def generate_package_index(cache_prefix): """Create the build cache index page. Creates (or replaces) the "index.html" page at the location given in cache_prefix. This page contains a link for each binary package (*.yaml) and signing key (*.key) under cache_prefix. """ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: index_html_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'index.html') file_list = (entry for entry in web_util.list_url(cache_prefix) if (entry.endswith('.yaml') or entry.endswith('.key'))) with open(index_html_path, 'w') as f: f.write( BUILD_CACHE_INDEX_TEMPLATE.format( title='Spack Package Index', path_list='\n'.join( BUILD_CACHE_INDEX_ENTRY_TEMPLATE.format(path=path) for path in file_list))) web_util.push_to_url(index_html_path, url_util.join(cache_prefix, 'index.html'), keep_original=False, extra_args={'ContentType': 'text/html'}) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def generate_key_index(key_prefix, tmpdir=None): """Create the key index page. Creates (or replaces) the "index.json" page at the location given in key_prefix. This page contains an entry for each key (.pub) under key_prefix. """ tty.debug(' '.join(('Retrieving files from', url_util.format(key_prefix), 'to build key index'))) fingerprints = (entry[:-4] for entry in web_util.list_url(key_prefix, recursive=False) if entry.endswith('.pub')) keys_local = url_util.local_file_path(key_prefix) if keys_local: target = os.path.join(keys_local, 'index.json') else: target = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'index.json') index = { 'keys': dict((fingerprint, {}) for fingerprint in sorted(set(fingerprints))) } with open(target, 'w') as f: sjson.dump(index, f) if not keys_local: web_util.push_to_url(target, url_util.join(key_prefix, 'index.json'), keep_original=False, extra_args={'ContentType': 'application/json'})
def generate_package_index(cache_prefix): """Create the build cache index page. Creates (or replaces) the "index.json" page at the location given in cache_prefix. This page contains a link for each binary package (*.yaml) and public key (*.key) under cache_prefix. """ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() db_root_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'db_root') db = spack_db.Database(None, db_dir=db_root_dir, enable_transaction_locking=False, record_fields=['spec', 'ref_count']) file_list = ( entry for entry in web_util.list_url(cache_prefix) if entry.endswith('.yaml')) tty.debug('Retrieving spec.yaml files from {0} to build index'.format( cache_prefix)) for file_path in file_list: try: yaml_url = url_util.join(cache_prefix, file_path) tty.debug('fetching {0}'.format(yaml_url)) _, _, yaml_file = web_util.read_from_url(yaml_url) yaml_contents = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(yaml_file).read() # yaml_obj = syaml.load(yaml_contents) # s = Spec.from_yaml(yaml_obj) s = Spec.from_yaml(yaml_contents) db.add(s, None) except (URLError, web_util.SpackWebError) as url_err: tty.error('Error reading spec.yaml: {0}'.format(file_path)) tty.error(url_err) try: index_json_path = os.path.join(db_root_dir, 'index.json') with open(index_json_path, 'w') as f: db._write_to_file(f) web_util.push_to_url( index_json_path, url_util.join(cache_prefix, 'index.json'), keep_original=False, extra_args={'ContentType': 'application/json'}) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)