예제 #1
파일: test_state.py 프로젝트: forkkit/snuba
    def test_per_second_limit(self):
        bucket = uuid.uuid4()
        # Create 30 queries at time 0, should all be allowed
        with patch.object(state.time, 'time', lambda: 0):
            for _ in range(30):
                with state.rate_limit(bucket,
                                      per_second_limit=1) as (allowed, _, _):
                    assert allowed

        # Create another 30 queries at time 30, should also be allowed
        with patch.object(state.time, 'time', lambda: 30):
            for _ in range(30):
                with state.rate_limit(bucket,
                                      per_second_limit=1) as (allowed, _, _):
                    assert allowed

        with patch.object(state.time, 'time', lambda: 60):
            # 1 more query should be allowed at T60 because it does not make the previous
            # rate exceed 1/sec until it has finished.
            with state.rate_limit(bucket,
                                  per_second_limit=1) as (allowed, _, _):
                assert allowed

            # But the next one should not be allowed
            with state.rate_limit(bucket,
                                  per_second_limit=1) as (allowed, _, _):
                assert not allowed

        # Another query at time 61 should be allowed because the first 30 queries
        # have fallen out of the lookback window
        with patch.object(state.time, 'time', lambda: 61):
            with state.rate_limit(bucket,
                                  per_second_limit=1) as (allowed, _, _):
                assert allowed
예제 #2
파일: test_state.py 프로젝트: forkkit/snuba
    def test_concurrent_limit(self):
        # No concurrent limit
        with state.rate_limit('foo', concurrent_limit=None) as (allowed, _, _):
            assert allowed

        # 0 concurrent limit
        with state.rate_limit('foo', concurrent_limit=0) as (allowed, _, _):
            assert not allowed

        # Concurrent limit 1 with consecutive  queries
        with state.rate_limit('foo', concurrent_limit=1) as (allowed, _, _):
            assert allowed
        with state.rate_limit('foo', concurrent_limit=1) as (allowed, _, _):
            assert allowed

        # Concurrent limit with concurrent queries
        with state.rate_limit('foo', concurrent_limit=1) as (allowed1, _, _):
            with state.rate_limit('foo',
                                  concurrent_limit=1) as (allowed2, _, _):
                assert allowed1
                assert not allowed2

        # Concurrent with different buckets
        with state.rate_limit('foo',
                              concurrent_limit=1) as (foo_allowed, _, _):
            with state.rate_limit('bar',
                                  concurrent_limit=1) as (bar_allowed, _, _):
                assert foo_allowed
                assert bar_allowed
예제 #3
파일: util.py 프로젝트: forkkit/snuba
def raw_query(request: Request, sql, client, timer, stats=None):
    Submit a raw SQL query to clickhouse and do some post-processing on it to
    fix some of the formatting issues in the result JSON
    from snuba.clickhouse.native import NativeDriverReader

    project_ids = to_list(request.extensions['project']['project'])
    project_id = project_ids[
        0] if project_ids else 0  # TODO rate limit on every project in the list?
    stats = stats or {}
    grl, gcl, prl, pcl, use_cache, use_deduper, uc_max = state.get_configs([
        ('global_per_second_limit', None),
        ('global_concurrent_limit', 1000),
        ('project_per_second_limit', 1000),
        ('project_concurrent_limit', 1000),
        ('use_cache', 0),
        ('use_deduper', 1),
        ('uncompressed_cache_max_cols', 5),

    # Specific projects can have their rate limits overridden
    prl, pcl = state.get_configs([
        ('project_per_second_limit_{}'.format(project_id), prl),
        ('project_concurrent_limit_{}'.format(project_id), pcl),

    all_confs = state.get_all_configs()
    query_settings = {
        k.split('/', 1)[1]: v
        for k, v in all_confs.items() if k.startswith('query_settings/')

    # Experiment, if we are going to grab more than X columns worth of data,
    # don't use uncompressed_cache in clickhouse, or result cache in snuba.
    if len(all_referenced_columns(request.query.get_body())) > uc_max:
        query_settings['use_uncompressed_cache'] = 0
        use_cache = 0


    query_id = md5(force_bytes(sql)).hexdigest()
    with state.deduper(query_id if use_deduper else None) as is_dupe:

        result = state.get_result(query_id) if use_cache else None

            'is_duplicate': is_dupe,
            'query_id': query_id,
            'use_cache': bool(use_cache),
            'cache_hit': bool(result)

        if result:
            status = 200
            with state.rate_limit('global', grl,
                                  gcl) as (g_allowed, g_rate, g_concurr):
                metrics.gauge('query.global_concurrent', g_concurr)
                    'global_rate': g_rate,
                    'global_concurrent': g_concurr

                with state.rate_limit(project_id, prl,
                                      pcl) as (p_allowed, p_rate, p_concurr):
                        'project_rate': p_rate,
                        'project_concurrent': p_concurr

                    if g_allowed and p_allowed:

                        # Experiment, reduce max threads by 1 for each extra concurrent query
                        # that a project has running beyond the first one
                        if 'max_threads' in query_settings and p_concurr > 1:
                            maxt = query_settings['max_threads']
                            query_settings['max_threads'] = max(
                                1, maxt - p_concurr + 1)

                        # Force query to use the first shard replica, which
                        # should have synchronously received any cluster writes
                        # before this query is run.
                        consistent = request.extensions['performance'].get(
                            'consistent', False)
                        stats['consistent'] = consistent
                        if consistent:
                            query_settings['load_balancing'] = 'in_order'
                            query_settings['max_threads'] = 1

                            result = NativeDriverReader(client).execute(
                                # All queries should already be deduplicated at this point
                                # But the query_id will let us know if they aren't
                                query_id=query_id if use_deduper else None,
                                    'totals', False),
                            status = 200

                                'result_rows': len(result['data']),
                                'result_cols': len(result['meta']),

                            if use_cache:
                                state.set_result(query_id, result)

                        except BaseException as ex:
                            error = str(ex)
                            status = 500
                            logger.exception("Error running query: %s\n%s",
                                             sql, error)
                            if isinstance(ex, ClickHouseError):
                                result = {
                                    'error': {
                                        'type': 'clickhouse',
                                        'code': ex.code,
                                        'message': error,
                                result = {
                                    'error': {
                                        'type': 'unknown',
                                        'message': error,

                        status = 429
                        Reason = namedtuple('reason', 'scope name val limit')
                        reasons = [
                            Reason('global', 'concurrent', g_concurr, gcl),
                            Reason('global', 'per-second', g_rate, grl),
                            Reason('project', 'concurrent', p_concurr, pcl),
                            Reason('project', 'per-second', p_rate, prl)
                        reason = next(
                            (r for r in reasons
                             if r.limit is not None and r.val > r.limit), None)
                        result = {
                            'error': {
                                'rate limit exceeded',
                                reason and
                                '{r.scope} {r.name} of {r.val:.0f} exceeds limit of {r.limit:.0f}'


    if settings.RECORD_QUERIES:
        # send to redis
            'request': request.body,
            'sql': sql,
            'timing': timer,
            'stats': stats,
            'status': status,

        # send to datadog
        tags = [
            'referrer:{}'.format(stats.get('referrer', 'none')),
            'final:{}'.format(stats.get('final', False))
        mark_tags = ['final:{}'.format(stats.get('final', False))]
        timer.send_metrics_to(metrics, tags=tags, mark_tags=mark_tags)

    result['timing'] = timer

    if settings.STATS_IN_RESPONSE or request.extensions['performance'].get(
            'debug', False):
        result['stats'] = stats
        result['sql'] = sql

    return (result, status)
예제 #4
def raw_query(body, sql, client, timer, stats=None):
    Submit a raw SQL query to clickhouse and do some post-processing on it to
    fix some of the formatting issues in the result JSON
    project_ids = to_list(body['project'])
    project_id = project_ids[0] if project_ids else 0  # TODO rate limit on every project in the list?
    stats = stats or {}
    grl, gcl, prl, pcl, use_cache = state.get_configs([
        ('global_per_second_limit', 1000),
        ('global_concurrent_limit', 1000),
        ('project_per_second_limit', 1000),
        ('project_concurrent_limit', 1000),
        ('use_cache', 0),

    # Specific projects can have their rate limits overridden
    prl, pcl = state.get_configs([
        ('project_per_second_limit_{}'.format(project_id), prl),
        ('project_concurrent_limit_{}'.format(project_id), pcl),

    all_confs = state.get_all_configs()
    query_settings = {
        k.split('/', 1)[1]: v
        for k, v in six.iteritems(all_confs)
        if k.startswith('query_settings/')


    query_id = md5(force_bytes(sql)).hexdigest()
    with state.deduper(query_id) as is_dupe:

        result = state.get_result(query_id) if use_cache else None

            'is_duplicate': is_dupe,
            'query_id': query_id,
            'use_cache': bool(use_cache),
            'cache_hit': bool(result)}

        if result:
            status = 200
            with state.rate_limit('global', grl, gcl) as (g_allowed, g_rate, g_concurr):
                metrics.gauge('query.global_concurrent', g_concurr)
                stats.update({'global_rate': g_rate, 'global_concurrent': g_concurr})

                with state.rate_limit(project_id, prl, pcl) as (p_allowed, p_rate, p_concurr):
                    stats.update({'project_rate': p_rate, 'project_concurrent': p_concurr})

                    if g_allowed and p_allowed:

                        # Experiment, reduce max threads by 1 for each extra concurrent query
                        # that a project has running beyond the first one
                        if 'max_threads' in query_settings and p_concurr > 1:
                            maxt = query_settings['max_threads']
                            query_settings['max_threads'] = max(1, maxt - p_concurr + 1)

                        # Force query to use the first shard replica, which
                        # should have synchronously received any cluster writes
                        # before this query is run.
                        consistent = body.get('consistent', False)
                        stats['consistent'] = consistent
                        if consistent:
                            query_settings['load_balancing'] = 'in_order'
                            query_settings['max_threads'] = 1

                            data, meta = client.execute(
                                # All queries should already be deduplicated at this point
                                # But the query_id will let us know if they aren't
                            data, meta = scrub_ch_data(data, meta)
                            status = 200
                            if body.get('totals', False):
                                assert len(data) > 0
                                data, totals = data[:-1], data[-1]
                                result = {'data': data, 'meta': meta, 'totals': totals}
                                result = {'data': data, 'meta': meta}

                                'result_rows': len(data),
                                'result_cols': len(meta),

                            if use_cache:
                                state.set_result(query_id, result)

                        except BaseException as ex:
                            error = six.text_type(ex)
                            status = 500
                            logger.exception("Error running query: %s\n%s", sql, error)
                            if isinstance(ex, ClickHouseError):
                                result = {'error': {
                                    'type': 'clickhouse',
                                    'code': ex.code,
                                    'message': error,
                                result = {'error': {
                                    'type': 'unknown',
                                    'message': error,

                        status = 429
                        reasons = [
                            ('global', 'concurrent', g_concurr, gcl),
                            ('global', 'per-second', g_rate, grl),
                            ('project', 'concurrent', p_concurr, pcl),
                            ('project', 'per-second', p_rate, prl)
                        reason = next((r for r in reasons if r[2] > r[3]), None)
                        result = {'error': {
                            'type': 'ratelimit',
                            'message': 'rate limit exceeded',
                            'detail': reason and '{} {} of {:.0f} exceeds limit of {:.0f}'.format(*reason)


    if settings.RECORD_QUERIES:
        # send to redis
            'request': body,
            'sql': sql,
            'timing': timer,
            'stats': stats,
            'status': status,

        # send to datadog
        tags = [
            'referrer:{}'.format(stats.get('referrer', 'none')),
            'final:{}'.format(stats.get('final', False))
        mark_tags = [
            'final:{}'.format(stats.get('final', False))
        timer.send_metrics_to(metrics, tags=tags, mark_tags=mark_tags)

    result['timing'] = timer

    if settings.STATS_IN_RESPONSE or body.get('debug', False):
        result['stats'] = stats
        result['sql'] = sql

    return (result, status)