예제 #1
파일: client.py 프로젝트: ishaan/snakebite
    def _glob_find(self, path, processor, include_toplevel):
        '''Handle globs in paths.
        This is done by listing the directory before a glob and checking which
        node matches the initial glob. If there are more globs in the path,
        we don't add the found children to the result, but traverse into paths
        that did have a match.
        # Split path elements and check where the first occurence of magic is
        path_elements = path.split("/")
        for i, element in enumerate(path_elements):
            if glob.has_magic(element):
                first_magic = i

        # Create path that we check first to get a listing we match all children
        # against. If the 2nd path element is a glob, we need to check "/", and
        # we hardcode that, since "/".join(['']) doesn't return "/"
        if first_magic == 1:
            check_path = "/"
            check_path = "/".join(path_elements[:first_magic])

        # Path that we need to match against
        match_path = "/".join(path_elements[:first_magic + 1])

        # Rest of the unmatched path. In case the rest is only one element long
        # we prepend it with "/", since "/".join(['x']) doesn't return "/x"
        rest_elements = path_elements[first_magic + 1:]
        if len(rest_elements) == 1:
            rest = "/" + rest_elements[0]
            rest = "/".join(rest_elements)

        # Check if the path exists and that it's a directory (which it should..)
        fileinfo = self._get_file_info(check_path)
        if fileinfo and self._is_dir(fileinfo.fs):
            # List all child nodes and match them agains the glob
            listing = self._get_dir_listing(check_path)
            for node in listing.dirList.partialListing:
                full_path = self._get_full_path(check_path, node)
                if fnmatch.fnmatch(full_path, match_path):
                    # If we have a match, but need to go deeper, we recurse
                    if rest and glob.has_magic(rest):
                        traverse_path = "/".join([full_path, rest])
                        for item in self._glob_find(traverse_path, processor, include_toplevel):
                            yield item
                        # If the matching node is a directory, we list the directory
                        # This is what the hadoop client does at least.
                        if self._is_dir(node):
                            if include_toplevel:
                                yield processor(full_path, node)
                            fp = self._get_full_path(check_path, node)
                            dir_list = self._get_dir_listing(fp)
                            if dir_list:  # It might happen that the directory above has been removed
                                for n in dir_list.dirList.partialListing:
                                    full_child_path = self._get_full_path(fp, n)
                                    yield processor(full_child_path, n)
                            yield processor(full_path, node)
예제 #2
    def _find_items(self, paths, processor, include_toplevel=False, include_children=False, recurse=False, check_nonexistence=False):
        ''' Request file info from the NameNode and call the processor on the node(s) returned

        :param paths:
            A list of paths that need to be processed
        :param processor:
            Method that is called on an node. Method signature should be foo(path, node). For additional
            (static) params, use a lambda.
        :param include_toplevel:
            Boolean to enable the inclusion of the first node found.
            Example: listing a directory should not include the toplevel, but chmod should
            only operate on the path that is input, so it should include the toplevel.
        :param include_children:
            Include children (when the path is a directory) in processing. Recurse will always
            include children.
            Example: listing a directory should include children, but chmod shouldn't.
        :param recurse:
            Recurse into children if they are directories.
        #collection = []

        if not paths:
            paths = [os.path.join("/user", pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0])]

        # Expand paths if necessary (/foo/{bar,baz} --> ['/foo/bar', '/foo/baz'])
        paths = glob.expand_paths(paths)

        for path in paths:
            if not path.startswith("/"):
                path = self._join_user_path(path)

            log.debug("Trying to find path %s" % path)

            if glob.has_magic(path):
                log.debug("Dealing with globs in %s" % path)
                for item in self._glob_find(path, processor, include_toplevel):
                    yield item
                fileinfo = self._get_file_info(path)
                if not fileinfo and not check_nonexistence:
                    raise FileNotFoundException("`%s': No such file or directory" % path)
                elif not fileinfo and check_nonexistence:
                    yield processor(path, None)

                if (include_toplevel and fileinfo) or not self._is_dir(fileinfo.fs):
                    # Construct the full path before processing
                    full_path = self._get_full_path(path, fileinfo.fs)
                    log.debug("Added %s to to result set" % full_path)
                    entry = processor(full_path, fileinfo.fs)
                    yield entry

                if self._is_dir(fileinfo.fs) and (include_children or recurse):
                    for node in self._get_dir_listing(path):
                        full_path = self._get_full_path(path, node)
                        last_entry_path = node.path
                        entry = processor(full_path, node)
                        yield entry

                        # Recurse into directories
                        if recurse and self._is_dir(node):
                            # Construct the full path before processing
                            full_path = os.path.join(path, node.path)
                            for item in self._find_items([full_path],
                                yield item