예제 #1
def tiptiltestimator_circle(image,
    def cuberoot(x):
        if x < 0:
            return -(-x)**(1.0 / 3)
            return x**(1.0 / 3)

    xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.arange(image.shape[0]), np.arange(image.shape[1]))
    subim = pre.subimage(image, (round(cx), round(cy)), window=window)
    subx = pre.subimage(xs, (round(cx), round(cy)), window=window)
    suby = pre.subimage(ys, (round(cx), round(cy)), window=window)

    cumx = np.cumsum(np.sum(subim, axis=1))
    cumy = np.cumsum(np.sum(subim, axis=0))

    f_interpx = interp1d(subx[0], cumx)
    f_interpy = interp1d(suby[:, 0], cumy)

    deltaIx = max(cumx) - 2 * f_interpx(cx)
    deltaIy = max(cumy) - 2 * f_interpy(cy)

    Tx = cuberoot(deltaIx / beta) * cuberoot(deltaIx**2 /
                                             (deltaIx**2 + deltaIy**2))
    Ty = cuberoot(deltaIy / beta) * cuberoot(deltaIy**2 /
                                             (deltaIx**2 + deltaIy**2))
    return Tx, Ty
예제 #2
def get_delta_I(image,

    if zone_type == 'inner':
        image = image * pro.circle(image, cx, cy, inner_rad_pix)
    elif zone_type == 'outer':
        image = image * (1 - pro.circle(image, cx, cy, inner_rad_pix))

    window = np.ceil(quad_width_pix * 2.)
    xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.arange(image.shape[0]), np.arange(image.shape[1]))
    subim = pre.subimage(image, (np.round(cx), np.round(cy)), window=window)
    subx = pre.subimage(xs, (np.round(cx), np.round(cy)), window=window)
    suby = pre.subimage(ys, (np.round(cx), np.round(cy)), window=window)

    cumx = np.cumsum(np.sum(subim, axis=1))
    cumy = np.cumsum(np.sum(subim, axis=0))

    f_interpx = interp1d(subx[0, :], cumx)
    f_interpy = interp1d(suby[:, 0], cumy)

    deltaIx = max(cumx) - 2 * f_interpx(cx - 1)
    deltaIy = max(cumy) - 2 * f_interpy(cy - 1)


    return deltaIy, deltaIx
예제 #3
def recenter_satellites(image, spots, window=20):
    """centroid each satellite spot using a 2d gaussian"""
    #satellite centers
    scs = np.zeros((len(spots), 2))
    for idx,xy in enumerate(spots):
        subim = pre.subimage(image, xy, window=window)
        popt = snm.image_centroid_gaussian1(subim)
        xcenp = popt[1]
        ycenp = popt[2]
        xcen = xy[0]-round(window/2)+xcenp
        ycen = xy[1]-round(window/2)+ycenp
        scs[idx,:] = xcen, ycen
    return scs
예제 #4
def fit_satellite_centers(image, spotcenters_init, window=20):
    """ Returns the center of the image given approximative spot centers """
    # fit satellite centers
    scs = np.zeros((len(spotcenters_init), 2))
    for idx, xy in enumerate(spotcenters_init):
        subim = pre.subimage(image, xy, window=window)
        popt = snm.image_centroid_gaussian1(subim)
        xcenp = popt[1]
        ycenp = popt[2]
        xcen = xy[0] - round(window / 2) + xcenp
        ycen = xy[1] - round(window / 2) + ycenp
        scs[idx, :] = xcen, ycen

    return scs
예제 #5
def get_satellite_centroids(image, window=20):
    """centroid each satellite spot using a 2d gaussian"""
    spots = pre.get_spot_locations(image, eq=True,
            comment='SHIFT-Click on the satellites CLOCKWISE'+
                     'starting from 10 o clock,\n then close the window')
    #satellite centers
    scs = np.zeros((len(spots), 2))
    for idx,xy in enumerate(spots):
        subim = pre.subimage(image, xy, window=window)
        popt = snm.image_centroid_gaussian1(subim)
        xcenp = popt[1]
        ycenp = popt[2]
        xcen = xy[0]-round(window/2)+xcenp
        ycen = xy[1]-round(window/2)+ycenp
        scs[idx,:] = xcen, ycen
    return scs
예제 #6
def recompute_centroid(image, spots, window=20):
    """centroid each satellite spot using a 2d gaussian"""
    #spots = pre.get_spot_locations(image, eq=True,
    #        comment='SHIFT-Click on the satellites CLOCKWISE'+
    #                 'starting from 10 o clock,\n then close the window')
    #satellite centers
    scs = np.zeros((4, 2))
    for idx, xy in enumerate(spots):
        subim = pre.subimage(image, xy, window=window)
        popt = snm.image_centroid_gaussian1(subim)
        xcenp = popt[1]
        ycenp = popt[2]
        xcen = xy[0] - round(window / 2) + xcenp
        ycen = xy[1] - round(window / 2) + ycenp
        scs[idx, :] = xcen, ycen
    center = np.mean(scs, axis=0)
    print "CENTER IS: ", center
    return center
예제 #7
                "Click the four spots then press enter in this window\n")
        if intconf['auto']:
            xy0 = DM.convert_kvecs_pixels(kvecr, 0, **im_params)
            xy1 = DM.convert_kvecs_pixels(-kvecr, 0, **im_params)
            xy2 = DM.convert_kvecs_pixels(0, kvecr, **im_params)
            xy3 = DM.convert_kvecs_pixels(0, -kvecr, **im_params)
            xypixels = [xy0, xy1, xy2, xy3]

        print "Fitting spot amplitudes and positions"
        #loops over the spots you clicked
        meanintensity = 0
        meankvec = 0
        meanphotom = 0

        for idx, xy in enumerate(xypixels):
            subim = pre.subimage(im, xy, window=10)
            subx = pre.subimage(ximcoords, xy, window=10)
            suby = pre.subimage(yimcoords, xy, window=10)
            gauss_params = snm.fitgaussian((subx, suby), subim)
            amplitude = gauss_params[0]

            #convert pixels returns an xy pair.
            # in theory all the kvecs should be (x, 0) or (0, y)
            # in which case the norm will be equal to x or y
            kvec = np.linalg.norm(
                DM.convert_pixels_kvecs(gauss_params[1], gauss_params[2],
            print "Gaussian centroid", gauss_params[1], gauss_params[2]
            print "corr. k-vector", kvec
            meanintensity = (meanintensity * float(idx) / float(idx + 1) +
                             amplitude / float(idx + 1))
예제 #8
    else :
        img_off = pre.combine_quadrants(pf.open(off_filename)) 
        img_off = img_off - bgd2
    # detect the position of the offseted image
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx),np.arange(ny))
    fun = pre.get_spot_locations(img_off)
    indmax = fun[0]
    subIm= pre.subimage(img_off, (indmax[0],indmax[1]), window=25)
    subx = pre.subimage(x, (indmax[0],indmax[1]), window=25)
    suby = pre.subimage(y, (indmax[0],indmax[1]), window=25)
    gauss_params = snm.fitgaussian((subx, suby), subIm)
    cx_off, cy_off = gauss_params[1], gauss_params[2]

    # calibrate pixel size
    D_pix = np.sqrt((cx_off-centerx)**2+(cy_off-centery)**2)
    lambdaoverd_arc = config['Image_params']['lambdaoverd_arc']    
    lambdaoverd = lambdaoverd_arc * D_pix / offs

    Itot = np.sum(pre.subimage(img_off, (cx_off,cy_off), window = 2*quad_width_pix))

    if home: 
        Itot *= Itot_corr_factor
예제 #9
        #        f.write('%6f\n' %(T_up_comm))
        #        f.close()
        #        f=open(save_file_name+'comm_Tleft','a')
        #        f.write('%6f\n' %(T_left_comm))
        #        f.close()

        ### DISPLAY
        # displays the subimage with the axes of the tiptilt mirror (white dashed lines)
        # and a representation of the estimated tiptilt (orientation and amplitude)

        #theta= np.arctan(delta_i_y_std/delta_i_x_std)
        theta = np.arctan(-Tleft_est / Tup_est) + angle
        if (-Tup_est) < 0.:
            theta = theta - np.pi
        subim = pre.subimage(img, (centerx, centery),
                             np.ceil(2 * quad_width_pix))

        # circle
        acirc = np.arange(0., 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 100.)
        xcirc = inner_rad_pix * np.cos(acirc) + quad_width_pix
        ycirc = inner_rad_pix * np.sin(acirc) + quad_width_pix
        plt.plot(xcirc, ycirc, 'w--')
        x1 = quad_width_pix * np.cos(angle + np.pi) + quad_width_pix
        x2 = quad_width_pix * np.cos(angle) + quad_width_pix
        y1 = quad_width_pix * np.sin(angle + np.pi) + quad_width_pix
        y2 = quad_width_pix * np.sin(angle) + quad_width_pix
        plt.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], 'w--')
        x1 = quad_width_pix * np.cos(angle + np.pi / 2.) + quad_width_pix
        x2 = quad_width_pix * np.cos(angle - np.pi / 2.) + quad_width_pix
        y1 = quad_width_pix * np.sin(angle + np.pi / 2.) + quad_width_pix
        y2 = quad_width_pix * np.sin(angle - np.pi / 2.) + quad_width_pix