예제 #1
def ask_for_yn( txt, default, space=False ):
    ok = False
    t  = f'{txt}\n'
    t += '\t1) Yes\n'
    t += '\t2) No'

    while True:
        answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=default, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ): # 'ie. y, n, no, yes 1, 2'
            answ = str(default)

        answ = answ.lower()

        if utils.is_quit(answ):
            return config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
        elif utils.is_yes(answ):
            return config.answer_yes[0]
        elif utils.is_no(answ):
            return config.answer_no[0]
                answi = int(answ)
            except ValueError: # Input was not a number
            else: # Input is a number
                if answi == 1:
                    return config.answer_yes[0]
                elif answi == 2:
                    return config.answer_no[0]

        console.log(f'Unknown option: {answ} ?\nTry again.', True)
예제 #2
def ask_for_a_month( txt,  space=False ):
    l = [  '1',  '2',  '3',  '4',  '5',  '6',  '7',  '8',  '9', '10', '11', '12',
          '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12',
          'january', 'februari', 'march', 'april', 'mai', 'june', 'july',
          'august', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december',
          'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'mai', 'jun', 'jul',
          'aug', 'sep', 'okt', 'nov', 'dec' ]

    t  = f'{txt}\n'
    t += vt.list_to_col( l, align='center', col=6, col_width='10' )
    t += 'To select a month. Type in a month as above.'
    while True:
        answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=False, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
            console.log('Please type in something ...', True)
        elif utils.is_quit(answ):
            res = config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
            answ = answ.lower()
            if answ in l:
                res = vt.month_to_num( answ )
                ask( f'Month {answ} unknown !\nPress a key to try again...', True )

    return res
예제 #3
def ask_for_a_day( txt,  space=False ):
    days   = [ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]
    months = [  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12 ]
    l = list()
    for i in range( len(months) ):
        m = months[i]
        mm = f'0{m}' if m < 10 else f'{m}'
        for d in range(1, days[m-1]+1, 1):
            dd = f'0{d}' if d < 10 else f'{d}'
            l.append( f'{mm}{dd}' )

    t  = f'{txt}\n'
    t += vt.list_to_col( l, align='left', col=14, col_width=5 )
    t += 'To select a day. Type in the day as above.'
    while True:
        answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=False, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
            console.log('Please type in something ...', True)
        elif utils.is_quit(answ):
            res = config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
        elif answ in l:
            res = answ
            ask( f'Day {answ} unknown !\nPress a key to try again...', True )

    return res
예제 #4
def ask_for_one_station( txt, l_map=False, space=False):
    result = False
    if l_map == False:
        l_map = utils.only_existing_stations_in_map() # Update l

    if len(l_map) != 0:
        t  = f'{txt}\n'
        t += vt.list_to_col(l, 'left', 3, 25)
        t += 'To add a station, give a wmo-number or a city name'
        while True:
            answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=False, space=space )

            if utils.is_empthy(answ):
                console.log('Please type in something ...', True)
            elif utils.is_quit(answ):
                result = config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
            elif stations.name_in_list(answ, l_map) or \
                 stations.wmo_in_list(answ, l_map):
               result = stations.find_by_wmo_or_name(answ, l_map)
               console.log(f'{result.wmo}: {result.place} {result.province} selected', True)
                ask( f'Station: {answ} unknown !\nPress a key to try again...', True )
        t = 'No weatherdata found in data map. Download weatherdata first.'
        console.log(t, True)

    return result
예제 #5
def ask_for_file_name(txt, default='x-x-x-x', space=False):
    answ = ask_for_txt( txt, default, space )

    if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
        return str(default)
    elif utils.is_quit(answ):
        return config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit

    return answ
예제 #6
def ask_for_entities( txt, space=False):
    l, info = [], False
    ok, t = fio.read(utils.mk_path(config.dir_app, config.knmi_dayvalues_info_txt))
    inf = f'INFO:\n{t}' if ok else f'Info file {config.knmi_dayvalues_info_txt} not found...'

    txt += '\n' + vt.dayvalues_entities( sep=',' )
    txt += 'To add one weather entity, type in the enitity name. e.g. TX\n'
    txt += 'To add one more stations, give entity name separated by a comma. e.g TX, TG, TN\n'

    while True:
        t  = txt
        t += inf if config.help_info or info else "Type 'i' for more info..."

        if len(l) > 0:
            t += "\nPress 'n' to move to the next !"

        answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=False, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
            console.log('Please type in something ...', True)
            continue # Again
            answ = clear( answ )
            if answ == 'i':
                info = True
            elif utils.is_quit(answ):
                return config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
            elif answ == 'n' and len(l) > 0:
                return l
            elif answ.find(',') != -1:
                lt = answ.split(',')
                for e in lt:
                    if e:
                        e = clear(e) # Clean input
                        ok, ent = daydata.is_ent( e )
                        if ok:
                ok, ent = daydata.is_ent( answ )
                if ok:
                    console.log(f"Unknown option {ent} given. Fill in one or more entities separated by an ',' ", True)

            if len(l) > 0:
                cnt, kol, t = 1, 10, 'All weather entities who are added are: '
                for ent in l:
                    t += ent + ', '
                    if cnt % kol == 0:
                        t += '\n'
                t = t[0:-2] # Remove space and comma
                console.log( t, True )

    return l
예제 #7
def ask_for_query( txt, space=False ):
    info = False
    while True:
        t = f'{txt}\n'
        t += 'For example: TX > 35\n'
        if config.help_info or info:
            t += 'Possible properties are\n'
            t += "' gt', '> '         = greater than             ie TG >  20  Warm nights\n"
            t += "' ge', '>=', ' ≥'   = greater than and equal   ie TX >= 30  Tropical days\n"
            t += "' lt', '< '         = less than                ie TN <   0  Frosty days\n"
            t += "' le', '<=', ' ≤'   = less than equal          ie TX <=  0  Icy days\n"
            t += "' eq', '=='         = equal                    ie DDVEC == 90  A day with a wind from the east\n"
            t += "' ne', '!=', '<>'   = not equal                ie RH !=  0  A day with rain\n"
            t += "' or', '||'  'or '  ie SQ > 10  or TX >= 25    Sunny and warm days\n"
            t += "'and', '&&'  'and'  ie RH > 10 and TX <  0     Most propably a day with snow\n"
            t += '\nPossible entities are\n'
            t += "'DDVEC' = Vector mean wind direction (degrees)    'FHVEC' = Vector mean windspeed (m/s)\n"
            t += "'FG'    = Daily mean windspeed (in 0.1 m/s)       'FHX'   = Maximum hourly mean windspeed (m/s)\n"
            t += "'FHN'   = Minimum hourly mean windspeed (m/s)     'FXX'   = Maximum wind gust (m/s)\n"
            t += "'TG'    = Daily mean temperature in (°C)          'TN'    = Minimum temperature (°C)\n"
            t += "'TX'    = Maximum temperature (°C)                'T10N'  = Minimum temperature at 10 cm (°C)\n"
            t += "'SQ'    = Sunshine duration (hour)                'SP'    = % of maximum sunshine duration\n"
            t += "'Q'     = Global radiation (J/cm2)                'DR'    = Precipitation duration (hour)\n"
            t += "'RH'    = Daily precipitation amount (mm)         'RHX'   = Maximum hourly precipitation (mm)\n"
            t += "'PG'    = Daily mean sea level pressure (hPa)     'PX'    = Maximum hourly sea level pressure (hPa)\n"
            t += "'PN'    = Minimum hourly sea level pressure (hPa) 'EV24'  = Potential evapotranspiration (mm)\n"
            t += "'VVN'   = Minimum visibility 0: <100m, 1:100-200m, 2:200-300m,..., 49:4900-5000m, 50:5-6 km, \n"
            t += '          56:6-7km, 57:7-8km,..., 79:29-30km, 80:30-35km, 81:35-40km,..., 89: >70km)\n'
            t += "'VVX'   = Maximum visibility 0: <100 m, 1:100-200 m, 2:200-300 m,..., 49:4900-5000 m, 50:5-6 km, \n"
            t += '          56:6-7km, 57:7-8km,..., 79:29-30km, 80:30-35km, 81:35-40km,..., 89: >70km)\n'
            t += "'NG'    = Mean daily cloud cover (octants)         'UG'    = Daily mean relative atmospheric humidity (%)\n"
            t += "'UX'    = Maximum atmospheric humidity (%)         'UN'    = Minimum relative atmospheric humidity (%)"
            t += "Type 'i' for more info..."

        answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=False, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
            console.log('Please type in something ...', True)
        elif answ == 'i':
            info = True
        elif utils.is_quit(answ):
            return config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
        # TODO
        # elif validate.query(answ): # TODO
        #     return answ
            return utils.make_query_txt_only( answ )

    return answ  # No checking for now
예제 #8
def ask_for_date( txt, space=False):
    while True:
        answ = ask_for_txt( txt, default=False, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
            console.log('Please type in something ...', True)
        elif utils.is_quit(answ):
            answ = config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
        elif validate.yyyymmdd(answ):
            console.log(f'Error in date: {answ}\n', True)

    return answ
예제 #9
def ask_for_period( txt='', space=False ):
    info = False
    while True:
        t= f'{txt} \n'
        t += 'Period           start  -  end    \n'
        t += 'Default format  yyyymmdd-yyyymmdd \n'
        t += 'For example:    20200510-20200520 \n'
        if config.help_info or info:
            t += 'Formats with a wild card *  \n'
            t += '  --- still in development --- \n'
            t += '  ********            selects all the available data (=8x*)\n'
            t += '  ****                selects (current) year     (=4x*)\n'
            t += '  **                  selects (current) month    (=2x*)\n'
            t += '  yyyy****            selects the whole year yyyy\n'
            t += '  yyyymm**            selects the month mm in the year yyyy\n'
            t += '  ****mm**            selects a month mm for every year \n'
            t += '  ****mmdd            selects a monthday mmdd for every year \n'
            t += '  yyyy****-yyyy****   selects a full year from yyyy untill yyyy \n'
            t += '  yyyymmdd-yyyy*mmdd  selects a day mmdd in a year from start day to endyear\n'
            t += '  yyyymmdd-yyyy*mmdd* selects a certain period from mmdd=mmdd* in a year from yyyy to yyyy\n'
            t += 'Examples wildcard * \n'
            t += '  2015****            selects the year 2015 \n'
            t += '  201101**-202001**   selects all januarys from 2011 unto 2020 \n'
            t += '  ****07**            selects all julys from avalaible data \n'
            t += '  ****1225            selects all 25 decembers from avalaible data'
            t+= "Type 'i' for more info..."

        answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=False, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
            console.log('\nPlease type in something...\n', True)
        elif utils.is_quit(answ):
            answ = config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
        elif answ == 'i':
            info = True
            if daydata.check_periode( answ ): # TODO
                answ = answ.replace(' ', '')
                err  = f'Period of format {answ} is unknown... Press a key... '

    return answ
예제 #10
def ask_for_int(txt, default=False, space=False):
    if space: console.log(' ', space)
    while True:
        answ = ask_for_txt(txt, default, space)

        if utils.is_empthy(answ):
            answ = default
        elif utils.is_quit(answ):
            answ = config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
            answ = re.sub( '\D', '', answ ) # Remove non-digits
                answ = int(answ)
            except ValueError:
                console.log('Give an real integer...', True)
    if space: console.log(' ', space)
    return answ
예제 #11
def ask_type_options(txt, l, default=config.default_output, space=False):
    t = f'{txt}\n'
    i, max = 1, len(l)
    while True:
        t += f'\t{i}) {l[i-1]}'
        if i < max:
            i, t = i + 1, t + '\n'

    while True:
        answ = ask_for_txt( t, default=default, space=space )

        if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
            i = 0
            while i < max:
                if l[i] == default:
                    return default
                elif str(i) == str(default):
                    return l[i]
                i += 1

        if utils.is_quit(answ):
            return config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
                answi = int(answ)
            except ValueError: # Input is not a number
                if answ in l:
                    return answ
            else: # Input is a number
                i = 0
                while i < max:
                    if i + 1 == answi:
                        return l[i]
                    i += 1

                console.log(f'Unknown option: {answ} ?\nTry again.', True)
예제 #12
def ask_for_stations( txt, l_map=False, space=False):
    result = list()
    if l_map == False:
        l_map = utils.only_existing_stations_in_map() # Update l

    cnt_map = len(l_map)
    if cnt_map > 0:
        l = [f'{el.wmo} {el.place}' for el in l_map]
        t  = f'{txt}\n'
        t += vt.list_to_col( l, 'left', 4, 23 )
        t += 'To add one station, give a wmo-number or a city name\n'
        t += 'To add more stations, give a wmo-number or a city name separated by a comma\n'
        t += "Press '*' to add all available weather stations"

        while True:
            ask_txt = t
            cnt_result = len(result)
            if cnt_result > 0:
                ask_txt += "\nPress 'n' to move to the next !"

            answ = ask_for_txt( ask_txt + '\n', default=False, space=space )

            if not answ or utils.is_empthy(answ):
                console.log('Please type in something ...', True)
            elif utils.is_quit(answ):
                result = config.answer_quit[0] # Return first el for quit
            elif answ == '*':
                result =  l_map
            elif answ == 'n' and cnt_result > 0:
                ll = list() # Make a list with stations
                if answ.find(',') != -1:
                    ll = [clear(e) for e in answ.split(',')] # Clean input
                    if stations.name_in_list(answ, l_map):
                    elif stations.wmo_in_list(answ, l_map):
                        console.log(f'Station: {answ} is unknown !')

                # Add all added stations
                for s in ll:
                    st = stations.find_by_wmo_or_name(s, l_map)
                    if st != False:
                        all = f'{st.wmo} {st.place} {st.province}'
                        if stations.check_if_station_already_in_list( st, result ) != True:
                            console.log(f'Station: {all} added...')
                            console.log(f'Station: {all} already added...')
                        console.log(f'Station: {answ} not found...')

            cnt_result = len(result) # New count
            if cnt_result == cnt_map:
                console.log('\nAll available weatherstations added...', True)
            elif cnt_result > 0:
                console.log('\nAll weatherstation(s) who are added are: ', True)

                for s in result:
                    console.log(f'{s.wmo}: {s.place} {s.province}', True)

        t = 'No weatherdata found in data map. Download weatherdata first.'
        console.log(t, True)
        result = False

    return result