def p_field_expr(p): """ expr : expr FIELD """ p[0] = node.expr(op=".", args=node.expr_list([p[1], node.ident(name=p[2], lineno=p.lineno(2), lexpos=p.lexpos(2))]))
def p_expr_ident(p): "ident : IDENT" global use_nargin,use_varargin if p[1] == "varargin": use_varargin = 1 if p[1] == "nargin": use_nargin = 1 #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() p[0] = node.ident(name=p[1], lineno=p.lineno(1), lexpos=p.lexpos(1), column=p.lexpos(1) - p.lexer.lexdata.rfind("\n",0,p.lexpos(1)))
def p_funcall_expr(p): """expr : expr LPAREN expr_list RPAREN | expr LPAREN RPAREN """ if (0 and len(p)==5 and len(p[3])==1 and p[3][0].__class__ is node.expr and p[3][0].op == ":" and not p[3][0].args): # foo(:) => ravel(foo) p[0] = node.funcall(func_expr=node.ident("ravel"), args=node.expr_list([p[1]])) else: args = node.expr_list() if len(p) == 4 else p[3] assert isinstance(args,node.expr_list) p[0] = node.funcall(func_expr=p[1],args=args)
def p_expr(p): """expr : ident | end | number | string | colon | NEG | matrix | cellarray | expr2 | expr1 | lambda_expr | expr PLUSPLUS | expr MINUSMINUS """ # | PLUSPLUS ident # | MINUSMINUS ident if p[1]=="~": p[0] = node.ident(name="__") else: p[0] = p[1]
def resolve(t, symtab=None, fp=None, func_name=None): if symtab is None: symtab = {} do_resolve(t, symtab) G = as_networkx(t) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() for n in G.nodes(): u = G.node[n]["ident"] if u.props: pass elif G.out_edges(n) and G.in_edges(n): u.props = "U" # upd #print, u.lineno, u.column elif G.in_edges(n): u.props = "D" # def elif G.out_edges(n): u.props = "R" # ref else: u.props = "F" # ??? G.node[n]["label"] = "%s\\n%s" % (n, u.props) for u in node.postorder(t): #if u.__class__ is node.func_decl: # += "_" if u.__class__ is node.funcall: try: if u.func_expr.props in "UR": # upd,ref u.__class__ = node.arrayref #else: # += "_" except: pass for u in node.postorder(t): if u.__class__ in (node.arrayref, node.cellarrayref): for i, v in enumerate(u.args): if v.__class__ is node.expr and v.op == ":": v.op = "::" # for w in node.postorder(v): # if w.__class__ is node.expr and w.op == "end": # w.args[0] = u.func_expr # w.args[1] = node.number(i) for u in node.postorder(t): if u.__class__ is node.let: if (u.ret.__class__ is node.ident and u.args.__class__ is node.matrix): u.args = node.funcall(func_expr=node.ident("matlabarray"), args=node.expr_list([u.args])) H = nx.connected_components(G.to_undirected()) for i, component in enumerate(H): for nodename in component: if G.node[nodename]["ident"].props == "R": has_update = 1 break else: has_update = 0 if has_update: for nodename in component: G.node[nodename]["ident"].props += "S" # sparse #S = G.subgraph(nbunch) #print S.edges() return G