def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get current user user_id = self.get_request_param(fh.user_id_parm) if user_id in ['', None]: fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.user_id_parm)) return user = StreamUser.get_by_id(user_id) if user is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Invalid user') return # query for all streams owned by user my_streams = Stream.get_ids_by_owner(user) # query for all streams subscribed to by user sub_streams = StreamSubscriber.get_by_user(user) # write some stream info response['owned_streams'] = [s for s in my_streams] response['subscribed_streams'] = [ for s in sub_streams] self.write_response(json.dumps(response))
def get(self): user = StreamUser.get_current_user(self) if user: login_url = fh.get_logout_url(self, '/') login_text = 'Sign out' else: self.redirect("/") return template_values = { 'html_template': 'MasterTemplate.html', 'user': user.nickName, 'email':, 'login_url': login_url, 'login_text': login_text, 'stream_name_parm': fh.stream_name_parm, 'tags_parm': fh.tags_parm, 'cover_url_parm': fh.cover_url_parm, 'subs_parm': fh.subscribers_parm } self.set_content_text_html() path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/Create.html') self.response.write(fh.render_html_template(path, template_values))
def post(self): user = StreamUser.get_current_user(self) if user: login_url = fh.get_logout_url(self, '/') login_text = 'Sign out' else: self.redirect("/") return stream_ids = json.loads(self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm)) stream_names = json.loads(self.get_request_param(fh.stream_name_parm)) template_values = { 'html_template': 'MasterTemplate.html', 'user': user.nickName, 'login_url': login_url, 'login_text': login_text, 'unsub_streams': zip(stream_ids, stream_names), 'stream_id_parm': fh.stream_id_parm } self.set_content_text_html() path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/Unsubscribe.html') self.response.write(fh.render_html_template(path, template_values))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get auth token, if present auth_token = urllib.quote( str(self.get_request_param(fh.auth_token_parm))) user_data_str = urllib2.urlopen( '' + auth_token).read() user_data = json.loads(user_data_str) # get user from auth token user = StreamUser.get_by_email(user_data['email']) if user is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Invalid user') return # query for all streams subscribed to by user sub_streams = StreamSubscriber.get_by_user(user) # write some stream info response = [ for s in sub_streams ] self.write_response(json.dumps(response))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() term = self.get_request_param(fh.autocomplete_parm) match_streams = fh.search_stream_index_alpha_return_names( term.lower(), 100) match_tags = fh.search_tag_index_alpha(term.lower(), 100) matches = sorted(match_tags + match_streams, key=search_key)[0:20] self.write_response(json.dumps(matches))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} search_string = self.get_request_param(fh.search_string_parm) if search_string is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, "Search string not found") return response[fh.tags_parm] = fh.search_tag_index(search_string) self.write_response(json.dumps(response))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get stream name stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) response[fh.stream_id_parm] = stream_id if stream_id is None or stream_id == "": fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_id_parm)) return # get the stream stream = Stream.get_by_id(stream_id) if stream is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Invalid Stream ID') return # check that user is the owner of the stream user_id = self.get_request_param(fh.user_id_parm) if user_id != stream.get_owner_from_db().user_id(): fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Not stream owner') return # remove stream name entries from the search index fh.remove_stream_from_search_index(stream, response) # delete the stream stream.delete() self.write_response(json.dumps(response))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get current user owner_id = self.get_request_param(fh.user_id_parm) owner = StreamUser.get_by_id(owner_id) if owner is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Not logged in') return # get stream name stream_name = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_name_parm) response[fh.stream_name_parm] = stream_name if stream_name is None or stream_name == "": fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_name_parm)) return # get cover image URL cover_url = self.get_request_param(fh.cover_url_parm) response[fh.cover_url_parm] = cover_url # create new stream stream = Stream.create(name=stream_name, owner=owner, cover_url=cover_url) if stream is None: fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'Stream {0} already exists for user {1}'.format( stream_name, owner.nickName)) return response[fh.stream_id_parm] = # add stream to document index for searching fh.searchablize_stream(stream, response) # process subscribers list subs = self.get_request_param(fh.subscribers_parm) response[fh.subscribers_parm] = subs num_added = StreamSubscriber.add_subscribers_by_emails( stream, subs.split(';')) response['num_new_subscribers'] = num_added # process tags list #TODO: tags list in create tags = self.get_request_param(fh.tags_parm) StreamTag.add_tags_to_stream_by_name(stream, tags.split(';')) response[fh.tags_parm] = tags response['status'] = "Created new stream: {}".format(stream_name) self.write_response(json.dumps(response))
def get(self): index = fh.get_stream_index() res = index.get_range(limit=1000) prints = "<h2>Stream index name: {}</h2>".format( fh.get_stream_index_name()) prints += "<table>" prints += "".join(['{}<br><br>'.format(r.fields) for r in res.results]) prints += "</table>" template_values = { 'simple_content': prints, 'showstreamindex_active': True } self.response.write(template.render(templatepath, template_values))
def get(self): user = users.get_current_user() if user: nickname = user.nickname() login_url = users.create_logout_url('/') login_text = 'Sign out' else: self.redirect("/") return # get all users all_streams = Stream.query().fetch() template_values = { 'html_template': 'MasterTemplate.html', 'user': user, 'login_url': login_url, 'login_text': login_text, 'app': app_identity.get_application_id(), 'streams': all_streams } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/Social.html') self.set_content_text_html() self.write_response(fh.render_html_template(path, template_values))
def get(self): error_code = self.get_request_param(fh.error_code_parm) error_string = self.get_request_param(fh.message_parm) # no error error_code in URL if error_code in [None, '']: error_code = -1 if error_string in [None, '']: error_string = "An error has occurred!" else: # get error error_code from URL and convert unicode to integer error_code = int(error_code) # if error error_code in dictionary, look it up. if error_code in fh.error_codes: error_string = fh.error_codes[error_code] template_values = { 'error_code': error_code, 'error_string': error_string } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/ErrorView.html') self.set_content_text_html() self.write_response(fh.render_html_template(path, template_values))
def get(self): user = StreamUser.get_current_user(self) if user: login_url = fh.get_logout_url(self, '/') login_text = 'Sign out' else: self.redirect("/") return template_values = { 'html_template': 'MasterTemplate.html', 'user': user.nickName, 'login_url': login_url, 'login_text': login_text, 'stream_name_parm': fh.stream_name_parm, 'tags_parm': fh.tags_parm, 'cover_url_parm': fh.cover_url_parm, 'subs_parm': fh.subscribers_parm } search_string = self.get_request_param(fh.search_string_parm) if search_string is not None: template_values['search_string'] = search_string tags = self.get_request_param(fh.tags_parm) if tags not in [None, '']: s = urllib.unquote(tags).decode('utf8') tags = eval(s) template_values['search_tags'] = [{ 'name': tag, 'url': fh.get_viewtag_url(tag) } for tag in tags] stream_ids = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) if stream_ids not in [None, '']: s = urllib.unquote(stream_ids).decode('utf8') ids = eval(s) template_values['search_streams'] = Stream.get_batch_by_ids(ids) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/StreamSearch.html') self.set_content_text_html() self.write_response(fh.render_html_template(path, template_values))
def get(self): index = fh.get_tag_index() res = index.get_range(limit=1000) prints = "<h2>Tag index name: {}</h2>".format(fh.get_tag_index_name()) prints += "<table>" prints += "".join([ '<tr><td>{0}</td><td>--</td><td>{1}</td></tr>'.format( r.fields[1].value, r.fields[2].value) for r in res.results ]) prints += "</table>" template_values = { 'simple_content': prints, 'showtagindex_active': True } self.response.write(template.render(templatepath, template_values))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get stream name stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) response[fh.stream_id_parm] = stream_id if stream_id in [None, '']: fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_id_parm)) return # get the stream stream = Stream.get_by_id(stream_id) if stream is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Invalid Stream ID') return # get tag name tag_name = self.get_request_param(fh.tag_name_parm) if tag_name in [None, '']: fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.tag_name_parm)) return # check how many streams have this tag st = StreamTag.get_batch_by_tag_name(tag_name) n_streams = len(st) # get the tag tag = Tag.get_by_name(tag_name) if tag is not None: # remove streamtags StreamTag.delete_tag_from_stream(stream, tag) # block until new tag is found time.sleep(0.01) while StreamTag.get_by_stream_and_tag(stream, tag) is not None: time.sleep(0.01) if n_streams == 1: fh.remove_tag_from_search_index(tag_name, {}) tag.delete() redirect_url = str(self.get_request_param(fh.redirect_parm)) if redirect_url in ['', None]: self.write_response(json.dumps(response)) else: self.redirect(redirect_url)
def get(self): user = StreamUser.get_current_user(self) if user: login_url = fh.get_logout_url(self, '/') login_text = 'Sign out' else: self.redirect("/") return tag_name = self.get_request_param(fh.tag_name_parm) # service call tag_service_url = fh.get_tagged_streams_url(tag_name) result = urllib2.urlopen(tag_service_url) stream_dict = json.loads("".join(result.readlines())) stream_ids = stream_dict[fh.stream_id_parm] stream_names = stream_dict[fh.stream_name_parm] cover_urls = stream_dict[fh.cover_url_parm] stream_urls = [fh.get_viewstream_default_url(s) for s in stream_ids] streams = [] for i in range(len(stream_ids)): streams.append({ 'name': stream_names[i], 'coverImageURL': cover_urls[i], 'url': stream_urls[i] }) template_values = { 'html_template': 'MasterTemplate.html', 'user': user.nickName, 'email':, 'login_url': login_url, 'login_text': login_text, 'tag_name': tag_name, 'streams': streams } self.set_content_text_html() path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/ViewTag.html') self.response.write(fh.render_html_template(path, template_values))
def post(self): button = self.get_request_param('submit') stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) tag_name = self.get_request_param(fh.tag_name_parm) if button == 'Add Tag': tag_service_url = fh.get_addtag_service_url(stream_id, tag_name) elif button == 'Remove Tag': tag_service_url = fh.get_removetag_service_url(stream_id, tag_name) urllib2.urlopen(tag_service_url) redirect_url = str(self.get_request_param(fh.redirect_parm)) if redirect_url in ['', None]: self.redirect('/') else: self.redirect(redirect_url)
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get stream name stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) response[fh.stream_id_parm] = stream_id if stream_id is None: fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_id_parm)) return # get the stream stream = Stream.get_by_id(stream_id) # get current user user_id = self.get_request_param(fh.user_id_parm) if user_id is None or user_id == "": fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.user_id_parm)) return # get the user user = StreamUser.get_by_id(user_id) # delete subscription result = StreamSubscriber.delete(stream, user) if result: response['status'] = "Subscription deleted" else: response['status'] = "Subscription not found" redirect_url = str(self.get_request_param(fh.redirect_parm)) if redirect_url in ['', None]: self.write_response(json.dumps(response)) else: self.redirect(redirect_url)
def get(self): user = StreamUser.get_current_user(self) if user: nickname = user.nickName login_url = users.create_logout_url('/') login_text = 'Sign out' else: self.redirect("/") return all_streams = Stream.get_all_streams() item_data = [] for stream in all_streams: items = stream.get_all_items() for i in range(len(items)): item = items[i] prev_ind = i - (i % 10) + 1 stream_url = fh.get_viewstream_url(stream.get_id(), prev_ind, prev_ind+9, i-prev_ind+1) if item.getLatLng() is not None: item_data.append({ "lat": item.latitude, "lng": item.longitude, "url": item.URL, "stream_name":, "stream_url": stream_url, "date_added": str(item.dateAdded) }) template_values = { 'html_template': 'MasterTemplate.html', 'user': nickname, 'login_url': login_url, 'login_text': login_text, 'item_data': item_data } path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/GeoMap.html') self.set_content_text_html() self.write_response(fh.render_html_template(path, template_values))
def get(self): """Delete all the docs in the given index.""" tagindex = fh.get_tag_index() streamindex = fh.get_stream_index() msg = 'Deleted all documents from indexes' for index in [tagindex, streamindex]: try: while True: # until no more documents, get a list of documents, # constraining the returned objects to contain only the doc ids, # extract the doc ids, and delete the docs. document_ids = [ document.doc_id for document in index.get_range(ids_only=True) ] if not document_ids: break index.delete(document_ids) except search.DeleteError: msg = 'Error removing exceptions' template_values = {'simple_content': msg, 'cleartagindex_active': True} self.response.write(template.render(templatepath, template_values))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get stream name stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) response[fh.stream_id_parm] = stream_id if stream_id is None or stream_id == "": fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_id_parm)) return # get current user user_id = self.get_request_param(fh.user_id_parm) response[fh.user_id_parm] = user_id if user_id is None or user_id == "": fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.user_id_parm)) return # create new subscription sub = StreamSubscriber.get_by_stream_id_and_user_id(stream_id, user_id) if sub is not None: response['status'] = True else: response['status'] = False redirect_url = str(self.get_request_param(fh.redirect_parm)) if redirect_url in ['', None]: self.write_response(json.dumps(response)) else: self.redirect(redirect_url)
def post(self): # make call to createStream service parm_dict = self.get_request_parameter_dictionary() create_stream_url = 'http://{0}/services/createstream?{1}={2};{3}'.format(os.environ['HTTP_HOST'], fh.user_id_parm, StreamUser.get_current_user(self).user_id(), urllib.urlencode(parm_dict)) try: result = urllib2.urlopen(create_stream_url) response = json.loads("".join(result.readlines())) redirect_url = fh.get_viewstream_url(response[fh.stream_id_parm], 1, 10) self.redirect(redirect_url) except urllib2.HTTPError: self.redirect('/error?{0}={1}'.format(fh.message_parm, 'Error creating stream'))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} # get stream name stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) response[fh.stream_id_parm] = stream_id if stream_id in ['', None]: fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_id_parm)) return # get the stream stream = Stream.get_by_id(stream_id) if stream is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Invalid Stream ID') return # get tag name tag_name = self.get_request_param(fh.tag_name_parm) if tag_name in ['', None]: fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.tag_name_parm)) return # get the tag tag = Tag.get_or_create_by_name(tag_name.strip().lower()) # create new streamtag StreamTag.add_tags_to_stream_by_name(stream, []) # block until new tag is found time.sleep(0.01) while StreamTag.get_by_stream_and_tag(stream, tag) is None: time.sleep(0.01) redirect_url = str(self.get_request_param(fh.redirect_parm)) if redirect_url in ['', None]: self.write_response(json.dumps(response)) else: self.redirect(redirect_url)
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} tag_name = self.get_request_param(FH.tag_name_parm) response[FH.tag_name_parm] = tag_name if tag_name is None or tag_name == '': FH.bad_request_error(self, response, "No tag name found") return tag = Tag.create(tag_name) if not tag: FH.bad_request_error(self, response, "Tag {} already exists".format(tag_name)) return # add tag to document index for searching FH.searchablize_tag(tag, response) response['status'] = "Created new tag: {}".format(tag_name) self.write_response(json.dumps(response))
def post(self): response = {} # get current user try: user = StreamUser.get_current_user(self) except urllib2.HTTPError: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'HTTPERROR... authToken = {}'.format(self.get_request_param(fh.auth_token_parm))) return if user is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Not logged in') return stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) if stream_id is None or stream_id == '': fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_id_parm)) return # get the stream stream = Stream.get_by_id(stream_id) if stream is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Invalid Stream ID') return n_ups = max(1, fh.get_num_uploads(self)) print('\nThere were {} uploads\n'.format(n_ups)) for i in range(n_ups): upload = fh.get_upload_from_filehandler(self, i) url = self.get_request_param(fh.url_parm) if upload is not None: image_url = fh.get_file_url(upload) name = upload.filename elif url not in [None, '']: try: urllib2.urlopen(url) image_url = url name = upload except: image_url = None else: image_url = None if image_url is not None: iscover = self.get_request_param('iscover') if iscover: stream.set_cover_image_url(image_url) else: lat = self.get_request_param('lat') print "Latitude = ", lat lng = self.get_request_param('lng') print "Longitude = ", lng # create StreamItem entity item = StreamItem.create( owner=user, file=upload, URL=image_url, name=name, stream=stream, latitude=lat, longitude=lng) # update stream list of images stream.add_item(item) # go back to viewstream page redirect = str(self.get_request_param(fh.redirect_parm)) if redirect: self.redirect(redirect) return else: self.set_content_text_plain() response = {'status': 'Upload successful', 'image_url': image_url } self.write_response(json.dumps(response)) return
def get(self): user = users.get_current_user() if user: nickname = user.nickname() login_url = users.create_logout_url('/') login_text = 'Sign out' else: self.redirect("/") return # retrieve request parameters stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) # retrieve the stream from the ID try: stream = (ndb.Key('Stream', int(stream_id))).get() except: self.redirect('/') return if stream is None: self.redirect('/') return active_image = self.get_request_param(fh.active_image_parm) try: active_image = int(active_image) except (TypeError, ValueError): active_image = 0 #Increment view counter stream.viewList.append( stream.numViews = stream.numViews + 1 stream.put() upload_url = blobstore.create_upload_url('/services/upload') # get the current image range ind1, ind2, status = fh.get_image_range_param(self) if ind1 is None or ind2 is None: ind1 = 1 ind2 = images_per_page # make call to viewimage service viewstream_service_url = fh.get_viewstream_service_url( stream_id, ind1, ind2) result = urllib2.urlopen(viewstream_service_url) response = json.loads("".join(result.readlines())) image_urls = response['urls'] tags = response[fh.tags_parm] tags = [{'name': tag, 'url': fh.get_viewtag_url(tag)} for tag in tags] #Values for GeoMap streamItemsLoc = response['streamItemsLoc'] # get total number of images and make links num_images = response[fh.num_images_parm] # get next 10 images link next_page_url = None if ind2 < num_images: next_page_url = fh.get_viewstream_url(stream_id, ind1 + images_per_page, ind2 + images_per_page) # get previous 10 images link prev_page_url = None if ind1 > 1: prev_page_url = fh.get_viewstream_url(stream_id, ind1 - images_per_page, ind2 - images_per_page) # see if user is subscribed to this stream # make call to subscribed service subscribed_service_url = fh.get_subscribed_service_url( user.user_id(), stream_id) result = urllib2.urlopen(subscribed_service_url) response = json.loads("".join(result.readlines())) is_subscribed = response['status'] redirect_url = urllib2.quote( fh.get_viewstream_url(stream_id, ind1, ind2)) if is_subscribed: sub_url = fh.get_unsubscribe_service_url(user.user_id(), stream_id, redirect_url) else: sub_url = fh.get_subscribe_service_url(user.user_id(), stream_id, redirect_url) item_data = [] items = stream.get_all_items() for i in range(len(items)): item = items[i] prev_ind = i - (i % 10) + 1 stream_url = fh.get_viewstream_url(stream.get_id(), prev_ind, prev_ind + 9, i - prev_ind + 1) if item.getLatLng() is not None: item_data.append({ "lat": item.latitude, "lng": item.longitude, "url": item.URL, "stream_name":, "stream_url": stream_url, "date_added": str(item.dateAdded) }) template_values = { 'html_template': 'MasterTemplate.html', 'stream': stream, 'stream_id': stream.stream_id(), 'upload_url': upload_url, 'image_urls': image_urls, 'user': user, 'login_url': login_url, 'login_text': login_text, 'is_subscribed': is_subscribed, 'sub_url': sub_url, 'tags': tags, 'tag_name_parm': fh.tag_name_parm, 'tag_url': fh.get_tagmod_url_noparm(), 'redirect_url': self.get_current_url(), 'stream_id_parm': fh.stream_id_parm, 'redirect_parm': fh.redirect_parm, 'url_parm': fh.url_parm, 'item_data': item_data, 'active_image': active_image } if next_page_url: template_values['next_page_url'] = next_page_url if prev_page_url: template_values['prev_page_url'] = prev_page_url path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../templates/ViewStream.html') self.response.write(template.render(path, template_values))
def get(self): self.set_content_text_plain() response = {} stream_id = self.get_request_param(fh.stream_id_parm) if stream_id is None or stream_id == '': fh.bad_request_error( self, response, 'No parameter {} found'.format(fh.stream_id_parm)) return # get the stream stream = Stream.get_by_id(stream_id) if stream is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, 'Invalid Stream ID') return # write some stream info response[fh.stream_name_parm] = response[fh.owner_parm] = stream.get_owner_from_db().nickName response[fh.num_images_parm] = len(stream.items) # get the indices ind1, ind2, status = fh.get_image_range_param(self) if ind1 is None or ind2 is None: fh.bad_request_error(self, response, status) return # query for images items, in1, ind2 = stream.get_items(ind1, ind2) image_urls = [item.URL for item in items] if len(image_urls) == 0: response[fh.image_range_parm] = None else: response[fh.image_range_parm] = "{0}-{1}".format(ind1, ind2) # get the tags stream_tags = StreamTag.get_batch_by_stream(stream) response[fh.tags_parm] = [t.get_tag_name() for t in stream_tags] #get lat/lng data for GeoMap item_loc = [] for item in items: if item.getLatLng() is not None: oneItem = [] oneItem.append( oneItem.append(item.dateAdded.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) if item.URL is None: imageURL = fh.get_file_url(item.blobKey) else: imageURL = item.URL oneItem.append(imageURL) oneItem.append(item.latitude) oneItem.append(item.longitude) item_loc.append(oneItem) response['streamItemsLoc'] = item_loc response['urls'] = image_urls self.write_response(json.dumps(response))