예제 #1
    def test_satisfies_and_constrain(self):
        # foo=bar foobar=fee feebar=foo
        a = VariantMap(None)
        a['foo'] = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        a['foobar'] = SingleValuedVariant('foobar', 'fee')
        a['feebar'] = SingleValuedVariant('feebar', 'foo')

        # foo=bar,baz foobar=fee shared=True
        b = VariantMap(None)
        b['foo'] = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar, baz')
        b['foobar'] = SingleValuedVariant('foobar', 'fee')
        b['shared'] = BoolValuedVariant('shared', True)

        assert not a.satisfies(b)
        assert b.satisfies(a)

        assert not a.satisfies(b, strict=True)
        assert not b.satisfies(a, strict=True)

        # foo=bar,baz foobar=fee feebar=foo shared=True
        c = VariantMap(None)
        c['foo'] = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar, baz')
        c['foobar'] = SingleValuedVariant('foobar', 'fee')
        c['feebar'] = SingleValuedVariant('feebar', 'foo')
        c['shared'] = BoolValuedVariant('shared', True)

        assert a.constrain(b)
        assert a == c
예제 #2
    def test_satisfies(self):

        a = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        b = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        c = MultiValuedVariant('fee', 'bar,baz')
        d = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'True')

        # 'foo=bar,baz' satisfies 'foo=bar'
        assert a.satisfies(b)

        # 'foo=bar' does not satisfy 'foo=bar,baz'
        assert not b.satisfies(a)

        # 'foo=bar,baz' does not satisfy 'foo=bar,baz' and vice-versa
        assert not a.satisfies(c)
        assert not c.satisfies(a)

        # Implicit type conversion for variants of other types

        b_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        assert b.satisfies(b_sv)
        d_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert d.satisfies(d_sv)
        almost_d_bv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'true')
        assert not d.satisfies(almost_d_bv)

        d_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert d.satisfies(d_bv)
        # This case is 'peculiar': the two BV instances are
        # equivalent, but if converted to MV they are not
        # as MV is case sensitive with respect to 'True' and 'False'
        almost_d_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'true')
        assert not d.satisfies(almost_d_bv)
예제 #3
    def test_satisfies(self):
        a = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        b = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        c = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'baz')
        d = SingleValuedVariant('fee', 'bar')
        e = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')

        # 'foo=bar' can only satisfy 'foo=bar'
        assert a.satisfies(b)
        assert not a.satisfies(c)
        assert not a.satisfies(d)

        assert b.satisfies(a)
        assert not b.satisfies(c)
        assert not b.satisfies(d)

        assert not c.satisfies(a)
        assert not c.satisfies(b)
        assert not c.satisfies(d)

        # Implicit type conversion for variants of other types

        a_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        assert a.satisfies(a_mv)
        multiple_values = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        assert not a.satisfies(multiple_values)

        e_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert e.satisfies(e_bv)
        almost_e_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'true')
        assert not e.satisfies(almost_e_bv)
예제 #4
파일: variant.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
    def test_yaml_entry(self):

        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        expected = ('foo', True)
        assert a.yaml_entry() == expected

        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'False')
        expected = ('foo', False)
        assert a.yaml_entry() == expected
예제 #5
    def test_substitute(self):
        # Check substitution of a key that exists
        a = VariantMap(None)
        a['foo'] = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        a.substitute(SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar'))

        # Trying to substitute something that is not
        # in the map will raise a KeyError
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            a.substitute(BoolValuedVariant('bar', True))
예제 #6
    def test_compatible(self):

        a = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        b = SingleValuedVariant('fee', 'bar')
        c = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'baz')
        d = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')

        # If the name of two multi-valued variants is the same,
        # they are compatible
        assert not a.compatible(b)
        assert not a.compatible(c)
        assert a.compatible(d)

        assert not b.compatible(a)
        assert not b.compatible(c)
        assert not b.compatible(d)

        assert not c.compatible(a)
        assert not c.compatible(b)
        assert not c.compatible(d)

        assert d.compatible(a)
        assert not d.compatible(b)
        assert not d.compatible(c)

        # Implicit type conversion for variants of other types

        a_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        b_mv = MultiValuedVariant('fee', 'bar')
        c_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'baz')
        d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')

        assert not a.compatible(b_mv)
        assert not a.compatible(c_mv)
        assert a.compatible(d_mv)

        assert not b.compatible(a_mv)
        assert not b.compatible(c_mv)
        assert not b.compatible(d_mv)

        assert not c.compatible(a_mv)
        assert not c.compatible(b_mv)
        assert not c.compatible(d_mv)

        assert d.compatible(a_mv)
        assert not d.compatible(b_mv)
        assert not d.compatible(c_mv)

        e = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        e_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        almost_e_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'true')

        assert e.compatible(e_bv)
        assert not e.compatible(almost_e_bv)
예제 #7
    def test_set_item(self):
        # Check that all the three types of variants are accepted
        a = VariantMap(None)

        a['foo'] = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        a['bar'] = SingleValuedVariant('bar', 'baz')
        a['foobar'] = MultiValuedVariant('foobar', 'a, b, c, d, e')
예제 #8
 def test_str(self):
     c = VariantMap(None)
     c['foo'] = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar, baz')
     c['foobar'] = SingleValuedVariant('foobar', 'fee')
     c['feebar'] = SingleValuedVariant('feebar', 'foo')
     c['shared'] = BoolValuedVariant('shared', True)
     assert str(c) == '+shared feebar=foo foo=bar,baz foobar=fee'
예제 #9
    def test_compatible(self):

        a = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        b = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        c = MultiValuedVariant('fee', 'bar,baz')
        d = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,barbaz')

        # If the name of two multi-valued variants is the same,
        # they are compatible
        assert a.compatible(b)
        assert not a.compatible(c)
        assert a.compatible(d)

        assert b.compatible(a)
        assert not b.compatible(c)
        assert b.compatible(d)

        assert not c.compatible(a)
        assert not c.compatible(b)
        assert not c.compatible(d)

        assert d.compatible(a)
        assert d.compatible(b)
        assert not d.compatible(c)

        # Implicit type conversion for other types

        b_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert b.compatible(b_sv)
        assert not c.compatible(b_sv)

        b_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert b.compatible(b_bv)
        assert not c.compatible(b_bv)
예제 #10
    def test_copy(self):
        a = VariantMap(None)
        a['foo'] = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        a['bar'] = SingleValuedVariant('bar', 'baz')
        a['foobar'] = MultiValuedVariant('foobar', 'a, b, c, d, e')

        c = a.copy()
        assert a == c
예제 #11
파일: variant.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
    def test_initialization(self):
        # Basic properties - True value
        for v in (True, 'True', 'TRUE', 'TrUe'):
            a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', v)
            assert repr(a) == "BoolValuedVariant('foo', {0})".format(repr(v))
            assert str(a) == '+foo'
            assert a.value is True
            assert True in a
            assert eval(repr(a)) == a

        # Copy - True value
        b = a.copy()
        assert repr(a) == repr(b)
        assert str(a) == str(b)
        assert b.value is True
        assert True in b
        assert a == b
        assert a is not b
        assert hash(a) == hash(b)
        assert eval(repr(b)) == a

        # Basic properties - False value
        for v in (False, 'False', 'FALSE', 'FaLsE'):
            a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', v)
            assert repr(a) == "BoolValuedVariant('foo', {0})".format(repr(v))
            assert str(a) == '~foo'
            assert a.value is False
            assert False in a
            assert eval(repr(a)) == a

        # Copy - True value
        b = a.copy()
        assert repr(a) == repr(b)
        assert str(a) == str(b)
        assert b.value is False
        assert False in b
        assert a == b
        assert a is not b
        assert eval(repr(b)) == a

        # Invalid values
        for v in ('bar', 'bar,baz'):
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                BoolValuedVariant('foo', v)
예제 #12
    def test_yaml_entry(self):

        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        expected = ('foo', True)
        assert a.yaml_entry() == expected

        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'False')
        expected = ('foo', False)
        assert a.yaml_entry() == expected
예제 #13
    def test_constrain(self):

        # Try to constrain on a value with less constraints than self
        a = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        b = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on a value with more constraints than self
        a = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        b = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')

        changed = b.constrain(a)
        assert changed
        t = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on the same value
        a = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        b = a.copy()

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on a different name
        a = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        b = MultiValuedVariant('fee', 'bar')

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        # Implicit type conversion for variants of other types

        a = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        b_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        c_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'barbaz')

        assert not a.constrain(b_sv)
        assert a.constrain(c_sv)

        d_bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')

        assert a.constrain(d_bv)
        assert not a.constrain(d_bv)
예제 #14
    def test_initialization(self):
        # Basic properties - True value
        for v in (True, 'True', 'TRUE', 'TrUe'):
            a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', v)
            assert repr(a) == "BoolValuedVariant('foo', {0})".format(repr(v))
            assert str(a) == '+foo'
            assert a.value is True
            assert True in a
            assert eval(repr(a)) == a

        # Copy - True value
        b = a.copy()
        assert repr(a) == repr(b)
        assert str(a) == str(b)
        assert b.value is True
        assert True in b
        assert a == b
        assert a is not b
        assert hash(a) == hash(b)
        assert eval(repr(b)) == a

        # Basic properties - False value
        for v in (False, 'False', 'FALSE', 'FaLsE'):
            a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', v)
            assert repr(a) == "BoolValuedVariant('foo', {0})".format(repr(v))
            assert str(a) == '~foo'
            assert a.value is False
            assert False in a
            assert eval(repr(a)) == a

        # Copy - True value
        b = a.copy()
        assert repr(a) == repr(b)
        assert str(a) == str(b)
        assert b.value is False
        assert False in b
        assert a == b
        assert a is not b
        assert eval(repr(b)) == a

        # Invalid values
        for v in ('bar', 'bar,baz'):
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                BoolValuedVariant('foo', v)
예제 #15
    def test_invalid_values(self):
        # Value with invalid type
        a = VariantMap(None)
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            a['foo'] = 2

        # Duplicate variant
        a['foo'] = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar,baz')
        with pytest.raises(DuplicateVariantError):
            a['foo'] = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')

        with pytest.raises(DuplicateVariantError):
            a['foo'] = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')

        with pytest.raises(DuplicateVariantError):
            a['foo'] = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)

        # Non matching names between key and vspec.name
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            a['bar'] = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
예제 #16
    def test_constrain(self):

        # Try to constrain on a value equal to self
        a = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        b = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on a value with a different value
        a = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        b = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'baz')

        with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableVariantSpecError):

        # Try to constrain on a value with a different value
        a = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        b = SingleValuedVariant('fee', 'bar')

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        # Try to constrain on the same value
        a = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        b = a.copy()

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        assert a == t

        # Implicit type conversion for variants of other types
        a = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        bv = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        for v in (mv, bv):
            assert not a.constrain(v)
예제 #17
파일: variant.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
    def test_constrain(self):
        # Try to constrain on a value equal to self
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        b = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on a value with a different value
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('foo', False)

        with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableVariantSpecError):

        # Try to constrain on a value with a different value
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('fee', True)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        # Try to constrain on the same value
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = a.copy()

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on other values
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        for v in (sv, mv):
            assert not a.constrain(v)
예제 #18
파일: variant.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
    def test_compatible(self):

        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('fee', True)
        c = BoolValuedVariant('foo', False)
        d = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')

        # If the name of two multi-valued variants is the same,
        # they are compatible
        assert not a.compatible(b)
        assert not a.compatible(c)
        assert a.compatible(d)

        assert not b.compatible(a)
        assert not b.compatible(c)
        assert not b.compatible(d)

        assert not c.compatible(a)
        assert not c.compatible(b)
        assert not c.compatible(d)

        assert d.compatible(a)
        assert not d.compatible(b)
        assert not d.compatible(c)

        for value in ('True', 'TrUe', 'TRUE'):
            d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', value)
            assert d.compatible(d_mv)
            assert not c.compatible(d_mv)

            d_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', value)
            assert d.compatible(d_sv)
            assert not c.compatible(d_sv)
예제 #19
파일: variant.py 프로젝트: LLNL/spack
    def test_satisfies(self):
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('foo', False)
        c = BoolValuedVariant('fee', False)
        d = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')

        assert not a.satisfies(b)
        assert not a.satisfies(c)
        assert a.satisfies(d)

        assert not b.satisfies(a)
        assert not b.satisfies(c)
        assert not b.satisfies(d)

        assert not c.satisfies(a)
        assert not c.satisfies(b)
        assert not c.satisfies(d)

        assert d.satisfies(a)
        assert not d.satisfies(b)
        assert not d.satisfies(c)

        # BV variants are case insensitive to 'True' or 'False'
        d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert d.satisfies(d_mv)
        assert not b.satisfies(d_mv)

        d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'FaLsE')
        assert not d.satisfies(d_mv)
        assert b.satisfies(d_mv)

        d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        assert not d.satisfies(d_mv)
        assert not b.satisfies(d_mv)

        d_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert d.satisfies(d_sv)
예제 #20
    def test_satisfies(self):
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('foo', False)
        c = BoolValuedVariant('fee', False)
        d = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')

        assert not a.satisfies(b)
        assert not a.satisfies(c)
        assert a.satisfies(d)

        assert not b.satisfies(a)
        assert not b.satisfies(c)
        assert not b.satisfies(d)

        assert not c.satisfies(a)
        assert not c.satisfies(b)
        assert not c.satisfies(d)

        assert d.satisfies(a)
        assert not d.satisfies(b)
        assert not d.satisfies(c)

        # BV variants are case insensitive to 'True' or 'False'
        d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert d.satisfies(d_mv)
        assert not b.satisfies(d_mv)

        d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'FaLsE')
        assert not d.satisfies(d_mv)
        assert b.satisfies(d_mv)

        d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'bar')
        assert not d.satisfies(d_mv)
        assert not b.satisfies(d_mv)

        d_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        assert d.satisfies(d_sv)
예제 #21
    def test_constrain(self):
        # Try to constrain on a value equal to self
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        b = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on a value with a different value
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('foo', False)

        with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableVariantSpecError):

        # Try to constrain on a value with a different value
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('fee', True)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        # Try to constrain on the same value
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = a.copy()

        changed = a.constrain(b)
        assert not changed
        t = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        assert a == t

        # Try to constrain on other values
        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', 'True')
        for v in (sv, mv):
            assert not a.constrain(v)
예제 #22
    def test_compatible(self):

        a = BoolValuedVariant('foo', True)
        b = BoolValuedVariant('fee', True)
        c = BoolValuedVariant('foo', False)
        d = BoolValuedVariant('foo', 'True')

        # If the name of two multi-valued variants is the same,
        # they are compatible
        assert not a.compatible(b)
        assert not a.compatible(c)
        assert a.compatible(d)

        assert not b.compatible(a)
        assert not b.compatible(c)
        assert not b.compatible(d)

        assert not c.compatible(a)
        assert not c.compatible(b)
        assert not c.compatible(d)

        assert d.compatible(a)
        assert not d.compatible(b)
        assert not d.compatible(c)

        for value in ('True', 'TrUe', 'TRUE'):
            d_mv = MultiValuedVariant('foo', value)
            assert d.compatible(d_mv)
            assert not c.compatible(d_mv)

            d_sv = SingleValuedVariant('foo', value)
            assert d.compatible(d_sv)
            assert not c.compatible(d_sv)