예제 #1
 def langs(match):
     if end_tag.match(match.string[match.end():]):
         # if the next tag is the end tag of a link, then don't link again!
         return match.string[match.start():match.end()]
     name = normalize_whitespace(match.group('name'))
     return '<a href="/contributions/%s">%s</a>%s' % (lookup[name], name, match.group('s'))
예제 #2
    def test_normalize_whitespace(self):
        from souplib import normalize_whitespace

        self.assertEquals(normalize_whitespace(' \xa0 \n\t '), '')
        self.assertEquals(normalize_whitespace('&nbsp;\ta \n\t b '), '&nbsp; a b')
예제 #3
 def popover(number, note):
     # we use BeautifulSoup to fix broken markup, e.g. incomplete span tags.
     note = BeautifulSoup(normalize_whitespace(note)).find('body')
     note.name = 'div'
     a = new_tag(
         new_tag(soup, 'sup', number),
             'style': 'text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;',
             'class': 'popover-note',
             'data-original-title': 'Note %s' % number,
             'data-content': unicode(note),
     return unicode(a)