def test_flying_chairs_eval(self): dataset = generic_flow_dataset.make_dataset( path=dataset_locations['chairs-all'], mode='train-sup') dataset = dataset.take(1) results = generic_flow_dataset.evaluate(inference_fn, dataset, height=200, width=400, num_plots=0, plot_dir='/tmp/flying_chairs', has_occlusion=False) expected_keys = generic_flow_dataset.list_eval_keys() self.assertEqual(set(expected_keys), set(results.keys()))
def test_flying_chairs(self): dataset = generic_flow_dataset.make_dataset( path=dataset_locations['chairs-all'], mode='train-sup') dataset = dataset.prefetch(1) dataset = dataset.batch(1) data_it = iter(dataset) data = image1 = data['images'][:, 0] image2 = data['images'][:, 1] flow = data['flow'] self._check_images_and_flow( image1, image2, flow, save_images=False, plot_dir='/tmp/flying_chairs')
def test_chairs(self): for dataset in ['chairs-all']: size = DATASETS_AND_SIZE[dataset] path = dataset_locations[dataset] ds = generic_flow_dataset.make_dataset(path, mode='test') self._check_size(ds, size)
def make_train_dataset( train_on, height, width, shuffle_buffer_size, batch_size, seq_len, crop_instead_of_resize=False, apply_augmentation=True, include_ground_truth=False, resize_gt_flow=True, seed=41, mode='train', return_full_scale=True, ): """Build joint training dataset for all data in train_on. Args: train_on: string of the format 'format0:path0;format1:path1', e.g. 'kitti:/tmp/...'. height: int, height to which the images will be resized or cropped. width: int, width to which the images will be resized or cropped. shuffle_buffer_size: int, size that will be used for the shuffle buffer. batch_size: int, batch size for the iterator. seq_len: int, number of frames per sequences (at the moment this should always be 2) crop_instead_of_resize: bool, indicates if cropping should be used instead of resizing apply_augmentation: bool, indicates if geometric and photometric data augmentation shall be activated (paramaters are gin configurable) include_ground_truth: bool, indicates if ground truth flow should be included. resize_gt_flow: bool, indicates if ground truth flow should be resized (only important if resizing and supervised training is used) seed: A seed for a random number generator, controls shuffling of data. mode: str, the mode to pass to the data loader. defaults to 'train' return_full_scale: bool, whether or not to include the full size, uncropped images in the data dictionary. Returns: data: A that produces batches of data dictionaries. """ train_datasets = [] # Split strings according to pattern "format0:path0;format1:path1". for format_and_path in train_on.split(';'): data_format, path = format_and_path.split(':') if include_ground_truth: mode += '-supervised' # Add a dataset based on format and path. if 'spoof' in data_format: dataset = spoof_dataset.make_dataset( path, mode=mode, seq_len=seq_len, shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, height=None if crop_instead_of_resize else height, width=None if crop_instead_of_resize else width, resize_gt_flow=resize_gt_flow, seed=seed, ) elif 'multiframe' in data_format: # Multiframe data. dataset_manager = smurf_multiframe_dataset.SmurfMultiframe() dataset = dataset_manager.make_dataset( path, mode=mode, seq_len=seq_len, shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, height=None if crop_instead_of_resize else height, width=None if crop_instead_of_resize else width, resize_gt_flow=resize_gt_flow, seed=seed, ) elif 'kitti' in data_format: dataset = kitti.make_dataset( path, mode=mode, seq_len=seq_len, shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, height=None if crop_instead_of_resize else height, width=None if crop_instead_of_resize else width, resize_gt_flow=resize_gt_flow, seed=seed, ) elif 'chairs' in data_format: dataset = flow_dataset.make_dataset( path, mode=mode, seq_len=seq_len, shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, height=None if crop_instead_of_resize else height, width=None if crop_instead_of_resize else width, resize_gt_flow=resize_gt_flow, gt_flow_shape=[384, 512, 2], seed=seed, ) elif 'sintel' in data_format: dataset = sintel.make_dataset( path, mode=mode, seq_len=seq_len, shuffle_buffer_size=shuffle_buffer_size, height=None if crop_instead_of_resize else height, width=None if crop_instead_of_resize else width, resize_gt_flow=resize_gt_flow, seed=seed, ) else: print('Unknown data format "{}"'.format(data_format)) continue train_datasets.append(dataset) augmentation_fn = partial(smurf_augmentation.apply_augmentation, crop_height=height, crop_width=width, return_full_scale=return_full_scale) # After loading and augmentation the data can have unknown shape. # The function below ensures that all data has the proper shape. def _ensure_shapes(): # shape of the data flow_height = height if resize_gt_flow else None flow_width = width if resize_gt_flow else None shapes = { 'images': (batch_size, seq_len, height, width, 3), 'flow': (batch_size, flow_height, flow_width, 2), 'flow_valid': (batch_size, flow_height, flow_width, 1), 'occlusions': (batch_size, height, width, 1), } def check_data(data): output = {} for key, val in data.items(): if key in shapes: val = tf.ensure_shape(val, shapes[key]) output[key] = val return output return check_data choice_dataset = train_ds = train_datasets, choice_dataset) if apply_augmentation: train_ds = train_ds = train_ds.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=True) train_ds = train_ds.prefetch(1) train_ds = return train_ds
def make_eval_function(eval_on, height, width, progress_bar, plot_dir, num_plots, weights=None): """Build an evaluation function for smurf. Args: eval_on: string of the format 'format0:path0;format1:path1', e.g. 'kitti:/tmp/...'. height: int, the height to which the images should be resized for inference. width: int, the width to which the images should be resized for inference. progress_bar: boolean, flag to indicate whether the function should print a progress_bar during evaluaton. plot_dir: string, optional path to a directory in which plots are saved (if num_plots > 0). num_plots: int, maximum number of qualitative results to plot for the evaluation. weights: dictionary of loss weights for computing loss on the evaluation data. Returns: data: A pair consisting of an evaluation function and a list of strings that holds the keys of the evaluation result. """ eval_functions_and_datasets = [] eval_keys = [] # Split strings according to pattern "format0:path0;format1:path1". for format_and_path in eval_on.split(';'): data_format, path = format_and_path.split(':') # Add a dataset based on format and path. if 'spoof' in data_format: dataset = spoof_dataset.make_dataset(path, mode='eval') eval_fn = partial(spoof_dataset.evaluate, prefix=data_format) eval_keys += spoof_dataset.list_eval_keys(prefix=data_format) elif 'kitti' in data_format: if 'benchmark' in data_format: dataset = kitti.make_dataset(path, mode='test') eval_fn = kitti.benchmark else: dataset = kitti.make_dataset(path, mode='eval') eval_fn = partial(kitti.evaluate, prefix=data_format) eval_keys += kitti.list_eval_keys(prefix=data_format) elif 'chairs' in data_format: dataset = flow_dataset.make_dataset(path, mode='eval') eval_fn = partial( flow_dataset.evaluate, prefix=data_format, max_num_evals= 500, # We do this to avoid evaluating on 22k samples. has_occlusion=False, weights=weights) eval_keys += flow_dataset.list_eval_keys(prefix=data_format) elif 'sintel' in data_format: if 'benchmark' in data_format: # pylint:disable=g-long-lambda # pylint:disable=cell-var-from-loop eval_fn = lambda smurf: sintel.benchmark(inference_fn=smurf. infer, height=height, width=width, sintel_path=path, plot_dir=plot_dir, num_plots=num_plots) assert len(eval_on.split( ';')) == 1, 'Sintel benchmark should be done in isolation.' return eval_fn, [] dataset = sintel.make_dataset(path, mode='eval-occlusion') eval_fn = partial(sintel.evaluate, prefix=data_format, weights=weights) eval_keys += sintel.list_eval_keys(prefix=data_format) else: print('Unknown data format "{}"'.format(data_format)) continue dataset = dataset.prefetch(1) eval_functions_and_datasets.append((eval_fn, dataset)) # Make an eval function that aggregates all evaluations. def eval_function(smurf): result = dict() for eval_fn, ds in eval_functions_and_datasets: results = eval_fn(smurf.infer, ds, height, width, progress_bar, plot_dir, num_plots) for k, v in results.items(): result[k] = v return result return eval_function, eval_keys