def book_info(id_book): allow_com = False if 'auth' in session: cur.execute( "SELECT id_br FROM librarians.borrows WHERE book_id=%s AND name_id=%s;", (id_book, session['auth']['id'])) if cur.fetchone(): allow_com = True if request.method == 'GET': cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM librarians.comments WHERE id_b =%s AND accept='1';", (id_book, )) comments = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM librarians.books WHERE id_b=%s;", (id_book, )) resp = cur.fetchone() get_image = get_api() + "/api/get_image?name=" + secure_filename( resp[1]) image = get(get_image) print(image.status_code) if image.status_code == 200: image = get_image if resp[3] == 1: item = 'Dostępny jeden egzemplarz' elif resp[3] > 0: item = 'Dostępnych ' + str(resp[3]) + ' egzemplarzy' else: cur.execute( "SELECT return FROM librarians.borrows WHERE book_id=%s AND give_back='false' ORDER BY return;", (id_book, )) ret = cur.fetchall() item = 'Książka będzie dostępna najwcześniej w ' + ret[0][ 0].isoformat() return render_template('book.html', book=resp, item=item, allow_com=allow_com, comments=comments, image=image) else: if not 'auth' in session or not allow_com: return redirect( url_for('book_blueprint.book_info', id_book=id_book)) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO librarians.comments VALUES (default , %s, %s, %s, %s, '0');", (id_book, request.form['comment'],'%d-%m-%y'), session['auth']['username'])) return redirect(url_for('book_blueprint.book_info', id_book=id_book))
def profile(user_id): cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM librarians.readers WHERE id_r=%s AND loged='true';", (user_id, )) resp = cur.fetchone() if not resp: cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM librarians.readers_pref WHERE reader_id = %s;", (user_id, )) pref = cur.fetchone() if not pref[3] and not 'auth' in session: return abort(404) else: cur.execute( """ SELECT bo.title, bo.id_b FROM librarians.books AS bo, librarians.borrows AS br WHERE br.name_id=%s AND br.book_id=bo.id_b AND br.give_back='true'; """, (user_id, )) count = cur.fetchall() info = { 'name': resp[1], 'book_count': len(count), 'book_title': '', 'email': 'ukryto', 'address': 'ukryto', 'owner': False } books = [] for book in count: if not any(book[0] in s for s in books): books.append((book[1], book[0])) if pref[1] or 'auth' in session and user_id == session['auth'][ 'id']: info['email'] = resp[3] if pref[2] or 'auth' in session and user_id == session['auth'][ 'id']: info['address'] = resp[2] return render_template('profile.html', user=info, books=books) else: return abort(404)
def settings(): cur.execute("SELECT * FROM librarians.readers_pref WHERE reader_id = %s;", (session['auth']['id'], )) pref = cur.fetchone() if request.method == 'POST': if 'pass' in request.form: cur.execute("SELECT pass FROM librarians.readers WHERE id_r=%s;", (session['auth']['id'], )) if sha512(request.form['old_pass'].encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest() == cur.fetchone()[0]\ and request.form['new_pass'] == request.form['new_pass2']: cur.execute( "UPDATE librarians.readers SET pass=%s WHERE id_r = %s;", (sha512( request.form['new_pass'].encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest(), str(session['auth']['id']))) return render_template('settings.html', pref=pref, update=True) else: return render_template('settings.html', pref=pref, update='Hasła się nie zgadzają') elif 'email' in request.form: cur.execute( "UPDATE librarians.readers SET email=%s WHERE id_r = %s;", (request.form['email'], session['auth']['id'])) return render_template('settings.html', pref=pref, update=True) elif 'privacy' in request.form: if request.form.getlist('allow_email'): allow_email = 'true' else: allow_email = 'false' if request.form.getlist('allow_address'): allow_address = 'true' else: allow_address = 'false' if request.form.getlist('allow_profile'): allow_profile = 'true' else: allow_profile = 'false' cur.execute( "UPDATE librarians.readers_pref" "SET allow_email=%s, allow_address=%s, allow_profile=%s" "WHERE reader_id = %s;", (allow_email, allow_address, allow_profile, session['auth']['id'])) return render_template('settings.html', pref=pref, update=True) else: return render_template('settings.html', pref=pref)
def remind(): if request.method == 'POST': if 'email' in request.form: cur.execute("SELECT id_r FROM librarians.readers WHERE email=%s;", (request.form['email'], )) resp = cur.fetchone() if resp: code = ''.join( sample('qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890', 32)) pass_code.append((code, resp[0])) text = open("email/RemindPass.txt").read() smtp.sendEmail(request.form['email'], 'Sort Books - Przypomnienie hasła', text.format(url=request.url + '?key=' + code)) return render_template('remind.html', step=2) else: return render_template( 'remind.html', step=1, error="Żadne konto nie jest przypisane do tego adresu email" ) elif 'key' in request.form: if request.form['pass'] == request.form['pass2']: index = [x for x in pass_code if x[0] == request.form['key']][0] pass_code.remove(index) cur.execute( "UPDATE librarians.readers SET pass=%s WHERE id_r=%s;", (sha512(request.form['pass'].encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest(), index[1])) return render_template('remind.html', step=4) else: return render_template('remind.html', step=3, key=request.form['key'], error="Hasła nie są identyczne") else: return render_template('remind.html', step=1, error="Wystąpił błąd w zapytaniu") else: if request.args.get("key"): try: if request.args.get("key") == [x[0] for x in pass_code][0]: return render_template('remind.html', step=3, key=request.args.get("key")) except IndexError: pass return render_template('remind.html', step=1, error="Wystąpił błąd w zapytaniu") else: return render_template('remind.html', step=1)
def auth_adjust(): if session['auth']['adj']: if request.method == 'POST': if 'email' in request.form: if request.form['email'] == request.form['email2']: cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM librarians.readers WHERE email=%s;", (request.form['email'], )) if not cur.fetchone(): cur.execute( "UPDATE librarians.readers SET email=%s WHERE id_r=%s;", (request.form['email'], session['auth']['id'])) cache = session['auth'] cache['email'] = request.form['email'] session['auth'] = cache return render_template('adj.html', step=2) else: return render_template( 'adj.html', error="Podany adres email jest już w użyciu", step=1) else: return render_template( 'adj.html', step=1, error="Podane adresy email nie są identyczne") elif 'pass' in request.form: if request.form['pass'] == request.form['pass2']: cur.execute( "UPDATE librarians.readers SET pass=%s WHERE id_r=%s;", (sha512( request.form['pass'].encode('UTF-8')).hexdigest(), session['auth']['id'])) return render_template('adj.html', step=3) else: return render_template( 'adj.html', step=2, error="Podane hasła nie są identyczne") else: if request.form.getlist('allow_email'): allow_email = 'true' else: allow_email = 'false' if request.form.getlist('allow_address'): allow_address = 'true' else: allow_address = 'false' if request.form.getlist('allow_profile'): allow_profile = 'true' else: allow_profile = 'false' cur.execute( "INSERT INTO librarians.readers_pref VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);", (session['auth']['id'], allow_email, allow_address, allow_profile)) cur.execute( "UPDATE librarians.readers SET loged=true WHERE id_r=%s;", (session['auth']['id'], )) text = open("email/NewUserEmail.txt").read() smtp.sendEmail(session['auth']['email'], 'Sort Books - Witamy!', text.format(name=session['auth']['username'])) return render_template('adj.html', step=4) else: return render_template('adj.html', step=1) else: return redirect(url_for('index_blueprint.index'))
def auth(login, pas): cur.execute( "SELECT * FROM librarians.readers WHERE (login=%s OR email=%s) AND pass=%s;", (login, login, pas)) return cur.fetchone()