def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: proc = cast(PageProcessor, kwargs['proc']) resTypeDB: ResTypeDB = getattr(proc, 'resTypeDB') resWidget = dropDownList(name='type')[resTypeOptions(resTypeDB)] # pylint: disable=line-too-long reqMap: DefaultDict[str, DefaultDict[str, List[Tuple[ bool, List[str]]]]] = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) # type -> ref -> (inherited, caps)* parentClaim = self.__parentClaim if parentClaim is not None: for spec in parentClaim: ref = spec.reference resTypeName = spec.typeName reqMap[resTypeName][ref].append( (True, sorted(spec.capabilities))) args = cast(_ResourceRequirementsArgs, proc.args) for ref, resTypeName, caps in zip(args.ref, args.type, args.caps): reqMap[resTypeName][ref].append((False, sorted(caps.split()))) for resType in iterResourceTypes(resTypeDB): resTypeName = resType.getId() refMap = reqMap[resTypeName] for ref in sorted(refMap.keys()): capMap = dict(refMap[ref]) inherited = True in capMap if inherited or resTypeName == taskRunnerResourceTypeName: # Type and reference are fixed. typeControl: XMLContent = (presentResTypeName(resTypeName), hiddenInput(name='type', value=resTypeName)) refControl: XMLContent = (xhtml.span(class_='var')[ref], hiddenInput(name='ref', value=ref)) else: # User can edit type and reference. typeControl = resWidget(selected=resTypeName) refControl = _refInput(value=ref) if inherited: capsControl = _CapabilitiesTable.instance.present( resType=resTypeName, capMap=capMap, **kwargs) else: capsControl = _capsInput(value=' '.join(capMap[False])) yield typeControl, refControl, capsControl # Empty entry at the end. yield resWidget(selected=''), _refInput(value=''), _capsInput(value='')
def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: proc = cast(BatchExecute_GET.Processor, kwargs['proc']) for notice in proc.notices: yield xhtml.p(class_='notice')[notice] configs = proc.configs if configs: yield xhtml.h3['Selected configurations:'] yield BatchConfigTable.instance.present(**kwargs) taskSet = proc.taskSet if taskSet is None: yield xhtml.p['Cannot execute because of conflict.'] else: yield makeForm(args=ParentArgs.subset(proc.args))[ BatchInputTable.instance, submitButtons, decoration[, ParamTable.instance, # Second set of submit buttons after parameter tables. submitButtons], (hiddenInput(name=f'config.{i:d}', value=cfg.getId()) for i, cfg in enumerate(configs)), ].present( taskSet=taskSet, **kwargs) return else: yield xhtml.h3['No configurations selected'] yield xhtml.p[xhtml.a( href=proc.args.refererURL or parentPage)['Back to Configurations']]
def presentContent(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: proc = cast(ConfigTagsBase.Processor[ArgsT], kwargs['proc']) for notice in proc.notices: yield xhtml.p(class_='notice')[notice] configs = proc.configs if configs: yield xhtml.h3['Selected Configurations:'] yield TagConfigTable.instance.present(**kwargs) yield xhtml.h3['Common Selection Tags:'] tagKeys = proc.project.getTagKeys() commonTags = getCommonTags(tagKeys, (config.tags for config in configs)) yield makeForm(args=ParentArgs.subset(proc.args).override( sel={config.getId() for config in configs} ))[ConfigTagValueEditTable.instance, xhtml.p[actionButtons(Actions)], (hiddenInput(name=f'commontags.{index:d}', value=tagName) for index, tagKey in enumerate(tagKeys) for tagName in commonTags[tagKey])].present( getValues=lambda key: valuesToText(commonTags[key]), **kwargs) else: yield (xhtml.h3['No configurations selected'], xhtml.p[xhtml.a(href=proc.args.refererURL or parentPage) ['Back to Configurations']])
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: taskSet = cast(TaskSetWithInputs, kwargs['taskSet']) grouped = taskSet.getInputsGrouped() localInputs = taskSet.hasLocalInputs() resourceDB: ResourceDB = getattr(kwargs['proc'], 'resourceDB') taskRunners = None for group, groupInputs in grouped: first: Optional[str] = None for inp in groupInputs: inputName = inp.getName() cells: List[XMLContent] = [inputName] prodType = inp.getType() local = inp.isLocal() locator = inp.getLocator() or '' if prodType is ProductType.TOKEN: if local: cells.append('token') else: # Global token: do not include this. continue else: cells.append( textInput(name='prod.' + inputName, value=locator, size=80)) if localInputs and first is None: if local: if taskRunners is None: taskRunners = sorted(runner.getId( ) for runner in resourceDB.iterTaskRunners( ) if self.filterTaskRunner( # TODO: Passing "inp" should not be needed, # but this requires non-trivial # changes in BatchExecute. runner, taskSet, group, inp)) cellData: XMLContent = dropDownList( name='local.' + inputName, selected=inp.getLocalAt() or '', required=True)[emptyOption( disabled=True)['(select Task Runner)'], taskRunners] else: cellData = '-' cells.append(cell(rowspan=len(groupInputs))[cellData]) if first is None: first = inputName elif local: cells[0] = (cells[0], hiddenInput(name='lref.' + inputName, value=first)) yield cells
def __presentFormBody(self, user: User) -> XMLContent: yield xhtml.p[ 'Enter information about new user:'******'loginpass', value='') else: yield xhtml.p[ 'To verify your identity, ' 'please also enter your own password:' ] yield ReqPasswordTable.instance yield xhtml.p[ actionButtons(Actions) ]
def presentFormBody(**kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: proc = cast(PageProcessor[PasswordMsgArgs], kwargs['proc']) yield xhtml.p['Please enter a new password for user ', xhtml.b[], ':'] yield NewPasswordTable.instance if is None: yield hiddenInput(name='loginpass', value='') else: yield xhtml.p['To verify your identity, ' 'please also enter your old password:'] yield ReqPasswordTable.instance yield xhtml.p[actionButtons(Actions)]
def presentCell(self, record: UserAccount, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: proc = cast(UserList_GET.Processor, kwargs['proc']) role = record.uiRole if proc.canChangeRoles: userName = record.getId() return makeForm( formId=f'role_{userName}', args=proc.args, setFocus=False)[hiddenInput(name='user', value=userName), roleDropDownList(selected=role), ' ', submitButton['Apply']].present(**kwargs) else: return role
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: getValues = cast(Callable[[str], Sequence[str]], kwargs['getValues']) tagCache = self.getTagCache(**kwargs) tagKeys = tagCache.getKeys() for index, key in enumerate(tagKeys): indexStr = str(index) inputName = 'tagvalues.' + indexStr values = sorted(tagCache.getValues(key)) yield (preserveSpaces(key), (hiddenInput(name='tagkeys.' + indexStr, value=key), textInput(name=inputName, value=getValues(key), size=80)), cell(class_='taglist')[dropDownList( selected='', style='width: 100%', onchange="AddTagValue('" + inputName + "', event);")[chain([''], values)]] if values else cell)
def selectDialog(formAction: str, tagCache: TagCache, filterTable: XMLContent, basketTable: XMLContent, title: str, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XML]: proc = cast(SelectProcMixin[BasketArgs, SelectableRecordABC], kwargs['proc']) tagKey = proc.args.tagkey tagValue = proc.args.tagvalue selected = proc.selected filtered = proc.filtered cleanedArgs = proc.args.override(sel=selected, bsk=set(), action=None) yield xhtml.p[f'Number of {proc.db.description}s shown: ' f'{len(filtered):d} of {len(proc.db):d}'] def actionButtons() -> List[XMLContent]: return [ submitButton(name='action', value=value)[label] for value, label, action_ in proc.iterActions() ] tagKeys = tagCache.getKeys() if len(tagKeys) == 0: yield makeForm( formId='selform1', action=formAction, method='get', args=cleanedArgs )[filterTable, addRemoveStyleScript, _selectScript2, script["window.onload = function() { RowSelection('selform1'); }"], xhtml.p[xhtml['\u00A0'].join( chain([ _scriptButton(True)[_selButtonLabel], _scriptButton(False)[_resButtonLabel] ], actionButtons()))]].present(getRowStyle=lambda record: None, selectName='sel', selectFunc=lambda recordId: (recordId in selected, True), **kwargs) return def createKeyCell(key: str) -> XML: label = preserveSpaces(key) if key else '(show all)' if key == tagKey: return'navthis')[label] else: return'navother')[pageLink( formAction, cleanedArgs.override(tagkey=key, tagvalue=None, first=0))[label]] yield xhtml.table( class_='nav')[xhtml.tbody[[['Tag Keys:'], (createKeyCell(key) for key in chain(tagKeys, ['']))]]] if tagKey: def createTagCell(value: str) -> XML: label = preserveSpaces(value) if value else '(undefined)' if value == tagValue: return'navthis')[label] else: return'navother')[pageLink( formAction, cleanedArgs.override(tagvalue=value, first=0))[label]] valueTable: XMLContent = xhtml.table( class_='nav')[xhtml.tbody[[['Tag Values:']], ([createTagCell(value)] for value in sorted(tagCache.getValues(tagKey)) + [''])]] else: valueTable = None def selectedDisable(recordId: str) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: sel = recordId in selected return sel, not sel if filtered - selected: buttons: List[XMLContent] = [ _scriptButton(True)[_selButtonLabel], resetButton[_resButtonLabel], submitButton(name='action', value='add') ] if not selected: buttons += actionButtons() setFocus = True else: buttons = [ disabledButton[_selButtonLabel], disabledButton[_resButtonLabel], disabledButton['Add'], ] setFocus = False def rowStyle(record: SelectableRecord) -> Optional[str]: return 'selected' if record.getId() in selected else None yield makeForm( formId='selform1', action=formAction, method='get', args=cleanedArgs, setFocus=setFocus )[hgroup[valueTable, filterTable], _selectScript1, # Store basket contents. # There will be checkboxes named "sel" as well; the results from the # active checkboxes will be merged with these hidden fields. (hiddenInput(name='sel', value=item) for item in selected), xhtml.p[xhtml['\u00A0'].join(buttons)]].present( getRowStyle=rowStyle, selectName='sel', selectFunc=selectedDisable, **kwargs) if selected: yield yield xhtml.h2[title] yield xhtml.p[f'Number of {proc.db.description}s in basket: ' f'{len(proc.selectedRecords):d}'] yield makeForm( formId='selform2', action=formAction, method='get', args=cleanedArgs, setFocus=not setFocus)[basketTable, xhtml.p[xhtml['\u00A0'].join( chain([ _scriptButton(True, 'bsk')[_selButtonLabel], resetButton[_resButtonLabel], submitButton(name='action', value='remove') ], actionButtons()))]].present( getRowStyle=lambda record: 'selected', selectName='bsk', selectFunc=lambda recordId: (False, True), **kwargs)