예제 #1
def ALL_Hg(Masterfile):
    datfile = "Hgdata.dat"
    srtfile = "Hgdata.srt"
    extfile = "Hgdata.datext"
    extsrtfile = "Hgdata.datextsrt"
    ndxfile = "Hgdata.ndx"

    # read in and parse the entire validation data set
    MasterData = np.loadtxt(Masterfile, skiprows=1, delimiter=",")
    headers = open(Masterfile, "r").readline().strip().split(",")
    MKind = headers.index("ID")
    ID = MasterData[:, MKind].astype(int)
    SpC = MasterData[:, headers.index("SpC")].astype(int)
    event = MasterData[:, headers.index("Event")].astype(int)
    length = MasterData[:, headers.index("length")].astype(float)
    Hg_obs = MasterData[:, headers.index("Hg")].astype(float)

    # adjust the weights by a log transformation
    Wt = MasterData[:, headers.index("Wt")].astype(float)
    Wt[Wt < 2] = 1
    Wt = np.log(Wt) + 1.0
    MasterData[:, headers.index("Wt")] = Wt

    MKlist = ID

    # make a set out of the ID field
    # SORT MasterData by ID
    MasterData = MasterData[MasterData[:, MKind].argsort()]
    MasterData[:, MKind] = MasterData[:, MKind].astype(int)

    # excellent way to dereference the Master Data - requires that the MasterData matrix
    # be sorted by MKind (done above outside the loop)
    # for more details see:
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5505380/most-efficient-way-to-pull-specified-rows-from-a-2-d-array
    CurrMasterData = MasterData

    # now, write out the datfile in proper formats
    # from Donato's code:
    # SPC, Event, length, Result, DL, WT, ID (new version of 11/11 requires ID on the end
    ofp = open(datfile, "w")
    for line in CurrMasterData:
            "%3d %7d %13.8f %13.8f %2d %13.8f %d\n"
            % (line[6], line[7], line[1], line[4], line[3], line[2], line[MKind])

    # trim away any orphaned SpC or Events
    allSPC = np.unique(CurrMasterData[:, 6])
    allEVENT = np.unique(CurrMasterData[:, 7])
    # now read in the parameter starting values files and trim out irrelevant parameters
    spcdat = np.loadtxt("Hgspc.srt.master")
    currspc = spcdat[np.searchsorted(spcdat[:, 0], allSPC), :]  # see above for ref. on this technique
    ofp = open("Hgspc.srt", "w")
    for line in currspc:
        ofp.write("%10d %20f\n" % (line[0], line[1]))

    eventdat = np.loadtxt("Hgevents.srt.master")
    currevent = eventdat[np.searchsorted(eventdat[:, 0], allEVENT), :]  # see above for ref. on this technique
    ofp = open("Hgevents.srt", "w")
    for line in currevent:
        ofp.write("%10d %20f\n" % (line[0], line[1]))

    # memory cleanup
    del CurrMasterData

    # gqsort on Hgdata.dat, sorting by event, SPC, and DL
    gqsort_Hgdat(datfile, srtfile)

    # append a sequence number after sorting
    # analagous to MLEprep01.c and write out to extfile

    indat = np.loadtxt(srtfile)
    ofp = open(extfile, "w")
    i = 0
    for line in indat:
        i += 1
        ofp.write("%3d %7d %13.8f %13.8f %2d  %13.8f %8d\n" % (line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4], line[5], i))

    # now sort by SPC
    gqsort_Hgdatext(extfile, extsrtfile)

    # Finally, strip out the index from extsrtfile and save in the .ndx file
    indat = np.loadtxt(extsrtfile)
    ofp = open(ndxfile, "w")
    for line in indat:
        ofp.write("%8d\n" % (line[-1]))

    # call the external C-code Newton-Raphson parameter estimation code
예제 #2
    ofp.write('%10d %20f\n' %(line[0],line[1]))

eventdat = np.loadtxt('Hgevent.srt.master')
currevent = eventdat[np.searchsorted(eventdat[:,0],allEVENT),:] # see above for ref. on this technique
ofp = open('Hgevent.srt','w')
for line in currevent:
    ofp.write('%10d %20f\n' %(line[0],line[1]))

# memory cleanup
del CurrMasterData

# gqsort on Hgdata.dat, sorting by event, SPC, and DL

# append a sequence number after sorting
# analagous to MLEprep01.c and write out to extfile

indat = np.loadtxt(srtfile)
ofp = open(extfile,'w')
i = 0
for line in indat:
    i += 1
    ofp.write('%3d %7d %13.8f %13.8f %2d  %13.8f %8d\n'
예제 #3
def LOO_Hg(ID_to_drop,Masterfile,Connectionsfile):
    datfile = 'Hgdata.dat'
    srtfile = 'Hgdata.srt'
    extfile = 'Hgdata.datext'
    extsrtfile  = 'Hgdata.datextsrt'
    ndxfile = 'Hgdata.ndx'

    # read in and parse the entire validation data set
    MasterData = np.loadtxt(Masterfile,skiprows=1,delimiter=',')
    headers = open(Masterfile,'r').readline().strip().split(',')
    MKind = headers.index('ID')
    ID = MasterData[:,MKind].astype(int)
    SpC = MasterData[:,headers.index('SpC')].astype(int)
    event = MasterData[:,headers.index('Event')].astype(int)
    length = MasterData[:,headers.index('length')].astype(float)
    Hg_obs = MasterData[:,headers.index('Hg')].astype(float)
    # adjust the weights by a log transformation
    Wt = MasterData[:,headers.index('Wt')].astype(float)
    Wt = np.log(Wt) + 1.0

    # first find the event, species, and length of the ID that is to be dropped - this is required
    # later for the forward calculation
    index_to_drop = np.nonzero(ID==ID_to_drop)[0]
    csp = SpC[index_to_drop]
    cev = event[index_to_drop]
    clen = length[index_to_drop]
    obsHg = Hg_obs[index_to_drop]
    # find all IDs that need to be dropped
    dropIDs = drop_ID(ID_to_drop,Connectionsfile)
    MKlist = np.setdiff1d(ID,dropIDs)
    # make a set out of the ID field
    # SORT MasterData by ID
    MasterData = MasterData[MasterData[:,MKind].argsort()]
    MasterData[:,MKind] = MasterData[:,MKind].astype(int)

    # excellent way to dereference the Master Data - requires that the MasterData matrix
    # be sorted by MKind (done above outside the loop)
    # for more details see: 
    CurrMasterData = MasterData[np.searchsorted(MasterData[:,MKind],MKlist),:]

    # now, write out the datfile in proper formats
    # from Donato's code:
    # SPC, Event, length, Result, DL, WT, ID (new version of 11/11 requires ID on the end
    ofp = open(datfile,'w')
    for line in CurrMasterData:
        ofp.write('%3d %7d %13.8f %13.8f %2d %13.8f %d\n' 
    # trim away any orphaned SpC or Events
    allSPC = np.unique(CurrMasterData[:,6])
    allEVENT = np.unique(CurrMasterData[:,7])
    # now read in the parameter starting values files and trim out irrelevant parameters
    spcdat = np.loadtxt('Hgspc.srt.master')
    currspc = spcdat[np.searchsorted(spcdat[:,0],allSPC),:] # see above for ref. on this technique
    ofp = open('Hgspc.srt','w')
    for line in currspc:
        ofp.write('%10d %20f\n' %(line[0],line[1]))
    eventdat = np.loadtxt('Hgevents.srt.master')
    currevent = eventdat[np.searchsorted(eventdat[:,0],allEVENT),:] # see above for ref. on this technique
    ofp = open('Hgevents.srt','w')
    for line in currevent:
        ofp.write('%10d %20f\n' %(line[0],line[1]))

    # memory cleanup
    del CurrMasterData
    # gqsort on Hgdata.dat, sorting by event, SPC, and DL
    # append a sequence number after sorting
    # analagous to MLEprep01.c and write out to extfile
    indat = np.loadtxt(srtfile)
    ofp = open(extfile,'w')
    i = 0
    for line in indat:
        i += 1
        ofp.write('%3d %7d %13.8f %13.8f %2d  %13.8f %8d\n'
    # now sort by SPC
    # Finally, strip out the index from extsrtfile and save in the .ndx file
    indat = np.loadtxt(extsrtfile)
    ofp = open(ndxfile,'w')
    for line in indat:
        ofp.write('%8d\n' %(line[-1]))

    # call the external C-code Newton-Raphson parameter estimation code
    # finally, read in the results and make the Hg prediction for the left-out value
    # SpC parameters
    SpCpars = np.loadtxt('BestSPs')
    # Event parameters
    Eventpars = np.loadtxt('BestEPs')
    # pull the parameter values necessary for calculating Hg for the left-out value
    spcind = np.nonzero(SpCpars[:,0]==csp)[0]
    evind = np.nonzero(Eventpars[:,0]==cev)[0]
    # calculate mercury for this index
    cHg = calc_Hg(SpCpars[spcind,1],Eventpars[evind,1],clen)
    cHg = (np.exp(cHg)-1)/1000.0
    # return the left-out modeled Hg concentraion.
    return cHg, obsHg
예제 #4
def One_Sample_Hg(dropIDs,Masterfile):
    datfile = 'Hgdata.dat'
    srtfile = 'Hgdata.srt'
    extfile = 'Hgdata.datext'
    extsrtfile  = 'Hgdata.datextsrt'
    ndxfile = 'Hgdata.ndx'

    # read in and parse the entire validation data set
    MasterData = np.loadtxt(Masterfile,skiprows=1,delimiter=',')
    headers = open(Masterfile,'r').readline().strip().split(',')
    MKind = headers.index('ID')
    ID = MasterData[:,MKind].astype(int)
    SpC = MasterData[:,headers.index('SpC')].astype(int)
    event = MasterData[:,headers.index('Event')].astype(int)
    length = MasterData[:,headers.index('length')].astype(float)
    Hg_obs = MasterData[:,headers.index('Hg')].astype(float)
    # adjust the weights by a log transformation
    Wt = MasterData[:,headers.index('Wt')].astype(float)
    Wt = np.log(Wt) + 1.0

    # Now figure out which are the dropped indices
    drop_inds =[]
    for currID in dropIDs:

    # first find the event, species, and length of the ID that is to be dropped - this is required
    # later for the forward calculation
    csp = SpC[drop_inds]
    cev = event[drop_inds]
    clen = length[drop_inds]
    obsHg = Hg_obs[drop_inds]
    cID = ID[drop_inds]
    # find all IDs that need to be dropped
    MKlist = np.setdiff1d(ID,dropIDs)
    # make a set out of the ID field
    # SORT MasterData by ID
    MasterData = MasterData[MasterData[:,MKind].argsort()]
    MasterData[:,MKind] = MasterData[:,MKind].astype(int)

    # excellent way to dereference the Master Data - requires that the MasterData matrix
    # be sorted by MKind (done above outside the loop)
    # for more details see: 
    CurrMasterData = MasterData[np.searchsorted(MasterData[:,MKind],MKlist),:]

    # now, write out the datfile in proper formats
    # from Donato's code:
    # SPC, Event, length, Result, DL, WT, ID (new version of 11/11 requires ID on the end
    ofp = open(datfile,'w')
    for line in CurrMasterData:
        ofp.write('%3d %7d %13.8f %13.8f %2d %13.8f %d\n' 
    # trim away any orphaned SpC or Events
    allSPC = np.unique(CurrMasterData[:,6])
    allEVENT = np.unique(CurrMasterData[:,7])
    # now read in the parameter starting values files and trim out irrelevant parameters
    spcdat = np.loadtxt('Hgspc.srt.master')
    currspc = spcdat[np.searchsorted(spcdat[:,0],allSPC),:] # see above for ref. on this technique
    ofp = open('Hgspc.srt','w')
    for line in currspc:
        ofp.write('%10d %20f\n' %(line[0],line[1]))
    eventdat = np.loadtxt('Hgevents.srt.master')
    currevent = eventdat[np.searchsorted(eventdat[:,0],allEVENT),:] # see above for ref. on this technique
    ofp = open('Hgevents.srt','w')
    for line in currevent:
        ofp.write('%10d %20f\n' %(line[0],line[1]))

    # memory cleanup
    del CurrMasterData
    # gqsort on Hgdata.dat, sorting by event, SPC, and DL
    # append a sequence number after sorting
    # analagous to MLEprep01.c and write out to extfile
    indat = np.loadtxt(srtfile)
    ofp = open(extfile,'w')
    i = 0
    for line in indat:
        i += 1
        ofp.write('%3d %7d %13.8f %13.8f %2d  %13.8f %8d\n'
    # now sort by SPC
    # Finally, strip out the index from extsrtfile and save in the .ndx file
    indat = np.loadtxt(extsrtfile)
    ofp = open(ndxfile,'w')
    for line in indat:
        ofp.write('%8d\n' %(line[-1]))

    # call the external C-code Newton-Raphson parameter estimation code
    # finally, read in the results and make the Hg prediction for the left-out value
    # SpC parameters
    SpCpars = np.loadtxt('BestSPs')
    # Event parameters
    Eventpars = np.loadtxt('BestEPs')
    # pull the parameter values necessary for calculating Hg for the left-out value
    # first of all, check to be sure all necessary have been calculated (some may be missing)
    # first find the missing ones
    missing_csp = np.setdiff1d(csp,SpCpars[:,0])
    missing_cev = np.setdiff1d(cev,Eventpars[:,0])
    # then delete from both of them those missing from the parameters set output from NRparest
    for mcsp in missing_csp:
        killer = np.nonzero(csp==mcsp)[0]
        csp = np.delete(csp,killer)
        cev = np.delete(cev,killer)
        obsHg = np.delete(obsHg,killer)
        clen = np.delete(clen,killer)
        cID = np.delete(cID,killer)
    for mcev in missing_cev:
        killer = np.nonzero(cev==mcev)[0]
        csp = np.delete(csp,killer)
        cev = np.delete(cev,killer)
        obsHg = np.delete(obsHg,killer)
        clen = np.delete(clen,killer)
        cID = np.delete(cID,killer)
    # now assemble the relevant indices
    spcind_all  = []
    for sp in csp:
    evind_all = []
    for ev in cev:
    evind_all = np.squeeze(np.array(evind_all))
    spcind_all = np.squeeze(np.array(spcind_all))
    lncHg = []
    # calculate mercury for each index
    for ii,spcind in enumerate(spcind_all):
    #finally, transform cHg back to ppm
    cHg = []
    for cv in lncHg:
    # return the left-out modeled Hg concentraion.
    return np.array(cHg), obsHg, cID