예제 #1
파일: modvsobs.py 프로젝트: mrayson/soda
    def __init__(self,tmod,ymod,tobs,yobs, interpmodel=True, **kwargs):
            tmod,tobs - vector of datetime object
            ymod,yobs - vector of values
            interpmodel - [default: True] interp the model onto the observations

            long_name: string containing variable's name (used for plotting)
            units: string containing variable's units (used for plotting)

        Note that tmod and tobs don't need to be the same length. yobs is
        linearly interpolated onto tmod.

        # Set the range inclusive of both observation and model result
        if isinstance(tmod,list):
            time0 = max(tmod[0],tobs[0])
            time1 = min(tmod[-1],tobs[-1])
        elif isinstance(tmod[0], np.datetime64):
            time0 = max(tmod[0],tobs[0])
            time1 = min(tmod[-1],tobs[-1])

        if time1 < time0:
            print 'Error - the two datasets have no overlapping period.'
            return None
        # Clip both the model and observation to this daterange
        t0m = othertime.findNearest(time0,tmod)
        t1m = othertime.findNearest(time1,tmod)
        TSmod = timeseries(tmod[t0m:t1m],ymod[...,t0m:t1m], **kwargs)

        t0 = othertime.findNearest(time0,tobs)
        t1 = othertime.findNearest(time1,tobs)
        TSobs = timeseries(tobs[t0:t1],yobs[...,t0:t1], **kwargs)

        # Interpolate the observed value onto the model step
        #tobs_i, yobs_i = TSobs.interp(tmod[t0:t1],axis=0)
        #self.TSobs = timeseries(tobs_i, yobs_i)

        # Interpolate the modeled value onto the observation time step
        if interpmodel:
            tmod_i, ymod_i = TSmod.interp(tobs[t0:t1],axis=-1,method='nearestmask')
            #self.TSmod = timeseries(tmod_i,ymod_i, **kwargs)
            self.TSmod = timeseries(tobs[t0:t1], ymod_i, **kwargs)
            self.TSobs = TSobs
            tobs_i, yobs_i = TSobs.interp(tmod[t0m:t1m],axis=-1,method='nearestmask')
            #self.TSobs = timeseries(tobs_i,yobs_i, **kwargs)
            self.TSobs = timeseries(tmod[t0m:t1m], yobs_i, **kwargs)
            self.TSmod = TSmod

        self.N = self.TSmod.t.shape[0]
        if self.N==0:
            print 'Error - zero model points detected'
            return None

        # Compute the error 
        self.error = self.TSmod.y - self.TSobs.y


        # Calculate the data limits
예제 #2
def init_kdv_inversion(ds,
                       basetime=datetime(2016, 1, 1)):
    Initialise the boundary conditions and the vKdV class for performing boundary condition
    inversion (optimization) calculations

    # Get the time series of A(t)
    A_obs = ds['A_n'].sel(time=slice(t1, t2), modes=mode)

    # Get the density at the start of the time
    rho = ds['rhobar'].sel(timeslow=t1, method='nearest')

    # Load the depth data
    depthtxt = np.loadtxt(depthfile, delimiter=',')
    z = np.arange(-depthtxt[0, 1], 5, 5)[::-1]

    # Get the density model parameters from the density profile
    iw = imodes.IWaveModes(rho.values[::-1], rho.z.values[::-1], \
            density_class=density.FitDensity, density_func='double_tanh')

    iw(-250, 5, mode)

    density_params = iw.Fi.f0

    rhonew = density.double_tanh_rho(z, *density_params)

    # Launch a KdV instance
    mykdv = start_kdv(infile, rhonew, z, depthfile)

    # Find the observation location
    with open(infile, 'r') as f:
        args = yaml.load(f)
        xpt = args['runtime']['xpt']

    # Find the index of the output point
    xpt = np.argwhere(mykdv.x > xpt)[0][0]

    # Compute the travel time and the wave amplification factor
    ampfac = 1 / np.sqrt(mykdv.Qterm)

    twave = np.cumsum(1 / mykdv.c1 * mykdv.dx)

    # Compute the phase and amplitude of the signal
    At = timeseries(A_obs.time.values, A_obs.values)
    amp, phs, frq, _, Afit, _ = At.tidefit(frqnames=['M2', 'M4', 'M6'],

    # Now we need to scale the amplitude and phase for the boundary (linear inversion)
    phs_bc = 1 * phs
    amp_bc = 1 * amp
    for ii in range(3):
        phs_bc[ii] = phs[ii] - twave[xpt] * frq[ii]
        amp_bc[ii] = amp[ii] / ampfac[xpt]

    amp_re = amp_bc * np.cos(phs_bc)
    amp_im = amp_bc * np.sin(phs_bc)

    # Set the time in the model to correspond with the phase of the boundary forcing
    ## Start time: round up to the near 12 hours from the wave propagation time plus the ramp time

    ramptime = 6 * 3600.
    bctime = myround(twave[xpt] + ramptime)

    starttime = datetime.strptime(t1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    endtime = datetime.strptime(t2, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    starttime_sec = (starttime - basetime).total_seconds()

    runtime = (endtime - starttime).total_seconds()

    #twave[xpt]+ramptime, bctime, runtime, starttime_sec

    # Testing only
    #ds2 = run_vkdv( np.hstack([amp_re,amp_im]), frq, starttime_sec-bctime, runtime+bctime,
    #    mykdv, infile, verbose=False, ramptime=ramptime)

    # Input variables for the vKdV run
    # a0, frq, t0, runtime,
    a0 = np.hstack([amp_re, amp_im])

    t0 = starttime_sec - bctime

    runtime = runtime + bctime

    return mykdv, At, a0, frq, t0, runtime, density_params, twave[xpt], ampfac[
예제 #3
파일: sunanalysis.py 프로젝트: mrayson/soda
def calc_isopycnal_discharge(ncfile,xpt,ypt,saltbins,tstart,tend,scalarvar='salt'):
    Calculates the discharge as a function of salinity along
    a transect, defined by xpt/ypt, in the suntans model

    Returns a dictionary with the relevant variables
    nbins = saltbins.shape[0]

    # Load the slice object and extract the data
    SE = MultiSliceEdge(ncfile,xpt=xpt,ypt=ypt)
    #    if SE==None:
    #        SE = SliceEdge(ncfile,xpt=xpt,ypt=ypt)
    #        SE.tstep = range(SE.Nt)
    #    else:
    #        SE.update_xy(xpt,ypt)
    SE.tstep = SE.getTstep(tstart,tend)

    print 'Loading the salt flux data...'
    #s_F_all= SE.loadData(variable='s_F')
    s_F_all= SE.loadData(variable=scalarvar)
    print 'Loading the flux data...'
    Q_all = SE.loadData(variable='U_F')

    def Q_S_flux(salt,Q,saltbins,normal):
        # mask sure masked values are zeroed
        Q = Q*normal

        Nt,Nk,Ne = Q.shape

        #salt = np.abs(s_F)/np.abs(Q)

        Ns = saltbins.shape[0]
        ds = np.diff(saltbins).mean()

        # Calculate Q(s,x)
        # Create an arrayo
        #Nt = len(SE.tstep)
        #ne = len(SE.j) # number of edges
        jindex = np.arange(0,Ne)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:],Nt,axis=0)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex,SE.Nkmax,axis=1)

        # Groups the salt matrix into bins
        sindex = np.searchsorted(saltbins,salt)

        #tindex = np.arange(0,Nt)
        #tindex = np.repeat(tindex[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],ne,axis=-1)
        #tindex = np.repeat(tindex,SE.Nkmax,axis=1)

        # Calculate the salt flux for each time step

        Qs = np.zeros((Nt,Ns,Ne))# 
        #Fs = np.zeros((Nt,Ne))# 
        #dQds = np.zeros((Nt,Ns,Ne))# put salt in last dimension for easy  multiplication
        for tt in range(Nt):
            # Create an array output array Q_S 
            # This sums duplicate elements
            Q_S = sparse.coo_matrix((Q[tt,...].ravel(),\
            Qs[tt,...] = np.array(Q_S)#/Nt # Units m^3/s

            ## THIS IS WRONG DON'T USE
            ## Compute the gradient (this gives the same result after
            ## integration)
            #dQ_ds, dQ_de = np.gradient(Qs[tt,...],ds,1)

            ##dQtmp = -1*np.array(dQ_ds).T
            #dQds[tt,...] = -1*dQ_ds
            #Fs[tt,:] = np.sum(-1*dQds[tt,...].T*saltbins ,axis=-1)

        output = {'time':SE.time[SE.tstep],'saltbins':saltbins,\

        return output

    def Q_S_flux_old(s_F,Q,saltbins,x,normal,area,dz):
        # mask sure masked values are zeroed
        Q = Q*normal

        Nt,Nk,ne = Q.shape

        salt = np.abs(s_F)/np.abs(Q)

        # Calculate the mean Q
        Qbar = np.sum( np.sum(Q,axis=-1),axis=0)/Nt

        # Calculate Q(s,x)
        # Create an arrayo
        #Nt = len(SE.tstep)
        #ne = len(SE.j) # number of edges
        jindex = np.arange(0,ne)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:],Nt,axis=0)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex,SE.Nkmax,axis=1)

        # Groups the salt matrix into bins
        sindex = np.searchsorted(saltbins,salt)

        # Create an array output array Q_S 
        # This sums duplicate elements
        Q_S_x = sparse.coo_matrix((Q.ravel(),(sindex.ravel(),jindex.ravel())),\
        Q_S_x = np.array(Q_S_x)#/Nt # Units m^3/s

        # Calculate Q(s,t)
        # Create an arrayo
        tindex = np.arange(0,Nt)
        tindex = np.repeat(tindex[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],ne,axis=-1)
        tindex = np.repeat(tindex,SE.Nkmax,axis=1)

        # Create an array output array Q_S 
        # This sums duplicate elements
        Q_S_t = sparse.coo_matrix((Q.ravel(),(sindex.ravel(),tindex.ravel())),\
        Q_S_t = np.array(Q_S_t)#/ne # Units m^3/s

        # Calculate Q(s)
        Q_S = np.bincount(sindex.ravel(),weights=Q.ravel(),minlength=nbins)

        # Calculate the gradients with respect to S
        ds = np.diff(saltbins).mean()
        dsdt_inv = 1./(ds*Nt)
        saltbins = 0.5*(saltbins[1:] + saltbins[0:-1]) 

        # Units are: [m^3 s^-1 psu^-1]
        dQ_S_x = np.diff(Q_S_x,axis=0) * dsdt_inv
        dQ_S_t = np.diff(Q_S_t,axis=0) * dsdt_inv
        dQ_S = np.diff(Q_S,axis=0) * dsdt_inv

        # Now integrate to calculate the flux terms
        # See Macready 2011 eq. 3 and 4
        ind_in = dQ_S>=0
        ind_out = dQ_S<0
        Fin = np.sum(saltbins[ind_in] * -dQ_S[ind_in]*ds) 
        Fout = np.sum(saltbins[ind_out] * -dQ_S[ind_out]*ds) 
        Qin = np.sum(-dQ_S[ind_in]*ds) 
        Qout = np.sum(-dQ_S[ind_out]*ds) 

        # Put all of the relevant variables into a dictionary
        output = {'x':x,'time':SE.time[SE.tstep],'saltbins':saltbins,\

        return output,Qbar

    output =[]
    outputf =[]
    print 'Calculating slice fluxes...'
    Qbar = np.zeros((len(Q_all),SE.Nkmax))
    for s_F,Q in zip(s_F_all,Q_all):
        x = SE.slices[ii]['distslice'][1:]
        normal = SE.slices[ii]['normal']
        area = SE.slices[ii]['area']
        dx = SE.slices[ii]['dx']
        #tmp,Qbar[ii,:] = Q_S_flux_old(s_F,Q,saltbins,x,normal,area,SE.dz)
        tmp = Q_S_flux(s_F,Q,saltbins,normal)

        ## Also calculate the filtered
        TS = timeseries(SE.time[SE.tstep],s_F)
        #s_F_filt = TS.y.reshape(s_F.shape)
        s_F_filt = TS.y.T
        TS = timeseries(SE.time[SE.tstep],Q)
        #Q_filt = TS.y.reshape(Q.shape)
        Q_filt = TS.y.T
        tmp = Q_S_flux(s_F_filt,Q_filt,saltbins,normal)

        #TS = pd.Panel(s_F, items=SE.time[SE.tstep])
        #TSf = mpd.godin(TS)


    # Calculate the eulerian mean
    #Sbar = SE.mean(s_F_all,axis='depth')
    #Qbar = SE.mean(Q_all,axis='depth')
    #z = SE.z_r

    return output,outputf, SE
예제 #4
파일: sunanalysis.py 프로젝트: gorsol/soda
def calc_isopycnal_discharge(ncfile,
    Calculates the discharge as a function of salinity along
    a transect, defined by xpt/ypt, in the suntans model

    Returns a dictionary with the relevant variables
    nbins = saltbins.shape[0]

    # Load the slice object and extract the data
    SE = MultiSliceEdge(ncfile, xpt=xpt, ypt=ypt)
    #    if SE==None:
    #        SE = SliceEdge(ncfile,xpt=xpt,ypt=ypt)
    #        SE.tstep = range(SE.Nt)
    #    else:
    #        SE.update_xy(xpt,ypt)

    SE.tstep = SE.getTstep(tstart, tend)

    print('Loading the salt flux data...')
    #s_F_all= SE.loadData(variable='s_F')
    s_F_all = SE.loadData(variable=scalarvar)
    print('Loading the flux data...')
    Q_all = SE.loadData(variable='U_F')

    def Q_S_flux(salt, Q, saltbins, normal):
        # mask sure masked values are zeroed
        Q = Q * normal

        Nt, Nk, Ne = Q.shape

        #salt = np.abs(s_F)/np.abs(Q)

        Ns = saltbins.shape[0]
        ds = np.diff(saltbins).mean()

        # Calculate Q(s,x)
        # Create an arrayo
        #Nt = len(SE.tstep)
        #ne = len(SE.j) # number of edges
        jindex = np.arange(0, Ne)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], Nt, axis=0)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex, SE.Nkmax, axis=1)

        # Groups the salt matrix into bins
        sindex = np.searchsorted(saltbins, salt)
        sindex[sindex >= Ns] = Ns - 1

        #tindex = np.arange(0,Nt)
        #tindex = np.repeat(tindex[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis],ne,axis=-1)
        #tindex = np.repeat(tindex,SE.Nkmax,axis=1)

        # Calculate the salt flux for each time step

        Qs = np.zeros((Nt, Ns, Ne))  #
        #Fs = np.zeros((Nt,Ne))#
        #dQds = np.zeros((Nt,Ns,Ne))# put salt in last dimension for easy  multiplication
        for tt in range(Nt):

            # Create an array output array Q_S
            # This sums duplicate elements
            Q_S = sparse.coo_matrix((Q[tt,...].ravel(),\
            Qs[tt, ...] = np.array(Q_S)  #/Nt # Units m^3/s

            ## THIS IS WRONG DON'T USE
            ## Compute the gradient (this gives the same result after
            ## integration)
            #dQ_ds, dQ_de = np.gradient(Qs[tt,...],ds,1)

            ##dQtmp = -1*np.array(dQ_ds).T
            #dQds[tt,...] = -1*dQ_ds
            #Fs[tt,:] = np.sum(-1*dQds[tt,...].T*saltbins ,axis=-1)

        output = {'time':SE.time[SE.tstep],'saltbins':saltbins,\

        return output

    def Q_S_flux_old(s_F, Q, saltbins, x, normal, area, dz):
        # mask sure masked values are zeroed
        Q = Q * normal

        Nt, Nk, ne = Q.shape

        salt = np.abs(s_F) / np.abs(Q)
        salt[np.isnan(salt)] = 0

        # Calculate the mean Q
        Qbar = np.sum(np.sum(Q, axis=-1), axis=0) / Nt

        # Calculate Q(s,x)
        # Create an arrayo
        #Nt = len(SE.tstep)
        #ne = len(SE.j) # number of edges
        jindex = np.arange(0, ne)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], Nt, axis=0)
        jindex = np.repeat(jindex, SE.Nkmax, axis=1)

        # Groups the salt matrix into bins
        sindex = np.searchsorted(saltbins, salt)
        sindex[sindex >= nbins] = nbins - 1

        # Create an array output array Q_S
        # This sums duplicate elements
        Q_S_x = sparse.coo_matrix((Q.ravel(),(sindex.ravel(),jindex.ravel())),\
        Q_S_x = np.array(Q_S_x)  #/Nt # Units m^3/s

        # Calculate Q(s,t)
        # Create an arrayo
        tindex = np.arange(0, Nt)
        tindex = np.repeat(tindex[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], ne, axis=-1)
        tindex = np.repeat(tindex, SE.Nkmax, axis=1)

        # Create an array output array Q_S
        # This sums duplicate elements
        Q_S_t = sparse.coo_matrix((Q.ravel(),(sindex.ravel(),tindex.ravel())),\
        Q_S_t = np.array(Q_S_t)  #/ne # Units m^3/s

        # Calculate Q(s)
        Q_S = np.bincount(sindex.ravel(), weights=Q.ravel(), minlength=nbins)

        # Calculate the gradients with respect to S
        ds = np.diff(saltbins).mean()
        dsdt_inv = 1. / (ds * Nt)
        saltbins = 0.5 * (saltbins[1:] + saltbins[0:-1])

        # Units are: [m^3 s^-1 psu^-1]
        dQ_S_x = np.diff(Q_S_x, axis=0) * dsdt_inv
        dQ_S_t = np.diff(Q_S_t, axis=0) * dsdt_inv
        dQ_S = np.diff(Q_S, axis=0) * dsdt_inv

        # Now integrate to calculate the flux terms
        # See Macready 2011 eq. 3 and 4
        ind_in = dQ_S >= 0
        ind_out = dQ_S < 0
        Fin = np.sum(saltbins[ind_in] * -dQ_S[ind_in] * ds)
        Fout = np.sum(saltbins[ind_out] * -dQ_S[ind_out] * ds)
        Qin = np.sum(-dQ_S[ind_in] * ds)
        Qout = np.sum(-dQ_S[ind_out] * ds)

        # Put all of the relevant variables into a dictionary
        output = {'x':x,'time':SE.time[SE.tstep],'saltbins':saltbins,\

        return output, Qbar

    output = []
    outputf = []
    print('Calculating slice fluxes...')
    ii = -1
    Qbar = np.zeros((len(Q_all), SE.Nkmax))
    for s_F, Q in zip(s_F_all, Q_all):
        ii += 1
        x = SE.slices[ii]['distslice'][1:]
        normal = SE.slices[ii]['normal']
        area = SE.slices[ii]['area']
        dx = SE.slices[ii]['dx']
        #tmp,Qbar[ii,:] = Q_S_flux_old(s_F,Q,saltbins,x,normal,area,SE.dz)
        tmp = Q_S_flux(s_F, Q, saltbins, normal)

        ## Also calculate the filtered
        TS = timeseries(SE.time[SE.tstep], s_F)
        #s_F_filt = TS.y.reshape(s_F.shape)
        s_F_filt = TS.y.T
        TS = timeseries(SE.time[SE.tstep], Q)
        #Q_filt = TS.y.reshape(Q.shape)
        Q_filt = TS.y.T
        tmp = Q_S_flux(s_F_filt, Q_filt, saltbins, normal)

        #TS = pd.Panel(s_F, items=SE.time[SE.tstep])
        #TSf = mpd.godin(TS)


    # Calculate the eulerian mean
    #Sbar = SE.mean(s_F_all,axis='depth')
    #Qbar = SE.mean(Q_all,axis='depth')
    #z = SE.z_r

    return output, outputf, SE
예제 #5
파일: modvsobs.py 프로젝트: rustychris/soda
    def __init__(self, tmod, ymod, tobs, yobs, interpmodel=True, **kwargs):
            tmod,tobs - vector of datetime object
            ymod,yobs - vector of values
            interpmodel - [default: True] interp the model onto the observations

            long_name: string containing variable's name (used for plotting)
            units: string containing variable's units (used for plotting)

        Note that tmod and tobs don't need to be the same length. yobs is
        linearly interpolated onto tmod.

        # Set the range inclusive of both observation and model result
        #if isinstance(tmod,list):
        #    time0 = max(tmod[0],tobs[0])
        #    time1 = min(tmod[-1],tobs[-1])
        #elif isinstance(tmod[0], np.datetime64):
        #    time0 = max(tmod[0],tobs[0])
        #    time1 = min(tmod[-1],tobs[-1])
        time0 = max(tmod[0], tobs[0])
        time1 = min(tmod[-1], tobs[-1])

        if time1 < time0:
            print('Error - the two datasets have no overlapping period.')
            return None

        if not (tmod.shape[0] == tobs.shape[0]) and\
                not (tmod[0] == tobs[0]) and not (tmod[-1] == tobs[-1]) :
            # Clip both the model and observation to this daterange
            t0m = othertime.findNearest(time0, tmod)
            t1m = othertime.findNearest(time1, tmod)
            TSmod = timeseries(tmod[t0m:t1m], ymod[..., t0m:t1m], **kwargs)

            t0 = othertime.findNearest(time0, tobs)
            t1 = othertime.findNearest(time1, tobs)
            TSobs = timeseries(tobs[t0:t1], yobs[..., t0:t1], **kwargs)

            # Interpolate the observed value onto the model step
            #tobs_i, yobs_i = TSobs.interp(tmod[t0:t1],axis=0)
            #self.TSobs = timeseries(tobs_i, yobs_i)

            ## Don't interpolate if datasets are the same
            #if np.all(tobs==tmod):
            #   self.TSobs = TSobs
            #   self.TSmod = TSmod
            # Interpolate the modeled value onto the observation time step
            if interpmodel:
                tmod_i, ymod_i = TSmod.interp(tobs[t0:t1],
                #self.TSmod = timeseries(tmod_i,ymod_i, **kwargs)
                self.TSmod = timeseries(tobs[t0:t1], ymod_i, **kwargs)
                self.TSobs = TSobs
                tobs_i, yobs_i = TSobs.interp(tmod[t0m:t1m],
                #self.TSobs = timeseries(tobs_i,yobs_i, **kwargs)
                self.TSobs = timeseries(tmod[t0m:t1m], yobs_i, **kwargs)
                self.TSmod = TSmod

            self.TSmod = timeseries(tmod, ymod, **kwargs)
            self.TSobs = timeseries(tobs, yobs, **kwargs)

        ### Check the dimension sizes
        #print self.TSmod.y.shape, self.TSobs.y.shape
        #print self.TSmod.t.shape[0], self.TSobs.t.shape[0]
        assert self.TSmod.t.shape[0] == self.TSobs.t.shape[0],\
                'Number of time records not equal'

        assert self.TSmod.y.shape == self.TSobs.y.shape,\
                'Dimensions sizes not equal'

        self.N = self.TSmod.t.shape[0]
        if self.N == 0:
            print('Error - zero model points detected')
            return None

        # Compute the error
        self.error = self.TSmod.y - self.TSobs.y


        # Calculate the data limits