예제 #1
def play_album(album, artist, add=False):
    # album must be present; artist is optional

    if not album:
        return "You didn't provide an album title."

    s = 'album:' + ' AND album:'.join(album.split())
    if artist:
        s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

    #only brings back actual matches but 25 seems like max for most albums
    result = solr.search(s, fl='score,track,uri,artist,title,album',
                         sort='score desc', rows=25) 

    tracks = result.docs
    if  not tracks:
    selected_album = tracks[0]['album']
        tracks = sorted([t for t in tracks],key=itemgetter('track'))
    except KeyError:
    # The if t['album']==selected_album only comes into play
    # if we retrieved more than one album
    selected_tracks = [t for t in tracks if t['album']==selected_album]
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
    sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    titles = [t.get('title', '')+'-'+t.get('artist', '') for t in selected_tracks]
    title_list = "\n".join([f"{t[0]}. {t[1]}" for t in enumerate(titles, start=1)])
    #return f"I will play {len(uris)} tracks from {selected_album}:\n{title_list}."
    return f"{len(uris)} tracks from {selected_album}:\n{title_list}"
예제 #2
def mix(artist1, artist2):
    all_tracks = [] 
    for artist in (artist1, artist2):
        if artist:
            s = 'artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())
            result = solr.search(s, fl='artist,title,uri', rows=500) 
            count = len(result)
            if count:
                print(f"Total track count for {artist} was {count}")
                tracks = result.docs
                k = 5 if count >= 5 else count
                random_tracks = random.sample(tracks, k)
                return f"I couldn't find any tracks for {artist}"
            return "I couldn't find one or both of the artists you were looking for."

    x = all_tracks[0]
    y = all_tracks[1]
    selected_tracks = [t for sublist in zip(x,y) for t in sublist]
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
    sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    titles = [t.get('title', '')+'-'+t.get('artist', '') for t in selected_tracks]
    title_list = "\n".join([f"{t[0]}. {t[1]}" for t in enumerate(titles, start=1)])
    return f"The mix for {artist1} and {artist2}:\n{title_list}."
예제 #3
def play_album(album, artist, add=False):
    # album must be present; artist is optional

    if not album:
        return "You didn't provide an album title."

    s = 'album:' + ' AND album:'.join(album.split())
    if artist:
        s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

    #only brings back actual matches but 25 seems like max for most albums
    result = solr.search(s, fl='score,track,uri,artist,title,album',
                         sort='score desc', rows=25) 

    tracks = result.docs
    if  not tracks:
    selected_album = tracks[0]['album']
        tracks = sorted([t for t in tracks],key=itemgetter('track'))
    except KeyError:
    # The if t['album']==selected_album only comes into play
    # if we retrieved more than one album
    selected_tracks = [t for t in tracks if t['album']==selected_album]
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
    sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    titles = [t.get('title', '')+'-'+t.get('artist', '') for t in selected_tracks]
    title_list = "\n".join([f"{t[0]}. {t[1]}" for t in enumerate(titles, start=1)])
    #return f"I will play {len(uris)} tracks from {selected_album}:\n{title_list}."
    return f"{len(uris)} tracks from {selected_album}:\n{title_list}"
예제 #4
def mix(artist1, artist2):
    all_tracks = [] 
    for artist in (artist1, artist2):
        if artist:
            s = 'artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())
            result = solr.search(s, fl='artist,title,uri', rows=500) 
            count = len(result)
            if count:
                print(f"Total track count for {artist} was {count}")
                tracks = result.docs
                k = 5 if count >= 5 else count
                random_tracks = random.sample(tracks, k)
                return f"I couldn't find any tracks for {artist}"
            return "I couldn't find one or both of the artists you were looking for."

    x = all_tracks[0]
    y = all_tracks[1]
    selected_tracks = [t for sublist in zip(x,y) for t in sublist]
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
    sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    titles = [t.get('title', '')+'-'+t.get('artist', '') for t in selected_tracks]
    title_list = "\n".join([f"{t[0]}. {t[1]}" for t in enumerate(titles, start=1)])
    return f"The mix for {artist1} and {artist2}:\n{title_list}."
예제 #5
 def do_browse(self, s):
     uris = track_display(s)
     if uris:
         sonos_actions.play(True, uris)
         self.msg = ''
         self.msg = "You didn't select anything"
예제 #6
 def do_browse(self, s):
     uris = track_display(s)
     if uris:
         sonos_actions.play(True, uris)
         self.msg = ''
         self.msg = "You didn't select anything"
예제 #7
def play_album(album, artist):
    # album must be present; artist is optional

    print("album =",album)

    if album:
        s = 'album:' + ' AND album:'.join(album.split())
        if artist:
            s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

        result = solr.search(s, fl='score,track,uri,album,title', sort='score desc', rows=25) #**{'rows':25}) #only brings back actual matches but 25 seems like max for most albums
        tracks = result.docs
        if  tracks:
            selected_album = tracks[0]['album']
                tracks = sorted([t for t in tracks],key=itemgetter('track'))
            except KeyError:
            # The if t['album']==selected_album only comes into play if we retrieved more than one album
            selected_tracks = [t for t in tracks if t['album']==selected_album]
            uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
            msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
            print("PlayAlbum return msg from zmq:", msg)
            titles = ', '.join([t.get('title', '') for t in selected_tracks])
            output_speech = f"I will play {len(uris)} tracks from {selected_album}: {titles}"
            output_speech = "I couldn't find any songs from album {}.".format(album)

        output_speech = "I couldn't even find the album."

    return statement(output_speech)
예제 #8
def mix(artist1, artist2):
    print("artist1, artist2 = ",artist1,artist2)
    all_tracks = [] 
    for artist in (artist1, artist2):
        if artist:
            s = 'artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())
            result = solr.search(s, fl='artist,title,uri', rows=500) 
            count = len(result)
            if count:
                print("Total track count for {} was {}".format(artist, count))
                tracks = result.docs
                k = 5 if count >= 5 else count
                selected_tracks = random.sample(tracks, k)
                output_speech = "I couldn't find any tracks for {}".format(artist)
                return statement(output_speech)
            output_speech = "I couldn't find one or both of the artists you were looking for."
            return statement(output_speech)

    x = all_tracks[0]
    y = all_tracks[1]
    mix = [t for sublist in zip(x,y) for t in sublist]
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in mix]
    msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    print("Mix return msg from zmq:", msg)
    titles_artists = ', '.join([t.get('title')+' - '+t.get('artist') for t in mix])
    return statement(f"I will shuffle {titles_artists}.")
예제 #9
def play_track(title, artist, add):  #note the decorator will set add to None
    # title must be present; artist is optional
    print("artist =", artist)
    print("title =", title)
    print("add =", add)

    if not title:
        return statement("I couldn't find the track.")

    s = 'title:' + ' AND title:'.join(title.split())
    if artist:
        s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

    result = solr.search(s, rows=1)  #**{'rows':1})
    if not len(result):
        return statement("I couldn't find the track {} by {}.".format(
            title, artist))

    track = result.docs[0]
    uri = track['uri']
    msg = sonos_actions.play(False, [uri])
    print("PlayTrack return msg from zmq:", msg)
    action = 'add' if add else 'play'
    return statement(
        f"I will {action} {track.get('title', '')} by {track.get('artist', '')} from album {track.get('album', '')}"
예제 #10
def mix(artist1, artist2):
    print("artist1, artist2 = ", artist1, artist2)
    all_tracks = []
    for artist in (artist1, artist2):
        if artist:
            s = 'artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())
            result = solr.search(s, fl='artist,title,uri', rows=500)
            count = len(result)
            if count:
                print("Total track count for {} was {}".format(artist, count))
                tracks = result.docs
                k = 5 if count >= 5 else count
                selected_tracks = random.sample(tracks, k)
                output_speech = "I couldn't find any tracks for {}".format(
                return statement(output_speech)
            output_speech = "I couldn't find one or both of the artists you were looking for."
            return statement(output_speech)

    x = all_tracks[0]
    y = all_tracks[1]
    mix = [t for sublist in zip(x, y) for t in sublist]
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in mix]
    msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    print("Mix return msg from zmq:", msg)
    titles_artists = ', '.join(
        [t.get('title') + ' - ' + t.get('artist') for t in mix])
    return statement(f"I will shuffle {titles_artists}.")
예제 #11
def play_station(station):
    if station.lower()=='deborah':
        s = 'album:(c)'
        result = solr.search(s, fl='uri,title,artist', rows=600) 
        count = len(result)
        print(f"Total track count for Deborah tracks was {count}")
        tracks = result.docs
        selected_tracks = random.sample(tracks, 20) # randomly decided to pick 20 songs
        uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
        sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
        titles = [t.get('title', '')+'-'+t.get('artist', '') for t in selected_tracks]
        title_list = "\n".join([f"{t[0]}. {t[1]}" for t in enumerate(titles, start=1)])
        return f"I will play these songs that Deborah chose:\n{title_list}."


    return f"I will try to play station {station}."
예제 #12
def play_station(station):
    if station.lower()=='deborah':
        s = 'album:(c)'
        result = solr.search(s, fl='uri,title,artist', rows=600) 
        count = len(result)
        print(f"Total track count for Deborah tracks was {count}")
        tracks = result.docs
        selected_tracks = random.sample(tracks, 20) # randomly decided to pick 20 songs
        uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
        sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
        titles = [t.get('title', '')+'-'+t.get('artist', '') for t in selected_tracks]
        title_list = "\n".join([f"{t[0]}. {t[1]}" for t in enumerate(titles, start=1)])
        return f"I will play these songs that Deborah chose:\n{title_list}."


    return f"I will try to play station {station}."
예제 #13
def play_track(title, artist, add): #note the decorator will set add to None
    # title must be present; artist is optional

    if not title:
        return "You didn't provide a track title."

    s = 'title:' + ' AND title:'.join(title.split())
    if artist:
        s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

    result = solr.search(s, rows=1) 
    if not len(result):
        #return f"I couldn't find the track {title}{' by'+artist if artist else ''}."

    track = result.docs[0]
    uri = track['uri']
    sonos_actions.play(add, [uri])
    #action = 'add' if add else 'play'
    return f"{track.get('title', '')} by {track.get('artist', '')} " \
            f"from album {track.get('album', '')}"
예제 #14
def play_track(title, artist, add): #note the decorator will set add to None
    # title must be present; artist is optional

    if not title:
        return "You didn't provide a track title."

    s = 'title:' + ' AND title:'.join(title.split())
    if artist:
        s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

    result = solr.search(s, rows=1) 
    if not len(result):
        #return f"I couldn't find the track {title}{' by'+artist if artist else ''}."

    track = result.docs[0]
    uri = track['uri']
    sonos_actions.play(add, [uri])
    #action = 'add' if add else 'play'
    return f"{track.get('title', '')} by {track.get('artist', '')} " \
            f"from album {track.get('album', '')}"
예제 #15
    def do_select(self, s):
        if 'by' in s:
            title, artist = s.split(' by ')
            title, artist = s ,''
        if not title:
            self.msg = "You didn't provide a track title."

        s = 'title:' + ' AND title:'.join(title.split())
        if artist:
            s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

        result = solr.search(s, rows=5) 
        if not len(result):
            self.msg = f"I couldn't find any track with title {title} by {artist}."

        tracks = result.docs
        # list of tuples to select is [(uri, title from album),
        # (uri2, title2 from album2) ...]
        uri = self.select2([(t.get('uri'), t.get('title', '')+" from "+t.get('album', '')) for t in tracks], "Which track? ")
        sonos_actions.play(True, [uri])
        self.msg = uri
예제 #16
    def do_select(self, s):
        if 'by' in s:
            title, artist = s.split(' by ')
            title, artist = s ,''
        if not title:
            self.msg = "You didn't provide a track title."

        s = 'title:' + ' AND title:'.join(title.split())
        if artist:
            s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

        result = solr.search(s, rows=5) 
        if not len(result):
            self.msg = f"I couldn't find any track with title {title} by {artist}."

        tracks = result.docs
        # list of tuples to select is [(uri, title from album),
        # (uri2, title2 from album2) ...]
        uri = self.select2([(t.get('uri'), t.get('title', '')+" from "+t.get('album', '')) for t in tracks], "Which track? ")
        sonos_actions.play(True, [uri])
        self.msg = uri
예제 #17
def play_station(station):
    if station.lower()=='deborah':
        s = 'album:(c)'
        result = solr.search(s, fl='uri', rows=600) 
        count = len(result)
        print("Total track count for Deborah tracks was {}".format(count))
        tracks = result.docs
        selected_tracks = random.sample(tracks, 20) # randomly decided to pick 20 songs
        uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
        msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
        msg = sonos_actions.play_station(station)

    print("PlayStation({}) return msg from zmq:".format(station), msg)
    return statement("I will try to play station {}.".format(station))
예제 #18
def play_station(station):
    if station.lower() == 'deborah':
        s = 'album:(c)'
        result = solr.search(s, fl='uri', rows=600)
        count = len(result)
        print("Total track count for Deborah tracks was {}".format(count))
        tracks = result.docs
        selected_tracks = random.sample(
            tracks, 20)  # randomly decided to pick 20 songs
        uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
        msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
        msg = sonos_actions.play_station(station)

    print("PlayStation({}) return msg from zmq:".format(station), msg)
    return statement("I will try to play station {}.".format(station))
예제 #19
def shuffle(artist):
    if not artist:
        return statement("I couldn't find the artist you were looking for.  Sorry.")

    s = 'artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())
    result = solr.search(s, fl='artist,title,uri', rows=500) 
    count = len(result)
    if not count:
        return statement("I couldn't find any tracks for {}".format(artist))

    print("Total track count for {} was {}".format(artist, count))
    tracks = result.docs
    k = 10 if count >= 10 else count
    selected_tracks = random.sample(tracks, k)
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
    msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    print("Shuffle return msg from zmq:", msg)
    titles = ', '.join([t.get('title') for t in selected_tracks])
    return statement(f"I will shuffle {titles}.")
예제 #20
def shuffle(artist):
    if not artist:
        return statement(
            "I couldn't find the artist you were looking for.  Sorry.")

    s = 'artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())
    result = solr.search(s, fl='artist,title,uri', rows=500)
    count = len(result)
    if not count:
        return statement("I couldn't find any tracks for {}".format(artist))

    print("Total track count for {} was {}".format(artist, count))
    tracks = result.docs
    k = 10 if count >= 10 else count
    selected_tracks = random.sample(tracks, k)
    uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
    msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
    print("Shuffle return msg from zmq:", msg)
    titles = ', '.join([t.get('title') for t in selected_tracks])
    return statement(f"I will shuffle {titles}.")
예제 #21
def play_album(album, artist):
    # album must be present; artist is optional

    print("album =", album)
    print("artist=", artist)

    if album:
        s = 'album:' + ' AND album:'.join(album.split())
        if artist:
            s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

        result = solr.search(
            s, fl='score,track,uri,album,title', sort='score desc', rows=25
        )  #**{'rows':25}) #only brings back actual matches but 25 seems like max for most albums
        tracks = result.docs
        if tracks:
            selected_album = tracks[0]['album']
                tracks = sorted([t for t in tracks], key=itemgetter('track'))
            except KeyError:
            # The if t['album']==selected_album only comes into play if we retrieved more than one album
            selected_tracks = [
                t for t in tracks if t['album'] == selected_album
            uris = [t.get('uri') for t in selected_tracks]
            msg = sonos_actions.play(False, uris)
            print("PlayAlbum return msg from zmq:", msg)
            titles = ', '.join([t.get('title', '') for t in selected_tracks])
            output_speech = f"I will play {len(uris)} tracks from {selected_album}: {titles}"
            output_speech = "I couldn't find any songs from album {}.".format(

        output_speech = "I couldn't even find the album."

    return statement(output_speech)
예제 #22
def play_track(title, artist, add): #note the decorator will set add to None
    # title must be present; artist is optional
    print("artist =",artist)
    print("title =",title)
    print("add =", add)

    if not title:
        return statement("I couldn't find the track.")

    s = 'title:' + ' AND title:'.join(title.split())
    if artist:
        s = s + ' artist:' + ' AND artist:'.join(artist.split())

    result = solr.search(s, rows=1) #**{'rows':1})
    if not len(result):
        return statement("I couldn't find the track {} by {}.".format(title,artist))

    track = result.docs[0]
    uri = track['uri']
    msg = sonos_actions.play(False, [uri])
    print("PlayTrack return msg from zmq:", msg)
    action = 'add' if add else 'play'
    return statement(f"I will {action} {track.get('title', '')} by {track.get('artist', '')} from album {track.get('album', '')}")