def test_get_view_code(organisation): """Test get view code stored in organisation.""" store_organisation(None, {'view': 'org'}) assert get_view_code() == 'org' g.pop('organisation', None) assert get_view_code() == 'sonar'
def test_get_view_code(app, organisation): """Test get view code stored in organisation.""" with app.test_request_context() as req: req.request.view_args['view'] = 'org' store_organisation() assert get_view_code() == 'org' g.pop('organisation', None) assert get_view_code() == 'global'
def test_get_specific_theme(app, organisation, make_organisation): """Test getting a theme by organisation.""" with app.test_request_context() as req: req.request.view_args['view'] = 'org' store_organisation() # Not dedicated --> global theme assert get_specific_theme() == 'global-theme.css' # Dedicated, but no specific style --> global theme g.organisation['isDedicated'] = True assert get_specific_theme() == 'global-theme.css' # Dedicated and specific style --> specific theme make_organisation('usi') with app.test_request_context() as req: req.request.view_args['view'] = 'usi' store_organisation() g.organisation['isDedicated'] = True assert get_specific_theme() == 'usi-theme.css'
def test_get_current_organisation_code(app, organisation): """Test get current organisation.""" # No globals and no args assert views.get_current_organisation_code() == 'sonar' # Default globals and no args views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'sonar'}) assert views.get_current_organisation_code() == 'sonar' # Organisation globals and no args views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'org'}) assert views.get_current_organisation_code() == 'org' # Args is global with app.test_request_context() as req: req.request.args = {'view': 'sonar'} assert views.get_current_organisation_code() == 'sonar' # Args has organisation view with app.test_request_context() as req: req.request.args = {'view': 'unisi'} assert views.get_current_organisation_code() == 'unisi'
def test_store_organisation(db, organisation): """Test store organisation in globals.""" # Default view, no organisation stored. views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'sonar'}) assert not g.get('organisation') # Existing organisation stored views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'org'}) assert g.organisation['code'] == 'org' assert g.organisation['isShared'] # Non existing organisation with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception: views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'not-existing-org'}) assert str(exception.value) == 'Organisation\'s view is not accessible' # Existing organisation without shared view organisation.update({'isShared': False}) with pytest.raises(Exception) as exception: views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'org'}) assert str(exception.value) == 'Organisation\'s view is not accessible'
def test_is_file_restricted(app, organisation): """Test if a file is restricted by embargo date and/or organisation.""" g.pop('organisation', None) views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'sonar'}) record = {'organisation': {'pid': 'org'}} # No restriction and no embargo date assert views.is_file_restricted({}, {}) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': False } # Restricted by internal, but IP is allowed with app.test_request_context(environ_base={'REMOTE_ADDR': ''}): assert views.is_file_restricted({'restricted': 'internal'}, {}) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': False } # Restricted by internal, but IP is not allowed with app.test_request_context(environ_base={'REMOTE_ADDR': ''}): assert views.is_file_restricted({'restricted': 'internal'}, {}) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': True } # Restricted by organisation and organisation is global assert views.is_file_restricted({'restricted': 'organisation'}, record) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': True } # Restricted by organisation and current organisation match views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'org'}) assert views.is_file_restricted({'restricted': 'organisation'}, record) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': False } # Restricted by organisation and record don't have organisation assert views.is_file_restricted({'restricted': 'organisation'}, {}) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': True } # Restricted by organisation and organisation don't match assert views.is_file_restricted({'restricted': 'organisation'}, {'organisation': { 'pid': 'some-org' }}) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': True } # Restricted by embargo date only, but embargo date is in the past assert views.is_file_restricted({'embargo_date': '2020-01-01'}, {}) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': False } # Restricted by embargo date only and embargo date is in the future with app.test_request_context(environ_base={'REMOTE_ADDR': ''}): assert views.is_file_restricted({'embargo_date': '2021-01-01'}, {}) == { 'date': datetime.datetime( 2021, 1, 1, 0, 0), 'restricted': True } # Restricted by embargo date and organisation g.pop('organisation', None) views.store_organisation(None, {'view': 'sonar'}) with app.test_request_context(environ_base={'REMOTE_ADDR': ''}): assert views.is_file_restricted( { 'embargo_date': '2021-01-01', 'restricted': 'organisation' }, record) == { 'restricted': True, 'date': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1, 0, 0) } # Restricted by embargo date but internal IP gives access with app.test_request_context(environ_base={'REMOTE_ADDR': ''}): assert views.is_file_restricted( { 'embargo_date': '2021-01-01', 'restricted': 'internal' }, {}) == { 'date': None, 'restricted': False }