예제 #1
def test_match_ior():
    t1 = Template()
    t1.sender = "sender1@host"
    t2 = Template()
    t2.to = "recv1@host"
    t2.metadata = {"performative": "query"}

    m1 = Message()
    m1.sender = "sender1@host"

    t1 |= t2

    assert t1.match(m1)

    m2 = Message()
    m2.to = "recv1@host"
    m2.metadata = {"performative": "query"}

    assert t1.match(m2)

    m3 = Message()
    m3.sender = "sender2@host"
    m3.to = "recv1@host"
    m3.metadata = {"performative": "inform"}

    assert not t1.match(m3)
예제 #2
def test_match_false_metadata():
    template = Template()
    template.metadata = {"performative": "query"}

    message = Message()

    assert not template.match(message)

    message.set_metadata("performative", "inform")

    assert not template.match(message)
예제 #3
def test_match_false_thread():
    template = Template()
    template.thread = "thread-id"

    message = Message()

    assert not template.match(message)

    message.thread = "thread-id-false"

    assert not template.match(message)
예제 #4
def test_match_false_body():
    template = Template()
    template.body = "Hello World"

    message = Message()

    assert not template.match(message)

    message.body = "Bye Bye Love"

    assert not template.match(message)
예제 #5
def test_match_false_to():
    template = Template()
    template.to = "recv1@host"

    message = Message()

    assert not template.match(message)

    message.to = "recv2@host"

    assert not template.match(message)
예제 #6
def test_match_false_sender():
    template = Template()
    template.sender = "sender2@host"

    message = Message()

    assert not template.match(message)

    message.sender = "sender1@host"

    assert not template.match(message)
예제 #7
def test_match_false_metadata_with_different_key():
    template = Template()
    template.metadata = {"performative": "query"}

    message = Message()
    message.set_metadata("language", "query")

    assert not template.match(message)
예제 #8
def test_match():
    template = Template()
    template.sender = "sender1@host"
    template.to = "recv1@host"
    template.body = "Hello World"
    template.thread = "thread-id"
    template.metadata = {"performative": "query"}

    message = Message()
    message.sender = "sender1@host"
    message.to = "recv1@host"
    message.body = "Hello World"
    message.thread = "thread-id"
    message.set_metadata("performative", "query")

    assert template.match(message)
예제 #9
 async def __resolution_handshake(self):
     logger.info("Waiting for instructions")
     instructions_message = await self.receive(100)
     to_reveive = Template()
     to_reveive.set_metadata("performative", "inform")
     if to_reveive.match(instructions_message):
         # Receiving what the other agent will do
         foreign_action_choose = instructions_message.body
         message = instructions_message.make_reply()
         message.set_metadata("performative", "inform")
         action_choose_key = self.__pick_my_actions()
         message.body = action_choose_key
         self.my_actions = self.coord_action.actions[action_choose_key]
         await self.send(message)
예제 #10
 async def first_handshake(self, message: Message):
     Send the first message for the handshake, with the action I choose to do.
     Then the agent send back his action.
     :param message:
     to_send = message.make_reply()
     my_action_key = self.__pick_my_actions()
     to_send.set_metadata("performative", "inform")
     to_send.body = my_action_key
     logger.info("Sending my chose action to the other agent")
     await self.send(to_send)
     reply = await self.receive(100)
     reply_verif = Template()
     reply_verif.set_metadata("performative", "inform")
     if reply_verif.match(reply):
         logger.info("Received the action of the other agent")
         self.my_actions = self.coord_action.actions[my_action_key]
예제 #11
 async def __handle_handshake(self, message):
     Method when the agent receives an handshake. It can accept it or reject it based on the goal of the coordinate
     :param message: the message to handle
     logger.info("Traiter message {}".format(message.body))
     template = Template()
     template.set_metadata("performative", "proposal")
     if template.match(message):
         if message.body == self.coord_action.goal:
             logger.info("Accept proposal, the action it's the same goal ")
             accept_pop = message.make_reply()
             accept_pop.set_metadata("performative", "accept-proposal")
             await self.send(accept_pop)
             logger.info("Send accept-proposal to {}".format(message.sender))
             await self.__resolution_handshake()
             logger.info("Not the same goal")
             accept_pop = message.make_reply()
             accept_pop.set_metadata("performative", "reject-proposal")
             await self.send(accept_pop)
예제 #12
 async def __begin_handshake(self, agent_jid):
     Begin the negociation with the agent, send the goal and wait for a reponse.
     if the agent accepts then launches the handshake.
     :param agent_jid: the agent to communicate
     message_to_send = Message(to=agent_jid)
     message_to_send.set_metadata("performative", "proposal")
     message_to_send.body = self.coord_action.goal
     logger.info("Send message to {}".format(agent_jid))
     await self.send(message_to_send)
     logger.info("Waiting for the reponse")
     await empty_queue(self)
     message = await self.receive(25)
     if message is None:
         logger.info("The dest didn't respond")
         t = Template()
         t.set_metadata("performative", "accept-proposal")
         if t.match(message):
             logger.info("{} Accepted the proposal".format(agent_jid))
             await self.first_handshake(message)
             logger.warning("The message doesn't match the waiting")
예제 #13
# template.to = "recv1@host"
template.to = "admin@Temp3rr0r-pc"
template.body = "Hello World"
template.thread = "thread-id"
template.metadata = {"performative": "query"}

message = Message()
# message.sender = "sender1@host"
message.sender = "madks@Temp3rr0r-pc"
# message.to = "recv1@host"
message.to = "admin@Temp3rr0r-pc"
message.body = "Hello World"
message.thread = "thread-id"
message.set_metadata("performative", "query")

assert template.match(message)

t1 = Template()
# t1.sender = "sender1@host"
t1.sender = "madks@Temp3rr0r-pc"
t2 = Template()
# t2.to = "recv1@host"
t2.to = "admin@Temp3rr0r-pc"
t2.metadata = {"performative": "query"}

m = Message()
# m.sender = "sender1@host"
m.sender = "madks@Temp3rr0r-pc"
# m.to = "recv1@host"
m.to = "admin@Temp3rr0r-pc"
m.metadata = {"performative": "query"}