예제 #1
def test_extractor():
    code = '''
class Foo:
  def bar:

  def baz:

    parts = {'bar': ['def bar', 'pass']}

    extractor = Extractor(parts)

    assert(extractor.extract(code) == code)
    assert(extractor.extract(code, 'bar') == 'def bar:\n  pass')
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, keynote_file, out_file, config_file, only = None):
        '''Takes input and output keynote (.key) files,
        a configuration file (generated by manually
        invoking configurize.py).  The optional code
        snippet name restricts the replacement to
        a single snippet.'''

        self.keynote_file = keynote_file
        self.out_file     = out_file
        self.only         = only

        config = {}
        execfile(config_file, config)
        self.base = config['base']
        self.extractor = Extractor(config['snippets'])
        self.formatter = KeynoteFormatter(config['styles'])
예제 #3
class Snippetizer:
    '''Replaces code snippets in a Keynote presentation.'''

    def __init__(self, keynote_file, out_file, config_file, only = None):
        '''Takes input and output keynote (.key) files,
        a configuration file (generated by manually
        invoking configurize.py).  The optional code
        snippet name restricts the replacement to
        a single snippet.'''

        self.keynote_file = keynote_file
        self.out_file     = out_file
        self.only         = only

        config = {}
        execfile(config_file, config)
        self.base = config['base']
        self.extractor = Extractor(config['snippets'])
        self.formatter = KeynoteFormatter(config['styles'])

    def snippetize(self):
        '''Performs the snippet replacement.'''

        with ZipFile(self.keynote_file) as original:
            with ZipFile(self.out_file, 'w') as updated:
                for item in original.filelist:
                    if item.filename != 'index.apxl':
                        contents = original.read(item.filename)
                        updated.writestr(item, contents)
            raw = original.read('index.apxl')

        doc = minidom.parseString(raw)
        pattern = '//sf:shape[starts-with(@sf:href,\'http://localhost/\')]'
        strip = 'http://localhost/'
        finder = Finder(doc, pattern, strip)

        template = '''<?xml version="1.0"?>

        replacer = Replacer(doc, template)

        names = self.only and [self.only] or finder.snippets()

        for name in names:
            filename, _, part = name.partition('?')
            path = expanduser(join(self.base, filename))

            with open(path) as file:
                code = self.extractor.extract(file.read(), part)

            lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(filename, stripall=True)
            snippet = highlight(code, lexer, self.formatter)

            parent = '//sf:shape[@sf:href="http://localhost/%s"]//sf:text-storage' % name
            child = 'sf:text-body'

            replacer.replace(parent, child, snippet)

        with ZipFile(self.out_file, 'a') as updated:
            updated.writestr('index.apxl', doc.toxml().encode('utf-8'))