def decompressor_for(path): """Get the appropriate decompressor for a path.""" if path.endswith(".zip"): unzip = which('unzip', required=True) return unzip tar = which('tar', required=True) tar.add_default_arg('-xf') return tar
def __call__(self, stage, url): """Try to guess the type of build system used by a project based on the contents of its archive or the URL it was downloaded from.""" # Most octave extensions are hosted on Octave-Forge: # # They all have the same base URL. if '' in url: self.build_system = 'octave' return # A list of clues that give us an idea of the build system a package # uses. If the regular expression matches a file contained in the # archive, the corresponding build system is assumed. # NOTE: Order is important here. If a package supports multiple # build systems, we choose the first match in this list. clues = [ (r'/CMakeLists\.txt$', 'cmake'), (r'/configure$', 'autotools'), (r'/configure\.(in|ac)$', 'autoreconf'), (r'/Makefile\.am$', 'autoreconf'), (r'/SConstruct$', 'scons'), (r'/waf$', 'waf'), (r'/setup\.py$', 'python'), (r'/NAMESPACE$', 'r'), (r'/WORKSPACE$', 'bazel'), (r'/Build\.PL$', 'perlbuild'), (r'/Makefile\.PL$', 'perlmake'), (r'/.*\.pro$', 'qmake'), (r'/(GNU)?[Mm]akefile$', 'makefile'), (r'/DESCRIPTION$', 'octave'), (r'/meson\.build$', 'meson'), ] # Peek inside the compressed file. if stage.archive_file.endswith('.zip'): try: unzip = which('unzip') output = unzip('-lq', stage.archive_file, output=str) except ProcessError: output = '' else: try: tar = which('tar') output = tar('--exclude=*/*/*', '-tf', stage.archive_file, output=str) except ProcessError: output = '' lines = output.split('\n') # Determine the build system based on the files contained # in the archive. for pattern, bs in clues: if any(, l) for l in lines): self.build_system = bs break
def decompressor_for(path, extension=None): """Get the appropriate decompressor for a path.""" if ((extension and re.match(r'\.?zip$', extension)) or path.endswith('.zip')): unzip = which('unzip', required=True) unzip.add_default_arg('-q') return unzip if extension and re.match(r'gz', extension): gunzip = which('gunzip', required=True) return gunzip tar = which('tar', required=True) tar.add_default_arg('-xf') return tar
def get_origin_url(): git_dir = join_path(spack.prefix, '.git') git = which('git', required=True) origin_url = git( '--git-dir=%s' % git_dir, 'config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url', return_output=True) return origin_url.strip()
def _debug_tarball_suffix(): now = suffix = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S') git = which('git') if not git: return 'nobranch-nogit-%s' % suffix with working_dir(spack.paths.prefix): if not os.path.isdir('.git'): return 'nobranch.nogit.%s' % suffix # Get symbolic branch name and strip any special chars (mainly '/') symbolic = git( 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', '--short', 'HEAD', output=str).strip() symbolic = re.sub(r'[^\w.-]', '-', symbolic) # Get the commit hash too. commit = git( 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD', output=str).strip() if symbolic == commit: return "nobranch.%s.%s" % (commit, suffix) else: return "%s.%s.%s" % (symbolic, commit, suffix)
def __init__(self): self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'dir') mkdirp( # Script with short shebang self.short_shebang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'short') with open(self.short_shebang, 'w') as f: f.write(short_line) f.write(last_line) # Script with long shebang self.long_shebang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'long') with open(self.long_shebang, 'w') as f: f.write(long_line) f.write(last_line) # Lua script with long shebang self.lua_shebang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'lua') with open(self.lua_shebang, 'w') as f: f.write(lua_line) f.write(last_line) # Script already using sbang. self.has_sbang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'shebang') with open(self.has_sbang, 'w') as f: f.write(sbang_line) f.write(long_line) f.write(last_line) # Fake binary file. self.binary = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'binary') tar = which('tar', required=True) tar('czf', self.binary, self.has_sbang)
def test_create_db_tarball(tmpdir, database): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): debug('create-db-tarball') # get the first non-dotfile to avoid coverage files in the directory files = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) tarball_name = next(f for f in files if not f.startswith('.')) # debug command made an archive assert os.path.exists(tarball_name) # print contents of archive tar = which('tar') contents = tar('tzf', tarball_name, output=str) # DB file is included assert 'index.json' in contents # spec.yamls from all installs are included for spec in database.query(): # externals won't have a spec.yaml if spec.external: continue spec_suffix = '%s/.spack/spec.yaml' % spec.dag_hash() assert spec_suffix in contents
def setUp(self): """This sets up a mock archive to fetch, and a mock temp space for use by the Stage class. It doesn't actually create the Stage -- that is done by individual tests. """ if os.path.exists(test_files_dir): shutil.rmtree(test_files_dir) mkdirp(test_files_dir) mkdirp(archive_dir_path) mkdirp(test_tmp_path) with closing(open(test_readme, 'w')) as readme: readme.write(readme_text) with working_dir(test_files_dir): tar = which('tar') tar('czf', archive_name, archive_dir) # Make spack use the test environment for tmp stuff. self.old_tmp_dirs = spack.tmp_dirs spack.tmp_dirs = [test_tmp_path] # record this since this test changes to directories that will # be removed. self.working_dir = os.getcwd()
def __call__(self, stage): """Try to guess the type of build system used by the project, and return an appropriate configure line. """ autotools = "configure('--prefix=%s' % prefix)" cmake = "cmake('.', *std_cmake_args)" python = "python('', 'install', '--prefix=%s' % prefix)" config_lines = ((r'/configure$', 'autotools', autotools), (r'/CMakeLists.txt$', 'cmake', cmake), (r'/$', 'python', python)) # Peek inside the tarball. tar = which('tar') output = tar( "--exclude=*/*/*", "-tf", stage.archive_file, return_output=True) lines = output.split("\n") # Set the configure line to the one that matched. for pattern, bs, cl in config_lines: if any(, l) for l in lines): config_line = cl build_system = bs break else: # None matched -- just put both, with cmake commented out config_line = "# FIXME: Spack couldn't guess one, so here are some options:\n" config_line += " # " + autotools + "\n" config_line += " # " + cmake build_system = 'unknown' self.configure = config_line self.build_system = build_system
def setUp(self): super(InstallTest, self).setUp() self.stage = Stage('not_a_real_url') archive_dir = join_path(self.stage.path, dir_name) dummy_configure = join_path(archive_dir, 'configure') mkdirp(archive_dir) with closing(open(dummy_configure, 'w')) as configure: configure.write( "#!/bin/sh\n" "prefix=$(echo $1 | sed 's/--prefix=//')\n" "cat > Makefile <<EOF\n" "all:\n" "\techo Building...\n\n" "install:\n" "\tmkdir -p $prefix\n" "\ttouch $prefix/dummy_file\n" "EOF\n") os.chmod(dummy_configure, 0755) with working_dir(self.stage.path): tar = which('tar') tar('-czf', archive_name, dir_name) # We use a fake pacakge, so skip the checksum. spack.do_checksum = False
def bootstrap(parser, args): origin_url, branch = get_origin_info(args.remote) prefix = args.prefix tty.msg("Fetching spack from '%s': %s" % (args.remote, origin_url)) if os.path.isfile(prefix): tty.die("There is already a file at %s" % prefix) mkdirp(prefix) if os.path.exists(join_path(prefix, '.git')): tty.die("There already seems to be a git repository in %s" % prefix) files_in_the_way = os.listdir(prefix) if files_in_the_way: tty.die("There are already files there! " "Delete these files before boostrapping spack.", *files_in_the_way) tty.msg("Installing:", "%s/bin/spack" % prefix, "%s/lib/spack/..." % prefix) os.chdir(prefix) git = which('git', required=True) git('init', '--shared', '-q') git('remote', 'add', 'origin', origin_url) git('fetch', 'origin', '%s:refs/remotes/origin/%s' % (branch, branch), '-n', '-q') git('reset', '--hard', 'origin/%s' % branch, '-q') git('checkout', '-B', branch, 'origin/%s' % branch, '-q') tty.msg("Successfully created a new spack in %s" % prefix, "Run %s/bin/spack to use this installation." % prefix)
def _default_target_from_env(self): '''Set and return the default CrayPE target loaded in a clean login session. A bash subshell is launched with a wiped environment and the list of loaded modules is parsed for the first acceptable CrayPE target. ''' # Based on the incantation: # echo "$(env - USER=$USER /bin/bash -l -c 'module list -lt')" if getattr(self, 'default', None) is None: env = which('env') env.add_default_arg('-') # CAUTION - $USER is generally needed in the sub-environment. # There may be other variables needed for general success. output = env('USER=%s' % os.environ['USER'], 'HOME=%s' % os.environ['HOME'], '/bin/bash', '--noprofile', '--norc', '-c', '. /etc/profile; module list -lt', output=str, error=str) self._defmods = _get_modules_in_modulecmd_output(output) targets = [] _fill_craype_targets_from_modules(targets, self._defmods) self.default = targets[0] if targets else None tty.debug("Found default modules:", *[" %s" % mod for mod in self._defmods]) return self.default
def setUp(self): super(InstallTest, self).setUp() self.stage = Stage('not_a_real_url') archive_dir = join_path(self.stage.path, dir_name) dummy_configure = join_path(archive_dir, 'configure') mkdirp(archive_dir) with closing(open(dummy_configure, 'w')) as configure: configure.write( "#!/bin/sh\n" "prefix=$(echo $1 | sed 's/--prefix=//')\n" "cat > Makefile <<EOF\n" "all:\n" "\techo Building...\n\n" "install:\n" "\tmkdir -p $prefix\n" "\ttouch $prefix/dummy_file\n" "EOF\n") os.chmod(dummy_configure, 0755) with working_dir(self.stage.path): tar = which('tar') tar('-czf', archive_name, dir_name) # We use a fake package, so skip the checksum. spack.do_checksum = False # Use a fake install directory to avoid conflicts bt/w # installed pkgs and mock packages. self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.orig_layout = spack.install_layout spack.install_layout = SpecHashDirectoryLayout(self.tmpdir)
def __call__(self, stage, url): """Try to guess the type of build system used by a project based on the contents of its archive or the URL it was downloaded from.""" # Most octave extensions are hosted on Octave-Forge: # # They all have the same base URL. if '' in url: self.build_system = 'octave' return # A list of clues that give us an idea of the build system a package # uses. If the regular expression matches a file contained in the # archive, the corresponding build system is assumed. clues = [ (r'/configure$', 'autotools'), (r'/CMakeLists.txt$', 'cmake'), (r'/SConstruct$', 'scons'), (r'/$', 'python'), (r'/NAMESPACE$', 'r'), (r'/WORKSPACE$', 'bazel') ] # Peek inside the compressed file. if stage.archive_file.endswith('.zip'): try: unzip = which('unzip') output = unzip('-lq', stage.archive_file, output=str) except: output = '' else: try: tar = which('tar') output = tar('--exclude=*/*/*', '-tf', stage.archive_file, output=str) except: output = '' lines = output.split('\n') # Determine the build system based on the files contained # in the archive. build_system = 'generic' for pattern, bs in clues: if any(, l) for l in lines): build_system = bs self.build_system = build_system
def set_module_variables_for_package(pkg): """Populate the module scope of install() with some useful functions. This makes things easier for package writers. """ m = pkg.module # number of jobs spack will to build with. jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if not pkg.parallel: jobs = 1 elif pkg.make_jobs: jobs = pkg.make_jobs m.make_jobs = jobs # TODO: make these build deps that can be installed if not found. m.make = MakeExecutable("make", jobs) m.gmake = MakeExecutable("gmake", jobs) # easy shortcut to os.environ m.env = os.environ # Find the configure script in the archive path # Don't use which for this; we want to find it in the current dir. m.configure = Executable("./configure") # TODO: shouldn't really use "which" here. Consider adding notion # TODO: of build dependencies, as opposed to link dependencies. # TODO: Currently, everything is a link dependency, but tools like # TODO: this shouldn't be. m.cmake = which("cmake") # standard CMake arguments m.std_cmake_args = ["-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s" % pkg.prefix, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo"] if platform.mac_ver()[0]: m.std_cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK=LAST") # Set up CMake rpath m.std_cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=FALSE") m.std_cmake_args.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=%s" % ":".join(get_rpaths(pkg))) # Emulate some shell commands for convenience m.pwd = os.getcwd = os.chdir m.mkdir = os.mkdir m.makedirs = os.makedirs m.remove = os.remove m.removedirs = os.removedirs m.symlink = os.symlink m.mkdirp = mkdirp m.install = install m.install_tree = install_tree m.rmtree = shutil.rmtree m.move = shutil.move # Useful directories within the prefix are encapsulated in # a Prefix object. m.prefix = pkg.prefix
def configure(self, spec, prefix): aspell = spec['aspell'].prefix.bin.aspell prezip = spec['aspell'].prefix.bin.prezip destdir = prefix sh = which('sh') sh('./configure', '--vars', "ASPELL={0}".format(aspell), "PREZIP={0}".format(prezip), "DESTDIR={0}".format(destdir))
def list_packages(rev): pkgpath = os.path.join(spack.paths.packages_path, 'packages') relpath = pkgpath[len(spack.paths.prefix + os.path.sep):] + os.path.sep git = which('git', required=True) with working_dir(spack.paths.prefix): output = git('ls-tree', '--full-tree', '--name-only', rev, relpath, output=str) return sorted(line[len(relpath):] for line in output.split('\n') if line)
def pkg_add(args): for pkg_name in args.packages: filename = spack.repo.path.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name) if not os.path.isfile(filename): tty.die("No such package: %s. Path does not exist:" % pkg_name, filename) git = which('git', required=True) with working_dir(spack.paths.prefix): git('-C', spack.paths.packages_path, 'add', filename)
def git(self): if not self._git: self._git = which('git', required=True) # If the user asked for insecure fetching, make that work # with git as well. if not spack.config.get('config:verify_ssl'): self._git.add_default_env('GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY', 'true') return self._git
def test_which_relative_path_with_slash(tmpdir, working_env): tmpdir.ensure("exe") path = str(tmpdir.join("exe")) os.environ['PATH'] = '' with tmpdir.as_cwd(): no_exe = ex.which('.{0}exe'.format(os.path.sep)) assert no_exe is None if sys.platform == "win32": # These checks are for 'executable' files, Windows # determines this by file extension. path += ".exe" tmpdir.ensure('exe.exe') else: fs.set_executable(path) exe = ex.which('.{0}exe'.format(os.path.sep)) assert exe.path == path
def _avail_targets(self): '''Return a list of available CrayPE CPU targets.''' if getattr(self, '_craype_targets', None) is None: module = which('modulecmd', required=True) module.add_default_arg('python') output = module('avail', '-t', 'craype-', output=str, error=str) craype_modules = _get_modules_in_modulecmd_output(output) self._craype_targets = targets = [] _fill_craype_targets_from_modules(targets, craype_modules) return self._craype_targets
def has_develop_branch(): git = which('git') if not git: return False git("show-ref", "--verify", "--quiet", "refs/heads/develop", fail_on_error=False) return git.returncode == 0
def __init__(self): self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'dir') mkdirp( # Script with short shebang self.short_shebang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'short') with open(self.short_shebang, 'w') as f: f.write(short_line) f.write(last_line) # Script with long shebang self.long_shebang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'long') with open(self.long_shebang, 'w') as f: f.write(long_line) f.write(last_line) # Lua script with long shebang self.lua_shebang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'lua') with open(self.lua_shebang, 'w') as f: f.write(lua_line) f.write(last_line) # Lua script with long shebang self.lua_textbang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'lua_in_text') with open(self.lua_textbang, 'w') as f: f.write(short_line) f.write(lua_in_text) f.write(last_line) # Node script with long shebang self.node_shebang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'node') with open(self.node_shebang, 'w') as f: f.write(node_line) f.write(last_line) # Node script with long shebang self.node_textbang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'node_in_text') with open(self.node_textbang, 'w') as f: f.write(short_line) f.write(node_in_text) f.write(last_line) # Script already using sbang. self.has_sbang = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'shebang') with open(self.has_sbang, 'w') as f: f.write(sbang_line) f.write(long_line) f.write(last_line) # Fake binary file. self.binary = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'binary') tar = which('tar', required=True) tar('czf', self.binary, self.has_sbang)
def write_spconfig(package, dirty): # Set-up the environment spack.build_environment.setup_package(package, dirty) cmd = [str(which('cmake'))] + package.std_cmake_args + package.cmake_args() env = dict() paths = os.environ['PATH'].split(':') paths = [item for item in paths if 'spack/env' not in item] env['PATH'] = ':'.join(paths) env['SPACK_TRANSITIVE_INCLUDE_PATH'] = spack_transitive_include_path() env['CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH'] = os.environ['CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH'] env['CC'] = os.environ['SPACK_CC'] env['CXX'] = os.environ['SPACK_CXX'] env['FC'] = os.environ['SPACK_FC'] setup_fname = '' with open(setup_fname, 'w') as fout: fout.write(r"""#!%s # import sys import os import subprocess def cmdlist(str): return list(x.strip().replace("'",'') for x in str.split('\n') if x) env = dict(os.environ) """ % sys.executable) env_vars = sorted(list(env.keys())) for name in env_vars: val = env[name] if string.find(name, 'PATH') < 0: fout.write('env[%s] = %s\n' % (repr(name), repr(val))) else: if name == 'SPACK_TRANSITIVE_INCLUDE_PATH': sep = ';' else: sep = ':' fout.write('env[%s] = "%s".join(cmdlist("""\n' % (repr(name), sep)) for part in string.split(val, sep): fout.write(' %s\n' % part) fout.write('"""))\n') fout.write('\ncmd = cmdlist("""\n') fout.write('%s\n' % cmd[0]) for arg in cmd[1:]: fout.write(' %s\n' % arg) fout.write('""") + sys.argv[1:]\n') fout.write('\nproc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env)\nproc.wait()\n') set_executable(setup_fname)
def set_module_variables_for_package(pkg): """Populate the module scope of install() with some useful functions. This makes things easier for package writers. """ m = pkg.module m.make = MakeExecutable('make', pkg.parallel) m.gmake = MakeExecutable('gmake', pkg.parallel) # easy shortcut to os.environ m.env = os.environ # number of jobs spack prefers to build with. m.make_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # Find the configure script in the archive path # Don't use which for this; we want to find it in the current dir. m.configure = Executable('./configure') # TODO: shouldn't really use "which" here. Consider adding notion # TODO: of build dependencies, as opposed to link dependencies. # TODO: Currently, everything is a link dependency, but tools like # TODO: this shouldn't be. m.cmake = which("cmake") # standard CMake arguments m.std_cmake_args = [ '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % pkg.prefix, '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo' ] if platform.mac_ver()[0]: m.std_cmake_args.append('-DCMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK=LAST') # Set up CMake rpath m.std_cmake_args.append('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=FALSE') m.std_cmake_args.append('-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=%s' % ":".join(get_rpaths(pkg))) # Emulate some shell commands for convenience m.pwd = os.getcwd = os.chdir m.mkdir = os.mkdir m.makedirs = os.makedirs m.remove = os.remove m.removedirs = os.removedirs m.symlink = os.symlink m.mkdirp = mkdirp m.install = install m.rmtree = shutil.rmtree m.move = shutil.move # Useful directories within the prefix are encapsulated in # a Prefix object. m.prefix = pkg.prefix
def apply(self, stage): """Apply the patch at self.path to the source code in the supplied stage Args: stage: stage for the package that needs to be patched """ stage.chdir_to_source() # Use -N to allow the same patches to be applied multiple times. _patch = which("patch", required=True) _patch('-s', '-p', str(self.level), '-i', self.path)
def _patchelf(): """Return the full path to the patchelf binary, if available, else None.""" if is_macos: return None patchelf = executable.which('patchelf') if patchelf is None: with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration(): patchelf = spack.bootstrap.ensure_patchelf_in_path_or_raise() return patchelf.path
def test_which(tmpdir): os.environ["PATH"] = str(tmpdir) assert ex.which("spack-test-exe") is None with pytest.raises(ex.CommandNotFoundError): ex.which("spack-test-exe", required=True) path = str(tmpdir.join("spack-test-exe")) with tmpdir.as_cwd(): if sys.platform == "win32": # For Windows, need to create files with .exe after any assert is none tests tmpdir.ensure("spack-test-exe.exe") path += ".exe" else: fs.touch("spack-test-exe") fs.set_executable("spack-test-exe") exe = ex.which("spack-test-exe") assert exe is not None assert exe.path == path
def apply(self, stage): """Apply the patch at self.path to the source code in the supplied stage Args: stage: stage for the package that needs to be patched """ patch = which("patch", required=True) with working_dir(stage.source_path): # Use -N to allow the same patches to be applied multiple times. patch('-s', '-p', str(self.level), '-i', self.path, "-d", self.working_dir)
def get_module_cmd_from_which(): module_cmd = which('modulecmd') if not module_cmd: raise ModuleError('`which` did not find any modulecmd executable') module_cmd.add_default_arg('python') # Check that the executable works module_cmd('list', output=str, error=str, fail_on_error=False) if module_cmd.returncode != 0: raise ModuleError('get_module_cmd cannot determine the module command') return module_cmd
def test_versions_from_git(mock_git_version_info, monkeypatch, mock_packages): repo_path, filename, commits = mock_git_version_info monkeypatch.setattr(spack.package.PackageBase, 'git', 'file://%s' % repo_path, raising=False) for commit in commits: spec = spack.spec.Spec('git-test-commit@%s' % commit) version = spec.version comparator = [ str(v) if not isinstance(v, int) else v for v in version._cmp(version.commit_lookup) ] with working_dir(repo_path): which('git')('checkout', commit) with open(os.path.join(repo_path, filename), 'r') as f: expected = assert str(comparator) == expected
def _system_gunzip(archive_file): _, ext = os.path.splitext(archive_file) decompressed_file = os.path.basename(archive_file.strip(ext)) working_dir = os.getcwd() destination_abspath = os.path.join(working_dir, decompressed_file) compressed_file = os.path.basename(archive_file) copy_path = os.path.join(working_dir, compressed_file) shutil.copy(archive_file, copy_path) gzip = which("gzip") gzip.add_default_arg("-d") gzip(copy_path) return destination_abspath
def test_log_subproc_and_echo_output(capfd, tmpdir): echo = which('echo') with log_output('foo.txt') as logger: with logger.force_echo(): echo('echo') print('logged') assert capfd.readouterr() == ('echo\n', '') with open('foo.txt') as f: assert == 'logged\n'
def install(self, spec, prefix): # edit cns_solve_environment to allow a build shutil.copy('cns_solve_env', 'cns_solve_env.back') filter_file(r"setenv CNS_SOLVE '_CNSsolve_location_'", f"setenv CNS_SOLVE '{self.stage.source_path}'", 'cns_solve_env') # copy over an almost right machine make file we could have got it from v1.3 but this is simpler src_file = 'instlib/machine/supported/intel-x86_64bit-linux/Makefile.header.2.gfortran' dest_file = 'instlib/machine/supported/mac-intel-darwin/Makefile.header.5.gfortran' shutil.move(src_file, dest_file) if not self.spec.satisfies('%fortran@:10.0.0'): # patch the machine make file, can't be done with a patch statement it doesn't exists till we copy it # tried just copying the file from the package directory but it caused a lockup patch = which('patch') patch_file = join_path( package_root, 'nmrpack/packages/cns', 'gfortran_10_allow_argument_mismatch.patch') patch('-p1', '-i', patch_file) if '+aria' in self.spec: from_path = pathlib.Path('aria2.3/cns/src') to_path = 'source' for target_file in from_path.iterdir(): if target_file.is_file() and target_file.suffix in ('.f', '.inc'): print(f'copying {target_file} to {to_path}') shutil.copy(target_file, to_path) if target_file.is_dir(): print(f'copying {target_file} to {to_path}') shutil.copytree(target_file, join_path(to_path, shutil.copytree(from_path, 'aria2.3_patches_applied') shutil.rmtree('aria2.3') make('install') install_tree('.', prefix) with working_dir(prefix): shutil.move('cns_solve_env.back', 'cns_solve_env') replacement_env = f" setenv CNS_SOLVE '{prefix}'" filter_file(r"setenv CNS_SOLVE '_CNSsolve_location_'", replacement_env, 'cns_solve_env') # remove a leftover from our previous edits os.remove(pathlib.Path(prefix) / pathlib.Path('cns_solve_env' + '~'))
def apply_patch(stage, patch_path, level=1, working_dir='.'): """Apply the patch at patch_path to code in the stage. Args: stage (spack.stage.Stage): stage with code that will be patched patch_path (str): filesystem location for the patch to apply level (int, optional): patch level (default 1) working_dir (str): relative path *within* the stage to change to (default '.') """ patch = which("patch", required=True) with llnl.util.filesystem.working_dir(stage.source_path): patch('-s', '-p', str(level), '-i', patch_path, '-d', working_dir)
def test_log_subproc_and_echo_output_capfd(capfd, tmpdir): echo = which('echo') # This tests *only* what is echoed when using a subprocess, as capfd # interferes with the logged data. See # test_log_subproc_and_echo_output_no_capfd for tests on the logfile. with tmpdir.as_cwd(): with log_output('foo.txt') as logger: with logger.force_echo(): echo('echo') print('logged') assert capfd.readouterr()[0] == "echo\n"
def compile_c_and_execute(source_file, include_flags, link_flags): """Compile C @p source_file with @p include_flags and @p link_flags, run and return the output. """ cc = which('cc') flags = include_flags flags.extend([source_file]) cc('-c', *flags) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file))[0] cc('-o', "check", "%s.o" % name, *link_flags) check = Executable('./check') return check(output=str)
def test_log_subproc_output(capsys, tmpdir): echo = which('echo') # pytest seems to interfere here, so we need to use capsys.disabled() # TODO: figure out why this is and whether it means we're doing # sometihng wrong with OUR redirects. Seems like it should work even # with capsys enabled. with capsys.disabled(): with log_output('foo.txt'): echo('logged') with open('foo.txt') as f: assert == 'logged\n'
def hg(self): """:returns: The hg executable :rtype: Executable """ if not self._hg: self._hg = which('hg', required=True) # When building PythonPackages, Spack automatically sets # PYTHONPATH. This can interfere with hg, which is a Python # script. Unset PYTHONPATH while running hg. self._hg.add_default_env('PYTHONPATH', '') return self._hg
def test_log_subproc_and_echo_output(capfd, tmpdir): echo = which('echo') with tmpdir.as_cwd(): with log_output('foo.txt') as logger: with logger.force_echo(): echo('echo') print('logged') assert capfd.readouterr() == ('echo\n', '') with open('foo.txt') as f: assert == 'logged\n'
def merge(parser, args, unknown_args): = os.path.abspath( if len(unknown_args) > 0: raise ValueError('Unkown arguments: %s' % unknown_args) rundeck_dir = os.path.join(, 'rundeck') rundeck_R = os.path.join(rundeck_dir, 'rundeck.R') git = executable.which('git') os.chdir(rundeck_dir) git('add', rundeck_R, echo=sys.stdout) git('commit', '-m', 'Merged changes after hand edit', echo=sys.stdout)
def check_mirror(): with Stage('spack-mirror-test') as stage: mirror_root = os.path.join(stage.path, 'test-mirror') # register mirror with spack config mirrors = {'spack-mirror-test': 'file://' + mirror_root} with spack.config.override('mirrors', mirrors): with spack.config.override('config:checksum', False): specs = [Spec(x).concretized() for x in repos] spack.mirror.create(mirror_root, specs) # Stage directory exists assert os.path.isdir(mirror_root) for spec in specs: fetcher = spec.package.fetcher[0] per_package_ref = os.path.join(, '-'.join([, str(spec.version)])) mirror_paths = spack.mirror.mirror_archive_paths( fetcher, per_package_ref) expected_path = os.path.join( mirror_root, mirror_paths.storage_path) assert os.path.exists(expected_path) # Now try to fetch each package. for name, mock_repo in repos.items(): spec = Spec(name).concretized() pkg = spec.package with spack.config.override('config:checksum', False): with pkg.stage: pkg.do_stage(mirror_only=True) # Compare the original repo with the expanded archive original_path = mock_repo.path if 'svn' in name: # have to check out the svn repo to compare. original_path = os.path.join( mock_repo.path, 'checked_out') svn = which('svn', required=True) svn('checkout', mock_repo.url, original_path) dcmp = filecmp.dircmp( original_path, pkg.stage.source_path) # make sure there are no new files in the expanded # tarball assert not dcmp.right_only # and that all original files are present. assert all(left in exclude for left in dcmp.left_only)
def check_mirror(): with Stage('spack-mirror-test') as stage: mirror_root = join_path(stage.path, 'test-mirror') # register mirror with spack config mirrors = {'spack-mirror-test': 'file://' + mirror_root} spack.config.update_config('mirrors', mirrors) os.chdir(stage.path) spack.mirror.create( mirror_root, repos, no_checksum=True ) # Stage directory exists assert os.path.isdir(mirror_root) # check that there are subdirs for each package for name in repos: subdir = join_path(mirror_root, name) assert os.path.isdir(subdir) files = os.listdir(subdir) assert len(files) == 1 # Now try to fetch each package. for name, mock_repo in repos.items(): spec = Spec(name).concretized() pkg = spec.package saved_checksum_setting = spack.do_checksum with pkg.stage: # Stage the archive from the mirror and cd to it. spack.do_checksum = False pkg.do_stage(mirror_only=True) # Compare the original repo with the expanded archive original_path = mock_repo.path if 'svn' in name: # have to check out the svn repo to compare. original_path = join_path( mock_repo.path, 'checked_out') svn = which('svn', required=True) svn('checkout', mock_repo.url, original_path) dcmp = filecmp.dircmp(original_path, pkg.stage.source_path) # make sure there are no new files in the expanded # tarball assert not dcmp.right_only # and that all original files are present. assert all(l in exclude for l in dcmp.left_only) spack.do_checksum = saved_checksum_setting
def get_module_cmd_from_bash(bashopts=''): # Find how the module function is defined in the environment module_func = os.environ.get('BASH_FUNC_module()', None) if module_func: module_func = os.path.expandvars(module_func) else: module_func_proc = subprocess.Popen( ['{0} typeset -f module | ' 'envsubst'.format(bashopts)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, executable='/bin/bash', shell=True) module_func_proc.wait() module_func = # Find the portion of the module function that is evaluated try: find_exec ='.*`(.*(:? bash | sh ).*)`.*', module_func) exec_line = except BaseException: try: # This will fail with nested parentheses. TODO: expand regex. find_exec ='.*\(([^()]*(:? bash | sh )[^()]*)\).*', module_func) exec_line = except BaseException: raise ModuleError('get_module_cmd cannot ' 'determine the module command from bash') # Create an executable args = exec_line.split() module_cmd = which(args[0]) if module_cmd: for arg in args[1:]: if arg in ('bash', 'sh'): module_cmd.add_default_arg('python') break else: module_cmd.add_default_arg(arg) else: raise ModuleError('Could not create executable based on module' ' function.') # Check that the executable works module_cmd('list', output=str, error=str, fail_on_error=False) if module_cmd.returncode != 0: raise ModuleError('get_module_cmd cannot determine the module command' 'from bash.') return module_cmd
def test_log_subproc_and_echo_output(capfd, tmpdir): echo = which('echo') with tmpdir.as_cwd(): with log_output('foo.txt') as logger: with logger.force_echo(): echo('echo') print('logged') # Coverage is cluttering stderr during tests assert capfd.readouterr()[0] == 'echo\n' with open('foo.txt') as f: assert == 'logged\n'
def test_log_subproc_output(capsys, tmpdir): echo = which('echo') # pytest seems to interfere here, so we need to use capsys.disabled() # TODO: figure out why this is and whether it means we're doing # sometihng wrong with OUR redirects. Seems like it should work even # with capsys enabled. with tmpdir.as_cwd(): with capsys.disabled(): with log_output('foo.txt'): echo('logged') with open('foo.txt') as f: assert == 'logged\n'
def test_which_with_slash_ignores_path(tmpdir, working_env): tmpdir.ensure('exe') tmpdir.ensure('bin{0}exe'.format(os.path.sep)) path = str(tmpdir.join('exe')) wrong_path = str(tmpdir.join('bin', 'exe')) os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.dirname(wrong_path) fs.set_executable(path) fs.set_executable(wrong_path) with tmpdir.as_cwd(): exe = ex.which('./exe') assert exe.path == path
def check_mirror(): with Stage('spack-mirror-test') as stage: mirror_root = join_path(stage.path, 'test-mirror') # register mirror with spack config mirrors = {'spack-mirror-test': 'file://' + mirror_root} spack.config.update_config('mirrors', mirrors) os.chdir(stage.path) spack.mirror.create(mirror_root, repos, no_checksum=True) # Stage directory exists assert os.path.isdir(mirror_root) # check that there are subdirs for each package for name in repos: subdir = join_path(mirror_root, name) assert os.path.isdir(subdir) files = os.listdir(subdir) assert len(files) == 1 # Now try to fetch each package. for name, mock_repo in repos.items(): spec = Spec(name).concretized() pkg = spec.package saved_checksum_setting = spack.do_checksum with pkg.stage: # Stage the archive from the mirror and cd to it. spack.do_checksum = False pkg.do_stage(mirror_only=True) # Compare the original repo with the expanded archive original_path = mock_repo.path if 'svn' in name: # have to check out the svn repo to compare. original_path = join_path(mock_repo.path, 'checked_out') svn = which('svn', required=True) svn('checkout', mock_repo.url, original_path) dcmp = filecmp.dircmp(original_path, pkg.stage.source_path) # make sure there are no new files in the expanded # tarball assert not dcmp.right_only # and that all original files are present. assert all(l in exclude for l in dcmp.left_only) spack.do_checksum = saved_checksum_setting
def archive(self, destination, **kwargs): assert (extension(destination) == 'tar.gz') assert (self.stage.source_path.startswith(self.stage.path)) tar = which('tar', required=True) patterns = kwargs.get('exclude', None) if patterns is not None: if isinstance(patterns, string_types): patterns = [patterns] for p in patterns: tar.add_default_arg('--exclude=%s' % p) with working_dir(self.stage.path): tar('-czf', destination, os.path.basename(self.stage.source_path))
def set_module_variables_for_package(pkg): """Populate the module scope of install() with some useful functions. This makes things easier for package writers. """ m = pkg.module m.make = MakeExecutable('make', pkg.parallel) m.gmake = MakeExecutable('gmake', pkg.parallel) # easy shortcut to os.environ m.env = os.environ # number of jobs spack prefers to build with. m.make_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # Find the configure script in the archive path # Don't use which for this; we want to find it in the current dir. m.configure = Executable('./configure') # TODO: shouldn't really use "which" here. Consider adding notion # TODO: of build dependencies, as opposed to link dependencies. # TODO: Currently, everything is a link dependency, but tools like # TODO: this shouldn't be. m.cmake = which("cmake") # standard CMake arguments m.std_cmake_args = ['-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % pkg.prefix, '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo'] if platform.mac_ver()[0]: m.std_cmake_args.append('-DCMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK=LAST') # Emulate some shell commands for convenience m.pwd = os.getcwd = os.chdir m.mkdir = os.mkdir m.makedirs = os.makedirs m.remove = os.remove m.removedirs = os.removedirs m.mkdirp = mkdirp m.install = install m.rmtree = shutil.rmtree m.move = shutil.move # Useful directories within the prefix are encapsulated in # a Prefix object. m.prefix = pkg.prefix
def __call__(self, stage): """Try to guess the type of build system used by the project, and return an appropriate configure line. """ tar = which("tar") output = tar("--exclude=*/*/*", "-tf", stage.archive_file, return_output=True) autotools = 'configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix)' cmake = 'cmake(".", *std_cmake_args)' lines = output.split("\n") if any("/configure$", l) for l in lines): self.configure = autotools elif any("/CMakeLists.txt$", l) for l in lines): self.configure = cmake else: # Both, with cmake commented out self.configure = "%s\n # %s" % (autotools, cmake)