예제 #1
    def update(self, spec):
        if type(spec) != spack.spec.Spec:
            spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)

        assert (not spec.virtual)

        pkg = spec.package
        for provided_spec, provider_spec in pkg.provided.iteritems():
            if provider_spec.satisfies(spec, deps=False):
                provided_name = provided_spec.name

                provider_map = self.providers.setdefault(provided_name, {})
                if not provided_spec in provider_map:
                    provider_map[provided_spec] = set()

                if self.restrict:
                    provider_set = provider_map[provided_spec]

                    # If this package existed in the index before,
                    # need to take the old versions out, as they're
                    # now more constrained.
                    old = set([s for s in provider_set if s.name == spec.name])

                    # Now add the new version.

                    # Before putting the spec in the map, constrain it so that
                    # it provides what was asked for.
                    constrained = spec.copy()
예제 #2
파일: virtual.py 프로젝트: mamelara/spack
    def update(self, spec):
        if type(spec) != spack.spec.Spec:
            spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)

        assert not spec.virtual

        pkg = spec.package
        for provided_spec, provider_spec in pkg.provided.iteritems():
            if provider_spec.satisfies(spec, deps=False):
                provided_name = provided_spec.name
                if provided_name not in self.providers:
                    self.providers[provided_name] = {}

                provider_map = self.providers[provided_name]
                if not provided_spec in provider_map:
                    provider_map[provided_spec] = set()

                if self.restrict:

                    # Before putting the spec in the map, constrain it so that
                    # it provides what was asked for.
                    constrained = spec.copy()
예제 #3
    def update(self, spec):
        if type(spec) != spack.spec.Spec:
            spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)

        assert(not spec.virtual)

        pkg = spec.package
        for provided_spec, provider_spec in pkg.provided.iteritems():
            if provider_spec.satisfies(spec, deps=False):
                provided_name = provided_spec.name

                provider_map = self.providers.setdefault(provided_name, {})
                if not provided_spec in provider_map:
                    provider_map[provided_spec] = set()

                if self.restrict:
                    provider_set = provider_map[provided_spec]

                    # If this package existed in the index before,
                    # need to take the old versions out, as they're
                    # now more constrained.
                    old = set([s for s in provider_set if s.name == spec.name])

                    # Now add the new version.

                    # Before putting the spec in the map, constrain it so that
                    # it provides what was asked for.
                    constrained = spec.copy()
예제 #4
    def check_installed(self, spec):
        path = self.path_for_spec(spec)
        spec_file_path = self.spec_file_path(spec)

        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            return None

        if not os.path.isfile(spec_file_path):
            raise InconsistentInstallDirectoryError(
                'Install prefix exists but contains no spec.yaml:',
                "  " + path)

        installed_spec = self.read_spec(spec_file_path)
        if installed_spec == spec:
            return path

        # DAG hashes currently do not include build dependencies.
        # TODO: remove this when we do better concretization and don't
        # ignore build-only deps in hashes.
        elif installed_spec == spec.copy(deps=('link', 'run')):
            return path

        if spec.dag_hash() == installed_spec.dag_hash():
            raise SpecHashCollisionError(spec, installed_spec)
            raise InconsistentInstallDirectoryError(
                'Spec file in %s does not match hash!' % spec_file_path)
예제 #5
    def check_installed(self, spec):
        path = self.path_for_spec(spec)
        spec_file_path = self.spec_file_path(spec)

        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            return None

        if not os.path.isfile(spec_file_path):
            raise InconsistentInstallDirectoryError(
                'Install prefix exists but contains no spec.yaml:',
                "  " + path)

        installed_spec = self.read_spec(spec_file_path)
        if installed_spec == spec:
            return path

        # DAG hashes currently do not include build dependencies.
        # TODO: remove this when we do better concretization and don't
        # ignore build-only deps in hashes.
        elif installed_spec == spec.copy(deps=('link', 'run')):
            return path

        if spec.dag_hash() == installed_spec.dag_hash():
            raise SpecHashCollisionError(spec, installed_spec)
            raise InconsistentInstallDirectoryError(
                'Spec file in %s does not match hash!' % spec_file_path)
예제 #6
    def check_installed(self, spec):
        path = self.path_for_spec(spec)
        spec_file_path = self.spec_file_path(spec)

        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            return None

        if not os.path.isfile(spec_file_path):
            raise InconsistentInstallDirectoryError(
                'Install prefix exists but contains no spec.yaml:',
                "  " + path)

        installed_spec = self.read_spec(spec_file_path)
        if installed_spec == spec:
            return path

        # DAG hashes currently do not include build dependencies.
        # TODO: remove this when we do better concretization and don't
        # ignore build-only deps in hashes.
        elif (installed_spec.copy(deps=('link', 'run')) ==
              spec.copy(deps=('link', 'run'))):
            # The directory layout prefix is based on the dag hash, so among
            # specs with differing full-hash but matching dag-hash, only one
            # may be installed. This means for example that for two instances
            # that differ only in CMake version used to build, only one will
            # be installed.
            return path

        if spec.dag_hash() == installed_spec.dag_hash():
            raise SpecHashCollisionError(spec, installed_spec)
            raise InconsistentInstallDirectoryError(
                'Spec file in %s does not match hash!' % spec_file_path)
예제 #7
def test_spec_installed_upstream(upstream_and_downstream_db, config, monkeypatch):
    """Test whether Spec.installed_upstream() works."""
    upstream_write_db, upstream_db, upstream_layout, \
        downstream_db, downstream_layout = upstream_and_downstream_db

    # a known installed spec should say that it's installed
    mock_repo = MockPackageMultiRepo()
    mock_repo.add_package('x', [], [])

    with spack.repo.use_repositories(mock_repo):
        spec = spack.spec.Spec("x").concretized()
        assert not spec.installed
        assert not spec.installed_upstream

        upstream_write_db.add(spec, upstream_layout)

        monkeypatch.setattr(spack.store, "db", downstream_db)
        assert spec.installed
        assert spec.installed_upstream
        assert spec.copy().installed

    # an abstract spec should say it's not installed
    spec = spack.spec.Spec("not-a-real-package")
    assert not spec.installed
    assert not spec.installed_upstream
예제 #8
파일: package.py 프로젝트: dshrader/spack
    def validate_dependencies(self):
        """Ensure that this package and its dependencies all have consistent
           constraints on them.

           NOTE that this will NOT find sanity problems through a virtual
           dependency.  Virtual deps complicate the problem because we
           don't know in advance which ones conflict with others in the
           dependency DAG. If there's more than one virtual dependency,
           it's a full-on SAT problem, so hold off on this for now.
           The vdeps are actually skipped in preorder_traversal, so see
           that for details.

           TODO: investigate validating virtual dependencies.
        # This algorithm just attempts to merge all the constraints on the same
        # package together, loses information about the source of the conflict.
        # What we'd really like to know is exactly which two constraints
        # conflict, but that algorithm is more expensive, so we'll do it
        # the simple, less informative way for now.
        merged = spack.spec.DependencyMap()

            for pkg in self.preorder_traversal():
                for name, spec in pkg.dependencies.iteritems():
                    if name not in merged:
                        merged[name] = spec.copy()

        except spack.spec.UnsatisfiableSpecError, e:
            raise InvalidPackageDependencyError(
                "Package %s has inconsistent dependency constraints: %s"
                % (self.name, e.message))
예제 #9
파일: environment.py 프로젝트: chissg/spack
    def regenerate(self, all_specs, roots):
        specs_for_view = []
        specs = all_specs if self.link == 'all' else roots
        for spec in specs:
            # The view does not store build deps, so if we want it to
            # recognize environment specs (which do store build deps), then
            # they need to be stripped
            if spec.concrete:  # Do not link unconcretized roots
                specs_for_view.append(spec.copy(deps=('link', 'run')))

        if self.select:
            specs_for_view = list(filter(self.select_fn, specs_for_view))

        if self.exclude:
            specs_for_view = list(filter(self.exclude_fn, specs_for_view))

        installed_specs_for_view = set(s for s in specs_for_view
                                       if s.package.installed)

        view = self.view()

        specs_in_view = set(view.get_all_specs())
        tty.msg("Updating view at {0}".format(self.root))

        rm_specs = specs_in_view - installed_specs_for_view
        view.remove_specs(*rm_specs, with_dependents=False)

        add_specs = installed_specs_for_view - specs_in_view
        view.add_specs(*add_specs, with_dependencies=False)
예제 #10
파일: package.py 프로젝트: scrobey/spack
    def validate_dependencies(self):
        """Ensure that this package and its dependencies all have consistent
           constraints on them.

           NOTE that this will NOT find sanity problems through a virtual
           dependency.  Virtual deps complicate the problem because we
           don't know in advance which ones conflict with others in the
           dependency DAG. If there's more than one virtual dependency,
           it's a full-on SAT problem, so hold off on this for now.
           The vdeps are actually skipped in preorder_traversal, so see
           that for details.

           TODO: investigate validating virtual dependencies.
        # This algorithm just attempts to merge all the constraints on the same
        # package together, loses information about the source of the conflict.
        # What we'd really like to know is exactly which two constraints
        # conflict, but that algorithm is more expensive, so we'll do it
        # the simple, less informative way for now.
        merged = spack.spec.DependencyMap()

            for pkg in self.preorder_traversal():
                for name, spec in pkg.dependencies.iteritems():
                    if name not in merged:
                        merged[name] = spec.copy()

        except spack.spec.UnsatisfiableSpecError, e:
            raise InvalidPackageDependencyError(
                "Package %s has inconsistent dependency constraints: %s" %
                (self.name, e.message))
예제 #11
    def _add(self, spec, directory_layout=None, explicit=False):
        """Add an install record for this spec to the database.

        Assumes spec is installed in ``layout.path_for_spec(spec)``.

        Also ensures dependencies are present and updated in the DB as
        either intsalled or missing.

        if not spec.concrete:
            raise NonConcreteSpecAddError(
                "Specs added to DB must be concrete.")

        for dep in spec.dependencies(_tracked_deps):
            dkey = dep.dag_hash()
            if dkey not in self._data:
                self._add(dep, directory_layout, explicit=False)

        key = spec.dag_hash()
        if key not in self._data:
            installed = False
            path = None
            if not spec.external and directory_layout:
                path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
                    installed = True
                except DirectoryLayoutError as e:
                        'Dependency missing due to corrupt install directory:',
                        path, str(e))

            # Create a new install record with no deps initially.
            new_spec = spec.copy(deps=False)
            self._data[key] = InstallRecord(new_spec,

            # Connect dependencies from the DB to the new copy.
            for name, dep in spec.dependencies_dict(_tracked_deps).iteritems():
                dkey = dep.spec.dag_hash()
                new_spec._add_dependency(self._data[dkey].spec, dep.deptypes)
                self._data[dkey].ref_count += 1

            # Mark concrete once everything is built, and preserve
            # the original hash of concrete specs.
            new_spec._hash = key

            # If it is already there, mark it as installed.
            self._data[key].installed = True

        self._data[key].explicit = explicit
예제 #12
def mock_get_specs_multiarch(database, monkeypatch):
    specs = [spec.copy() for spec in database.query_local()]

    # make one spec that is NOT the test architecture
    for spec in specs:
        if spec.name == "mpileaks":
            spec.architecture = spack.spec.ArchSpec('linux-rhel7-x86_64')

    monkeypatch.setattr(spack.binary_distribution, 'get_specs', lambda: specs)
예제 #13
파일: database.py 프로젝트: justintoo/spack
    def _add(self, spec, directory_layout=None, explicit=False):
        """Add an install record for this spec to the database.

        Assumes spec is installed in ``layout.path_for_spec(spec)``.

        Also ensures dependencies are present and updated in the DB as
        either intsalled or missing.

        if not spec.concrete:
            raise NonConcreteSpecAddError(
                "Specs added to DB must be concrete.")

        for dep in spec.dependencies(_tracked_deps):
            dkey = dep.dag_hash()
            if dkey not in self._data:
                self._add(dep, directory_layout, explicit=False)

        key = spec.dag_hash()
        if key not in self._data:
            installed = bool(spec.external)
            path = None
            if not spec.external and directory_layout:
                path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
                    installed = True
                except DirectoryLayoutError as e:
                        'Dependency missing due to corrupt install directory:',
                        path, str(e))

            # Create a new install record with no deps initially.
            new_spec = spec.copy(deps=False)
            self._data[key] = InstallRecord(
                new_spec, path, installed, ref_count=0, explicit=explicit)

            # Connect dependencies from the DB to the new copy.
            for name, dep in iteritems(spec.dependencies_dict(_tracked_deps)):
                dkey = dep.spec.dag_hash()
                new_spec._add_dependency(self._data[dkey].spec, dep.deptypes)
                self._data[dkey].ref_count += 1

            # Mark concrete once everything is built, and preserve
            # the original hash of concrete specs.
            new_spec._hash = key

            # If it is already there, mark it as installed.
            self._data[key].installed = True

        self._data[key].explicit = explicit
예제 #14
파일: database.py 프로젝트: d-tk/spack
    def _increment_ref_count(self, spec, directory_layout=None):
        """Recursively examine dependencies and update their DB entries."""
        key = spec.dag_hash()
        if key not in self._data:
            installed = False
            path = None
            if directory_layout:
                path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
                installed = os.path.isdir(path)

            self._data[key] = InstallRecord(spec.copy(), path, installed)

            for dep in spec.dependencies.values():

        self._data[key].ref_count += 1
예제 #15
    def _increment_ref_count(self, spec, directory_layout=None):
        """Recursively examine dependencies and update their DB entries."""
        key = spec.dag_hash()
        if key not in self._data:
            installed = False
            path = None
            if directory_layout:
                path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
                installed = os.path.isdir(path)

            self._data[key] = InstallRecord(spec.copy(), path, installed)

            for dep in spec.dependencies.values():

        self._data[key].ref_count += 1
예제 #16
    def get(self, spec, new=False):
        if spec.virtual:
            raise UnknownPackageError(spec.name)

        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
                "Repository %s does not contain package %s" %
                (self.namespace, spec.fullname))

        key = hash(spec)
        if new or key not in self._instances:
            package_class = self.get_pkg_class(spec.name)
                copy = spec.copy()  # defensive copy.  Package owns its spec.
                self._instances[key] = package_class(copy)
            except Exception:
                if spack.debug:
                raise FailedConstructorError(spec.fullname, *sys.exc_info())

        return self._instances[key]
예제 #17
    def get(self, spec, new=False):
        if spec.virtual:
            raise UnknownPackageError(spec.name)

        if spec.namespace and spec.namespace != self.namespace:
            raise UnknownPackageError(
                "Repository %s does not contain package %s"
                % (self.namespace, spec.fullname))

        key = hash(spec)
        if new or key not in self._instances:
            package_class = self.get_pkg_class(spec.name)
                copy = spec.copy()  # defensive copy.  Package owns its spec.
                self._instances[key] = package_class(copy)
            except Exception:
                if spack.debug:
                raise FailedConstructorError(spec.fullname, *sys.exc_info())

        return self._instances[key]
예제 #18
    def __init__(self, pkg, spec, type=default_deptype):
        """Create a new Dependency.

            pkg (type): Package that has this dependency
            spec (Spec): Spec indicating dependency requirements
            type (sequence): strings describing dependency relationship
        assert isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec)

        self.pkg = pkg
        self.spec = spec.copy()

        # This dict maps condition specs to lists of Patch objects, just
        # as the patches dict on packages does.
        self.patches = {}

        if type is None:
            self.type = set(default_deptype)
            self.type = set(type)
예제 #19
파일: dependency.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
    def __init__(self, pkg, spec, type=default_deptype):
        """Create a new Dependency.

            pkg (type): Package that has this dependency
            spec (Spec): Spec indicating dependency requirements
            type (sequence): strings describing dependency relationship
        assert isinstance(spec, spack.spec.Spec)

        self.pkg = pkg
        self.spec = spec.copy()

        # This dict maps condition specs to lists of Patch objects, just
        # as the patches dict on packages does.
        self.patches = {}

        if type is None:
            self.type = set(default_deptype)
            self.type = set(type)
예제 #20
파일: virtual.py 프로젝트: scrobey/spack
    def update(self, spec):
        if type(spec) != spack.spec.Spec:
            spec = spack.spec.Spec(spec)

        assert (not spec.virtual)

        pkg = spec.package
        for provided_spec, provider_spec in pkg.provided.iteritems():
            if provider_spec.satisfies(spec, deps=False):
                provided_name = provided_spec.name
                if provided_name not in self.providers:
                    self.providers[provided_name] = {}

                if self.restrict:
                    self.providers[provided_name][provided_spec] = spec

                    # Before putting the spec in the map, constrain it so that
                    # it provides what was asked for.
                    constrained = spec.copy()
                    self.providers[provided_name][provided_spec] = constrained
예제 #21
파일: database.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
    def _add(
        """Add an install record for this spec to the database.

        Assumes spec is installed in ``layout.path_for_spec(spec)``.

        Also ensures dependencies are present and updated in the DB as
        either installed or missing.

            spec: spec to be added
            directory_layout: layout of the spec installation

                    Possible values: True, False, any

                    A spec that was installed following a specific user
                    request is marked as explicit. If instead it was
                    pulled-in as a dependency of a user requested spec
                    it's considered implicit.

                    Date and time of installation

        if not spec.concrete:
            raise NonConcreteSpecAddError(
                "Specs added to DB must be concrete.")

        # Retrieve optional arguments
        installation_time = installation_time or _now()

        for dep in spec.dependencies(_tracked_deps):
            dkey = dep.dag_hash()
            if dkey not in self._data:
                extra_args = {
                    'explicit': False,
                    'installation_time': installation_time
                self._add(dep, directory_layout, **extra_args)

        key = spec.dag_hash()
        if key not in self._data:
            installed = bool(spec.external)
            path = None
            if not spec.external and directory_layout:
                path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
                    installed = True
                except DirectoryLayoutError as e:
                        'Dependency missing due to corrupt install directory:',
                        path, str(e))

            # Create a new install record with no deps initially.
            new_spec = spec.copy(deps=False)
            extra_args = {
                'explicit': explicit,
                'installation_time': installation_time
            self._data[key] = InstallRecord(
                new_spec, path, installed, ref_count=0, **extra_args

            # Connect dependencies from the DB to the new copy.
            for name, dep in iteritems(spec.dependencies_dict(_tracked_deps)):
                dkey = dep.spec.dag_hash()
                new_spec._add_dependency(self._data[dkey].spec, dep.deptypes)
                self._data[dkey].ref_count += 1

            # Mark concrete once everything is built, and preserve
            # the original hash of concrete specs.
            new_spec._hash = key

            # If it is already there, mark it as installed.
            self._data[key].installed = True

        self._data[key].explicit = explicit
예제 #22
    def _add(
        """Add an install record for this spec to the database.

        Assumes spec is installed in ``layout.path_for_spec(spec)``.

        Also ensures dependencies are present and updated in the DB as
        either installed or missing.

            spec: spec to be added
            directory_layout: layout of the spec installation

                    Possible values: True, False, any

                    A spec that was installed following a specific user
                    request is marked as explicit. If instead it was
                    pulled-in as a dependency of a user requested spec
                    it's considered implicit.

                    Date and time of installation

        if not spec.concrete:
            raise NonConcreteSpecAddError(
                "Specs added to DB must be concrete.")

        # Retrieve optional arguments
        installation_time = installation_time or _now()

        for dep in spec.dependencies(_tracked_deps):
            dkey = dep.dag_hash()
            if dkey not in self._data:
                extra_args = {
                    'explicit': False,
                    'installation_time': installation_time
                self._add(dep, directory_layout, **extra_args)

        key = spec.dag_hash()
        if key not in self._data:
            installed = bool(spec.external)
            path = None
            if not spec.external and directory_layout:
                path = directory_layout.path_for_spec(spec)
                    installed = True
                except DirectoryLayoutError as e:
                        'Dependency missing due to corrupt install directory:',
                        path, str(e))

            # Create a new install record with no deps initially.
            new_spec = spec.copy(deps=False)
            extra_args = {
                'explicit': explicit,
                'installation_time': installation_time
            self._data[key] = InstallRecord(
                new_spec, path, installed, ref_count=0, **extra_args

            # Connect dependencies from the DB to the new copy.
            for name, dep in iteritems(spec.dependencies_dict(_tracked_deps)):
                dkey = dep.spec.dag_hash()
                new_spec._add_dependency(self._data[dkey].spec, dep.deptypes)
                self._data[dkey].ref_count += 1

            # Mark concrete once everything is built, and preserve
            # the original hash of concrete specs.
            new_spec._hash = key

            # If it is already there, mark it as installed.
            self._data[key].installed = True

        self._data[key].explicit = explicit
예제 #23
def test_ordered_read_not_required_for_consistent_dag_hash(
        hash_type, config, mock_packages):
    """Make sure ordered serialization isn't required to preserve hashes.

    For consistent hashes, we require that YAML and json documents
    have their keys serialized in a deterministic order. However, we
    don't want to require them to be serialized in order. This
    ensures that is not required.
    specs = ['mpileaks ^zmpi', 'dttop', 'dtuse']
    for spec in specs:
        spec = Spec(spec)

        # Dict & corresponding YAML & JSON from the original spec.
        spec_dict = spec.to_dict(hash=hash_type)
        spec_yaml = spec.to_yaml(hash=hash_type)
        spec_json = spec.to_json(hash=hash_type)

        # Make a spec with reversed OrderedDicts for every
        # OrderedDict in the original.
        reversed_spec_dict = reverse_all_dicts(spec.to_dict(hash=hash_type))

        # Dump to YAML and JSON
        yaml_string = syaml.dump(spec_dict, default_flow_style=False)
        reversed_yaml_string = syaml.dump(reversed_spec_dict,
        json_string = sjson.dump(spec_dict)
        reversed_json_string = sjson.dump(reversed_spec_dict)

        # Do many consistency checks

        # spec yaml is ordered like the spec dict
        assert yaml_string == spec_yaml
        assert json_string == spec_json

        # reversed string is different from the original, so it
        # *would* generate a different hash
        assert yaml_string != reversed_yaml_string
        assert json_string != reversed_json_string

        # build specs from the "wrongly" ordered data
        round_trip_yaml_spec = Spec.from_yaml(yaml_string)
        round_trip_json_spec = Spec.from_json(json_string)
        round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec = Spec.from_yaml(reversed_yaml_string)
        round_trip_reversed_json_spec = Spec.from_yaml(reversed_json_string)

        # Strip spec if we stripped the yaml
        spec = spec.copy(deps=hash_type.deptype)

        # specs are equal to the original
        assert spec == round_trip_yaml_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_json_spec

        assert spec == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec
        assert spec == round_trip_reversed_json_spec
        assert round_trip_yaml_spec == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec
        assert round_trip_json_spec == round_trip_reversed_json_spec
        # dag_hashes are equal
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_yaml_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_json_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec.dag_hash()
        assert spec.dag_hash() == round_trip_reversed_json_spec.dag_hash()

        # full_hashes are equal if we round-tripped by build_hash or full_hash
        if hash_type in (ht.build_hash, ht.full_hash):
            assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_yaml_spec.full_hash()
            assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_json_spec.full_hash()
            assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_reversed_yaml_spec.full_hash(
            assert spec.full_hash() == round_trip_reversed_json_spec.full_hash(