예제 #1
    def save_raw_crash(self, raw_crash, dumps, crash_id):
        """Save raw crash data to S3 bucket.

        A raw crash consists of the raw crash annotations and all the dumps that came in
        the crash report. We need to save the raw crash file, a dump names file listing
        the dumps that came in the crash report, and then each of the dumps.

        if dumps is None:
            dumps = MemoryDumpsMapping()

        path = build_keys("raw_crash", crash_id)[0]
        raw_crash_data = dict_to_str(raw_crash).encode("utf-8")
        self.conn.save_file(path, raw_crash_data)

        path = build_keys("dump_names", crash_id)[0]
        dump_names_data = list_to_str(dumps.keys()).encode("utf-8")
        self.conn.save_file(path, dump_names_data)

        # We don't know what type of dumps mapping we have. We do know,
        # however, that by calling the memory_dump_mapping method, we will get
        # a MemoryDumpMapping which is exactly what we need.
        dumps = dumps.as_memory_dumps_mapping()
        for dump_name, dump in dumps.items():
            if dump_name in (None, "", "upload_file_minidump"):
                dump_name = "dump"
            path = build_keys(dump_name, crash_id)[0]
            self.conn.save_file(path, dump)