예제 #1
def DotsCoordinates(n, k, a, method):
    n - dimension of space
    k - number of points
    a - length of hypercube's edge
    method - method of dots generation: 'Uniform', 'Halton' or 'Sobol'
    Returns matrix in which coordinates of point are saved line-by-line

    if method == 'Uniform':
        result = np.zeros((k, n))
        for i in range(k):
            result[i] = np.random.uniform(0, a, n)

    elif method == 'Halton':
        i = np.random.randint(1, 1000, size=1)[0]
        temp = ht.halton(n, i + k) * a
        result = temp[i:]

    elif method == 'Sobol':
        i = np.random.randint(1, 1000, size=1)[0]
        result = sl.i4_sobol_generate(n, k, i)
        result = result.T * a

    return result
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, gp, cost_gp, num_of_hal_vals=21, num_of_samples=500, num_of_rep_points=20, chain_length=20,

        self._gp = gp
        self._cost_gp = cost_gp
        self._num_of_hallucinated_vals = num_of_hal_vals
        self._num_of_samples = num_of_samples
        self._num_of_representer_points = num_of_rep_points
        if transformation not in range(1, 11):
            raise NotImplementedError("There exists no transformation with number " + str(transformation))
        self._transformation = transformation

        comp = gp.getPoints()
        vals = gp.getValues()

        points = i4_sobol_generate(self._gp.getPoints().shape[1], 100, 1)
        points[0, :] = 1

        #Evaluate EI of a sobel gird to find a good starting point to sample the representer points
        ei_vals = np.zeros([points.shape[1]])
        for i in xrange(0, points.shape[1]):
            ei_vals[i] = compute_expected_improvement(points[:, i], self._gp)

        idx = np.argmax(ei_vals)
        starting_point = points[:, idx]
        starting_point = starting_point[1:]

        #representers = sample_from_proposal_measure(starting_point, self._sample_measure, num_of_rep_points - 1, chain_length)
        representers = sample_representer_points(starting_point, self._sample_measure, num_of_rep_points - 1, chain_length)

        self._representer_points = np.empty([num_of_rep_points, comp.shape[1]])
        self._log_proposal_vals = np.zeros(num_of_rep_points)

        for i in range(0, num_of_rep_points - 1):
            self._log_proposal_vals[i] = self._sample_measure(representers[i])
            #set first value to one
            self._representer_points[i] = np.insert(representers[i], 0, 1)

        incumbent = comp[np.argmin(vals)][1:]
        self._representer_points[-1] = np.insert(incumbent, 0, 1)
        self._log_proposal_vals[-1] = self._sample_measure(incumbent)

        #as fortran array Omega.T is C-contiguous which speeds up dot product computation
        self._Omega = np.asfortranarray(np.random.normal(0, 1, (self._num_of_samples,

        self._hallucinated_vals = norm.ppf(np.linspace(1. / (self._num_of_hallucinated_vals + 1),
                                           1 - 1. / (self._num_of_hallucinated_vals + 1),

        #TODO: Change it to vector computation
        self._pmin_old = self._compute_pmin_old(self._gp)

        entropy_pmin_old = -np.dot(self._pmin_old, np.log(self._pmin_old + 1e-50))

        log_proposal_old = np.dot(self._log_proposal_vals, self._pmin_old)
        self._kl_divergence_old = -(entropy_pmin_old - log_proposal_old)

        self._idx = np.arange(0, self._num_of_samples)
예제 #3
def Unif_3d_cart(n, skip=None):
   generates a uniform distribution in 3D within [0,1] 
    global DEB
    if DEB == 1:
        print('>>>> Unif_2d_cart')

    if skip == None:
        skip = np.random.random_integers(0, 1000)
    out = sob.i4_sobol_generate(3, n, skip)
    return (out)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, search_space, grid_size, gp_priors, optimist):
        '''GPSingle constructor

        search_space: list of subspaces representing conditional or independent
            hyperparameters. For now only one level of subspaces is supported.

        grid_size: total number of points to allow for the discretization
            of the search space. Budget is spread evenly across subspaces
            to the ratio of their dimensionalities.

        gp_priors: priors to apply for the optimization of each GP's

        optimist: if True, the GP will fix the prior mean to the maximum
            possible value (e.g., 1 for 100% accuracy)
        self.__name__ = "gpsingle"
        self.flat_search_space = [{"name": "learner_choice",
                                   "min": 0,
                                   "max": len(search_space)-1,
                                   "type": "int"}]
        self.learner_param_indexes = []
        self.search_space = search_space

        if optimist:
            mu = 1
            gp_priors["mu"] = None
            mu = 0

        n_params = 1
        for i in range(len(search_space)):
            ss_i = search_space[i] # list of dicts


            cur_indexes = []
            for j in range(len(ss_i)):
                n_params += 1

        # build grid
        dims = len(self.flat_search_space)
        self.map = grid.GridMap(self.flat_search_space)
        self.space = np.transpose(sobol_lib.i4_sobol_generate(dims,
            grid_size, 9001))

        self.gp = pygp.BasicGP(sn=1, sf=1, ell=np.ones(dims), mu=mu,
        self.gp_priors = gp_priors
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, n_variable, grid_size=None, shuffle=True):

        self.grid = i4_sobol_generate(n_variable, grid_size, 1).T

        if shuffle:
            idx = np.arange(grid_size)
            self.grid = self.grid[idx, :]

        self.status = np.zeros(grid_size, dtype=int) + CANDIDATE_STATE
        self.values = np.zeros(grid_size) + np.nan
        self.durations = np.zeros(grid_size) + np.nan
예제 #6
def Unif_1d(n, skip=None):
   generate a 1D uniform distribution in [0,1]
    global DEB
    if DEB == 1:
        print('>>>> Unif_1d')

    if skip == None:
        skip = np.random.random_integers(0, 1000)

    out = sob.i4_sobol_generate(1, n, skip)
    return (out.flatten())
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, n_variable, grid_size=None, shuffle=True ):

        self.grid = i4_sobol_generate(n_variable,grid_size,1).T
        if shuffle:
            idx = np.arange(grid_size)
            self.grid = self.grid[idx,:]
        self.status = np.zeros(grid_size, dtype=int) + CANDIDATE_STATE
        self.values = np.zeros(grid_size) + np.nan
        self.durations = np.zeros(grid_size) + np.nan
예제 #8
    def __init__(self, gp, num_of_hal_vals=21, num_of_samples=500, num_of_rep_points=20, chain_length=20):

        #Number of samples for the current candidate
        self._num_of_hallucinated_vals = num_of_hal_vals
        #Number of function drawn from the gp
        self._num_of_samples = num_of_samples
        #Number of point where pmin is evaluated
        self._num_of_representer_points = num_of_rep_points
        self._gp = gp
        self._idx = np.arange(0, self._num_of_samples)

        #as fortran array Omega.T is C-contiguous which speeds up dot computation
        self._Omega = np.asfortranarray(np.random.normal(0, 1, (self._num_of_samples,

        self._hallucinated_vals = norm.ppf(np.linspace(1. / (self._num_of_hallucinated_vals + 1),
                                    1 - 1. / (self._num_of_hallucinated_vals + 1),

        comp = gp.getPoints()
        vals = gp.getValues()
        incumbent = comp[np.argmin(vals)]

        points = i4_sobol_generate(self._gp.getPoints().shape[1], 100, 1)

        #Evaluate EI of a sobel gird to find a good starting point to sample the representer points
        ei_vals = np.zeros([points.shape[1]])
        for i in xrange(0, points.shape[1]):
            ei_vals[i] = compute_expected_improvement(points[:, i], self._gp)

        idx = np.argmax(ei_vals)
        start_point = points[:, idx]

        self._representer_points = sample_from_proposal_measure(start_point, self._log_proposal_measure,
                                                                num_of_rep_points - 1, chain_length)

        #Add the incumbent to the representer points
        self._representer_points = np.vstack((self._representer_points, incumbent))

        self._log_proposal_vals = np.zeros(self._num_of_representer_points)

        for i in range(0, self._num_of_representer_points):
            self._log_proposal_vals[i] = self._log_proposal_measure(self._representer_points[i])
예제 #9
def DotsCoordinates(n, k, a, method):
    n - dimension of space
    k - number of points
    a - length of hypercube's edge
    method - method of dots generation: 'Uniform', 'Halton' or 'Sobol'

    Returns matrix in which coordinates of point are saved line-by-line

    if method == 'Uniform':
        result = np.zeros((k, n))
        for i in range(k):
            result[i] = np.random.uniform(0, a, n)

    elif method == 'Sobol':
        result = sl.i4_sobol_generate(n, k, 10)
        result = result.T * a

    return result
예제 #10
    def _general_initialization(self, comp, vals, gp, cost_gp=None):
        Is called in __init__ and performs initialization that should also apply to children of this class.
        self._gp = gp
        self._cost_gp = cost_gp
        self._ei = ExpectedImprovement(comp, vals, gp, cost_gp)

        #we need this as an iterator for the computation of Pmin
        self._idx = np.arange(0, NUMBER_OF_PMIN_SAMPLES)

        #samples for the reprensenter points to compute Pmin
        #self._Omega = np.random.normal(0, 1, (NUMBER_OF_PMIN_SAMPLES,
        #                                      NUMBER_OF_REPRESENTER_POINTS))
        self._Omega = norm.ppf(i4_sobol_generate(NUMBER_OF_REPRESENTER_POINTS, NUMBER_OF_PMIN_SAMPLES+1, 1)[:,1:]).T
        #we skip the first entry since it will yield 0 and ppf(0)=-infty

        #samples for the candidates
        #self._omega_cands = np.random.normal(0, 1, NUMBER_OF_CANDIDATE_SAMPLES)
        #we use stratified sampling for the candidates
        self._omega_cands = norm.ppf(np.linspace(1./(NUMBER_OF_CANDIDATE_SAMPLES+1),
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, search_space, grid_size, gp_priors, optimist):
        """GPFamily constructor

        search_space: list of subspaces representing conditional or independent
            hyperparameters. For now only one level of subspaces is supported.

        grid_size: total number of points to allow for the discretization
            of the search space. Budget is spread evenly across subspaces
            to the ratio of their dimensionalities.

        gp_priors: priors to apply for the optimization of each GP's

        optimist: if True, the GP will fix the prior mean to the maximum
            possible value (e.g., 1 for 100% accuracy)
        self.__name__ = "gpfamily"

        self.n_members = len(search_space)
        dims = [len(ss) for ss in search_space]
        dims_total = np.sum(dims)
        self.dims = dims
        self.dims_total = dims_total

        if optimist:
            # optimisim in face of uncertainty
            # set mean (not optimized) of GPs
            self.init_mu = 1
            gp_priors["mu"] = None
            # set initial optimization mean of GPs
            self.init_mu = 0

        # build gridsss
        self.maps = []
        self.grids = []
        self.members = []
        for d, subspace in zip(dims, search_space):
            # Create grids and gridmaps for subspaces
            if d > 0:
                subspace_map = grid.GridMap(subspace)
                subspace_grid = np.transpose(sobol_lib.i4_sobol_generate(d, int(grid_size * (d / dims_total)), 9001))
                # This fake parameter will be used to get a value for
                # the acquisition function in this subspace with no
                # hyperparameters.
                fake_params = [{"name": "placeholder", "min": 0, "max": 0, "size": 1, "type": "int"}]
                subspace_map = grid.GridMap(fake_params)
                subspace_grid = np.array([[0.0]])

            member = pygp.BasicGP(sn=1, sf=1, ell=np.ones(d), mu=self.init_mu, kernel="matern5")


        self.gp_priors = gp_priors

        # Scores of trained classifiers, all spaces mixed
        self.scores = []
예제 #12
 def init_grid(self,n_dims):
     self.n_dims = n_dims
     self.grid = i4_sobol_generate( self.n_dims, self._grid_size,1).T
예제 #13
def rand_sobol(N, seed):
    x = sobol.i4_sobol_generate(12, N, seed)
    x = x.sum(axis=0) - 6
    seed = seed + N
    return (x, seed)
예제 #14
    def hypercube_grid(self, size, seed):
        # Generate from a sobol sequence
        sobol_grid = np.transpose(i4_sobol_generate(self.cardinality,size,seed))

        return sobol_grid
예제 #15
    def _hypercube_grid(self, dims, size):
        # Generate from a sobol sequence
        sobol_grid = np.transpose(i4_sobol_generate(dims,size,self.seed))

        return sobol_grid