def add_histplot(self, target=False, loc=111, label='Kyoto $K_{p}$', time_range=None, **kwargs): ''' Make a quick histogram-style plot of the Kp data. Returns ======= fig : matplotlib figure object ax : matplotlib axes object Other Parameters ================ target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). label : string The label applied to the line when a legend is added to the axes. Defaults to 'Kyoto $K_{p}$'. time_range : tuple of datetimes The time range to plot. Only the first and last values in the tuple (or list) are used if the number of elements is greater than two. Defaults to **None**, meaning that the full time range available is used. Extra keyword arguments are passed to :function:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` to customize the line style. Examples ======== >>> import as kt >>> kp = kt.fetch('kp', (1981, 11), (1981, 11) >>> kp.add_histplot(lw=2.0, lc='r', label='Example KP') ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Shortcuts for the lazy. bstart=self['binstart'] bstop =self['binstop'] npts =self.attrs['npts'] # Reformulate time to get histogram-type look. newtime=np.zeros(npts*24, dtype=object) newkp =np.zeros(npts*24) # Set time range. if not time_range: time_range = newtime for i in range(npts*8): newtime[3*i ] = bstart[i] newtime[3*i+1] = self['time'][i] newtime[3*i+2] = bstop[i] newkp[3*i:3*i+3] = self['kp'][i], self['kp'][i], self['kp'][i] fig, ax = set_target(target, figsize=(10,4), loc=loc) line=ax.plot(newtime, newkp, label=label, **kwargs) applySmartTimeTicks(ax, time_range, dolabel=True) return fig, ax
def add_slice(self, var, alt, time, nlev=31, zlim=None, target=None, loc=111, title=None, latoffset=1.05, rlim=50., add_cbar=True, clabel=None, show_pts=False, show_alt=True, dolog=False, lats=[75., 60.], colats=None, figsize=(8.34, 7), *args, **kwargs): ''' Create a plot of variable *var* at altitude *alt*. If kwarg **target** is None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If target is a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure at subplot location **loc**. If **target** is a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import (LogNorm, Normalize) from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.ticker import (LogLocator, LogFormatter, LogFormatterMathtext, MultipleLocator) # Grab the slice of data that we want: if type(time) == type(self['time'][0]): if time not in self['time']: raise ValueError('Time not in object') time = np.arange(self.attrs['nTime'])[self['time'] == time][0] fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc, figsize=figsize) ax.set_aspect('equal') # Create values in Cartesian plane. self._get_cartXY() # Grab values from correct time/location. x = self._xLat[:, time, alt] y = self._yLat[:, time, alt] value = self[var][:, time, alt] # Get max/min if none given. if zlim == None: zlim = [0, 0] zlim[0] = value.min() zlim[1] = value.max() if dolog and zlim[0] <= 0: zlim[0] = np.min([0.0001, zlim[1] / 1000.0]) # Create levels and set norm based on dolog. if dolog: levs = np.power( 10, np.linspace(np.log10(zlim[0]), np.log10(zlim[1]), nlev)) z = np.where(value > zlim[0], value, 1.01 * zlim[0]) norm = LogNorm() ticks = LogLocator() fmt = LogFormatterMathtext() else: levs = np.linspace(zlim[0], zlim[1], nlev) z = value norm = None ticks = None fmt = None # Create contour plot. cont = ax.tricontourf(x, y, z, levs, *args, norm=norm, **kwargs) # Label altitude. if show_alt: ax.text( 0.05, 0.05, r'Alt.={:.1f}$km/s$ ({:.2f}$R_E$)'.format( self['r'][alt], self['r'][alt] / 6371.0 + 1), size=12, transform=ax.transAxes, bbox={ 'fc': 'white', 'ec': 'k' }) if show_pts: ax.plot(x, y, '+w') # Add cbar if necessary. if add_cbar: cbar = plt.colorbar(cont, ticks=ticks, format=fmt, pad=0.01) if clabel == None: clabel = "%s (%s)" % (var, self[var].attrs['units']) cbar.set_label(clabel) else: cbar = None # Need to return something, even if none. # Set title, labels, axis ranges (use defaults where applicable.) if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.set_yticks([]), ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylabel(r'Sun $\rightarrow$') colat_lim = 90. - rlim ax.set_xlim([-1 * colat_lim, colat_lim]) ax.set_ylim([-1 * colat_lim, colat_lim]) if colats: for colat in colats: r = latoffset * colat / np.sqrt(2) ax.add_patch( Circle([0, 0], colat, fc='none', ec='k', ls='dashed')) ax.text( r, r, '{:.0f}'.format(colat) + r'$^{\circ}$', rotation=315, ha='center', va='center') else: for lat in lats: colat = 90 - lat r = latoffset * colat / np.sqrt(2) ax.add_patch( Circle([0, 0], colat, fc='none', ec='k', ls='dashed')) ax.text( r, r, '{:.0f}'.format(lat) + r'$^{\circ}$', rotation=315, ha='center', va='center') return fig, ax, cont, cbar
def add_cont(self, var, target=None, n=24, maxz=False, lines=True, cmap=False, add_cbar=False, label=None, loc=111, xticksize=12, yticksize=12, **kwargs): ''' Create a polar contour of variable *var*. Plot will be either drawn on a new matplotlib figure and axes, or you can specify a plot target using the *target* kwarg. Parameters ========== var : str The name of the variable to plot. Returns ======= fig : matplotlib figure object ax : matplotlib axes object cnt : matplotlib contour object cb : matplotlib colorbar object Other Parameters ================ target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). n : int Set number of levels. Should be a multiple of 3 for best match between filled and traced contours. Default is 21. lines : bool Add unfilled black solid/dashed contours to plot for additional contrast. Default is **True**. maxz : real Set the max/min value for the color bar. Default is set by data. cmap : str Set the colormap. Default is to autoselect using classic IE maps. Can be 'bwr', 'wr', or any name of a matplotlib colar map. add_cbar : bool Add colorbar to plot. Default is **False** which will not add one to the plot. Extra keywords are passed to the contourf routine. ''' # Get only what we need to decrease runtime. from math import pi from numpy import linspace from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator, MultipleLocator from matplotlib.pyplot import clabel, colorbar fig, ax = set_target(target, polar=True, loc=loc) hemi = var[:2] # Set levels and ticks: if label == None: label = tex_label(var) lt_labels = ['06', label, '18', '00'] xticks = [0, pi / 2, pi, 3 * pi / 2] lct = MultipleLocator(10) minz = self[var].min() if minz < 0.0: if not maxz: maxz = max([abs(minz), self[var].max()]) crange = Normalize(vmin=-1. * maxz, vmax=maxz) levs = linspace(-1. * maxz, maxz, n) else: if not maxz: maxz = self[var].max() crange = Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=maxz) levs = linspace(0., maxz, n) # Get color map if not given: if not cmap: if self[var].min() >= 0.0: cmap = get_iono_cb('wr') else: cmap = get_iono_cb('bwr') cnt1 = ax.contourf(self[hemi + 'psi'] * pi / 180.0 + pi / 2., self[hemi + 'theta'], np.array(self[var]), levs, norm=crange, cmap=cmap) # Set xtick label size, increase font of top label. labels = ax.get_xticklabels() for l in labels: l.set_size(xticksize) labels[1].set_size(xticksize * 1.25) if lines: nk = int(round(n / 3.0)) cnt2 = ax.contour(self[hemi + 'psi'] * pi / 180.0 + pi / 2., self[hemi + 'theta'], np.array(self[var]), nk, colors='k') #clabel(cnt2,fmt='%3i',fontsize=10) if add_cbar: cbarticks = MaxNLocator(7) cbar = colorbar(cnt1, ticks=cbarticks, shrink=0.75, pad=0.08) cbar.set_label(tex_label(self[var].attrs['units'])) else: cbar = False ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(lt_labels) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(lct) ax.set_ylim([0, 40]) # Use text function to manually add pretty ticks. ax.set_yticklabels('') # old ticks off. opts = { 'size': yticksize, 'rotation': -45, 'ha': 'center', 'va': 'center' } for theta in [80., 70., 60.]: txt = '{:02.0f}'.format(theta) + r'$^{\circ}$' ax.text(pi / 4., 90. - theta, txt, color='w', weight='heavy', **opts) ax.text(pi / 4., 90. - theta, txt, color='k', weight='light', **opts) return fig, ax, cnt1, cbar
def add_slice(self, var, alt, time, nlev=31, zlim=None, target=None, loc=111, title=None, latoffset=1.05, rlim=50., add_cbar=True, clabel=None, show_pts=False, show_alt=True, dolog=False, lats=[75., 60.], colats=None, figsize=(8.34,7), *args, **kwargs): ''' Create a plot of variable *var* at altitude *alt*. If kwarg **target** is None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If target is a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure at subplot location **loc**. If **target** is a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import (LogNorm, Normalize) from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.ticker import (LogLocator, LogFormatter, LogFormatterMathtext, MultipleLocator) # Grab the slice of data that we want: if type(time) == type(self['time'][0]): if time not in self['time']: raise ValueError('Time not in object') time = np.arange(self.attrs['nTime'])[self['time']==time][0] fig, ax = set_target(target, loc=loc, figsize=figsize) ax.set_aspect('equal') # Create values in Cartesian plane. self._get_cartXY() # Grab values from correct time/location. x = self._xLat[:,time, alt] y = self._yLat[:,time, alt] value = self[var][:, time, alt] # Get max/min if none given. if zlim==None: zlim=[0,0] zlim[0]=value.min(); zlim[1]=value.max() if dolog and zlim[0]<=0: zlim[0] = np.min( [0.0001, zlim[1]/1000.0] ) # Create levels and set norm based on dolog. if dolog: levs = np.power(10, np.linspace(np.log10(zlim[0]), np.log10(zlim[1]), nlev)) z=np.where(value>zlim[0], value, 1.01*zlim[0]) norm=LogNorm() ticks=LogLocator() fmt=LogFormatterMathtext() else: levs = np.linspace(zlim[0], zlim[1], nlev) z=value norm=None ticks=None fmt=None # Create contour plot. cont=ax.tricontourf(x, y, z, levs, *args, norm=norm, **kwargs) # Label altitude. if show_alt: ax.text(0.05, 0.05, r'Alt.={:.1f}$km/s$ ({:.2f}$R_E$)'.format( self['r'][alt], self['r'][alt]/6371.0+1), size=12, transform=ax.transAxes, bbox={'fc':'white', 'ec':'k'}) if show_pts: ax.plot(x, y, '+w') # Add cbar if necessary. if add_cbar: cbar=plt.colorbar(cont, ticks=ticks, format=fmt, pad=0.01) if clabel==None: clabel="%s (%s)" % (var, self[var].attrs['units']) cbar.set_label(clabel) else: cbar=None # Need to return something, even if none. # Set title, labels, axis ranges (use defaults where applicable.) if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.set_yticks([]), ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_ylabel(r'Sun $\rightarrow$') colat_lim = 90.-rlim ax.set_xlim([-1*colat_lim, colat_lim]) ax.set_ylim([-1*colat_lim, colat_lim]) if colats: for colat in colats: r = latoffset*colat/np.sqrt(2) ax.add_patch(Circle([0,0],colat,fc='none',ec='k',ls='dashed')) ax.text(r, r, '{:.0f}'.format(colat)+r'$^{\circ}$', rotation=315,ha='center', va='center') else: for lat in lats: colat = 90 - lat r = latoffset*colat/np.sqrt(2) ax.add_patch(Circle([0,0],colat,fc='none',ec='k',ls='dashed')) ax.text(r, r, '{:.0f}'.format(lat)+r'$^{\circ}$', rotation=315,ha='center', va='center') return fig, ax, cont, cbar
def add_cont(self, var, target=None, n=24, maxz=False, lines=True, cmap=False, add_cbar=False, label=None, loc=111, xticksize=12, yticksize=12, **kwargs): ''' Create a polar contour of variable *var*. Plot will be either drawn on a new matplotlib figure and axes, or you can specify a plot target using the *target* kwarg. Parameters ========== var : str The name of the variable to plot. Returns ======= fig : matplotlib figure object ax : matplotlib axes object cnt : matplotlib contour object cb : matplotlib colorbar object Other Parameters ================ target : Figure or Axes If None (default), a new figure is generated from scratch. If a matplotlib Figure object, a new axis is created to fill that figure. If a matplotlib Axes object, the plot is placed into that axis. loc : int Use to specify the subplot placement of the axis (e.g. loc=212, etc.) Used if target is a Figure or None. Default 111 (single plot). n : int Set number of levels. Should be a multiple of 3 for best match between filled and traced contours. Default is 21. lines : bool Add unfilled black solid/dashed contours to plot for additional contrast. Default is **True**. maxz : real Set the max/min value for the color bar. Default is set by data. cmap : str Set the colormap. Default is to autoselect using classic IE maps. Can be 'bwr', 'wr', or any name of a matplotlib colar map. add_cbar : bool Add colorbar to plot. Default is **False** which will not add one to the plot. Extra keywords are passed to the contourf routine. ''' # Get only what we need to decrease runtime. from math import pi from numpy import linspace from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator, MultipleLocator from matplotlib.pyplot import clabel, colorbar fig, ax = set_target(target, polar=True, loc=loc) hemi = var[:2] # Set levels and ticks: if label==None: label=tex_label(var) lt_labels = ['06', label, '18', '00'] xticks = [ 0, pi/2, pi, 3*pi/2] lct = MultipleLocator(10) minz = self[var].min() if minz < 0.0: if not maxz: maxz = max([abs(minz),self[var].max()]) crange = Normalize(vmin=-1.*maxz, vmax=maxz) levs = linspace(-1.*maxz, maxz, n) else: if not maxz: maxz = self[var].max() crange = Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=maxz) levs = linspace(0., maxz, n) # Get color map if not given: if not cmap: if self[var].min() >= 0.0: cmap=get_iono_cb('wr') else: cmap=get_iono_cb('bwr') cnt1 = ax.contourf(self[hemi+'psi']*pi/180.0+pi/2., self[hemi+'theta'], np.array(self[var]), levs, norm=crange, cmap=cmap) # Set xtick label size, increase font of top label. labels = ax.get_xticklabels() for l in labels: l.set_size(xticksize) labels[1].set_size(xticksize*1.25) if lines: nk = int(round(n/3.0)) cnt2 = ax.contour(self[hemi+'psi']*pi/180.0+pi/2., self[hemi+'theta'], np.array(self[var]), nk, colors='k') #clabel(cnt2,fmt='%3i',fontsize=10) if add_cbar: cbarticks = MaxNLocator(7) cbar = colorbar(cnt1, ticks=cbarticks, shrink=0.75, pad=0.08) cbar.set_label(tex_label(self[var].attrs['units'])) else: cbar=False ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(lt_labels) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(lct) ax.set_ylim([0,40]) # Use text function to manually add pretty ticks. ax.set_yticklabels('') # old ticks off. opts = {'size':yticksize, 'rotation':-45, 'ha':'center', 'va':'center'} for theta in [80.,70.,60.]: txt = '{:02.0f}'.format(theta)+r'$^{\circ}$' ax.text(pi/4., 90.-theta, txt, color='w', weight='heavy', **opts) ax.text(pi/4., 90.-theta, txt, color='k', weight='light', **opts) return fig, ax, cnt1, cbar