예제 #1
def index():
    """Home screen"""
    title = 'Solar System Generator'
    desc = Markup(
        'Star and planet data<br>(Orbital Period is measured in earth years)')
    form = Markup(make_system())

    if request.method == "POST":
        planets = request.form['planets']
        log("User entered " + planets + " planets.")
        form = Markup(make_system(int(request.form['planets'])))

    return render_template('base.html', title=title, desc=desc, form=form)
예제 #2
def make_system(planets=None):
    """Create a solar system"""
    if planets:
        if planets > 0:
            log("Generating solar system from user input.")
            output = ''
            system = Star(planets=planets)

            for planet in system.planets:
                output = output + 'Planet ' + planet.name + '<br>' +\
                    hum_mass(planet.mass) + '<br>' +\
                    "Orbital Period: " +\
                    str(round(planet.orbit_time, 2)) + ' Earth years<br>' +\
                    "Orbit Distance: " +\
                    distance_calc(planet.orbit_distance) + " AU<br><br>"

            log("Returning list of planet names to user.")
            return output

    elif planets == 0:
        log("Making fun of user for having a lack of imagination.")
        return 'Did you really create a solar system with zero '\
            'planets!? How boring can you get!? Where is your imagination!?'\
            '<br><br>Something made you this way, you need to go sit in a '\
            'corner and rethink your life. Figure out what made you such '\
            'a wet blanket and fix it.<br><br>Become the kind of fun '\
            'imaginative person that puts planets in their solar system.'

        log("Displaying main test page.")
        planets = "<br><input type=\"number\" "\
            + style_form + " name=\"planets\" min=\"0\" "\
            "max=\"25\" required><br>"

        return "<form action=\"/\" method=\"POST\" class=\"form\">" \
            "How many planets would you like to have in your solar system?: " \
            + planets + \
            "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-default\" " \
            "value=\"Submit\" " + style_button + "></form>"
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, mass=0, planets=0, name=None):
        log("A new solar system has been requested")

        self.radius = radius_gen(mass)
        log("Radius: " + str(self.radius))

        if name:
            self.name = name
            log("Star name: " + self.name + "\n")
            self.name = namer()
            log("Star name randomly generated as: " + self.name + "\n")

        if mass == 0:
            self.mass = randint((2 * (10**29)), (3 * (10**32)))
            log("Star mass randomly generated as: " + str(self.mass) + "\n")
            self.mass = mass
            log("Star mass: " + str(self.mass) + "\n")

        if planets == 0:
            self.planets = planet_pop(self.mass,
                                      num=randint(1, 15),
            log(str(len(self.planets)) + " planets randomly generated.")
            self.planets = planet_pop(self.mass, num=planets)
            log(str(len(self.planets)) + " planets generated.")
예제 #4
def planet_pop(mass, num=None, star_name=None):
        Takes in a number, star mass, and the star's name
        Returns a list of planet objects

        Roche Limit describes min distance between two orbital bodies
            The min distance will be derived from the roche limit
                roche limit = 1.26 * radius of planet *
                (( mass of sun / mass of planet) ** (1/3))
            The max distance a planet will be from the sun is 10 ** 10 km
    log("Populating the solar system with planets.")
    planets = []
    distance_max = 10**10

    for x in range(0, num):
        log("Creating planet " + str(x + 1))
        if star_name:
            name = str(star_name) + ' ' + toRoman(x + 1)
            name = namer()
        log("Planet's name is " + name)
        planet_mass = randrange((8 * (10**22)), (2 * (10**29)))
        log(name + "'s mass is " + str(planet_mass))
        planet_radius = radius_gen(planet_mass)
        log(name + "'s radius is " + str(planet_radius))
        distance_min = int(1.26 * planet_radius *
                           ((mass / planet_mass)**(1 / 3)))
        log("Minimum distance is " + str(distance_min))

        # Test for planetary roche limits
        while True:
            collision = False
            distance = randrange(distance_min, distance_max)
            if len(planets) > 0:
                for planet in planets:
                    # Find and assign large and small planet stats
                    if planet.mass > planet_mass:
                        lplanet_mass = planet.mass
                        splanet_mass = planet_mass
                        splanet_radius = planet_radius
                        lplanet_mass = planet_mass
                        splanet_mass = planet.mass
                        splanet_radius = planet.radius

                    # Use large and small planet stats to calculate roche limit
                    roche_limit = 1.26 * \
                        splanet_radius * \
                        ((lplanet_mass / splanet_mass) ** (1 / 3))

                    if abs(distance - planet.orbit_distance) < roche_limit:
                        log("Planetary collision detected, calculating new "
                        collision = True

            # If no collision has been found break leaving distance intact
            if not collision:
                log("Planetary orbits do not overlap, keeping orbit distance.")

        planets.append(Planet(distance, mass, name, planet_mass,
        log("Planet " + name + " Created")

    return planets
예제 #5
        log("A new solar system has been requested")

        self.radius = radius_gen(mass)
        log("Radius: " + str(self.radius))

        if name:
            self.name = name
            log("Star name: " + self.name + "\n")
            self.name = namer()
            log("Star name randomly generated as: " + self.name + "\n")

        if mass == 0:
            self.mass = randint((2 * (10**29)), (3 * (10**32)))
            log("Star mass randomly generated as: " + str(self.mass) + "\n")
            self.mass = mass
            log("Star mass: " + str(self.mass) + "\n")

        if planets == 0:
            self.planets = planet_pop(self.mass,
                                      num=randint(1, 15),
            log(str(len(self.planets)) + " planets randomly generated.")
            self.planets = planet_pop(self.mass, num=planets)
            log(str(len(self.planets)) + " planets generated.")

log("star.py loaded")
예제 #6
        self.name = name
        self.radius = radius
        self.orbit_distance = orbit_distance
        self.star_mass = star_mass
        self.mass = planet_mass
        self.orbit_time = orbital_period(star_mass, orbit_distance)
        if self.mass > 6 * 10**25:
            self.type = 'Gas Giant'
            self.type = 'Terrestrial'

    def location(self, time, orbit_time):
        Takes in time (In earth years)
        Returns planet location (x, y co-ordinates) based in time given

        if time > self.orbit_time:
            time = time - self.orbit_time

        angle = radians(time / self.orbit_time * 360)

        x = int(round(self.orbit_distance * cos(angle)))
        y = int(round(self.orbit_distance * sin(angle)))

        return x, y

log("planet.py loaded")
예제 #7
    (ToDo)  Add terrain and atmosphere features to planet object
    (ToDo)  Tie planet mass and planet size together loosely
        (Is there an algorithm for estimating density based on gravity?)
        (Radius = 394.15 * mass ** 0.35651)

from flask import Flask, render_template, Markup, request
from html_builder import make_system
from solar_calc import log

log("Starting Tharumec website.")
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
    """Home screen"""
    title = 'Solar System Generator'
    desc = Markup(
        'Star and planet data<br>(Orbital Period is measured in earth years)')
    form = Markup(make_system())

    if request.method == "POST":
        planets = request.form['planets']
        log("User entered " + planets + " planets.")
        form = Markup(make_system(int(request.form['planets'])))

    return render_template('base.html', title=title, desc=desc, form=form)

예제 #8
                    str(round(planet.orbit_time, 2)) + ' Earth years<br>' +\
                    "Orbit Distance: " +\
                    distance_calc(planet.orbit_distance) + " AU<br><br>"

            log("Returning list of planet names to user.")
            return output

    elif planets == 0:
        log("Making fun of user for having a lack of imagination.")
        return 'Did you really create a solar system with zero '\
            'planets!? How boring can you get!? Where is your imagination!?'\
            '<br><br>Something made you this way, you need to go sit in a '\
            'corner and rethink your life. Figure out what made you such '\
            'a wet blanket and fix it.<br><br>Become the kind of fun '\
            'imaginative person that puts planets in their solar system.'

        log("Displaying main test page.")
        planets = "<br><input type=\"number\" "\
            + style_form + " name=\"planets\" min=\"0\" "\
            "max=\"25\" required><br>"

        return "<form action=\"/\" method=\"POST\" class=\"form\">" \
            "How many planets would you like to have in your solar system?: " \
            + planets + \
            "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-default\" " \
            "value=\"Submit\" " + style_button + "></form>"

log("html_builder.py loaded")