예제 #1
    def test_esm_flatfile(self):
        input_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.input_file),
        log = EsmParser.parse(input_file,
        self.assertEqual(log['total'], 98)
        self.assertEqual(log['written'], 98)
        missingvals = log['missing_values']
        self.assertTrue(missingvals['rjb'] == missingvals['rrup'] ==
                        missingvals['rupture_length'] ==
                        missingvals['ry0'] == missingvals['rx'] ==
                        missingvals['rupture_width'] == 97)
        self.assertTrue(missingvals['strike_1'] == missingvals['dip_1'] ==
                        missingvals['rake_1'] == missingvals['duration_5_75']
                        == 98)
        self.assertTrue(all(_ not in missingvals
                            for _ in ('pga', 'pgv', 'sa', 'duration_5_95')))
        self.assertTrue(all(_ + '_components' not in missingvals
                            for _ in ('pga', 'pgv', 'sa', 'duration_5_95')))
        self.assertEqual(missingvals['duration_5_75'], 98)
        self.assertTrue(missingvals['magnitude'] == 
                        missingvals['magnitude_type'] == 13)

        gmdb = GroundMotionTable(self.output_file, 'esm_sa_flatfile_2018')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # trying to filter inside a with statement
            with gmdb:
                gmdb.filter('magnitude <= 4')

        gmdb2 = gmdb.filter('magnitude <= 4')
        # underlying HDF5 file not open (ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            for rec in gmdb2.records:

        # check that we correctly wrote default attrs:
        with gmdb2:
            tbl = gmdb2.table.attrs
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(tbl.parser_stats, dict))
            self.assertEqual(tbl.filename, 'template_basic_flatfile.hd5')
            self.assertEqual(len(gmdb2.attrnames()), 6)

        # now it works:
        with gmdb2:
            mag_le_4 = 0
            for rec in gmdb2.records:
                self.assertTrue(rec['magnitude'] <= 4)
                mag_le_4 += 1

        gmdb2 = gmdb.filter('magnitude > 4')
        with gmdb2:
            mag_gt_4 = 0
            for rec in gmdb2.records:
                self.assertTrue(rec['magnitude'] > 4)
                mag_gt_4 += 1

        self.assertTrue(mag_le_4 + mag_gt_4 == 98 - 13)
예제 #2
파일: smtk.py 프로젝트: rizac/eGSIM
def testing(params):
    '''Core method to compute testing data

    :param params: dict with the request parameters

    :return: json serializable dict to be passed into a Response object
    GMDB = 'gmdb'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    GSIM = 'gsim'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    IMT = 'imt'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    FIT_M = 'fit_measure'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    CONFIG = 'config'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    SEL = 'selexpr'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    # params[GMDB] is the tuple (hdf file name, table name):
    gmdb_base = GroundMotionTable(*params[GMDB], mode='r')

    ret = {}
    obs_count = defaultdict(int)
    gsim_skipped = {}
    config = params.get(CONFIG, {})
    # columns: "Measure of fit" "imt" "gsim" "value(s)"
    for gsim in params[GSIM]:
            residuals = Residuals([gsim], params[IMT])
            selexpr = _get_selexpr(gsim, params.get(SEL, ''))

            # we have some record to be used, compute residuals:
            gmdb = gmdb_base.filter(selexpr)
            numrecords = _gmdb_records(residuals, gmdb)

            obs_count[gsim] = numrecords
            if not numrecords:
                gsim_skipped[gsim] = 'No matching db record found'

            gsim_values = []

            for key, name, func in params[FIT_M]:
                result = func(residuals, config)
                gsim_values.extend(_itervalues(gsim, key, name, result))

            for moffit, imt, value in gsim_values:
                # note: value isa Numpy scalar, but not ALL numpy scalar
                # are json serializable: only those that are equal to Python's
                ret.setdefault(moffit, {}).\
                                setdefault(imt, {})[gsim] = value.item()

        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            gsim_skipped[gsim] = str(exc)

    return {
        'Measure of fit': ret,
        'Db records': obs_count,
        'Gsim skipped': gsim_skipped
예제 #3
def check_gsim_defined_for_current_db(testdata):
    '''no test function, it is used to inspect in debug mode in order to get
    gsims with records in the current gmdb used for tests'''
    for gsim in OQ.gsims():
            residuals = Residuals([gsim], ['PGA', 'PGV', 'SA(0.1)'])
            gmdbpath = testdata.path('esm_sa_flatfile_2018.csv.hd5')
            gm_table = GroundMotionTable(gmdbpath,
            selexpr = get_selexpr(gsim)
            num = gmdb_records(residuals, gm_table.filter(selexpr))
예제 #4
파일: smtk.py 프로젝트: rizac/eGSIM
def get_residuals(params):
    '''Core method to compute residuals plots data

    :param params: dict with the request parameters

    :return: json serializable dict to be passed into a Response object
    # params:
    GMDB = 'gmdb'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    GSIM = 'gsim'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    IMT = 'imt'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    PLOTTYPE = 'plot_type'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    SEL = 'selexpr'  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    func, kwargs = params[PLOTTYPE]
    residuals = Residuals(params[GSIM], params[IMT])

    # Compute residuals.
    # params[GMDB] is the tuple (hdf file name, table name):
    gmdb = GroundMotionTable(*params[GMDB], mode='r')
    if params.get(SEL):
        gmdb = gmdb.filter(params[SEL])

    # statistics = residuals.get_residual_statistics()
    ret = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: {}))

    # extend keyword arguments:
    kwargs = dict(kwargs, residuals=residuals, as_json=True)
    # linestep = binwidth/10
    for gsim in residuals.residuals:
        for imt in residuals.residuals[gsim]:
            kwargs['gmpe'] = gsim
            kwargs['imt'] = imt
            imt2 = _relabel_sa(imt)
            res_plots = func(**kwargs)
            for res_type, res_plot in res_plots.items():
                for stat in RESIDUALS_STATS:
                    res_plot.setdefault(stat, None)
                if imt2 != imt:
                    res_plot['xlabel'] = _relabel_sa(res_plot['xlabel'])
                    res_plot['ylabel'] = _relabel_sa(res_plot['ylabel'])
                # make also x and y keys consistent with trellis response:
                res_plot['xvalues'] = res_plot.pop('x')
                res_plot['yvalues'] = res_plot.pop('y')
                ret[imt2][res_type][gsim] = res_plot

    return ret