예제 #1
def verify(blob_values):
    q = """
        select val1, val2 from test_blob_update where id1 = :id1 and %s
    for v in blob_values:
        i1 = v[0]
        i2 = v[1]
        v1 = v[2]
        v2 = v[3]
        hval = {'id1': i1}
        if i2 is None:
            s = "id2 is null"
            s = "id2 = :id2"
            hval['id2'] = i2
        h = rhnSQL.prepare(q % s)
        row = h.fetchone_dict()
        val1 = row['val1']
        val2 = row['val2']

        val1_val = rhnSQL.read_lob(val1)
        val2_val = rhnSQL.read_lob(val2)
        assert v1 == val1_val, "Not equal: %s, %s" % (repr(v1), repr(val1_val))
        assert v2 == val2_val, "Not equal: %s, %s" % (repr(v2), repr(val2_val))
    print("Verification passes")
예제 #2
파일: test_lob.py 프로젝트: TJM/spacewalk
    def test_lobs(self):
        new_id = rhnSQL.Sequence('misatestlob_id_seq').next()
        h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
            insert into misatestlob (id, val) values (:id, empty_blob())

        h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
            select val from misatestlob where id = :id for update of val
        row = h.fetchone_dict()
        self.assertNotEqual(row, None)
        lob = row['val']
        s = ""
        for i in range(256):
            s = s + chr(i)

        h = rhnSQL.prepare("""
            select val from misatestlob where id = :id
        row = h.fetchone_dict()
        self.assertNotEqual(row, None)
        lob = row['val']
        data = rhnSQL.read_lob(lob)
        self.assertEqual(data, s)
예제 #3
def _checkCertMatch_rhnCryptoKey(cert, description, org_id, deleteRowYN=0,
    """ is there an CA SSL certificate already in the database?
        If yes:
            return ID:
              -1, then no cert in DB
              None if they are identical (i.e., nothing to do)
              0...N if cert is in database

        if found, optionally deletes the row and returns -1
        Used ONLY by: store_rhnCryptoKey(...)

    row = lookup_cert(description, org_id)
    rhn_cryptokey_id = -1
    if row:
        if cert == rhnSQL.read_lob(row['key']):
            # match found, nothing to do
            if verbosity:
                print("Nothing to do: certificate to be pushed matches certificate in database.")
        # there can only be one (bugzilla: 120297)
        rhn_cryptokey_id = int(row['id'])
        # print 'found existing certificate - id:', rhn_cryptokey_id
        # NUKE IT!
        if deleteRowYN:
            # print 'found a cert, nuking it! id:', rhn_cryptokey_id
            h = rhnSQL.prepare('delete from rhnCryptoKey where id=:rhn_cryptokey_id')
            # rhnSQL.commit()
            rhn_cryptokey_id = -1
    return rhn_cryptokey_id
예제 #4
    def _get_file_revision(self, config_channel, revision, path):
        if revision and not revision.isdigit():
            raise rhnFault(4016, "Invalid revision number '%s' specified for path %s "
                           "in channel %s" % (revision, path, config_channel),

        f = self._get_file(config_channel, path, revision=revision)
        if not f:
            raise rhnFault(4011, "File %s (revision %s) does not exist "
                           "in channel %s" % (path, revision, config_channel),
        if f['label'] == 'file' and f['is_binary'] == 'Y':
            raise rhnFault(4004, "File %s (revision %s) seems to contain "
                           "binary data" % (path, revision),

        # We have to read the contents of the first file here, because the LOB
        # object is tied to a cursor; if we re-execute the cursor, the LOB
        # seems to be invalid (bug 151220)

        # Empty files or directories may have NULL instead of lobs
        fc_lob = f.get('file_contents')
        if fc_lob:
            f['file_content'] = rhnSQL.read_lob(fc_lob).splitlines()
            f['file_content'] = ''
        return f
예제 #5
def _checkCertMatch_rhnCryptoKey(caCert, description, org_id, deleteRowYN=0, verbosity=0):
    """ is there an CA SSL certificate already in the database?
        If yes:
            return ID:
              -1, then no cert in DB
              None if they are identical (i.e., nothing to do)
              0...N if cert is in database

        if found, optionally deletes the row and returns -1
        Used ONLY by: store_rhnCryptoKey(...)

    cert = open(caCert, "rb").read().strip()

    h = rhnSQL.prepare(_querySelectCryptoCertInfo)
    h.execute(description=description, org_id=org_id)
    row = h.fetchone_dict()
    rhn_cryptokey_id = -1
    if row:
        if cert == rhnSQL.read_lob(row["key"]):
            # match found, nothing to do
            if verbosity:
                print "Nothing to do: certificate to be pushed matches certificate in database."
        # there can only be one (bugzilla: 120297)
        rhn_cryptokey_id = int(row["id"])
        # print 'found existing certificate - id:', rhn_cryptokey_id
        ## NUKE IT!
        if deleteRowYN:
            # print 'found a cert, nuking it! id:', rhn_cryptokey_id
            h = rhnSQL.prepare("delete from rhnCryptoKey where id=:rhn_cryptokey_id")
            # rhnSQL.commit()
            rhn_cryptokey_id = -1
    return rhn_cryptokey_id
예제 #6
def retrieve_db_cert(label='rhn-satellite-cert'):
    h = rhnSQL.prepare(_query_latest_version)
    row = h.fetchone_dict()
    if not row:
        return None
    row['cert'] = rhnSQL.read_lob(row['cert'])
    return row
예제 #7
    def _push_contents(self, file):

        checksum_type = 'sha256'  # FIXME: this should be configuration option

        file['file_size'] = 0
        file['is_binary'] = 'N'

        file_path = file.get('path')
        file_contents = file.get('file_contents') or ''

        if 'enc64' in file and file_contents:
            file_contents = base64.decodestring(file_contents)

        if 'config_file_type_id' not in file:
            log_debug(4, "Client does not support config directories, so set file_type_id to 1")
            file['config_file_type_id'] = '1'

        file['checksum_type'] = checksum_type
        file['checksum'] = getStringChecksum(checksum_type, file_contents or '')

        if file_contents:
            file['file_size'] = len(file_contents)

            if file['file_size'] > self._get_maximum_file_size():
                raise ConfigFileTooLargeError(file_path, file['file_size'])

            # Is the content binary data?
            # XXX We may need a heuristic; this is what the web site does, and we
            # have to be consistent
            # XXX Yes this is iterating over a string
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                file['is_binary'] = 'Y'

        h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_content_lookup)
        row = h.fetchone_dict()

        if row:
            db_contents = rhnSQL.read_lob(row['contents']) or ''
            if file_contents == db_contents:
                # Same content
                file['config_content_id'] = row['id']
                log_debug(5, "same content")

        # We have to insert a new file now
        content_seq = rhnSQL.Sequence('rhn_confcontent_id_seq')
        config_content_id = content_seq.next()
        file['config_content_id'] = config_content_id
        file['contents'] = file_contents

        h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_insert_content,
                           blob_map={'contents': 'contents'})
예제 #8
def get(name, modified = None, raw = None, compressed = None):
    # Check to see if the entry is in the database, with the right version
    h = _fetch_cursor(key=name, modified=modified)

    row = h.fetchone_dict()

    if not row:
        # Key not found
        return None

    if modified and row['delta'] != 0:
        # Different version
        log_debug(4, "database cache: different version")
        return None

    if modified is None:
        # The caller doesn't care about the modified time, but we do, since we
        # want to fetch the same version from the disk cache
        modified = row['modified']

    if rhnCache.has_key(name, modified):
        # We have the value
        log_debug(4, "Filesystem cache HIT")
        return rhnCache.get(name, modified=modified, raw=raw)

    log_debug(4, "Filesystem cache MISS")

    # The disk cache doesn't have this key at all, or it's a modified value
    # Fetch the value from the database

    v = row['value']
    # Update the accessed field

    if compressed:
        io = cStringIO.StringIO()

        io.seek(0, 0)

        # XXX For about 40M of compressed data sometimes we get:
        # zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing: incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree
        v = gzip.GzipFile(None, "r", 0, io)

        data = v.read()
    except (ValueError, IOError, gzip.zlib.error), e:
        # XXX poking at gzip.zlib may not be that well-advised
        log_error("rhnDatabaseCache: gzip error for key %s: %s" % (
            name, e))
        # Ignore this entry in the database cache, it has invalid data
        return None
예제 #9
def format_file_results(row, server=None):
    encoding = ''
    contents = None
    contents = rhnSQL.read_lob(row['file_contents']) or ''
    checksum = row['checksum'] or ''

    if server and (row['is_binary'] == 'N') and contents:

        interpolator = ServerTemplatedDocument(server,
        contents = interpolator.interpolate(contents)
        if row['checksum_type']:
            checksummer = hashlib.new(row['checksum_type'])
            checksum = checksummer.hexdigest()

    if contents:
        client_caps = rhnCapability.get_client_capabilities()
        if client_caps and 'configfiles.base64_enc' in client_caps:
            encoding = 'base64'
            contents = base64.encodestring(contents)
    if row.get('modified', False):
        m_date = xmlrpclib.DateTime(str(row['modified']))
        m_date = ''

    return {
        'path': row['path'],
        'config_channel': row['config_channel'],
        'file_contents': contents,
        'symlink': row['symlink'] or '',
        'checksum_type': row['checksum_type'] or '',
        'checksum': checksum,
        'verify_contents': True,
        'delim_start': row['delim_start'] or '',
        'delim_end': row['delim_end'] or '',
        'revision': row['revision'] or '',
        'username': row['username'] or '',
        'groupname': row['groupname'] or '',
        'filemode': row['filemode'] or '',
        'encoding': encoding or '',
        'filetype': row['label'],
        'selinux_ctx': row['selinux_ctx'] or '',
        'modified': m_date,
        'is_binary': row['is_binary'] or '',
예제 #10
def xccdf_eval(server_id, action_id, dry_run=0):
    statement = """
        select path, parameters
        from rhnActionScap
        where action_id = :action_id"""
    h = rhnSQL.prepare(statement)
    d = h.fetchone_dict()
    if not d:
        raise InvalidAction("scap.xccdf_eval: Unknown action id "
                            "%s for server %s" % (action_id, server_id))
    return ({
        'path': d['path'],
        'id': action_id,
        'file_size': _scap_file_limit(server_id),
        'params': rhnSQL.read_lob(d['parameters']) or ''
예제 #11
def run(server_id, action_id, dry_run=0):
    log_debug(3, dry_run)

    data = {}

    h = rhnSQL.prepare(_query_action_script)

    info = h.fetchone_dict() or []

    if info:
        data["username"] = info["username"]
        data["groupname"] = info["groupname"]
        data["timeout"] = info["timeout"] or ""
        data["script"] = rhnSQL.read_lob(info["script"]) or ""
        # used to make the resulting times make some sense in the db
        data["now"] = info["now"]

    return action_id, data
예제 #12
def run(server_id, action_id, dry_run=0):
    log_debug(3, dry_run)

    data = {}

    h = rhnSQL.prepare(_query_action_script)

    info = h.fetchone_dict() or []

    if info:
        data['username'] = info['username']
        data['groupname'] = info['groupname']
        data['timeout'] = info['timeout'] or ''
        data['script'] = rhnSQL.read_lob(info['script']) or ''
        # used to make the resulting times make some sense in the db
        data['now'] = info['now']

    return action_id, data
예제 #13
def _checkCertMatch_rhnCryptoKey(cert,
    """ is there an CA SSL certificate already in the database?
        If yes:
            return ID:
              -1, then no cert in DB
              None if they are identical (i.e., nothing to do)
              0...N if cert is in database

        if found, optionally deletes the row and returns -1
        Used ONLY by: store_rhnCryptoKey(...)

    row = lookup_cert(description, org_id)
    rhn_cryptokey_id = -1
    if row:
        if cert == rhnSQL.read_lob(row['key']):
            # match found, nothing to do
            if verbosity:
                    "Nothing to do: certificate to be pushed matches certificate in database."
            return None
        # there can only be one (bugzilla: 120297)
        rhn_cryptokey_id = int(row['id'])
        # print 'found existing certificate - id:', rhn_cryptokey_id
        # NUKE IT!
        if deleteRowYN:
            # print 'found a cert, nuking it! id:', rhn_cryptokey_id
            h = rhnSQL.prepare(
                'delete from rhnCryptoKey where id=:rhn_cryptokey_id')
            # rhnSQL.commit()
            rhn_cryptokey_id = -1
    return rhn_cryptokey_id
예제 #14
def format_file_results(row, server=None):
    encoding = ''
    contents = None 
    contents = rhnSQL.read_lob(row['file_contents']) or ''

    if server and (row['is_binary'] == 'N') and contents:

        interpolator = ServerTemplatedDocument(server,
        contents = interpolator.interpolate(contents)

    if contents:
        client_caps = rhnCapability.get_client_capabilities()
        if client_caps and client_caps.has_key('configfiles.base64_enc'):
            encoding = 'base64'
            contents = base64.encodestring(contents)
    return {
        'path'          : row['path'],
        'config_channel': row['config_channel'],
        'file_contents' : contents,
        'symlink' : row['symlink'] or '', 
        'checksum_type' : row['checksum_type'] or '',
        'checksum'      : row['checksum'] or '',
        'delim_start'   : row['delim_start'] or '',
        'delim_end'     : row['delim_end'] or '',
        'revision'      : row['revision'] or '',
        'username'      : row['username'] or '',
        'groupname'     : row['groupname'] or '',
        'filemode'      : row['filemode'] or '',
        'encoding'      : encoding or '',
        'filetype'      : row['label'],
        'selinux_ctx'   : row['selinux_ctx'] or '',
예제 #15
    def _push_contents(self, file):

        checksum_type = 'md5'       # FIXME: this should be configuration option

        file['file_size'] = 0
        file['is_binary'] = 'N'
        file_path = file.get('path')
        file_contents = file.get('file_contents') or ''

        if file.has_key('enc64') and file_contents:
            file_contents = base64.decodestring(file_contents)

	if not file.has_key('config_file_type_id'):
	    log_debug(4, "Client does not support config directories, so set file_type_id to 1")
            file['config_file_type_id'] = '1'

        file['checksum_type'] = checksum_type
        file['checksum'] = getStringChecksum(checksum_type, file_contents or '')

        if file_contents:
            file['file_size'] = len(file_contents)

            if file['file_size'] > self._get_maximum_file_size():
                raise ConfigFileTooLargeError(file_path, file['file_size'])

            # Is the content binary data?
            # XXX We may need a heuristic; this is what the web site does, and we
            # have to be consistent
            # XXX Yes this is iterating over a string
            for c in file_contents:
                if ord(c) > 127:
                    file['is_binary'] = 'Y'

        h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_content_lookup)
        apply(h.execute, (), file)
        row = h.fetchone_dict()

        if row:
            db_contents = rhnSQL.read_lob(row['contents']) or ''
            if file_contents == db_contents:
                # Same content
                file['config_content_id'] = row['id']
                log_debug(5, "same content")

        # We have to insert a new file now
        content_seq = rhnSQL.Sequence('rhn_confcontent_id_seq')
        config_content_id = content_seq.next()
        file['config_content_id'] = config_content_id

        if file_contents:
            h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_insert_content)
            h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_insert_null_content)
        apply(h.execute, (), file)

        # Row should be there now
        h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_get_content_row)
        apply(h.execute, (), file)
        row = h.fetchone_dict()
        if not row:
            # Ouch
            raise rhnException("Row should have been inserted but it's not")

        if file_contents:
            log_debug(5, "writing file contents to blob")
            lob = row['contents']
예제 #16
    def _push_contents(self, file):

        checksum_type = 'sha256'  # FIXME: this should be configuration option

        file['file_size'] = 0
        file['is_binary'] = 'N'

        file_path = file.get('path')
        file_contents = file.get('file_contents') or ''

        if 'enc64' in file and file_contents:
            file_contents = base64.decodestring(file_contents.encode())

        if 'config_file_type_id' not in file:
                "Client does not support config directories, so set file_type_id to 1"
            file['config_file_type_id'] = '1'

        file['checksum_type'] = checksum_type
        file['checksum'] = getStringChecksum(checksum_type, file_contents
                                             or '')

        if file_contents:
            file['file_size'] = len(file_contents)

            if file['file_size'] > self._get_maximum_file_size():
                raise ConfigFileTooLargeError(file_path, file['file_size'])

            # Is the content binary data?
            # XXX We may need a heuristic; this is what the web site does, and we
            # have to be consistent
            # XXX Yes this is iterating over a string
            except Exception:
                file['is_binary'] = 'Y'

        h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_content_lookup)
        row = h.fetchone_dict()

        if row:
            db_contents = rhnSQL._fix_encoding(
                rhnSQL.read_lob(row['contents']) or '')
            if file_contents == db_contents:
                # Same content
                file['config_content_id'] = row['id']
                log_debug(5, "same content")

        # We have to insert a new file now
        content_seq = rhnSQL.Sequence('rhn_confcontent_id_seq')
        config_content_id = content_seq.next()
        file['config_content_id'] = config_content_id
        file['contents'] = file_contents

        h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_insert_content,
                           blob_map={'contents': 'contents'})