for i in range(len(self.solver.change_hHistory)): self.residualPlot[i] = (i + 1, self.solver.change_hHistory[i]) self.iterationTable.resize(len(self.solver.hHistory)) v = self.iterationTable.view(dtype=np.float).reshape( -1, len(self.iterationTable.dtype)) numCols = len(self.solver.hHistory[0]) for i in range(len(self.solver.hHistory)): v[i, :numCols] = self.solver.hHistory[i] # print self.iterationTable # iterRecord = np.zeros(1, dtype = self.iterationTable.dtype) # numCols = len(self.solver.hHistory[0]) # for i in range(len(self.solver.hHistory)): # for j in range(numCols): # iterRecord[j] = self.solver.hHistory[i][j] # self.iterationTable[i] = iterRecord def postProcess(self, TAmbient): ## State diagram if (self.cycleDiagram.enable): self.createStateDiagram() ## Table of states self.cycleStatesTable.resize(len(self.fp)) for i in range(len(self.fp)): fp = self.fp[i] self.cycleStatesTable[i] = (fp.T, fp.p, fp.rho, fp.h, fp.s, fp.q, fp.dT, self.flows[i].mDot, fp.b(TAmbient)) # Select the zero for the exergy scale fp = FluidState(self.fluid) fp.update_Tp(TAmbient, 1e5) b0 = fp.b(TAmbient) self.cycleStatesTable['b'] -= b0 def createStateDiagram(self): ncp = len(self.fp) fluidLines = [] for i in range(ncp): fluidLines.append((self.fp[i], self.fp[(i + 1) % ncp])) self.phDiagram = self.cycleDiagram.draw(self.fluid, self.fp, fluidLines) def setPLow(self, p): if (self.fluid.tripple['p'] < p < self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pLow = p sat = self.fluid.saturation_p(p) self.TEvaporation = sat['TsatL'] elif (p > self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pLow = p self.cycleSupercritical = True else: raise ValueError( 'PLow ({} bar) must be between {} bar and {} bar'.format( p / 1e5, self.fluid.tripple['p'] / 1e5, self.fluid.critical['p'] / 1e5)) def setPHigh(self, p): if (self.fluid.tripple['p'] < p < self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pHigh = p sat = self.fluid.saturation_p(p) self.TCondensation = sat['TsatL'] elif (p > self.fluid.critical['p']): self.pHigh = p self.cycleTranscritical = True else: raise ValueError( 'PHigh ({} bar) must be between {} bar and {} bar'.format( p / 1e5, self.fluid.tripple['p'] / 1e5, self.fluid.critical['p'] / 1e5))