def xsecToBlock(xsec, inPDGs=(2212, 2212), comment=None, xsecUnit=pb): """ Generate a string for a XSECTION block in the SLHA format from a XSection object. :param inPDGs: defines the PDGs of the incoming states (default = 2212,2212) :param comment: is added at the end of the header as a comment :param xsecUnit: unit of cross sections to be written (default is pb). Must be a Unum unit. """ if type(xsec) != type(crossSection.XSection()): logger.error("Wrong input") raise SModelSError() # Sqrt(s) in GeV header = "XSECTION " + str( / GeV) for pdg in inPDGs: # PDGs of incoming states header += " " + str(pdg) # Number of outgoing states header += " " + str(len( for pid in # PDGs of outgoing states header += " " + str(pid) if comment: header += " # " + str(comment) # Comment entry = " 0 " + str( + " 0 0 0 0 " + \ str("%16.8E" % (xsec.value / xsecUnit) ) + " SModelS " + installation.version() return "\n" + header + "\n" + entry
def xsecToBlock(xsec, inPDGs=(2212, 2212), comment=None, xsecUnit = pb): """ Generate a string for a XSECTION block in the SLHA format from a XSection object. :param inPDGs: defines the PDGs of the incoming states (default = 2212,2212) :param comment: is added at the end of the header as a comment :param xsecUnit: unit of cross-sections to be written (default is pb). Must be a Unum unit. """ if type(xsec) != type(crossSection.XSection()): logger.error("Wrong input") import sys sys.exit() # Sqrt(s) in GeV header = "XSECTION " + str( / GeV) for pdg in inPDGs: # PDGs of incoming states header += " " + str(pdg) # Number of outgoing states header += " " + str(len( for pid in # PDGs of outgoing states header += " " + str(pid) if comment: header += " # " + str(comment) # Comment entry = "0 " + str( + " 0 0 0 0 " + \ str("%16.8E" % (xsec.value / xsecUnit) ) + " SModelS " + installation.version() return "\n" + header + "\n" + entry
def main(): import argparse """ Set default input and output files """ parameterFile = "%s/smodels/etc/parameters_default.ini" % installDirectory() outputDir = "./results/" """ Get the name of input SLHA file and parameter file """ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Run SModelS over SLHA/LHE input files." ) ap.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of SLHA or LHE input file or a directory path (required argument). ' 'If a directory is given, loop over all files in the directory', required=True) ap.add_argument('-p', '--parameterFile', help='name of parameter file, where most options are defined (optional argument). If not set, use ' 'all parameters from smodels/etc/parameters_default.ini', default=parameterFile) ap.add_argument('-o', '--outputDir', help='name of output directory (optional argument). The default folder is: ' + outputDir, default=outputDir) ap.add_argument('-d', '--development', help='if set, SModelS will run in development mode and exit if any errors are found.', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-t', '--force_txt', help='force loading the text database', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-C', '--colors', help='colored output', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version = version() ) ap.add_argument('-c', '--run-crashreport', help='parse crash report file and use its contents for a SModelS run. ' "Supply the crash file simply via '--filename myfile.crash'", action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-v','--verbose', help='sets the verbosity level (debug, info, warning, error). Default value is info.', default = "info", type = str ) ap.add_argument('-T', '--timeout', help='define a limit on the running time (in secs).' 'If not set, run without a time limit. If a directory is given as input, ' 'the timeout will be applied for each individual file.', default = 0, type = int) args = ap.parse_args() if args.colors: from import colors colors.on = True db=None if args.force_txt: db=True smodelsLogging.setLogLevel ( args.verbose ) if args.run_crashreport: args.filename, args.parameterFile = crashReport.readCrashReportFile( args.filename) run(args.filename, args.parameterFile, args.outputDir, db, args.timeout, development=True ) else: run(args.filename, args.parameterFile, args.outputDir, db, args.timeout, args.development)
def formatSLHAInput(maxcond, minmassgap, sigmacut, databaseversion, docompress): try: smodelsversion = version() if not smodelsversion.startswith("v"): smodelsversion = "v" + smodelsversion except: smodelsversion = "unknown" output = "BLOCK SModelS_Settings\n" output += " 0 %-20s #SModelS version\n" %(smodelsversion) output += " 1 %-20s #database version\n" %(databaseversion) output += " 2 %-20s #maximum condition violation\n" % (maxcond) output += " 3 %-20s #compression (0 off, 1 on)\n" % (docompress) output += " 3 %-20s #minimum mass gap for mass compression [GeV]\n" % (minmassgap/GeV) output += " 4 %-20s #sigmacut [fb]\n\n" % (sigmacut/fb) return output
def formatSLHAInput(maxcond, minmassgap, sigmacut, databaseversion, docompress): try: smodelsversion = version() if not smodelsversion.startswith("v"): smodelsversion = "v" + smodelsversion except: smodelsversion = "unknown" output = "BLOCK SModelS_Settings\n" output += " 0 %-20s #SModelS version\n" % (smodelsversion) output += " 1 %-20s #database version\n" % (databaseversion) output += " 2 %-20s #maximum condition violation\n" % (maxcond) output += " 3 %-20s #compression (0 off, 1 on)\n" % (docompress) output += " 3 %-20s #minimum mass gap for mass compression [GeV]\n" % ( minmassgap / GeV) output += " 4 %-20s #sigmacut [fb]\n\n" % (sigmacut / fb) return output
if i in [ "build", "build_ext", "build_clib", "install", "install_lib", "bdist", "bdist_rpm", "bdist_dumb", "bdist_wininst", "bdist_wheel", "develop" ]: needs_build = True if not needs_build: return import subprocess["make", "-C", "lib"]) compile() setup( name = "smodels", version = version(), author = authors(), author_email="[email protected] ", scripts=[ "smodels-config", "", "" ], install_requires=[ 'docutils>=0.3', 'numpy', 'scipy>=0.9.0', \ 'unum', 'argparse', 'pyslha>=3.1.0' ], data_files=dataFiles() , description=("A tool for interpreting simplified-model results from the " "LHC"), license="GPLv3", # use_2to3 = True, keywords=("simplified models LHC BSM theories interpretation " "supersymmetry UEDs"), url="", packages=['smodels', 'smodels.theory',
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SModelS-tools command line tool.") parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', help='verbosity level. ' 'accepted values are: debug, info, warning, error.', default = "info", type = str ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name') installation = subparsers.add_parser('installation', description="Print installation setup and exit.") fixpermissions = subparsers.add_parser('fixpermissions', description="Fix file permissions for xseccomputer.") xseccomputer = subparsers.add_parser('xseccomputer', description="Compute MSSM cross sections for a SLHA file.") xseccomputer.add_argument('-s', '--sqrts', nargs='+', action='append', help="sqrt(s) TeV. Can supply more than one value (as a space separated list). Default is both 8 and 13.", type=int, default=[]) xseccomputer.add_argument('-e', '--nevents', type=int, default=10000, help="number of events to be simulated.") xseccomputer.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', type=str, default="info", help="Verbosity (debug, info, warning, error)") xseccomputer.add_argument('-c', '--ncpus', type=int, default=-1, help="number of cores to be used simultaneously. -1 means 'all'. ") xseccomputer.add_argument('-p', '--tofile', action='store_true', help="write cross sections to file (only highest order)") xseccomputer.add_argument('-P', '--alltofile', action='store_true', help="write all cross sections to file, including lower orders") xseccomputer.add_argument('-q', '--query', action='store_true', help="only query if there are cross sections in the file") xseccomputer.add_argument('-C', '--colors', action='store_true', help="colored terminal output" ) xseccomputer.add_argument('-k', '--keep', action='store_true', help="do not unlink temporary directory") xseccomputer.add_argument('-6', '--pythia6', action='store_true', help="use pythia6 for LO cross sections") xseccomputer.add_argument('-8', '--pythia8', action='store_true', help="use pythia8 for LO cross sections (default)") xseccomputer.add_argument('-n', '--NLO', action='store_true', help="compute at the NLO level (default is LO)") xseccomputer.add_argument('-N', '--NLL', help="compute at the NLO+NLL level (takes precedence over NLO, default is LO)", action='store_true') xseccomputer.add_argument('-O', '--LOfromSLHA', help="use LO cross sections from file to compute the NLO or NLL cross sections", action='store_true') xseccomputer.add_argument('-f', '--filename', required=True, help="SLHA file to compute cross sections for. " "If a directory is given, compute cross sections for all files in directory." ) slhachecker = subparsers.add_parser('slhachecker', description="Perform several checks on a SLHA file.") slhachecker.add_argument('-xS', '--xsec', help='turn off the check for xsection blocks', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument('-s', '--sigmacut', help='give sigmacut in fb', default=.03, type=float) slhachecker.add_argument('-illegal', '--illegal', help='turn on check for kinematically forbidden decays', action='store_true') slhachecker.add_argument('-dB', '--decayBlocks', help='turn off the check for missing decay blocks', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of input SLHA file', required=True) lhechecker = subparsers.add_parser('lhechecker', description="Check if the input file has LHE format.") lhechecker.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of input LHE file', required=True) dbBrowser = subparsers.add_parser('database-browser', description="Interface for browsing the Database.") dbBrowser.add_argument('-p', '--path_to_database', help='path to SModelS database', required=True) dbBrowser.add_argument('-t', '--text', help='load text database, dont even search for binary database file', action='store_true') iPlots = subparsers.add_parser('interactive-plots', description="Produces a set of interactive plots for visualizing results from a scan.") iPlots.add_argument('-p', '--parameters', help='path to the parameters file [./]', default = './') iPlots.add_argument('-f', '--smodelsFolder', help='path to the smodels folder with the SModelS python output files.', required=True) iPlots.add_argument('-s', '--slhaFolder', help='path to the SLHA folder with the SLHA input files.', required=True) iPlots.add_argument('-o', '--outputFolder', help='path to the output folder, where the plots will be stored. [./iplots]', default = "./iplots" ) iPlots.add_argument('-N', '--npoints', type=int, default=-1, help="How many (randomly selected) points will be included in the plot. If -1 all points will be read and included (default = -1).") iPlots.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', type=str, default="info", help="Verbosity (debug, info, warning, error)") toolbox = subparsers.add_parser( 'toolbox', description= "Facility to control external dependencies") toolbox.add_argument('-c', '--colors', help='turn on terminal colors', action='store_true') toolbox.add_argument('-l', '--long', help='long output lines', action='store_true') toolbox.add_argument('-m', '--make', help='compile packages if needed', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() from import smodelsLogging smodelsLogging.setLogLevel(args.verbose) if args.subparser_name == 'fixpermissions': from smodels import installation installation.fixpermissions() if args.subparser_name == 'installation': from smodels import installation import sys, os print ( installation.banner() ) print ( "SModelS version:", installation.version() ) print ( "Installation directory:",installation.installDirectory() ) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print ( "This binary:",path ) sys.exit() if args.subparser_name == 'toolbox': from import toolBox toolBox.main ( args ) if args.subparser_name == 'xseccomputer': from import xsecComputer xsecComputer.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'slhachecker': from import slhaChecks slhaChecks.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'lhechecker': from import lheChecks lheChecks.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'database-browser': from import databaseBrowser databaseBrowser.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'interactive-plots': from import interactivePlots interactivePlots.main(args)
def main(): import argparse """ Set default input and output files """ parameterFile = "%s/smodels/etc/parameters_default.ini" % installDirectory( ) outputDir = "./results/" """ Get the name of input SLHA file and parameter file """ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run SModelS over SLHA/LHE input files.") ap.add_argument( '-f', '--filename', help= 'name of SLHA or LHE input file or a directory path (required argument). ' 'If a directory is given, loop over all files in the directory', required=True) ap.add_argument( '-p', '--parameterFile', help= 'name of parameter file, where most options are defined (optional argument). If not set, use ' 'all parameters from smodels/etc/parameters_default.ini', default=parameterFile) ap.add_argument( '-o', '--outputDir', help= 'name of output directory (optional argument). The default folder is: ' + outputDir, default=outputDir) ap.add_argument( '-d', '--development', help= 'if set, SModelS will run in development mode and exit if any errors are found.', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-t', '--force_txt', help='force loading the text database', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-C', '--colors', help='colored output', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=version()) ap.add_argument( '-c', '--run-crashreport', help='parse crash report file and use its contents for a SModelS run. ' "Supply the crash file simply via '--filename myfile.crash'", action='store_true') ap.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', help= 'sets the verbosity level (debug, info, warning, error). Default value is info.', default="info", type=str) ap.add_argument( '-T', '--timeout', help='define a limit on the running time (in secs).' 'If not set, run without a time limit. If a directory is given as input, ' 'the timeout will be applied for each individual file.', default=0, type=int) args = ap.parse_args() if args.colors: from import colors colors.on = True db = None if args.force_txt: db = True smodelsLogging.setLogLevel(args.verbose) if args.run_crashreport: args.filename, args.parameterFile = crashReport.readCrashReportFile( args.filename) run(args.filename, args.parameterFile, args.outputDir, db, args.timeout, development=True) else: run(args.filename, args.parameterFile, args.outputDir, db, args.timeout, args.development)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="SModelS-tools command line tool.") parser.add_argument('-particles', '--particlePath', help='path to directory where is located', default=installDirectory() + "/smodels") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='verbosity level. ' 'accepted values are: debug, info, warning, error.', default="info", type=str) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name') installation = subparsers.add_parser( 'installation', description="Print installation setup and exit.") xseccomputer = subparsers.add_parser( 'xseccomputer', description="Compute MSSM cross sections for a SLHA file.") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-s', '--sqrts', nargs='+', action='append', help= "sqrt(s) TeV. Can supply more than one value. Default is both 8 and 13.", type=int, default=[]) xseccomputer.add_argument('-e', '--nevents', type=int, default=10000, help="number of events to be simulated.") xseccomputer.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', type=str, default="info", help="Verbosity (debug, info, warning, error)") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-c', '--ncpus', type=int, default=-1, help="number of cores to be used simultaneously. -1 means 'all'. ") xseccomputer.add_argument('-p', '--tofile', action='store_true', help="write cross sections to file") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-q', '--query', action='store_true', help="only query if there are cross sections in the file") xseccomputer.add_argument('-k', '--keep', action='store_true', help="do not unlink temporary directory") xseccomputer.add_argument('-n', '--NLO', action='store_true', help="compute at the NLO level (default is LO)") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-N', '--NLL', help= "compute at the NLO+NLL level (takes precedence over NLO, default is LO)", action='store_true') xseccomputer.add_argument( '-O', '--LOfromSLHA', help= "use LO cross sections from file to compute the NLO or NLL cross sections", action='store_true') xseccomputer.add_argument( '-f', '--filename', required=True, help="SLHA file to compute cross sections for. " "If a directory is given, compute cross sections for all files in directory." ) slhachecker = subparsers.add_parser( 'slhachecker', description="Perform several checks on a SLHA file.") slhachecker.add_argument('-xS', '--xsec', help='turn off the check for xsection blocks', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument('-lsp', '--lsp', help='turn off the check for charged lsp', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument( '-longlived', '--longlived', help= 'turn off the check for stable charged particles and visible displaced vertices', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument( '-m', '--displacement', help='give maximum displacement of secondary vertex in m', default=.001, type=float) slhachecker.add_argument('-s', '--sigmacut', help='give sigmacut in fb', default=.03, type=float) slhachecker.add_argument( '-illegal', '--illegal', help='turn on check for kinematically forbidden decays', action='store_true') slhachecker.add_argument( '-dB', '--decayBlocks', help='turn off the check for missing decay blocks', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of input SLHA file', required=True) lhechecker = subparsers.add_parser( 'lhechecker', description="Check if the input file has LHE format.") lhechecker.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of input LHE file', required=True) dbBrowser = subparsers.add_parser( 'database-browser', description="Interface for browsing the Database.") dbBrowser.add_argument('-p', '--path_to_database', help='path to SModelS database', required=True) dbBrowser.add_argument( '-t', '--text', help='load text database, dont even search for binary database file', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() """ check if exists in specified path, and add to sys.path """ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(args.particlePath, "")): log.error(" not found in %s" % args.particlePath) return else: sys.path.insert(1, args.particlePath) from import xsecComputer from import slhaChecks, lheChecks smodelsLogging.setLogLevel(args.verbose) if args.subparser_name == 'installation': from smodels import installation print(installation.banner()) print("SModelS version:", installation.version()) print("Installation directory:", installation.installDirectory()) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print("This binary:", path) sys.exit() if args.subparser_name == 'xseccomputer': xsecComputer.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'slhachecker': slhaChecks.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'lhechecker': lheChecks.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'database-browser': databaseBrowser.main(args)
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="SModelS-tools command line tool.") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='verbosity level. ' 'accepted values are: debug, info, warning, error.', default="info", type=str) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name') subparsers.add_parser('installation', description="Print installation setup and exit.") subparsers.add_parser('fixpermissions', description="Fix file permissions for xseccomputer.") xseccomputer = subparsers.add_parser( 'xseccomputer', description="Compute MSSM cross sections for a SLHA file.") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-s', '--sqrts', nargs='+', action='append', help= "sqrt(s) TeV. Can supply more than one value (as a space separated list). Default is both 8 and 13.", type=int, default=[]) xseccomputer.add_argument('-e', '--nevents', type=int, default=10000, help="number of events to be simulated [10000].") xseccomputer.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', type=str, default="info", help="Verbosity (debug, info, warning, error)") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-c', '--ncpus', type=int, default=-1, help="number of cores to be used simultaneously. -1 means 'all'. ") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-p', '--tofile', action='store_true', help="write cross sections to file (only highest order)") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-P', '--alltofile', action='store_true', help="write all cross sections to file, including lower orders") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-q', '--query', action='store_true', help="only query if there are cross sections in the file") xseccomputer.add_argument('-C', '--colors', action='store_true', help="colored terminal output") xseccomputer.add_argument('--noautocompile', action='store_true', help="turn off automatic compilation") xseccomputer.add_argument('-k', '--keep', action='store_true', help="do not unlink temporary directory") xseccomputer.add_argument('-6', '--pythia6', action='store_true', help="use pythia6 for LO cross sections") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-8', '--pythia8', action='store_true', help="use pythia8 for LO cross sections (default)") xseccomputer.add_argument('-n', '--NLO', action='store_true', help="compute at the NLO level (default is LO)") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-N', '--NLL', help= "compute at the NLO+NLL level (takes precedence over NLO, default is LO)", action='store_true') xseccomputer.add_argument( '-O', '--LOfromSLHA', help= "use LO cross sections from file to compute the NLO or NLL cross sections", action='store_true') xseccomputer.add_argument( '-S', '--ssmultipliers', type=str, default=None, help="Signal strength multipliers, provided as dictionary of pids") xseccomputer.add_argument( '-f', '--filename', required=True, help="SLHA file to compute cross sections for. " "If a directory is given, compute cross sections for all files in directory." ) slhachecker = subparsers.add_parser( 'slhachecker', description="Perform several checks on a SLHA file.") slhachecker.add_argument('-xS', '--xsec', help='turn off the check for xsection blocks', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument( '-illegal', '--illegal', help='turn on check for kinematically forbidden decays', action='store_true') slhachecker.add_argument( '-dB', '--decayBlocks', help='turn off the check for missing decay blocks', action='store_false') slhachecker.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of input SLHA file', required=True) lhechecker = subparsers.add_parser( 'lhechecker', description="Check if the input file has LHE format.") lhechecker.add_argument('-f', '--filename', help='name of input LHE file', required=True) dbBrowser = subparsers.add_parser( 'database-browser', description="Interface for browsing the Database.") dbBrowser.add_argument('-p', '--path_to_database', help='path to SModelS database', required=True) dbBrowser.add_argument( '-t', '--text', help='load text database, dont even search for binary database file', action='store_true') iPlots = subparsers.add_parser( 'interactive-plots', description= "Produces a set of interactive plots for visualizing results from a scan." ) iPlots.add_argument( '-p', '--parameters', help='path to the parameters file [./]', default='./') iPlots.add_argument( '-f', '--smodelsFolder', help='path to the smodels folder with the SModelS python output files.', required=True) iPlots.add_argument( '-s', '--slhaFolder', help='path to the SLHA folder with the SLHA input files.', required=True) iPlots.add_argument( '-o', '--outputFolder', help= 'path to the output folder, where the plots will be stored. [./iplots]', default="./iplots") iPlots.add_argument( '-N', '--npoints', type=int, default=-1, help= "How many (randomly selected) points will be included in the plot. If -1 all points will be read and included (default = -1)." ) iPlots.add_argument('-v', '--verbosity', type=str, default="info", help="Verbosity (debug, info, warning, error)") proxydb = subparsers.add_parser( 'proxydb', description="create proxy databases for network use") proxydb.add_argument('-i', '--inputfile', help='input database file [db31.pcl]', type=str, default="db31.pcl") proxydb.add_argument('-s', '--servername', help='the server name [None]', type=str, default=None) proxydb.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='verbosity, for server and client [info]', type=str, default="info") proxydb.add_argument('-R', '--rundir', help='the rundir [./]', type=str, default="./") proxydb.add_argument('-p', '--serverport', help='the server port [31770]', type=int, default=None) proxydb.add_argument('-l', '--symlink', help='set a symlink from outputfile to default.pcl', action='store_true') proxydb.add_argument('-o', '--outputfile', help='input database file [proxy31.pcl]', type=str, default="proxy31.pcl") proxydb.add_argument('-r', '--run', help='start the server upon creation', action='store_true') toolbox = subparsers.add_parser( 'toolbox', description="Facility to control external dependencies") toolbox.add_argument('-c', '--colors', help='turn on terminal colors', action='store_true') toolbox.add_argument('-l', '--long', help='long output lines', action='store_true') toolbox.add_argument('-m', '--make', help='compile packages if needed', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() from import smodelsLogging smodelsLogging.setLogLevel(args.verbose) from smodels import installation if args.subparser_name == 'fixpermissions': installation.fixpermissions() if args.subparser_name == 'installation': import sys, os print(installation.banner()) print("SModelS version:", installation.version()) print("Installation directory:", installation.installDirectory()) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print("This binary:", path) sys.exit() if args.subparser_name == 'toolbox': from import toolBox toolBox.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'proxydb': from import proxyDBCreator proxyDBCreator.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'xseccomputer': from import xsecComputer xsecComputer.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'slhachecker': from import slhaChecks slhaChecks.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'lhechecker': from import lheChecks lheChecks.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'database-browser': from import databaseBrowser databaseBrowser.main(args) if args.subparser_name == 'interactive-plots': from import interactivePlots interactivePlots.main(args)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ .. module:: databaseLoader :synopsis: When running the complete test suite, we need to load the database only once .. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <*****@*****.**> """ import sys sys.path.insert(0,"../") from smodels.experiment.databaseObj import Database from smodels.installation import version ver = "".join ( map ( str, version(True)[:3] ) ) #dbname="./database/db%d0.pcl" % int ( sys.version[0] ) dbname="" % ver database = Database(dbname, discard_zeroes = False) if __name__ == "__main__": print ( database )
return needs_build = False for i in sys.argv[1:]: if i in [ "build", "build_ext", "build_clib", "install", "install_lib", "bdist", "bdist_rpm", "bdist_dumb", "bdist_wininst", "bdist_wheel", "develop"]: needs_build = True if not needs_build: return["make", "-C", "smodels/lib" ]) # compile() ## not needed anymore as we perform compilation-on-demand now setup( name = "smodels", version = version(), author = authors(), author_email="[email protected] ", entry_points = { 'console_scripts': ['smodels-config=smodels.installation:main', '', '' ] }, install_requires=requirements(), data_files=dataFiles() , description=("A tool for interpreting simplified-model results from the " "LHC"), cmdclass={'install': OverrideInstall}, license="GPLv3", # use_2to3 = True, keywords=("simplified models LHC BSM theories interpretation "
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ .. module:: databaseLoader :synopsis: When running the complete test suite, we need to load the database only once .. moduleauthor:: Wolfgang Waltenberger <*****@*****.**> """ import sys sys.path.insert(0, "../") from smodels.experiment.databaseObj import Database from smodels.installation import version ver = "".join(map(str, version(True)[:3])) #dbname="./database/db%d0.pcl" % int ( sys.version[0] ) dbname = "" % ver database = Database(dbname, discard_zeroes=False) if __name__ == "__main__": print(database)
'--outputDir', help= 'name of output directory (optional argument). The default folder is: ' + outputDir, default=outputDir) ap.add_argument( '-d', '--development', help= 'if set, SModelS will run in development mode and exit if any errors are found.', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-t', '--force_txt', help='force loading the text database', action='store_true') ap.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=version()) ap.add_argument( '-c', '--run-crashreport', help='parse crash report file and use its contents for a SModelS run. ' "Supply the crash file simply via '--filename myfile.crash'", action='store_true') ap.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', help= 'sets the verbosity level (debug, info, warning, error). Default value is info.', default="info", type=str) ap.add_argument( '-T',
def __init__(self, base=None, force_load=None, discard_zeroes=True, progressbar=False, subpickle=True): """ :param base: path to the database, or pickle file (string), or http address. If None, "official", or "official_fastlim", use the official database for your code version (including fastlim results, if specified). If "latest", or "latest_fastlim", check for the latest database. :param force_load: force loading the text database ("txt"), or binary database ("pcl"), dont force anything if None :param discard_zeroes: discard txnames with only zeroes as entries. :param progressbar: show a progressbar when building pickle file (needs the python-progressbar module) :param subpickle: produce small pickle files per exp result. Should only be used when working on the database. """ self.url = base self.source = "" if force_load == None and base.endswith(".pcl"): force_load = "pcl" self.force_load = force_load self.subpickle = subpickle obase = base ## keep old name for more checks for 'latest' if base in [None, "official"]: from smodels.installation import officialDatabase base = officialDatabase() if base in ["official_fastlim"]: from smodels.installation import officialDatabase base = officialDatabase(fastlim=True) if base in ["latest"]: from smodels.installation import latestDatabase base = latestDatabase() if base in ["latest_fastlim"]: from smodels.installation import latestDatabase base = latestDatabase(fastlim=True) if base in ["unittest"]: from smodels.installation import testDatabase base = testDatabase() base, pclfile = self.checkPathName(base, discard_zeroes) self.pcl_meta = Meta(pclfile) self.expResultList = [] self.txt_meta = self.pcl_meta if not self.force_load == "pcl": self.txt_meta = Meta(base, discard_zeroes=discard_zeroes) self.progressbar = None if progressbar: try: import progressbar as P self.progressbar = P.ProgressBar(widgets=[ "Building Database ", P.Percentage(), P.Bar(marker=P.RotatingMarker()), P.ETA() ]) except ImportError as e: logger.warning( "progressbar requested, but python-progressbar is not installed." ) if self.force_load == "txt": self._setParticles() self.loadTextDatabase() self.txt_meta.printFastlimBanner() return if self.force_load == "pcl": self.loadBinaryFile() self._setParticles() self.pcl_meta.printFastlimBanner() if "latest" in obase: from smodels import installation codeVersion = installation.version() pclVersion = self.pcl_meta.databaseVersion if codeVersion[0] != pclVersion[0]: logger.error( "major versions of code and database differ! code=%s, database=%s" % (codeVersion[0], pclVersion[0])) return if self.force_load in [None, "none", "None"]: self.loadDatabase() self._setParticles() self.txt_meta.printFastlimBanner() return logger.error( "when initialising database: force_load=%s is not " \ "recognized. Valid values are: pcl, txt, None." % force_load ) raise SModelSError()