def handle_noargs(self, **options):
     verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity'))
         from social_auth import version
         from social_auth.backends import get_backends, BaseOAuth
     except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
         raise CommandError("django-social-auth is not installed.")
     request = RequestFactory().get('/')
     for name, backend in get_backends().items():
         if issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth) and backend.enabled():
             if version < (0, 7):
                 # Prior to 0.7 get_key_and_secret was an instance method
                 backend = backend(request, '/')
             # Create providers if they don't already exist
             key, secret = backend.get_key_and_secret()
             defaults = {
                 'request_token_url': getattr(backend, 'REQUEST_TOKEN_URL', '') or '',
                 'authorization_url': getattr(backend, 'AUTHORIZATION_URL', '') or '',
                 'access_token_url': getattr(backend, 'ACCESS_TOKEN_URL', '') or '',
                 'profile_url': '',
                 'consumer_key': key or None,
                 'consumer_secret': secret or None,
             provider, created = Provider.objects.get_or_create(name=name, defaults=defaults)
             if created and verbosity > 0:
                 self.stdout.write('New provider created from "%s" backend.\n' % name)
def backends_data(user):
    """Return backends data for given user.

    Will return a dict with values:
        associated: UserSocialAuth model instances for currently
                    associated accounts
        not_associated: Not associated (yet) backend names.
        backends: All backend names.

    If user is not authenticated, then first list is empty, and there's no
    difference between the second and third lists.
    available = get_backends().keys()
    values = {'associated': [],
              'not_associated': available,
              'backends': available}

    # user comes from request.user usually, on /admin/ it will be an instance
    # of auth.User and this code will fail if a custom User model was defined
    if isinstance(user, User) and user.is_authenticated():
        associated = user.social_auth.all()
        not_associated = list(set(available) -
                              set(assoc.provider for assoc in associated))
        values['associated'] = associated
        values['not_associated'] = not_associated
    return values
def backends_data(user):
    """Return backends data for given user.

    Will return a dict with values:
        associated: UserSocialAuth model instances for currently
                    associated accounts
        not_associated: Not associated (yet) backend names.
        backends: All backend names.

    If user is not authenticated, then first list is empty, and there's no
    difference between the second and third lists.
    available = get_backends().keys()
    values = {
        'associated': [],
        'not_associated': available,
        'backends': available

    # user comes from request.user usually, on /admin/ it will be an instance
    # of auth.User and this code will fail if a custom User model was defined
    if isinstance(user, User) and user.is_authenticated():
        associated = user.social_auth.all()
        not_associated = list(
            set(available) - set(assoc.provider for assoc in associated))
        values['associated'] = associated
        values['not_associated'] = not_associated
    return values
예제 #4
def get_login_providers(request, short=False):
    Returns a list of available login providers based on the
    AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting. Each provider is represented as a
    dictionary containing the backend name, name of required parameter if
    required and its verbose name.
    def extract_backend_data(name, klass):
        Helper function which extracts information useful for use in
        templates from SocialAuth subclasses and returns it as a
        return {
            'name': name,
            'required_field': klass.AUTH_BACKEND.REQUIRED_FIELD_NAME,
            'required_field_verbose': klass.AUTH_BACKEND.REQUIRED_FIELD_VERBOSE_NAME,

    providers = [extract_backend_data(name, auth)
                 for name, auth in get_backends().items()]
    if short:
        return providers[:setting('AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDERS_BRIEF',
    return providers
예제 #5
def refresh_user_data(user):
    items = user.social_auth.all()
    key=lambda x: x
    backends = get_backends()
    for item in items:
            backend = backends[key(item.provider)]
            if issubclass(backend, SocialBackend):
                if item.provider != "google":
                    service = SocialServiceLocator.get_instane().build_service_by_name(item.provider)
                    service.pull_user_info(, item.extra_data)
            if issubclass(backend, PhysicalBackend):
                service = PhysicalServiceLocator.get_instane().get_service_by_name(item.provider)
                service.pull_user_info(, item.extra_data)
            if issubclass(backend, GenomicsBackend):
                service = GenomicsServiceLocator.get_instane().build_service_by_name(item.provider)
                service.pull_user_info(, item.extra_data)
            if issubclass(backend, NutritionBackend):
                service = NutritionServiceLocator.get_instane().build_service_by_name(item.provider)
                service.pull_user_info(, item.extra_data)
            if issubclass(backend, HealthBackend):
                service = HealthServiceLocator.get_instane().get_service_by_name(item.provider)
                service.pull_user_info(, item.extra_data)
        except Exception, e:
            print e
 def handle_noargs(self, **options):
     verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity'))
         from social_auth import version
         from social_auth.backends import get_backends, BaseOAuth
     except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
         raise CommandError("django-social-auth is not installed.")
     request = RequestFactory().get('/')
     for name, backend in get_backends().items():
         if issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth) and backend.enabled():
             if version < (0, 7):
                 # Prior to 0.7 get_key_and_secret was an instance method
                 backend = backend(request, '/')
             # Create providers if they don't already exist
             key, secret = backend.get_key_and_secret()
             defaults = {
                 getattr(backend, 'REQUEST_TOKEN_URL', '') or '',
                 getattr(backend, 'AUTHORIZATION_URL', '') or '',
                 getattr(backend, 'ACCESS_TOKEN_URL', '') or '',
                 key or None,
                 secret or None,
             provider, created = Provider.objects.get_or_create(
                 name=name, defaults=defaults)
             if created and verbosity > 0:
                     'New provider created from "%s" backend.\n' % name)
예제 #7
 def context_value():
     keys = [key for key in get_backends().keys()]
     accounts = dict(zip(keys, [None] * len(keys)))
     user = request.user
     if hasattr(user, 'is_authenticated') and user.is_authenticated():
         accounts.update((assoc.provider, assoc)
                 for assoc in UserSocialAuth.get_social_auth_for_user(user))
     return accounts
예제 #8
def admin_home(request):
	potential_providers = backends.get_backends().keys()
	for social in request.user.social_auth.all():
		if social.provider in potential_providers:
			potential_providers = [x for x in potential_providers if x != social.provider]

	return render(request, 'admin_home.html', {
		'potential_providers': potential_providers
 def context_value():
     keys = [key for key in list(get_backends().keys())]
     accounts = dict(list(zip(keys, [None] * len(keys))))
     user = request.user
     if hasattr(user, 'is_authenticated') and user.is_authenticated():
             (assoc.provider, assoc)
             for assoc in UserSocialAuth.get_social_auth_for_user(user))
     return accounts
예제 #10
 def tokens(self):
     """Return access_token stored in extra_data or None"""
     # Make import here to avoid recursive imports :-/
     from social_auth.backends import get_backends
     backend = get_backends().get(self.provider)
     if backend:
         return backend.AUTH_BACKEND.tokens(self)
         return {}
예제 #11
 def context_value():
     keys = list(get_backends().keys())
     accounts = dict(list(zip(keys, [None] * len(keys))))
     user = request.user
     if hasattr(user, "is_authenticated") and user.is_authenticated():
             (assoc.provider.replace("-", "_"), assoc) for assoc in UserSocialAuth.get_social_auth_for_user(user)
     return accounts
예제 #12
 def tokens(self):
     """Return access_token stored in extra_data or None"""
     # Make import here to avoid recursive imports :-/
     from social_auth.backends import get_backends
     backend = get_backends().get(self.provider)
     if backend:
         return backend.AUTH_BACKEND.tokens(self)
         return {}
예제 #13
def admin_home(request):
    potential_providers = backends.get_backends().keys()
    for social in request.user.social_auth.all():
        if social.provider in potential_providers:
            potential_providers = [
                x for x in potential_providers if x != social.provider

    return render(request, 'admin_home.html',
                  {'potential_providers': potential_providers})
예제 #14
파일: 프로젝트: caernel/wirecloud
def oauth_discovery(request):

    from social_auth.backends import get_backends

    fiware_auth_backend = get_backends()['fiware']
    endpoints = {
        'auth_endpoint': fiware_auth_backend.AUTHORIZATION_URL,
        'token_endpoint': fiware_auth_backend.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL,
        'default_redirect_uri': get_absolute_reverse_url('oauth.default_redirect_uri', request),
        'version': '2.0',

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(endpoints), content_type='application/json; charset=UTF-8')
예제 #15
def group_backend_by_type(items):
    """Group items by backend type."""
    result = defaultdict(list)
    backends_defined = get_backends()

    for item in items:
        name = getattr(item, 'provider', item)
        backend = backends_defined[name]
        if issubclass(backend, OpenIdAuth):
        elif issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth2):
        elif issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth1):
    return dict(result)
예제 #16
def group_backend_by_type(items):
    """Group items by backend type."""
    result = defaultdict(list)
    backends_defined = get_backends()

    for item in items:
        name = getattr(item, 'provider', item)
        backend = backends_defined[name]
        if issubclass(backend, OpenIdAuth):
        elif issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth2):
        elif issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth1):
    return dict(result)
예제 #17
def group_backend_by_type(items, key=lambda x: x):
    """Group items by backend type."""

    # Beware of cyclical imports!
    from social_auth.backends import \
        get_backends, OpenIdAuth, BaseOAuth, BaseOAuth2, SocialBackend

    result = defaultdict(list)
    backends = get_backends()

    for item in items:
        backend = backends[key(item)]
        if issubclass(backend, SocialBackend):
    return dict(result)
def social_auth_by_name_backends(request):
    """Load Social Auth current user data to context.
    Will add a social_auth object whose attribute names are the names of each
    provider, e.g. social_auth.facebook would be the facebook association or
    None, depending on the logged in user's current associations. Providers
    with a hyphen have the hyphen replaced with an underscore, e.g.
    google-oauth2 becomes google_oauth2 when referenced in templates.
    keys = get_backends().keys()
    accounts = dict(zip(keys, [None] * len(keys)))

    if isinstance(request.user, User) and request.user.is_authenticated():
        for associated in request.user.social_auth.all():
            accounts[associated.provider.replace('-', '_')] = associated

    return {'social_auth': accounts}
예제 #19
    def setUp(self):
        Get the urls we are going to use.
        self.login_url = reverse('auth_login')
        self.reset_password_url = reverse('auth_password_reset')
        self.create_account_url = reverse('registration_register')
        self.change_password_url = reverse('auth_password_change')
        self.login_redirect_url = settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL

        self.social_auth_backends = get_backends()
        social_auth_names = self.social_auth_backends.keys()
        self.social_auth_login_urls = [reverse('socialauth_begin', kwargs={'backend':backend}) 
                                        for backend in social_auth_names]
예제 #20
파일: 프로젝트: yxlbeyond/sentry
def group_backend_by_type(items, key=lambda x: x):
    """Group items by backend type."""

    # Beware of cyclical imports!
    from social_auth.backends import get_backends, BaseOAuth, BaseOAuth2

    result = defaultdict(list)
    backends = get_backends()

    for item in items:
        backend = backends[key(item)]
        if issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth2):
        elif issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth):
    return dict(result)
예제 #21
def social_auth_by_name_backends(request):
    """Load Social Auth current user data to context.
    Will add a social_auth object whose attribute names are the names of each
    provider, e.g. social_auth.facebook would be the facebook association or
    None, depending on the logged in user's current associations. Providers
    with a hyphen have the hyphen replaced with an underscore, e.g.
    google-oauth2 becomes google_oauth2 when referenced in templates.
    keys = get_backends().keys()
    accounts = dict(zip(keys, [None] * len(keys)))

    if isinstance(request.user, User) and request.user.is_authenticated():
        for associated in request.user.social_auth.all():
            accounts[associated.provider.replace('-', '_')] = associated

    return {'social_auth': accounts}
def refresh_user_physical_data(user):
    items = user.social_auth.all()
    key=lambda x: x
    backends = get_backends()
    for item in items:
            backend = backends[key(item.provider)]
            if issubclass(backend, PhysicalBackend):
                service = PhysicalServiceLocator.get_instane().get_service_by_name(item.provider)
                service.pull_user_info(, item.extra_data)
        except Exception, e:
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            del exc_info
예제 #23
def group_backend_by_type(items, key=lambda x: x):
    """Group items by backend type."""

    # Beware of cyclical imports!
    from social_auth.backends import \
        get_backends, OpenIdAuth, BaseOAuth, BaseOAuth2

    result = defaultdict(list)

    for item in items:
        backend = get_backends()[key(item)]
        if issubclass(backend, OpenIdAuth):
        elif issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth2):
        elif issubclass(backend, BaseOAuth):
    return dict(result)
def account(request):
    member = request.user.get_profile()
    #auctions_waiting_payment = member.items_won.filter(Q(shippingorder=None) |
    #                                            Q(shippingorder__status=ORDER_WAITING_PAYMENT) |
    #                                            Q(shippingorder__status=ORDER_SHIPPING_FEE_REQUESTED))
    auctions_waiting_payment = request.user.items_won.all()#.filter(order=None)

    #orders processing and shipped
    auctions_processing = request.user.items_won.filter(order__status=ORDER_PROCESSING)

    auctions_shipped = request.user.items_won.filter(order__status=ORDER_SHIPPED)
    available = set(get_backends().keys())
    associated = list(request.user.social_auth.all())
    not_associated = available.difference(i.provider for i in associated)
    print request.session.keys()
    return {'member':member,
            'auctions_waiting_payment': auctions_waiting_payment,
            'auctions_shipped': auctions_shipped,
            'associated':[i.provider for i in associated],
예제 #25
 def get_backend(self):
     # Make import here to avoid recursive imports :-/
     from social_auth.backends import get_backends
     return get_backends().get(self.provider)
예제 #26
from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page

from wirecloud.commons.utils.template import TemplateParser
from wirecloud.platform.core.plugins import get_version_hash
from import MarketManager
from wirecloud.platform.plugins import WirecloudPlugin, build_url_template

import wirecloud.fiware
from wirecloud.fiware.marketAdaptor.views import get_market_adaptor, get_market_user_data
from wirecloud.fiware.storeclient import UnexpectedResponse

    from social_auth.backends import get_backends
    IDM_SUPPORT_ENABLED = 'wirecloud.fiware' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and 'social_auth' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and 'fiware' in get_backends()
    FIWARE_SOCIAL_AUTH_BACKEND = get_backends()['fiware']

def auth_fiware_token(auth_type, token):

    from social_auth.models import UserSocialAuth
    user_data = FIWARE_SOCIAL_AUTH_BACKEND._user_data(token)
    return UserSocialAuth.objects.get(provider='fiware', uid=user_data['username']).user

class FiWareMarketManager(MarketManager):

    _user = None
예제 #27
def backends_data(user):
    """Return backends data for given user.

    Will return a dict with values:
        associated: UserSocialAuth model instances for currently
                    associated accounts
        not_associated: Not associated (yet) backend names.
        backends: All backend names.

    If user is not authenticated, then first list is empty, and there's no
    difference between the second and third lists.
    available = get_backends().keys()
    values = {"social": {'associated': [], 'not_associated':available},
              "physical": {'associated': [], 'not_associated':available},
              "nutrition": {'associated': [], 'not_associated':available},
              "health": {'associated': [], 'not_associated':available},
              "genomics": {'associated': [], 'not_associated':available},
              'associated': [],
              'not_associated': available,
              'backends': available}
    # Beware of cyclical imports!
    key=lambda x: x
    from social_auth.backends import SocialBackend, PhysicalBackend, GenomicsBackend, NutritionBackend, HealthBackend
    # user comes from request.user usually, on /admin/ it will be an instance
    # of auth.User and this code will fail if a custom User model was defined
    if hasattr(user, 'is_authenticated') and user.is_authenticated():
        associated = UserSocialAuth.get_social_auth_for_user(user)
        not_associated = list(set(available) -
                              set(assoc.provider for assoc in associated))
        backends = get_backends()
        not_associated_s = []
        not_associated_p = []
        not_associated_g = []
        not_associated_h = []
        not_associated_n = []
        for item in associated:
            backend = backends[key(item.provider)]
            if issubclass(backend, SocialBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, PhysicalBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, GenomicsBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, NutritionBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, HealthBackend):
        for item in not_associated:
            backend = backends[key(item)]
            if issubclass(backend, SocialBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, PhysicalBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, GenomicsBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, NutritionBackend):
            if issubclass(backend, HealthBackend):
        values['social']["not_associated"] = not_associated_s
        values['physical']["not_associated"] = not_associated_p
        values['genomics']["not_associated"] = not_associated_g
        values['nutrition']["not_associated"] = not_associated_n
        values['health']["not_associated"] = not_associated_h
        values['associated'] = associated
        values['not_associated'] = not_associated
    return values