def main(overwrite=False, db='snowex', credentials='./credentials.json'): """ Main function to manage creating our tables in the databases Args: overwrite: Bool indicating whether to ask the user before overwriting the db db: Name of a local database to write tables to """ log = get_logger('Create DB') engine, session = get_db(f"localhost/{db}", credentials=credentials) if overwrite: initialize(engine) log.warning('Database cleared!\n') for t in ['sites', 'points', 'layers', 'images']: sql = f'GRANT SELECT ON {t} TO snow;''Adding read only permissions for table {t}...') engine.execute(sql) else: log.warning('Aborted. Database has not been modified.\n') session.close()
def __init__(self, filenames, **kwargs): ''' Assigns attributes from kwargs and their defaults from self.defaults Also opens and assigns the database connection Args: profile_filenames: List of valid files to be uploaded to the database db_name: String name of database this will interact with, default=snowex debug: Boolean that allows exceptions when uploading files, when True no exceptions are allowed. Default=True n_files: Integer number of files to upload (useful for testing), Default=-1 (meaning all of the files) kwargs: Any keywords that can be passed along to the UploadProfile Class. Any kwargs not recognized will be merged into a comment. ''' self.filenames = filenames self.meta = assign_default_kwargs(self, kwargs, self.defaults) # Grab logger self.log = get_logger(__name__) # Performance tracking self.errors = [] self.uploaded = 0 # Grab db'Accessing Database {}'.format(self.db_name)) engine, self.session = get_db(self.db_name)'Preparing to upload {} files...'.format(len(filenames)))
def main(): # Obtain a list of Grand mesa smp files directory = abspath('../download/data/SNOWEX/SNEX20_SMP.001') all_filenames = glob.glob(join(directory, 'csv_resampled', '*.CSV')) # Keyword arguments. kwargs = { # Uploader kwargs 'debug': True, # Constant metadata 'site_name': 'Grand Mesa', 'units': 'Newtons', 'in_timezone': 'UTC', 'out_timezone': 'US/Mountain', 'instrument': 'snowmicropen', 'header_sep': ':', 'doi': '', } # Get logger log = get_logger('SMP Upload Script') # Form the unique pit ids to loop over associated_pits = list( set([ '_'.join(l.split('_')[-2:]).replace('.CSV', '') for l in all_filenames ])) # Keep track of errors errors = 0 nthreads = 6 pits_per_threads = len(associated_pits) // nthreads f'Assigning {pits_per_threads} pits of smp profiles to {nthreads} threads' ) # Loop over by pit ID so we can assign it to groups of files with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [] for i in range(nthreads): pits = associated_pits[i * pits_per_threads:(i + 1) * pits_per_threads] futures.append(executor.submit(submit_smp, pits, directory, kwargs)) # Collect the errors for f in futures: errors += f.result() # Return the number of errors so can report them return errors
def main(): log = get_logger('Create DB') db_name = 'snowex' engine, session = get_db(db_name) a = input('\nWARNING! You are about to overwrite the entire database! Press Y to continue, press any other key to abort: ') if a.lower() == 'y': initialize(engine) log.warning('Database cleared!') else: log.warning('Aborted. Database has not been modified.') session.close()'')
def reproject(filenames, out_epsg, out_dir, adjust_vdatum=False): """ Reproject the data and then adjust the vertical datum """ log = get_logger('reprojection') final = [] if isdir(out_dir): shutil.rmtree(out_dir) os.mkdir(out_dir) n = len(filenames)'Reprojecting {} files...'.format(n)) for i, r in enumerate(filenames): bname = basename(r)'Working on {} ({}/{})...'.format(bname, i, n)) # Construct a new filename out = join(out_dir, bname.replace('.adf', '.tif')) in_ras = r # Some files share repeating naming convention if isfile(out): out = join(out_dir, '_'.join(split(r)[-2:]).replace('.adf', '.tif')) if adjust_vdatum: # Adjust the vertical datum in bash from python'Reprojecting the vertical datum...') check_output('dem_geoid -o test {}'.format(in_ras), shell=True) # # Move the file back #'Moving resulting files and cleaning up...') # check_output('mv test-adj.tif {}'.format(''), shell=True) in_ras = 'test-adj.tif' # Reproject the raster and output to the new location in bash from # python'Reprojecting data to EPSG:{}'.format(out_epsg)) check_output('gdalwarp -r bilinear -t_srs "EPSG:{}" {} {}'.format( out_epsg, in_ras, out), shell=True) # Keep the new file name final.append(out) return final
def main(): ''' Uploader script for ASO Snow off data ''' epsg = 26912 # 1. Define the files, in this case only one filenames = [ '~/Downloads/ASO2016-17-20200918T212934Z-001/ASO2016-17/USCOGM20160926f1a1__lowest_vf_snowEX_extent.tif' ] # 1B. Expand paths to full absolute paths filenames = [abspath(expanduser(f)) for f in filenames] # 2. Assign any contant metadata and pass it as keyword arguments to the # uploader kwargs = { 'instrument': 'lidar', 'surveyors': 'ASO', 'date': date(2016, 9, 26), 'type': 'DEM', 'units': 'meters', 'description': 'Snow off DEM flown by ASO for SNOWEX 2017', 'tiled': True, 'epsg': epsg, 'no_data': -9999 } # # 2B. Convert image from UTM13 to 12 out_dir = join(dirname(filenames[0]), 'utm_12') log = get_logger('ASO Uploader') # Reproject to the correct epsg final = reproject(filenames, epsg, out_dir, adjust_vdatum=True) # 3, Pass them to you batch uploader you need u = UploadRasterBatch(final, **kwargs) # 4. Push to the database and collect the errors from push function u.push() return len(u.errors)
def main(): # comparison flag produces the figures to show the impact of the resampling making_comparison = False downsample = 100 header_pos = 6 log = get_logger('SMP Resample')'Preparing to resample smp profiles for uploading...') # Obtain a list of Grand mesa smp files directory = abspath('../download/data/SNOWEX/SNEX20_SMP.001') filenames = glob.glob(join(directory, '*/*.CSV')) # Are we making the plot to show the comparison of the effects? if making_comparison: make_comparison(filenames[0]) else: # output location output = join(directory, 'csv_resampled') if isdir(output): ans = input( '\nWARNING! You are about overwrite {} previously resampled files ' 'located at {}!\nPress Y to continue and any other ' 'key to abort: '.format(len(filenames), output)) if ans.lower() == 'y': resample_batch(filenames, output, downsample, header_pos=header_pos) else: log.warning( 'Skipping resample and overwriting of resampled files...') else: mkdir(output) resample_batch(filenames, output, downsample, header_pos=header_pos)
Unzip to ~/Downloads Otherwise see main() to redefine the location where the files are stored ''' from os.path import join, abspath, expanduser, isdir, dirname, basename from os import listdir, mkdir from snowexsql.utilities import get_logger, read_n_lines from snowexsql.conversions import INSAR_to_rasterio from snowexsql.projection import reproject_raster_by_epsg from snowexsql.metadata import read_InSar_annotation import shutil import glob import time log = get_logger('grd2tif') def convert(filenames, output, epsg, clean_first=False): ''' Convert all grd files from the UAVSAR grd to tiff. Then reporjects the resulting files from Lat long to UTM, and then saves to the output dir Args: filenames: List of *.grd files needed to be converted output: directory to output files to epsg: epsg of the resulting file clean_first: Boolean indicating whether to clear out the output folder first ''' # Keep track of errors, time elapsed, and number of files completed start = time.time()
def resample_batch(filenames, output, downsample, header_pos=6, clean_on_start=True): """ Resample all the file names and save as csv to the output dir Args: filenames: List of smp csv files needed to be subsampled output: directory to output files to downsample: Number of samples to subsample at (e.g. downsample=100 is subsampled to every 100th sample) clean_on_start: Remove the output folder at the start when running """ log = get_logger('SMP Resample') if clean_on_start: shutil.rmtree(output) if not isdir(output):'Making output folder {}'.format(output)) mkdir(output)'Resampling {} SMP profiles...'.format(len(filenames))) # Loop over all the files, name them using the same name just using a # different folder for f in filenames: base_f = basename(f)'Resampling {}'.format(base_f)) # Open the file for the header and grab it as a list header = read_n_lines(f, header_pos) # Open the file as a dataframe excluding the header df = open_df(f, header_pos=header_pos) # Grab every 100th sample new_df = subsample(df, downsample) # Reduce the precision of the original data without much effect new_df = new_df.round({'Depth (mm)': 1, 'Force (N)': 3}) out_f = join(output, base_f) # Write out the original header add some information with open(out_f, 'w') as fp: # Rename the original total samples original_samples = header[-1].split(":")[-1] header[-1] = '# Original Total Samples: {}'.format( original_samples) # Add a header for the fact this data is subsampled header.append( '# Data Subsampled To: Every {:d}th\n'.format(downsample)) lines = ''.join(header) fp.write(lines) fp.close() new_df.to_csv(out_f, index_label='Original Index', mode='a')
def main(): # Grab the db session engine, session = get_db('snowex') surveyors = ['aso', 'usgs'] # Setup log = get_logger('Depths Script') # Get the count of QSI dates dates = session.query( == 'QSI').distinct().all() # Build an empy dataframe fro storing our results in results = gpd.GeoDataFrame( columns=['geometry', 'aso', 'usgs', 'measured', 'date']) # Grab all depths and dates. q = session.query(PointData) q = q.filter(PointData.type == 'depth') df = query_to_geopandas(q, engine)'Found {} snow depths...'.format(len(df))) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(df.index)) # Loop over all the points for i, row in df.iterrows(): # Create an empty dict and add geometryand date for each point data = {} data['measured'] = row['value'] data['geometry'] = row['geom'] data['date'] = row['date'] point = from_shape(row['geom'], srid=26912).ST_AsEWKT() # Get the raster value of a cell nearest center after resampling to the # resolution snow = get_raster_value(session, point, 'QSI', date=dates[0][0]) for surveyor in surveyors: off = get_raster_value(session, point, surveyor.upper()) if off is None or snow is None: data[surveyor] = None else: data[surveyor] = (snow - off) * 100 # cm results = results.append(data, ignore_index=True) bar.update(i) session.close()'Differences:') # Calculate the differences for n in surveyors: name = '{} diff'.format(n) results[name] = results[n] - results['measured'] results.to_csv('snow_depths.csv') # report the stats for d in ['usgs diff', 'aso diff']: get_stats(results[d], logger=log) # Make a plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) # Plot the points colored by differences results.plot(ax=ax, column='usgs diff', cmap='RdBu', vmin=-50, vmax=50, legend=True) # Don't use scientific notation on the axis ticks ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain', useOffset=False) # Add x/y labels, a title, a legend and avoid overlapping labels ax.set_xlabel('Easting [m]') ax.set_ylabel('Northing [m]') ax.set_title('USGS')
Usage: python """ import time from snowexsql.utilities import get_logger import os import importlib from create import main as create # Import preprocessor functions here. from resample_smp import main as resample_smp from convert_uavsar import main as convert_uavsar start = time.time() log = get_logger('Populate')'============= SNOWEX DATABASE BUILDER ==================')'Starting script to populate entire database...') # dictionary for holding module names and their main functions addition_scripts = {} # error tracking for a final report according to each module errors = {} # Find the all addition scripts and import them as local modules for f in os.listdir('.'): info = f.split('.') local_mod = info[0] ext = info[-1]
import numpy as np from snowexsql.metadata import read_InSar_annotation from snowexsql.conversions import INSAR_to_rasterio, from snowexsql.projection import reproject_raster_by_epsg from snowexsql.utilities import get_logger import utm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import rasterio from import CRS from rasterio.plot import show from rasterio.transform import Affine import glob from shutil import copyfile, rmtree from snowexsql.utilities import find_kw_in_lines log = get_logger('InSar Test Data') def get_crop_indices(n, ratio): ''' Given a number of columns or row, return the indices of the start and end of the value cropped on its middle value out to a certain percentage Args: n: Total number of columns or rows ratio: decimal of the data to cut around the half the count ''' start = int(0.5 * n - 0.5 * ratio * 0.5 * n) end = int(0.5 * n + 0.5 * ratio * 0.5 * n) spread = end - start return start, end, spread