def list_all(self): sp = SoftwareProperties() isv_sources = sp.get_isv_sources() source_list = [] for source in isv_sources: if not str(source).startswith("#"): source_list.append(str(source)) return source_list
def __init__(self, conn=None, object_path=None, bus_name=None): dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, conn, object_path, bus_name) # The following variables are used bu _check_polkit_privilege self.dbus_info = None self.polkit = None self.enforce_polkit = True self.sp = SoftwareProperties()
def __init__(self, conn=None, object_path=None, bus_name=None): dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, conn, object_path, bus_name) # These are used by PolKit to check privileges self.dbus_info = None self.polkit = None self.enforce_polkit = True try: self.system_repo = repolib.SystemSource() except: self.system_repo = None self.sp = SoftwareProperties() self.cache = apt.Cache()
class Repos(plugin.Plugin): permissions = {'script': False, 'root': True, 'remove-pkg': False, 'system-config': True } sp = SoftwareProperties() ppas_list = [] def get_ppas(self): try: ppas_member = self.kettle_ark.getmember('data/repos/ppas.repos') except KeyError: raise BadKettle(_("The kettle is missing data for plugin: repos")) ppas_exfile = self.kettle_ark.extractfile(ppas_member) ppas_bytes = ppas_exfile.readlines() ppas_exfile.close() for i in ppas_bytes: line = i.decode('UTF-8')[:-1] self.ppas_list.append(line) return self.ppas_list def install_repos(self, repo_list): for i in repo_list: try: self.sp.add_source_from_line(i) self.sp.reload_sourceslist() except: raise BadRepo(_("Couldn't add the repository %s" % i)) def get_to_root(self):["/usr/bin/sudo", "/usr/bin/python3", self.plugin_path + "/repos-data/", self.kettle.path]) def run_install(self): self.get_to_root()
def __init__(self, parent): self.sp = SoftwareProperties() Gtk.Box.__init__(self, False, 0) self.parent = parent self.ppa = ppa.PPA(self) self.content_grid = Gtk.Grid() self.content_grid.set_margin_top(24) self.content_grid.set_margin_left(12) self.content_grid.set_margin_right(12) self.content_grid.set_margin_bottom(12) self.content_grid.set_row_spacing(6) self.content_grid.set_hexpand(True) self.content_grid.set_vexpand(True) self.add(self.content_grid) sources_title = Gtk.Label("Extra Sources") Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(sources_title.get_style_context(), "h2") sources_title.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) self.content_grid.attach(sources_title, 0, 0, 1, 1) sources_label = Gtk.Label( "These sources are for software provided by " + "a third party. They may present a security " + "risk or can cause system instability. " + "\nOnly add sources that you trust.") sources_label.set_line_wrap(True) sources_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) sources_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.FILL) sources_label.set_hexpand(True) self.content_grid.attach(sources_label, 0, 1, 1, 1) list_grid = Gtk.Grid() self.content_grid.attach(list_grid, 0, 2, 1, 1) list_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() list_grid.attach(list_window, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.ppa_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str, str) self.view = Gtk.TreeView(self.ppa_liststore) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn('Source', renderer, markup=0) self.view.append_column(column) self.view.set_hexpand(True) self.view.set_vexpand(True) tree_selection = self.view.get_selection() tree_selection.connect('changed', self.on_row_change) list_window.add(self.view) # add button add_button = Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name("list-add-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR) Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(add_button.get_style_context(), "image-button") add_button.set_tooltip_text("Add New Source") add_button.connect("clicked", self.on_add_button_clicked) # edit button edit_button = Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name("edit-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR) Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(edit_button.get_style_context(), "image-button") edit_button.set_tooltip_text("Modify Selected Source") edit_button.connect("clicked", self.on_edit_button_clicked) action_bar = Gtk.ActionBar() Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(action_bar.get_style_context(), "inline-toolbar") action_bar.add(edit_button) action_bar.add(add_button) list_grid.attach(action_bar, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.generate_entries(self.ppa.get_isv())
def on_install_button_active(button, model, itemSelectCount): global pulseTimer global installStatus global cache global view global p1 # set busy flag installStatus = 'busy' # Remove CANCEL button Gtk.Container.remove(grid, cancelButton) # Count items itemCount = len(model) # Add PPA's # Set progress progressBar.set_fraction(0.1) label.set_text("Installing new software sources...") appendToLog("Installing new software sources...") # Use APT module and SoftwareProperties to add-apt sp = SoftwareProperties() for listItem in range(itemCount): # Check which items are selected True in list column 0 itemSelected = model[listItem][0] if itemSelected: if ppaList[listItem] != '': progressBar.set_text("Adding PPA for " + model[listItem][1]) # add-apt the python way ! taken from add-apt code try: sp.add_source_from_line(ppaList[listItem]) debugPrint("Added PPA - %s" % ppaList[listItem]) appendToLog("Added PPA - %s" % ppaList[listItem]) except: debugPrint("[Error] Could not add PPA - %s" % ppaList[listItem]) appendToLog("[Error] Could not add PPA - %s" % ppaList[listItem]) # Save new apt list progressBar.set_fraction(0.2) # Add Keys for listItem in range(itemCount): # Check which items are selected True in list column 0 itemSelected = model[listItem][0] if itemSelected: if getAptKeyList[listItem] != '': debugPrint("Name : %s" % model[listItem][1]) debugPrint("Keys : %s" % getAptKeyList[listItem]) progressBar.set_text("Adding software key for " + model[listItem][1]) # Add key the bash way TODO do this differently to handle errors/timeout # First check type of key wget or apt-key adv if "recv-keys" in getAptKeyList[listItem]: keyType = 'apt-key' else: keyType = 'wget' try: if keyType == 'wget': # Just read Key URL and do the rest p1 = subprocess.Popen( ['wget', '-O', '-', getAptKeyList[listItem]], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p2 = subprocess.Popen( ['apt-key', 'add', '--yes', '--quiet', '-'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p1.stdout.close( ) # Allow p1 to receive a SIGPIPE if p2 exits. if keyType == 'apt-key': # Run command as is p6 = subprocess.Popen([getAptKeyList[listItem]], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) debugPrint("Key added for : %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("Key added for : %s" % model[listItem][1]) debugPrint("Key status: %s" % output) appendToLog("Key status: %s" % output) except: debugPrint("[Error] Could not add key from - %s" % getAptKeyList[listItem]) appendToLog("[Error] Could not add key from - %s" % getAptKeyList[listItem]) progressBar.set_fraction(0.3) # Manually write to file to add APT for DEB repos for listItem in range(itemCount): # Check which items are selected True in list column 0 itemSelected = model[listItem][0] if itemSelected: if aptListEntryList[listItem] != '': debugPrint("Name : %s" % model[listItem][1]) debugPrint("APT : %s" % aptListEntryList[listItem]) installTitles = installTitleList[listItem].split(' ') progressBar.set_text("Adding APT Repository for " + model[listItem][1]) # write sources to file try: writeToFile( os.path.join(aptListPath, installTitles[0] + '.list'), 'deb ' + aptListEntryList[listItem] + '\n', 'w') #writeToFile(os.path.join(aptListPath, installTitles[0]+'.list'), 'deb-src '+aptListEntryList[listItem]+'\n', 'a') writeToFile( os.path.join(aptListPath, installTitles[0] + ''), 'deb ' + aptListEntryList[listItem] + '\w', 'w') #writeToFile(os.path.join(aptListPath, installTitles[0]+''), 'deb-src '+aptListEntryList[listItem]+'\n', 'a') debugPrint("Added APT - %s" % aptListEntryList[listItem]) appendToLog("Added APT - %s" % aptListEntryList[listItem]) except: debugPrint("[Error] Could not add APT - %s" % aptListEntryList[listItem]) appendToLog("[Error] Could not add APT - %s" % aptListEntryList[listItem]) onInstallError() # Save new apt list # We need to open the cache again before updating progressBar.set_fraction(0.4) progressBar.set_text('Reading Software List...') debugPrint("[Progress] Open Cache...") appendToLog("[Progress] Open Cache...") # Now, lets update the package list progressBar.set_fraction(0.5) progressBar.set_text('Updating Software Center...') debugPrint("[Progress] Cache update...") appendToLog("[Progress] Cache update...") pulseTimer = GLib.timeout_add(100, pulse) try: cache.update() except: appendToLog("[Warning] Cache update warnings. Not fatal - continue...") debugPrint("[Warning] Cache update warnings. Not fatal - continue...") GLib.source_remove(pulseTimer) # Now we can do the same as 'apt-get upgrade' does progressBar.set_fraction(0.7) #progressBar.set_text('Updating Software ...') #print "[progress] Updating Software ..." #cache.upgrade() # or we can play 'apt-get dist-upgrade' #cache.upgrade(True) # Q: Why does nothing happen? # A: You forgot to call commit()! debugPrint("[Progress] Commit Cache...") appendToLog("[Progress] Commit Cache...") progressBar.set_fraction(0.8) progressBar.set_text('Updating Software Center...') try: #cache.commit() cache.commit(aptAcquireProgress, aptInstallProgress) except: debugPrint("[Error] apt-get update failed") # Software sources added Done progressBar.set_fraction(1) progressBar.set_text('') label.set_text('Software sources added successfully') appendToLog('Software sources added successfully') # START installing apps one by one # using itemSelectCount to do progress increments progInc = float(100 / itemSelectCount) / 100 itemIncCount = 0 progressBar.set_fraction(0.02) for listItem in range(itemCount): # Check which items are selected True in list column 0 itemSelected = model[listItem][0] if itemSelected: # With selected items ... label.set_text('Installing Software ' + str(itemIncCount + 1) + ' of ' + str(itemSelectCount) + ' ...') appendToLog('[Notice] Installing Software ' + str(itemIncCount + 1) + ' of ' + str(itemSelectCount) + ' ...') # Un Install first if RE-install is selected if installStateList[listItem] == 'installed': progressBar.set_text("Removing " + model[listItem][1]) # Set focus view.set_cursor(listItem) # open cache again for each install to update new packages list # Get package list into array installTitles = installTitleList[listItem].split(' ') # mark packages for Remove for itemToRemove in installTitles: try: cache[itemToRemove].mark_delete() debugPrint("[Remove] Marked for Removal %s" % itemToRemove) appendToLog("[Remove] Marked for Removal %s" % itemToRemove) except: debugPrint("[Error] Packages not found for %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("[Error] Packages not found for %s" % model[listItem][1]) # TODO show install failed not done installError = "[Error] Packages not found for " + model[ listItem][1] # Commit new cache and remove each set of packages try: aptAcquireProgress.start() progressTimer = GLib.timeout_add(200, renderCellProgress, model, listItem, 'remove') cache.commit(aptAcquireProgress, aptInstallProgress) aptAcquireProgress.stop() GLib.source_remove(progressTimer) # Update icon after removal model[listItem][4] = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file( iconPathBlank) debugPrint("Un-Install complete for %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("Un-Install complete for %s" % model[listItem][1]) except: debugPrint("[Error] Un-Install failed for %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("[Error] Un-Install failed for %s" % model[listItem][1]) installError = "[Error] Un-Install failed for " + model[ listItem][1] # Run Pre-install commands # if item has pre-install run that now if preInstallList[listItem] != '': progressBar.set_text("Running pre-install for " + model[listItem][1]) # Run pre install commands the bash way TODO do this differently to handle errors/timeout try: p1 = subprocess.Popen([preInstallList[listItem]], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p1.communicate()[0] debugPrint("Running Pre install script for : %s" % model[listItem][1]) debugPrint("Pre install script output: %s" % output) appendToLog("Running Pre install script for : %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("Pre install script output: %s" % output) except: debugPrint("[Error] Pre install script error : %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("[Error] Pre install script error : %s" % model[listItem][1]) # Install software item FINALLY installError = '' # Initial cell progressbar value model[listItem][3] = 0 progressBar.set_text("Installing " + model[listItem][1]) debugPrint("Installing %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("Installing %s" % model[listItem][1]) # Set focus view.set_cursor(listItem) # open cache again for each install to update new packages list # Get package list into array installTitles = installTitleList[listItem].split(' ') # mark packages for install for itemToInstall in installTitles: try: cache[itemToInstall].mark_install() debugPrint("[Install] Marked for install %s" % itemToInstall) appendToLog("[Install] Marked for install %s" % itemToInstall) except: debugPrint("[Error] Packages not found for %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("[Error] Packages not found for %s" % model[listItem][1]) # TODO show install failed not done installError = "[Error] Packages not found for " + model[ listItem][1] # Commit new cache and install each set of packages try: #cache.upgrade() aptAcquireProgress.start() progressTimer = GLib.timeout_add(200, renderCellProgress, model, listItem, 'install') cache.commit(aptAcquireProgress, aptInstallProgress) #cache.commit() debugPrint("Install complete for %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("Install complete for %s" % model[listItem][1]) except: debugPrint("[Error] Installation failed for %s" % model[listItem][1]) # TODO show install failed not done installError = "[Error] Installation failed for " + model[ listItem][1] # END of Install # Run POST-install commands # if item has post-install run that now if postInstallList[listItem] != '': progressBar.set_text("Running post-install for " + model[listItem][1]) # Run post install commands the bash way TODO do this differently to handle errors/timeout try: p1 = subprocess.Popen([postInstallList[listItem]], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = p1.communicate()[0] debugPrint("Running Post install script for : %s" % model[listItem][1]) debugPrint("Post install script output: %s" % output) appendToLog("Running Post install script for : %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("Post install script output: %s" % output) except: debugPrint("[Error] Post install script error : %s" % model[listItem][1]) appendToLog("[Error] Post install script error : %s" % model[listItem][1]) # Set Cell Progress bar and deselect when done model[listItem][3] = 100 model[listItem][0] = False GLib.source_remove(progressTimer) aptAcquireProgress.stop() time.sleep(0.1) refreshGui() time.sleep(0.1) # Check if install ok and set icon if installError == '': iconPathMod = iconPathOk installStateList[listItem] = 'installed' else: iconPathMod = iconPathError installStateList[listItem] = 'error' # Set icon model[listItem][4] = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file(iconPathMod) # If selected Inc for each item as we know not how many here # Move progress incrementally depending on number of install items itemIncCount = itemIncCount + 1 displayInc = progInc * itemIncCount # Update main progress bar at the end of each item install progressBar.set_fraction(displayInc) # All Done - The End - # Remove Timers GLib.source_remove(progressTimer) progressBar.set_fraction(1) progressBar.set_text('') # Stop Spinner spinner.stop() os.system("python") label.set_text('Installation Complete') debugPrint('[END] Installation Complete') appendToLog('[END] Installation Complete') # Set focus view.set_cursor(0) # Reset installstatus installStatus = 'complete' # Remove Cancel Button and spinner #Gtk.Container.remove(grid, cancelButton) Gtk.Container.remove(grid, spinner) # Activate Install Now/Done button button.set_sensitive(True)
class PPA: waiting = "Waiting for PPA" invalid = "Not a valid PPA" valid = "Valid PPA found" sources_path = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" cache = apt.Cache() sp = SoftwareProperties() def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.get_configuration() # Returns a list of all 3rd-party software sources. def get_isv(self): self.sp.reload_sourceslist() list = self.sp.get_isv_sources() print(list) return list # Returns the current distro Components. def get_distro_sources(self): components = self.sp.distro.source_template.components return components # Returns the current child repos (updates) def get_distro_child_repos(self): repos = self.sp.distro.source_template.children return repos # Get whether a component is enabled or not def get_comp_download_state(self, comp): (active, inconsistent) = self.sp.get_comp_download_state(comp) return (active, inconsistent) # Get whether a child repo is enabled or not def get_child_download_state(self, child): (active, inconsistent) = self.sp.get_comp_child_state(child) print( + " (" + str(active) + ", " + str(inconsistent) + ")") return (active, inconsistent) # Get Source Code State def get_source_code_enabled(self): enabled = self.sp.get_source_code_state() if enabled == None: return (False, True) else: return (enabled, False) # Enable/Disable a component def set_comp_enabled(self, comp, enabled): if enabled == True: self.sp.enable_component(comp) else: self.sp.disable_component(comp) return 0 # Enable/Disable a child repo def set_child_enabled(self, child, enabled): if enabled == True: self.sp.enable_child_source(child) else: self.sp.disable_child_source(child) return 0 # Enable/Disable source code def set_source_code_enabled(self, enabled): if enabled == True: self.sp.enable_source_code_sources() elif enabled == False: self.sp.disable_source_code_sources() return 0 # Get the current sources configuration def get_configuration(self): self.enabledDict = {} self.update_automation_level = self.sp.get_update_automation_level( ) #FIXME Doesn't change self.release_upgrades_policy = self.sp.get_release_upgrades_policy( ) #0 on, 2 off self.source_code_state = self.sp.get_source_code_state() # Bool for comp in self.sp.distro.source_template.components: self.enabledDict[] = self.sp.get_comp_download_state( comp)[0] self.main_enabled = self.enabledDict['main'] self.univ_enabled = self.enabledDict['universe'] self.rest_enabled = self.enabledDict['restricted'] self.mult_enabled = self.enabledDict['multiverse'] for child in self.sp.distro.source_template.children: if child.type != 'deb-src': self.enabledDict[] = self.sp.get_comp_child_state( child)[0] self.secu_enabled = self.enabledDict['artful-security'] self.recc_enabled = self.enabledDict['artful-updates'] self.back_enabled = self.enabledDict['artful-backports'] self.prop_enabled = self.enabledDict['artful-proposed'] return 0 def get_line(self, enabled, rtype, archs, uri, version, component): """Collect all values from the entries and create an apt line""" if enabled == True: line = "" else: line = "#" line = "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (line, rtype, archs, uri, version, component) return line # Turn an added deb line into an apt source def deb_line_to_source(self, line): print(line) source = self.sp._find_source_from_string(line) return source # Modify an existing PPA def modify_ppa(self, old_source, rtype, archs, uri, version, component): print("Old source: %s\n" % old_source) print("New source: %s %s %s %s %s" % (rtype, archs, uri, version, component)) line = self.get_line(True, rtype, archs, uri, version, component) self.parent.parent.parent.hbar.spinner.start() self.parent.parent.parent.stack.list_all.view.set_sensitive(False) ModifyThread(self.parent, old_source, line, self.sp).start() # Starts a new thread to add a repository def add(self, url): self.parent.parent.parent.hbar.spinner.start() self.parent.parent.parent.stack.list_all.view.set_sensitive(False) AddThread(self.parent, url, self.sp).start() # Starts a new thread to remove a repository def remove(self, ppa): self.parent.parent.hbar.spinner.start() self.parent.parent.stack.list_all.view.set_sensitive(False) RemoveThread(self.parent, self.sources_path, ppa, self.sp).start() def list_all(self): sp = SoftwareProperties() isv_sources = sp.get_isv_sources() source_list = [] for source in isv_sources: if not str(source).startswith("#"): source_list.append(str(source)) return source_list
def __init__(self, parent): self.sp = SoftwareProperties() Gtk.Box.__init__(self, False, 0) self.parent = parent self.ppa = PPA(self) self.settings = Gtk.Settings() self.log = logging.getLogger("repoman.List") handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.log.addHandler(handler) self.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.content_grid = Gtk.Grid() self.content_grid.set_margin_top(24) self.content_grid.set_margin_left(12) self.content_grid.set_margin_right(12) self.content_grid.set_margin_bottom(12) self.content_grid.set_row_spacing(6) self.content_grid.set_hexpand(True) self.content_grid.set_vexpand(True) self.add(self.content_grid) sources_title = Gtk.Label(_("Extra Sources")) Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(sources_title.get_style_context(), "h2") sources_title.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) self.content_grid.attach(sources_title, 0, 0, 1, 1) sources_label = Gtk.Label(_("These sources are for software provided by a third party. They may present a security risk or can cause system instability. Only add sources that you trust.")) sources_label.set_line_wrap(True) sources_label.set_halign(Gtk.Align.START) sources_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.FILL) sources_label.set_hexpand(True) self.content_grid.attach(sources_label, 0, 1, 1, 1) list_grid = Gtk.Grid() self.content_grid.attach(list_grid, 0, 2, 1, 1) list_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() list_grid.attach(list_window, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.ppa_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str, str) self.view = Gtk.TreeView(self.ppa_liststore) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Source"), renderer, markup=0) self.view.append_column(column) self.view.set_hexpand(True) self.view.set_vexpand(True) self.view.connect("row-activated", self.on_row_activated) tree_selection = self.view.get_selection() tree_selection.connect('changed', self.on_row_change) list_window.add(self.view) # add button add_button = Gtk.ToolButton() add_button.set_icon_name("list-add-symbolic") Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(add_button.get_style_context(), "image-button") add_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Add New Source")) add_button.connect("clicked", self.on_add_button_clicked) # edit button edit_button = Gtk.ToolButton() edit_button.set_icon_name("edit-symbolic") Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(edit_button.get_style_context(), "image-button") edit_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Modify Selected Source")) edit_button.connect("clicked", self.on_edit_button_clicked) action_bar = Gtk.Toolbar() action_bar.set_icon_size(Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR) Gtk.StyleContext.add_class(action_bar.get_style_context(), "inline-toolbar") action_bar.insert(edit_button, 0) action_bar.insert(add_button, 0) list_grid.attach(action_bar, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.generate_entries(self.ppa.get_isv())
class PPA: waiting = "Waiting for PPA" invalid = "Not a valid PPA" valid = "Valid PPA found" sources_path = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" cache = apt.Cache() sp = SoftwareProperties() def __init__(self, parent=None): self.parent = parent self.log = logging.getLogger("repoman.Updates") handler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.log.addHandler(handler) self.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # Returns a list of all 3rd-party software sources. def get_isv(self): self.sp.reload_sourceslist() list = self.sp.get_isv_sources() return list # Returns the current distro Components. def get_distro_sources(self): components = self.sp.distro.source_template.components return components # Returns the current child repos (updates) def get_distro_child_repos(self): repos = self.sp.distro.source_template.children return repos # Get whether a component is enabled or not def get_comp_download_state(self, comp): (active, inconsistent) = self.sp.get_comp_download_state(comp) return (active, inconsistent) # Get whether a child repo is enabled or not def get_child_download_state(self, child): (active, inconsistent) = self.sp.get_comp_child_state(child) self.log.debug( + " (" + str(active) + ", " + str(inconsistent) + ")") return (active, inconsistent) # Get Source Code State def get_source_code_enabled(self): enabled = self.sp.get_source_code_state() if enabled == None: return (False, True) else: return (enabled, False) # Enable/Disable a component def set_comp_enabled(self, comp, enabled):'Component: %s\nEnabled: %s' % (comp, enabled)) try: remote_object.SetCompEnabled(comp, enabled) except: self.exc = sys.exc_info() self.throw_error(self.exc[1]) return 0 # Enable/Disable a child repo def set_child_enabled(self, child, enabled):'Child: %s\nEnabled: %s' % (child, enabled)) try: remote_object.SetChildEnabled(, enabled) except: self.exc = sys.exc_info() self.throw_error(self.exc[1]) return 0 # Enable/Disable source code def set_source_code_enabled(self, enabled):'Source enabled: %s' % enabled) try: remote_object.SetSourceCodeEnabled(enabled) except: self.exc = sys.exc_info() self.throw_error(self.exc[1]) return 0 def get_line(self, isdisabled, rtype, archs, uri, version, component): """Collect all values from the entries and create an apt line""" if isdisabled == True: disstr = "#" else: disstr = "" if archs == "[arch]": archs = "" line = "%s%s %s %s %s %s" % (disstr, rtype, archs, uri, version, component) return line # Turn an added deb line into an apt source def deb_line_to_source(self, line): source = self.sp._find_source_from_string(line) return source # Modify an existing PPA def modify_ppa(self, old_source, disabled, rtype, archs, uri, version, component):"Old source: %s" % old_source) line = self.get_line(disabled, rtype, archs, uri, version, component)"New source: %s" % line) self.parent.parent.parent.hbar.spinner.start() self.parent.parent.parent.stack.list_all.view.set_sensitive(False) ModifyThread(self.parent, old_source, line, self.sp).start() # Starts a new thread to add a repository def add(self, url):"Adding source: %s" % url) print(type(url)) self.parent.parent.parent.hbar.spinner.start() self.parent.parent.parent.stack.list_all.view.set_sensitive(False) t = AddThread(self.parent, url, self.sp) t.start() # Starts a new thread to remove a repository def remove(self, ppa):"Removing source: %s" % ppa) self.parent.parent.hbar.spinner.start() self.parent.parent.stack.list_all.view.set_sensitive(False) RemoveThread(self.parent, self.sources_path, ppa, self.sp).start() # Validate if a line appears to be a valid apt line or ppa. def validate(self, line): if line.startswith("deb"): if "http" in line: return True elif line.startswith("ppa:"): if "/" in line: return True elif line.startswith("http"): if "://" in line: return True else: return False # Get the current OS name, or fallback if not available def get_os_name(self): try: with open("/etc/os-release") as os_release_file: os_release = os_release_file.readlines() for line in os_release: parse = line.split('=') if parse[0] == "NAME": if parse[1].startswith('"'): return parse[1][1:-2] else: return parse[1][:-1] else: continue except FileNotFoundError: return "your OS" return "your OS" def throw_error(self, message): GObject.idle_add( self.parent.parent.parent.stack.list_all.throw_error_dialog, message, "error")
# Import softwareproperties try: from softwareproperties.SoftwareProperties import SoftwareProperties except ImportError: pkg = apt_cache['python-software-properties'] if pkg.is_installed: logger.error('Package: python-software-propertiesis already installed but python cannot import library.') else: pkg.mark_install() try: apt_cache.commit() from softwareproperties.SoftwareProperties import SoftwareProperties except Exception, err: logger.error('Package installation has failed: %s', str(err)) sys.exit(1) # Add ppa logger.debug('Add Openvswitch PPA') sp = SoftwareProperties() sp.add_source_from_line('ppa:sgran/openvswitch-precise') logger.debug(subprocess.check_output('apt-get update',shell=True)) new_apt_cache = apt.cache.Cache() apt_cache = new_apt_cache main(args)'Finished!') sys.exit(0)
def setUp(self): self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.sp = SoftwareProperties() self.mock_key = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, u"määäp.asc") with open(self.mock_key, "wb") as fp: fp.write(u"bäää".encode("utf-8"))