예제 #1
  def context(self):
    """The context for this template used in render()."""
    orgs = []
    for org in db.get(self.duplicate.orgs):
      admins = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(org.key)

      data = {
          'name': org.name,
          'link': links.LINKER.organization(org.key, urls.UrlNames.ORG_HOME),
          'admins': admins


    context = {'orgs': orgs}

    return context
예제 #2
    def context(self):
        """Returns the context for the current template."""
        context = {'duplicate': self.duplicate}

        # TODO(daniel): it should be done via NDB
        orgs = db.get(self.duplicate.orgs)
        proposals = db.get(self.duplicate.duplicates)

        orgs_details = {}
        for org in orgs:
            orgs_details[org.key().id_or_name()] = {
                'name': org.name,
                'link': links.LINKER.organization(org.key,
            org_admins = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(org.key())

            orgs_details[org.key().id_or_name()]['admins'] = []
            for org_admin in org_admins:

            orgs_details[org.key().id_or_name()]['proposals'] = []
            for proposal in proposals:
                org_key = proposal_model.GSoCProposal.org.get_value_for_datastore(
                if org_key == org.key():

        context['orgs'] = orgs_details

        return context
예제 #3
    def context(self):
        """The context for this template used in render()."""
        orgs = []
        for org in db.get(self.duplicate.orgs):
            admins = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(org.key)

            data = {
                'name': org.name,
                'link': links.LINKER.organization(org.key,
                'admins': admins


        context = {'orgs': orgs}

        return context
예제 #4
  def context(self):
    """Returns the context for the current template."""
    context = {'duplicate': self.duplicate}

    # TODO(daniel): it should be done via NDB
    orgs = db.get(self.duplicate.orgs)
    proposals = db.get(self.duplicate.duplicates)

    orgs_details = {}
    for org in orgs:
      orgs_details[org.key().id_or_name()] = {
          'name': org.name,
          'link': links.LINKER.organization(org.key, urls.UrlNames.ORG_HOME),
      org_admins = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(org.key())

      orgs_details[org.key().id_or_name()]['admins'] = []
      for org_admin in org_admins:
            'name': org_admin.name(),
            'email': org_admin.email

      orgs_details[org.key().id_or_name()]['proposals'] = []
      for proposal in proposals:
        org_key = proposal_model.GSoCProposal.org.get_value_for_datastore(
        if org_key == org.key():
              'key': proposal.key().id_or_name(),
              'title': proposal.title,
              'link': links.LINKER.userId(
                  proposal.parent_key(), proposal.key().id(),

    context['orgs'] = orgs_details

    return context
예제 #5
  def sendSurveyReminderForProject(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Sends a reminder mail for a given GSoCProject and Survey.

    A reminder is only send if no record is on file for the given Survey and

    Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
      survey_key: specifies the key name for the ProjectSurvey to send
                  reminders for
      survey_type: either project or grading depending on the type of Survey
      project_key: encoded Key which specifies the project to send a reminder

      request: Django Request object
    post_dict = request.POST

    project_key = post_dict.get('project_key')
    survey_key = post_dict.get('survey_key')
    survey_type = post_dict.get('survey_type')

    if not (project_key and survey_key and survey_type):
      # invalid task data, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid sendSurveyReminderForProject data: %s' % post_dict)

    # set model depending on survey type specified in POST
    if survey_type == 'project':
      survey_model = ProjectSurvey
      record_model = GSoCProjectSurveyRecord
    elif survey_type == 'grading':
      survey_model = GradingProjectSurvey
      record_model = GSoCGradingProjectSurveyRecord
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          '%s is an invalid survey_type' %survey_type)

    # retrieve the project and survey
    project_key = db.Key(project_key)
    project = GSoCProject.get(project_key)
    if not project:
      # no existing project found, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid project specified %s:' % project_key)

    survey = survey_model.get_by_key_name(survey_key)
    if not survey:
      # no existing survey found, log and return OK
      return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
          'Invalid survey specified %s:' % survey_key)

    # try to retrieve an existing record
    q = record_model.all()
    q.filter('project', project)
    q.filter('survey', survey)
    record = q.get()

    if not record:
      # send reminder email because we found no record
      student = ndb.Key.from_old_key(project.parent_key()).get()
      site_entity = site.singleton()

      if survey_type == 'project':
        url_name = 'gsoc_take_student_evaluation'

        to_name = student.public_name
        to_address = student.contact.email
        mail_template = 'modules/gsoc/reminder/student_eval_reminder.html'
      elif survey_type == 'grading':
        url_name = 'gsoc_take_mentor_evaluation'

        mentors = ndb.get_multi(map(ndb.Key.from_old_key, project.mentors))
        to_address = [mentor.contact.email for mentor in mentors]
        to_name = 'mentor(s) for project "%s"' % (project.title)
        mail_template = (

      program = project.program
      hostname = site.getHostname()
      url_kwargs = {
          'sponsor': program_logic.getSponsorKey(program).name(),
          'program': program.link_id,
          'survey': survey.link_id,
          'user': student.profile_id,
          'id': str(project.key().id()),
      url_path_and_query = reverse(url_name, kwargs=url_kwargs)
      survey_url = '%s://%s%s' % ('http', hostname, url_path_and_query)

      # set the context for the mail template
      mail_context = {
          'student_name': student.public_name,
          'project_title': project.title,
          'survey_url': survey_url,
          'survey_end': survey.survey_end,
          'to_name': to_name,
          'site_name': site_entity.site_name,
          'sender_name': "The %s Team" % site_entity.site_name,

      # set the sender
      _, sender_address = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
      mail_context['sender'] = sender_address
      # set the receiver and subject
      mail_context['to'] = to_address
      mail_context['subject'] = (
          'Evaluation "%s" Reminder' % survey.title)

      # find all org admins for the project's organization
      org_key = ndb.Key.from_old_key(
      org_admins = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(org_key)

      # collect email addresses for all found org admins
      org_admin_addresses = []

      for org_admin in org_admins:

      if org_admin_addresses:
        mail_context['cc'] = org_admin_addresses

      # send out the email
      mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)

    # return OK
    return http.HttpResponse()
예제 #6
 def testNoMentors(self):
   mentors = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(self.organization_one.key)
   self.assertEqual(mentors, [])
예제 #7
    def sendSurveyReminderForProject(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        """Sends a reminder mail for a given GSoCProject and Survey.

    A reminder is only send if no record is on file for the given Survey and

    Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
      survey_key: specifies the key name for the ProjectSurvey to send
                  reminders for
      survey_type: either project or grading depending on the type of Survey
      project_key: encoded Key which specifies the project to send a reminder

      request: Django Request object
        post_dict = request.POST

        project_key = post_dict.get('project_key')
        survey_key = post_dict.get('survey_key')
        survey_type = post_dict.get('survey_type')

        if not (project_key and survey_key and survey_type):
            # invalid task data, log and return OK
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                'Invalid sendSurveyReminderForProject data: %s' % post_dict)

        # set model depending on survey type specified in POST
        if survey_type == 'project':
            survey_model = ProjectSurvey
            record_model = GSoCProjectSurveyRecord
        elif survey_type == 'grading':
            survey_model = GradingProjectSurvey
            record_model = GSoCGradingProjectSurveyRecord
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                '%s is an invalid survey_type' % survey_type)

        # retrieve the project and survey
        project_key = db.Key(project_key)
        project = GSoCProject.get(project_key)
        if not project:
            # no existing project found, log and return OK
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                'Invalid project specified %s:' % project_key)

        survey = survey_model.get_by_key_name(survey_key)
        if not survey:
            # no existing survey found, log and return OK
            return error_handler.logErrorAndReturnOK(
                'Invalid survey specified %s:' % survey_key)

        # try to retrieve an existing record
        q = record_model.all()
        q.filter('project', project)
        q.filter('survey', survey)
        record = q.get()

        if not record:
            # send reminder email because we found no record
            student = ndb.Key.from_old_key(project.parent_key()).get()
            site_entity = site.singleton()

            if survey_type == 'project':
                url_name = 'gsoc_take_student_evaluation'

                to_name = student.public_name
                to_address = student.contact.email
                mail_template = 'modules/gsoc/reminder/student_eval_reminder.html'
            elif survey_type == 'grading':
                url_name = 'gsoc_take_mentor_evaluation'

                mentors = ndb.get_multi(
                    map(ndb.Key.from_old_key, project.mentors))
                to_address = [mentor.contact.email for mentor in mentors]
                to_name = 'mentor(s) for project "%s"' % (project.title)
                mail_template = (

            program = project.program
            hostname = site.getHostname()
            url_kwargs = {
                'sponsor': program_logic.getSponsorKey(program).name(),
                'program': program.link_id,
                'survey': survey.link_id,
                'user': student.profile_id,
                'id': str(project.key().id()),
            url_path_and_query = reverse(url_name, kwargs=url_kwargs)
            survey_url = '%s://%s%s' % ('http', hostname, url_path_and_query)

            # set the context for the mail template
            mail_context = {
                'student_name': student.public_name,
                'project_title': project.title,
                'survey_url': survey_url,
                'survey_end': survey.survey_end,
                'to_name': to_name,
                'site_name': site_entity.site_name,
                'sender_name': "The %s Team" % site_entity.site_name,

            # set the sender
            _, sender_address = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
            mail_context['sender'] = sender_address
            # set the receiver and subject
            mail_context['to'] = to_address
            mail_context['subject'] = ('Evaluation "%s" Reminder' %

            # find all org admins for the project's organization
            org_key = ndb.Key.from_old_key(
            org_admins = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(org_key)

            # collect email addresses for all found org admins
            org_admin_addresses = []

            for org_admin in org_admins:

            if org_admin_addresses:
                mail_context['cc'] = org_admin_addresses

            # send out the email
            mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)

        # return OK
        return http.HttpResponse()
예제 #8
  def sendMailAboutGradingRecordResult(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Sends out a mail about the result of one GradingRecord.

    Expects the following to be present in the POST dict:
      record_key: Specifies the key for the record to process.

      request: Django Request object
    post_dict = request.POST

    record_key = post_dict.get('record_key')

    if not record_key:
      # no GradingRecord key specified, log and return OK
          'No valid record_key specified in POST data: %s' % request.POST)

    record = GSoCGradingRecord.get(db.Key(record_key))

    if not record:
      # no valid GradingRecord key specified, log and return OK
          'No valid GradingRecord key specified: %s' % record_key)

    survey_group_entity = record.grading_survey_group
    project_entity = record.parent()
    student_entity = ndb.Key.from_old_key(project_entity.parent_key()).get()

    org_key = GSoCProject.org.get_value_for_datastore(project_entity)
    org = ndb.Key.from_old_key(org_key).get()

    site_entity = site.singleton()

    mail_context = {
        'survey_group': survey_group_entity,
        'grading_record': record,
        'project': project_entity,
        'organization': org,
        'site_name': site_entity.site_name,
        'to_name': student_entity.public_name

    # set the sender
    (_, sender_address) = mail_dispatcher.getDefaultMailSender()
    mail_context['sender'] = sender_address

    # set the receiver and subject
    mail_context['to'] = student_entity.contact.email
    mail_context['cc'] = []
    mail_context['subject'] = '%s results processed for %s' %(
        survey_group_entity.name, project_entity.title)

    org_admins = profile_logic.getOrgAdmins(org.key)

    # collect all mentors
    mentors = ndb.get_multi(

    # add them all to the cc list
    for org_member in org_admins + mentors:

    # send out the email using a template
    mail_template = 'modules/gsoc/grading_record/mail/result.html'
    mail_dispatcher.sendMailFromTemplate(mail_template, mail_context)

    # return OK
    return http.HttpResponse()