def presentEmailForm() -> XMLContent: yield xhtml.p[checkBox( name='mailNotification')['Send notifications via e-mail']] yield xhtml.h3['SMTP relay'] yield xhtml.p[textInput(name='smtpRelay', size=60)] yield xhtml.p['Notification e-mails will be sent via this SMTP server.'] yield xhtml.p[ 'Note: Currently SMTP authentication is not supported, ' 'so SMTP is only usable when access to the relay is restricted ' 'by network interface or IP address. ' 'Do not disable authentication on an SMTP relay accessible ' 'from the internet; spammers will find and abuse it.'] yield xhtml.h3['Sender address'] yield xhtml.p[textInput(name='mailSender', size=60)] yield xhtml.p['This address will be used in the "From:" field ' 'of notification e-mails.'] yield xhtml.p[actionButtons(Actions.SAVE, Actions.CANCEL)] yield xhtml.h3['Test'] yield xhtml.p['Send a test e-mail to:'] yield xhtml.p[textInput(name='mailRecipient', size=60)] yield xhtml.p[actionButtons(Actions.TEST)]
def presentRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: proc = cast(ReportProcessor, kwargs['proc']) numListItems = cast(int, kwargs['numListItems']) targets = proc.uiTargets owners = proc.uiOwners showOwners = proc.userDB.showOwners objectName = self.objectName def columns1() -> XMLContent: yield colspan=4)[f'Select {objectName} to display reports for:'] if len(targets) > 1: yield['Targets:'] if len(owners) > 1 and showOwners: yield['Owners:'] yield[columns1()] def columns2() -> XMLContent: yield self.presentCustomBox(**kwargs) if len(targets) > 1: yield rowspan=4, style='vertical-align:top')[selectionList( name='target', size=numListItems, style='width: 18ex')[(target or noneOption for target in sorted(targets))]] if len(owners) > 1 and showOwners: yield rowspan=4, style='vertical-align:top')[selectionList( name='owner', size=numListItems, style='width: 18ex')[(owner or noneOption for owner in sorted(owners))]] yield[columns2()] yield[['Created after:'],[textInput(name='ctabove', value=timeValue(proc.args.ctabove), style='width:20ex')],['Created before:'],[textInput(name='ctbelow', value=timeValue(proc.args.ctbelow), style='width:20ex')]] yield[['Execution state:'],[executionStateBox(objectName)]] yield[ colspan=4, style='text-align:center')[submitButton['Apply'], ' ', resetButton, ' ', clearButton]]
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: args = cast(EditProcessor[TaskEditArgs, TaskDef], kwargs['proc']).args frameworkDB: FrameworkDB = getattr(kwargs['proc'], 'frameworkDB') yield 'Task ID', or '(untitled)' yield 'Title', textInput(name='title', size=80) yield 'Description', textArea(name='descr', cols=80, rows=3) yield 'Framework', dropDownList( name='framework', required=True, onchange='form.submit()' )[ emptyOption(disabled=True)[ '(select framework)' ], sorted(frameworkDB.keys()) ] yield 'Timeout', ( textInput(name='timeout', size=4), 'minutes; 0 means "never".' )
def iterOptions(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[Sequence[XMLContent]]: yield EmbeddingPolicy.NONE, 'Never' yield EmbeddingPolicy.SELF, 'Same site only' yield EmbeddingPolicy.CUSTOM, 'Custom: ', ( textInput( name='embedcustom', size=69, # The onchange event handler is there to make sure the right # radio button is activated when text is pasted into the edit # box from the context menu (right mouse button). onchange=f"form['{}'][2].checked=true"),, 'You can enter one or more site filters, ' 'such as ', xhtml.code['https://*'],, 'This is used as a ', xhtml.code['frame-ancestors'], ' rule ' 'in the ', xhtml.code['Content-Security-Policy'], ' header; ', xhtml.a(href='' '/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/frame-ancestors' )['full documentation at MDN'], )
class CapabilitiesPanel(Panel): label = 'Capabilities' content = (textInput(name='capabilities', size=80, style='width:100%'), 'Multiple capabilities should be separated by spaces.', 'Task definitions use capabilities to put additional ' 'requirements on the resources they need.'))
class LocatorPanel(Panel): label = 'Locator' content = textInput(name = 'locator', size = 80, style='width:100%'), 'The locator is used to identify the reserved resource ' 'to the wrapper.', 'If this resource is accessed implicitly, you can leave ' 'the locator empty.' ))
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: taskSet = cast(TaskSetWithInputs, kwargs['taskSet']) grouped = taskSet.getInputsGrouped() localInputs = taskSet.hasLocalInputs() resourceDB: ResourceDB = getattr(kwargs['proc'], 'resourceDB') taskRunners = None for group, groupInputs in grouped: first: Optional[str] = None for inp in groupInputs: inputName = inp.getName() cells: List[XMLContent] = [inputName] prodType = inp.getType() local = inp.isLocal() locator = inp.getLocator() or '' if prodType is ProductType.TOKEN: if local: cells.append('token') else: # Global token: do not include this. continue else: cells.append( textInput(name='prod.' + inputName, value=locator, size=80)) if localInputs and first is None: if local: if taskRunners is None: taskRunners = sorted(runner.getId( ) for runner in resourceDB.iterTaskRunners( ) if self.filterTaskRunner( # TODO: Passing "inp" should not be needed, # but this requires non-trivial # changes in BatchExecute. runner, taskSet, group, inp)) cellData: XMLContent = dropDownList( name='local.' + inputName, selected=inp.getLocalAt() or '', required=True)[emptyOption( disabled=True)['(select Task Runner)'], taskRunners] else: cellData = '-' cells.append(cell(rowspan=len(groupInputs))[cellData]) if first is None: first = inputName elif local: cells[0] = (cells[0], hiddenInput(name='lref.' + inputName, value=first)) yield cells
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: yield 'Project name', textInput(name='name', size=20) yield 'Targets', (textInput(name='targets', size=80), 'Multiple targets must be space-separated')) timezones = getKnownTimezones() yield 'Project time zone', (TimeZoneSelector.instance.present( timezones=timezones, **kwargs) if timezones else TimeZoneDisplay.instance) yield 'Multiple jobs limit', textInput(name='maxjobs', size=10, maxlength=6) yield 'Task priorities', checkBox( name='taskprio' )['User can specify priorities for tasks within a single job'] yield 'Configuration tags', (textInput(name='tagkeys', size=80), 'Multiple tags must be comma-separated')) yield 'Embedding policy', ('Allow embedding of this SoftFab Control Center in web sites?', EmbeddingWidget.instance))
class CapabilitiesPanel(Panel): label = 'Capabilities' content = xhtml[ textInput(name='capabilities', size=80, style='width:100%'), xhtml.p[ "Multiple capabilities should be separated by spaces." ], xhtml.p[ "It is recommended to use a capability to specify the content " "of the repository, for example ", xhtml.code['killerapp'], ", ", xhtml.code['libfoo'], " or ", xhtml.code['website'], ". ", "Task definitions can then use that capability to request " "the repository they need." ] ]
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: getValues = cast(Callable[[str], Sequence[str]], kwargs['getValues']) tagCache = self.getTagCache(**kwargs) tagKeys = tagCache.getKeys() for index, key in enumerate(tagKeys): indexStr = str(index) inputName = 'tagvalues.' + indexStr values = sorted(tagCache.getValues(key)) yield (preserveSpaces(key), (hiddenInput(name='tagkeys.' + indexStr, value=key), textInput(name=inputName, value=getValues(key), size=80)), cell(class_='taglist')[dropDownList( selected='', style='width: 100%', onchange="AddTagValue('" + inputName + "', event);")[chain([''], values)]] if values else cell)
class SecretPanel(Panel): label = 'Secret' content = xhtml[ textInput(name='secret', size=80, style='width:100%', autocomplete='off'), xhtml.p[ "Webhooks can be used to report changes in this repository. " "The same secret must be entered here and on the site hosting the " "repository. " "If the secret is empty, webhooks will be inactive for this " "repository." ], xhtml.p[ docLink('/howto/ci/#webhook')["Detailed setup instructions for " "webhooks"], " can be found in the documentation." ] ]
class LocatorPanel(Panel): label = 'Locator' content = xhtml[ textInput(name='locator', size=80, style='width:100%'), xhtml.p[ "The locator, typically a URL, tells the version control system " "where it can find the repository." ], xhtml.p[ "Make sure you enter the URL that the version control system uses " "when run from the command line, which might differ from the URL " "of the web interface you might be using to manage it. " "For example, when using Git, add the URL used with the ", xhtml.code['git clone'], " command here, " "or check using ", xhtml.code['git config remote.origin.url'], "." ] ]
def iterFields(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, XMLContent]]: yield 'User name', textInput(name = 'user') yield 'Role', dropDownList(name = 'role')[ UIRoleNames ]
def getParamCell(self, taskId: str, name: str, curValue: str, defValue: str, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: indexStr = cast(str, kwargs['indexStr']) return textInput(name='param/' + indexStr + '/' + taskId + '/' + name, value=defValue if curValue is None else curValue, size=72)
class CommentPanel(Panel): label = 'Description' content = textInput(name='description', size=80, style='width:100%')
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: proc = cast(EditProcessorBase[ResTypeEditArgs, ResType], kwargs['proc']) yield 'Name', or '(unnamed)' yield 'Description', textInput(name='description', size=80) yield 'Exclusive', cell(class_='checkboxes')[ExclusiveWidget.instance]
capsControl = _CapabilitiesTable.instance.present( resType=resTypeName, capMap=capMap, **kwargs) else: capsControl = _capsInput(value=' '.join(capMap[False])) yield typeControl, refControl, capsControl # Empty entry at the end. yield resWidget(selected=''), _refInput(value=''), _capsInput(value='') def present(self, **kwargs: object) -> XMLContent: yield super().present(**kwargs) yield rowManagerInstanceScript(bodyId=self.bodyId).present(**kwargs) _refInput = textInput(name='ref', size=20, class_='var') _capsInput = textInput(name='caps', size=60) class _CapabilitiesTable(Table): columns = None, None style = 'hollow' def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: resType = cast(str, kwargs['resType']) capMap = cast(Mapping[bool, List[str]], kwargs['capMap']) yield 'inherited:\u00A0', presentCapabilities(capMap.get(True, []), resType) yield 'additional:\u00A0', _capsInput(value=' '.join( capMap.get(False, [])), size=51)
def iterRows(self, **kwargs: object) -> Iterator[XMLContent]: args = cast(EditProcessor[FrameworkEditArgs, Framework], kwargs['proc']).args yield 'Name', or '(untitled)' yield 'Wrapper', textInput(name='wrapper', size=40)