예제 #1
class TorState(object):
    This tracks the current state of Tor using a TorControlProtocol.

    On setup it first queries the initial state of streams and
    circuits. It then asks for updates via the listeners. It requires
    an ITorControlProtocol instance. The control protocol doesn't need
    to be bootstrapped yet. The Deferred .post_boostrap is driggered
    when the TorState instance is fully ready to go.  The easiest way
    is to use the helper method
    :func:`txtorcon.build_tor_connection`. For details, see the
    implementation of that.

    You may add an :class:`txtorcon.interface.IStreamAttacher` to
    provide a custom mapping for Strams to Circuits (by default Tor
    picks by itself).

    This is also a good example of the various listeners, and acts as
    an :class:`txtorcon.interface.ICircuitContainer` and

    implements(ICircuitListener, ICircuitContainer, IRouterContainer,

    def __init__(self, protocol, bootstrap=True, write_state_diagram=False):
        self.protocol = ITorControlProtocol(protocol)
        ## fixme could use protocol.on_disconnect to re-connect; see issue #3

        ## could override these to get your own Circuit/Stream subclasses
        ## to track these things
        self.circuit_factory = Circuit
        self.stream_factory = Stream

        self.attacher = None
        """If set, provides
        :class:`txtorcon.interface.IStreamAttacher` to attach new
        streams we hear about."""

        self.tor_binary = 'tor'

        self.circuit_listeners = []
        self.stream_listeners = []

        self.addrmap = AddrMap()
        self.circuits = {}               # keys on id (integer)
        self.streams = {}                # keys on id (integer)

        self.routers = {}                # keys by hexid (string) and by unique names
        self.routers_by_name = {}        # keys on name, value always list (many duplicate "Unnamed" routers, for example)
        self.guards = {}                 # potentially-usable as entry guards, I think? (any router with 'Guard' flag)
        self.entry_guards = {}           # from GETINFO entry-guards, our current entry guards
        self.unusable_entry_guards = []  # list of entry guards we didn't parse out
        self.authorities = {}            # keys by name

        self.cleanup = None              # see set_attacher

        class die(object):
            __name__ = 'die'             # FIXME? just to ease spagetti.py:82's pain

            def __init__(self, msg):
                self.msg = msg

            def __call__(self, *args):
                raise RuntimeError(self.msg % tuple(args))

        def nothing(*args):

        waiting_r = State("waiting_r")
        waiting_w = State("waiting_w")
        waiting_p = State("waiting_p")
        waiting_s = State("waiting_s")

        def ignorable_line(x):
            return x.strip() == '.' or x.strip() == 'OK' or x[:3] == 'ns/' or x.strip() == ''

        waiting_r.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line, nothing))
        waiting_r.add_transition(Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'r ', self._router_begin))
        ## FIXME use better method/func than die!!
        waiting_r.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 'r ', die('Expected "r " while parsing routers not "%s"')))

        waiting_s.add_transition(Transition(waiting_w, lambda x: x[:2] == 's ', self._router_flags))
        waiting_s.add_transition(Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'a ', self._router_address))
        waiting_s.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line, nothing))
        waiting_s.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 's ' and x[:2] != 'a ', die('Expected "s " while parsing routers not "%s"')))
        waiting_s.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x.strip() == '.', nothing))

        waiting_w.add_transition(Transition(waiting_p, lambda x: x[:2] == 'w ', self._router_bandwidth))
        waiting_w.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line, nothing))
        waiting_w.add_transition(Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'r ', self._router_begin))  # "w" lines are optional
        waiting_w.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 'w ', die('Expected "w " while parsing routers not "%s"')))
        waiting_w.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x.strip() == '.', nothing))

        waiting_p.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] == 'p ', self._router_policy))
        waiting_p.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line, nothing))
        waiting_p.add_transition(Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'r ', self._router_begin))  # "p" lines are optional
        waiting_p.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 'p ', die('Expected "p " while parsing routers not "%s"')))
        waiting_p.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x.strip() == '.', nothing))

        self._network_status_parser = FSM([waiting_r, waiting_s, waiting_w, waiting_p])
        if write_state_diagram:
            with open('routerfsm.dot', 'w') as fsmfile:

        self.post_bootstrap = defer.Deferred()
        if bootstrap:
            if self.protocol.post_bootstrap:

    def _router_begin(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router = Router(self.protocol)
        self._router.from_consensus = True
        self._router.update(args[1],         # nickname
                            args[2],         # idhash
                            args[3],         # orhash
                            datetime.datetime.strptime(args[4] + args[5], '%Y-%m-%f%H:%M:%S'),
                            args[6],         # ip address
                            args[7],         # ORPort
                            args[8])         # DirPort

        if self._router.id_hex in self.routers:
            ## FIXME should I do an update() on this one??
            self._router = self.routers[self._router.id_hex]

        if self._router.name in self.routers_by_name:

            self.routers_by_name[self._router.name] = [self._router]

        if self._router.name in self.routers:
            self.routers[self._router.name] = None

            self.routers[self._router.name] = self._router
        self.routers[self._router.id_hex] = self._router

    def _router_flags(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router.flags = args[1:]
        if 'guard' in self._router.flags:
            self.guards[self._router.id_hex] = self._router
        if 'authority' in self._router.flags:
            self.authorities[self._router.name] = self._router

    def _router_address(self, data):
        """only for IPv6 addresses"""

    def _router_bandwidth(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router.bandwidth = int(args[1].split('=')[1])

    def _router_policy(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router.policy = args[1:]
        self._router = None

    def _bootstrap(self, arg=None):
        "This takes an arg so we can use it as a callback (see __init__)."

        ## update list of routers (must be before we do the
        ## circuit-status) note that we're feeding each line
        ## incrementally to a state-machine called
        ## _network_status_parser, set up in constructor. "ns" should
        ## be the empty string, but we call _update_network_status for
        ## the de-duplication of named routers

        ns = yield self.protocol.get_info_incremental('ns/all',

        ## update list of existing circuits
        cs = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw('circuit-status')

        ## update list of streams
        ss = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw('stream-status')

        ## update list of existing address-maps
        key = 'address-mappings/all'
        am = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw(key)
        ## strip addressmappsings/all= and OK\n from raw data
        am = am[len(key) + 1:]
        if am.strip() != 'OK':
            for line in am.split('\n')[:-1]:
                if len(line.strip()) == 0:
                    continue            # FIXME


        entries = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw("entry-guards")
        for line in entries.split('\n')[1:]:
            if len(line.strip()) == 0 or line.strip() == 'OK':
            args = line.split()
            (name, status) = args[:2]
            name = name[:41]

            ## this is sometimes redundant, as a missing entry guard
            ## usually means it won't be in our list of routers right
            ## now, but just being on the safe side
            if status.lower() != 'up':

                self.entry_guards[name] = self.router_from_id(name)
            except KeyError:

        ## in case process/pid doesn't exist and we don't know the PID
        ## because we own it, we just leave it as 0 (previously
        ## guessed using psutil, but that only works if there's
        ## exactly one tor running anyway)
            pid = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw("process/pid")
        except TorProtocolError:
            pid = None
        self.tor_pid = 0
        if pid:
                pid = parse_keywords(pid)['process/pid']
                self.tor_pid = int(pid)
            except KeyError:
                self.tor_pid = 0
        elif self.protocol.is_owned:
            self.tor_pid = self.protocol.is_owned

        self.post_boostrap = None

    def undo_attacher(self):
        Shouldn't Tor handle this by turning this back to 0 if the
        controller that twiddled it disconnects?

        return self.protocol.set_conf("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", 0)

    def set_attacher(self, attacher, myreactor):
        Provide an :class:`txtorcon.interface.IStreamAttacher to
        associate streams to circuits. This won't get turned on until
        after bootstrapping is completed. ('__LeaveStreamsUnattached'
        needs to be set to '1' and the existing circuits list needs to
        be populated).

        react = IReactorCore(myreactor)
        if attacher:
            self.attacher = IStreamAttacher(attacher)
            self.attacher = None

        if self.attacher is None:
            if self.cleanup:
                self.cleanup = None

            self.protocol.set_conf("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", "1")
            self.cleanup = react.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
        return None

    stream_close_reasons = {
        'REASON_MISC': 1,               # (catch-all for unlisted reasons)
        'REASON_RESOLVEFAILED': 2,      # (couldn't look up hostname)
        'REASON_CONNECTREFUSED': 3,     # (remote host refused connection) [*]
        'REASON_EXITPOLICY': 4,         # (OR refuses to connect to host or port)
        'REASON_DESTROY': 5,            # (Circuit is being destroyed)
        'REASON_DONE': 6,               # (Anonymized TCP connection was closed)
        'REASON_TIMEOUT': 7,            # (Connection timed out, or OR timed out while connecting)
        'REASON_NOROUTE': 8,            # (Routing error while attempting to contact destination)
        'REASON_HIBERNATING': 9,        # (OR is temporarily hibernating)
        'REASON_INTERNAL': 10,          # (Internal error at the OR)
        'REASON_RESOURCELIMIT': 11,     # (OR has no resources to fulfill request)
        'REASON_CONNRESET': 12,         # (Connection was unexpectedly reset)
        'REASON_TORPROTOCOL': 13,       # (Sent when closing connection because of Tor protocol violations.)
        'REASON_NOTDIRECTORY': 14}      # (Client sent RELAY_BEGIN_DIR to a non-directory relay.)

    def close_stream(self, stream, reason='REASON_MISC', **kwargs):
        This sends a STREAMCLOSE command, using the specified reason
        (either an int or one of the 14 strings in section 6.3 of
        tor-spec.txt if the argument is a string). Any kwards are
        passed through as flags if they evaluated to true
        (e.g. "SomeFlag=True"). Currently there are none that Tor accepts.

        if type(stream) != int:
            ## assume it's a Stream instance
            stream = stream.id
            reason = int(reason)
        except ValueError:
                reason = TorState.stream_close_reasons[reason]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError('Unknown stream close reason "%s"' % str(reason))

        flags = flags_from_dict(kwargs)

        ## stream is now an ID no matter what we passed in
        cmd = 'CLOSESTREAM %d %d%s' % (stream, reason, flags)
        return self.protocol.queue_command(cmd)

    def close_circuit(self, circid, **kwargs):
        This sends a CLOSECIRCUIT command, using any keyword arguments
        passed as the Flags (currently, that is just 'IfUnused' which
        means to only close the circuit when it is no longer used by
        any streams).

        :return: a Deferred which callbacks with the result of queuing
        the command to Tor (usually "OK"). If you want to instead know
        when the circuit is actually-gone, see :meth:`Circuit.close

        if type(circid) != int:
            ## assume it's a Circuit instance
            circid = circid.id
        flags = flags_from_dict(kwargs)
        return self.protocol.queue_command('CLOSECIRCUIT %s%s' % (circid, flags))

    def add_circuit_listener(self, icircuitlistener):
        listen = ICircuitListener(icircuitlistener)
        for circ in self.circuits.values():

    def add_stream_listener(self, istreamlistener):
        listen = IStreamListener(istreamlistener)
        for stream in self.streams.values():

    def _find_circuit_after_extend(self, x):
        ex, circ_id = x.split()
        if ex != 'EXTENDED':
            raise RuntimeError('Expected EXTENDED, got "%s"' % x)
        circ_id = int(circ_id)
        circ = self._maybe_create_circuit(circ_id)
        circ.update([str(circ_id), 'EXTENDED'])
        return circ

    def build_circuit(self, routers=None):
        Builds a circuit consisting of exactly the routers specified,
        in order.  This issues an EXTENDCIRCUIT call to Tor with all
        the routers specified.

        :param routers: a list of Router instances which is the path
            desired. A warming is issued if the first one isn't in
            self.entry_guards To allow Tor to choose the routers
            itself, pass None (the default) for routers.

            A Deferred that will callback with a Circuit instance
            (with the .id member being valid, and probably nothing

        if routers is None or routers == []:
            cmd = "EXTENDCIRCUIT 0"

            if routers[0] not in self.entry_guards.values():
                warnings.warn("Building a circuit not starting with a guard: %s" % (str(routers),), RuntimeWarning)
            cmd = "EXTENDCIRCUIT 0 "
            first = True
            for router in routers:
                if first:
                    first = False
                    cmd += ','
                if isinstance(router, types.StringType) and len(router) == 40 and hashFromHexId(router):
                    cmd += router
                    cmd += router.id_hex[1:]
        d = self.protocol.queue_command(cmd)
        return d

    DO_NOT_ATTACH = object()

    def _maybe_attach(self, stream):
        If we've got a custom stream-attachment instance (see
        set_attacher) this will ask it for the appropriate
        circuit. Note that we ignore .exit URIs and let Tor deal with
        those (by passing circuit ID 0).

        The stream attacher is allowed to return a Deferred which will
        callback with the desired circuit.

        You may return the special object DO_NOT_ATTACH which will
        cause the circuit attacher to simply ignore the stream
        (neither attaching it, nor telling Tor to attach it).

        if self.attacher:
            if stream.target_host is not None and '.exit' in stream.target_host:
                ## we want to totally ignore .exit URIs as these are
                ## used to specify a particular exit node, and trying
                ## to do STREAMATTACH on them will fail with an error
                ## from Tor anyway.
                txtorlog.msg("ignore attacher:", stream)

            circ = IStreamAttacher(self.attacher).attach_stream(stream, self.circuits)
            if circ is self.DO_NOT_ATTACH:

            if circ is None:
                self.protocol.queue_command("ATTACHSTREAM %d 0" % stream.id)

                if isinstance(circ, defer.Deferred):
                    class IssueStreamAttach:
                        def __init__(self, state, streamid):
                            self.stream_id = streamid
                            self.state = state

                        def __call__(self, arg):
                            circid = arg.id
                            self.state.protocol.queue_command("ATTACHSTREAM %d %d" % (self.stream_id, circid))

                    circ.addCallback(IssueStreamAttach(self, stream.id)).addErrback(log.err)

                    if circ.id not in self.circuits:
                        raise RuntimeError("Attacher returned a circuit unknown to me.")
                    if circ.state != 'BUILT':
                        raise RuntimeError("Can only attach to BUILT circuits; %d is in %s." % (circ.id, circ.state))
                    self.protocol.queue_command("ATTACHSTREAM %d %d" % (stream.id, circ.id))

    def _circuit_status(self, data):
        """Used internally as a callback for updating Circuit information"""

        data = data[len('circuit-status='):].split('\n')[:-1]
        ## sometimes there's a newline after circuit-status= and
        ## sometimes not, so we get rid of it
        if len(data) and len(data[0].strip()) == 0:
            data = data[1:]

        for line in data:

    def _stream_status(self, data):
        "Used internally as a callback for updating Stream information"
        # there's a slight issue with a single-stream vs >= 2 streams,
        # in that in the latter case we have a line by itself with
        # "stream-status=" on it followed by the streams EXCEPT in the
        # single-stream case which has "stream-status=123 blahblah"
        # (i.e. the key + value on one line)

        lines = data.split('\n')[:-1]
        if len(lines) == 1:
            d = lines[0][len('stream-status='):]
            # if there are actually 0 streams, then there's nothing
            # left to parse
            if len(d):
            [self._stream_update(line) for line in lines[1:]]

    def _update_network_status(self, data):
        Used internally as a callback for updating Router information
        from NS and NEWCONSENSUS events.

        for line in data.split('\n'):

        txtorlog.msg(len(self.routers_by_name), "named routers found.")
        ## remove any names we added that turned out to have dups
        for (k, v) in self.routers.items():
            if v is None:
                txtorlog.msg(len(self.routers_by_name[k]), "dups:", k)
                del self.routers[k]

        txtorlog.msg(len(self.guards), "GUARDs")

    def _maybe_create_circuit(self, circ_id):
        if circ_id not in self.circuits:
            c = self.circuit_factory(self)
            [c.listen(x) for x in self.circuit_listeners]

            c = self.circuits[circ_id]
        return c

    def _circuit_update(self, line):
        Used internally as a callback to update Circuit information
        from CIRC events.

        #print "circuit_update",line
        args = line.split()
        circ_id = int(args[0])

        c = self._maybe_create_circuit(circ_id)

    def _stream_update(self, line):
        Used internally as a callback to update Stream information
        from STREAM events.

        #print "stream_update",line
        if line.strip() == 'stream-status=':
            ## this happens if there are no active streams

        args = line.split()
        assert len(args) >= 3

        stream_id = int(args[0])
        wasnew = False
        if stream_id not in self.streams:
            stream = self.stream_factory(self)
            self.streams[stream_id] = stream
            [stream.listen(x) for x in self.stream_listeners]
            wasnew = True

        ## if the update closed the stream, it won't be in our list
        ## anymore. FIXME: how can we ever hit such a case as the
        ## first update being a CLOSE?
        if wasnew and stream_id in self.streams:

    def _addr_map(self, addr):
        "Internal callback to update DNS cache. Listens to ADDRMAP."
        txtorlog.msg(" --> addr_map", addr)

    event_map = {'STREAM': _stream_update,
                 'CIRC': _circuit_update,
                 'NS': _update_network_status,
                 'NEWCONSENSUS': _update_network_status,
                 'ADDRMAP': _addr_map}
    """event_map used by add_events to map event_name -> unbound method"""
    def _add_events(self):
        Add listeners for all the events the controller is interested in.

        for (event, func) in self.event_map.items():
            ## the map contains unbound methods, so we bind them
            ## to self so they call the right thing
            yield self.protocol.add_event_listener(event, types.MethodType(func, self, TorState))

    ## ICircuitContainer

    def find_circuit(self, circid):
        "ICircuitContainer API"
        return self.circuits[circid]

    ## IRouterContainer

    def router_from_id(self, routerid):
        """IRouterContainer API"""

            return self.routers[routerid[:41]]

        except KeyError:
            if routerid[0] != '$':
                raise                   # just re-raise the KeyError

            router = Router(self.protocol)
            idhash = routerid[1:41]
            nick = ''
            is_named = False
            if len(routerid) > 41:
                nick = routerid[42:]
                is_named = routerid[41] == '='
            router.update(nick, hashFromHexId(idhash), '0' * 27, 'unknown',
                          'unknown', '0', '0')
            router.name_is_unique = is_named
            self.routers[router.id_hex] = router
            return router

    ## implement IStreamListener

    def stream_new(self, stream):
        "IStreamListener: a new stream has been created"
        txtorlog.msg("stream_new", stream)

    def stream_succeeded(self, stream):
        "IStreamListener: stream has succeeded"
        txtorlog.msg("stream_succeeded", stream)

    def stream_attach(self, stream, circuit):
        IStreamListener: the stream has been attached to a circuit. It
        seems you get an attach to None followed by an attach to real
        circuit fairly frequently. Perhaps related to __LeaveStreamsUnattached?
        txtorlog.msg("stream_attach", stream.id,
                     stream.target_host, " -> ", circuit)

    def stream_detach(self, stream, **kw):
        txtorlog.msg("stream_detach", stream.id)

    def stream_closed(self, stream, **kw):
        IStreamListener: stream has been closed (won't be in
        controller's list anymore)

        txtorlog.msg("stream_closed", stream.id)
        del self.streams[stream.id]

    def stream_failed(self, stream, **kw):
        IStreamListener: stream failed for some reason (won't be in
        controller's list anymore)

        txtorlog.msg("stream_failed", stream.id)
        del self.streams[stream.id]

    ## implement ICircuitListener

    def circuit_launched(self, circuit):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_launched", circuit)
        self.circuits[circuit.id] = circuit

    def circuit_extend(self, circuit, router):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_extend:", circuit.id, router)

    def circuit_built(self, circuit):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_built:", circuit.id,
                     "->".join("%s.%s" % (x.name, x.location.countrycode) for x in circuit.path),

    def circuit_new(self, circuit):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_new:", circuit.id)
        self.circuits[circuit.id] = circuit

    def circuit_destroy(self, circuit):
        "Used by circuit_closed and circuit_failed (below)"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_destroy:", circuit.id)
        del self.circuits[circuit.id]

    def circuit_closed(self, circuit, **kw):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_closed", circuit)

    def circuit_failed(self, circuit, **kw):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_failed", circuit, str(kw))
예제 #2
class TorState(object):
    This tracks the current state of Tor using a TorControlProtocol.

    On setup it first queries the initial state of streams and
    circuits. It then asks for updates via the listeners. It requires
    an ITorControlProtocol instance. The control protocol doesn't need
    to be bootstrapped yet. The Deferred .post_boostrap is driggered
    when the TorState instance is fully ready to go.  The easiest way
    is to use the helper method
    :func:`txtorcon.build_tor_connection`. For details, see the
    implementation of that.

    You may add an :class:`txtorcon.interface.IStreamAttacher` to
    provide a custom mapping for Strams to Circuits (by default Tor
    picks by itself).

    This is also a good example of the various listeners, and acts as
    an :class:`txtorcon.interface.ICircuitContainer` and

    implements(ICircuitListener, ICircuitContainer, IRouterContainer,

    def __init__(self, protocol, bootstrap=True, write_state_diagram=False):
        self.protocol = ITorControlProtocol(protocol)
        ## fixme could use protocol.on_disconnect to re-connect; see issue #3

        ## could override these to get your own Circuit/Stream subclasses
        ## to track these things
        self.circuit_factory = Circuit
        self.stream_factory = Stream

        self.attacher = None
        """If set, provides
        :class:`txtorcon.interface.IStreamAttacher` to attach new
        streams we hear about."""

        self.tor_binary = 'tor'

        self.circuit_listeners = []
        self.stream_listeners = []

        self.addrmap = AddrMap()
        self.circuits = {}  # keys on id (integer)
        self.streams = {}  # keys on id (integer)

        self.routers = {}  # keys by hexid (string) and by unique names
        self.routers_by_name = {
        }  # keys on name, value always list (many duplicate "Unnamed" routers, for example)
        self.guards = {
        }  # potentially-usable as entry guards, I think? (any router with 'Guard' flag)
        self.entry_guards = {
        }  # from GETINFO entry-guards, our current entry guards
        self.unusable_entry_guards = [
        ]  # list of entry guards we didn't parse out
        self.authorities = {}  # keys by name

        self.cleanup = None  # see set_attacher

        class die(object):
            __name__ = 'die'  # FIXME? just to ease spagetti.py:82's pain

            def __init__(self, msg):
                self.msg = msg

            def __call__(self, *args):
                raise RuntimeError(self.msg % tuple(args))

        def nothing(*args):

        waiting_r = State("waiting_r")
        waiting_w = State("waiting_w")
        waiting_p = State("waiting_p")
        waiting_s = State("waiting_s")

        def ignorable_line(x):
            return x.strip() == '.' or x.strip(
            ) == 'OK' or x[:3] == 'ns/' or x.strip() == ''

        waiting_r.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line,
            Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'r ', self._router_begin))
        ## FIXME use better method/func than die!!
            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 'r ',
                       die('Expected "r " while parsing routers not "%s"')))

            Transition(waiting_w, lambda x: x[:2] == 's ', self._router_flags))
            Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'a ',
        waiting_s.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line,
            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 's ' and x[:2] != 'a ',
                       die('Expected "s " while parsing routers not "%s"')))
            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x.strip() == '.', nothing))

            Transition(waiting_p, lambda x: x[:2] == 'w ',
        waiting_w.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line,
            Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'r ',
                       self._router_begin))  # "w" lines are optional
            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 'w ',
                       die('Expected "w " while parsing routers not "%s"')))
            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x.strip() == '.', nothing))

            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] == 'p ',
        waiting_p.add_transition(Transition(waiting_r, ignorable_line,
            Transition(waiting_s, lambda x: x[:2] == 'r ',
                       self._router_begin))  # "p" lines are optional
            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x[:2] != 'p ',
                       die('Expected "p " while parsing routers not "%s"')))
            Transition(waiting_r, lambda x: x.strip() == '.', nothing))

        self._network_status_parser = FSM(
            [waiting_r, waiting_s, waiting_w, waiting_p])
        if write_state_diagram:
            with open('routerfsm.dot', 'w') as fsmfile:

        self.post_bootstrap = defer.Deferred()
        if bootstrap:
            if self.protocol.post_bootstrap:

    def _router_begin(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router = Router(self.protocol)
        self._router.from_consensus = True
            args[1],  # nickname
            args[2],  # idhash
            args[3],  # orhash
            datetime.datetime.strptime(args[4] + args[5], '%Y-%m-%f%H:%M:%S'),
            args[6],  # ip address
            args[7],  # ORPort
            args[8])  # DirPort

        if self._router.id_hex in self.routers:
            ## FIXME should I do an update() on this one??
            self._router = self.routers[self._router.id_hex]

        if self._router.name in self.routers_by_name:

            self.routers_by_name[self._router.name] = [self._router]

        if self._router.name in self.routers:
            self.routers[self._router.name] = None

            self.routers[self._router.name] = self._router
        self.routers[self._router.id_hex] = self._router

    def _router_flags(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router.flags = args[1:]
        if 'guard' in self._router.flags:
            self.guards[self._router.id_hex] = self._router
        if 'authority' in self._router.flags:
            self.authorities[self._router.name] = self._router

    def _router_address(self, data):
        """only for IPv6 addresses"""

    def _router_bandwidth(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router.bandwidth = int(args[1].split('=')[1])

    def _router_policy(self, data):
        args = data.split()
        self._router.policy = args[1:]
        self._router = None

    def _bootstrap(self, arg=None):
        "This takes an arg so we can use it as a callback (see __init__)."

        ## update list of routers (must be before we do the
        ## circuit-status) note that we're feeding each line
        ## incrementally to a state-machine called
        ## _network_status_parser, set up in constructor. "ns" should
        ## be the empty string, but we call _update_network_status for
        ## the de-duplication of named routers

        ns = yield self.protocol.get_info_incremental(
            'ns/all', self._network_status_parser.process)

        ## update list of existing circuits
        cs = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw('circuit-status')

        ## update list of streams
        ss = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw('stream-status')

        ## update list of existing address-maps
        key = 'address-mappings/all'
        am = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw(key)
        ## strip addressmappsings/all= and OK\n from raw data
        am = am[len(key) + 1:]
        for line in am.split('\n'):
            if len(line.strip()) == 0:
                continue  # FIXME


        entries = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw("entry-guards")
        for line in entries.split('\n')[1:]:
            if len(line.strip()) == 0 or line.strip() == 'OK':
            args = line.split()
            (name, status) = args[:2]
            name = name[:41]

            ## this is sometimes redundant, as a missing entry guard
            ## usually means it won't be in our list of routers right
            ## now, but just being on the safe side
            if status.lower() != 'up':

                self.entry_guards[name] = self.router_from_id(name)
            except KeyError:

        ## in case process/pid doesn't exist and we don't know the PID
        ## because we own it, we just leave it as 0 (previously
        ## guessed using psutil, but that only works if there's
        ## exactly one tor running anyway)
            pid = yield self.protocol.get_info_raw("process/pid")
        except TorProtocolError:
            pid = None
        self.tor_pid = 0
        if pid:
                pid = parse_keywords(pid)['process/pid']
                self.tor_pid = int(pid)
            except KeyError:
                self.tor_pid = 0
        elif self.protocol.is_owned:
            self.tor_pid = self.protocol.is_owned

        self.post_boostrap = None

    def undo_attacher(self):
        Shouldn't Tor handle this by turning this back to 0 if the
        controller that twiddled it disconnects?

        return self.protocol.set_conf("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", 0)

    def set_attacher(self, attacher, myreactor):
        Provide an :class:`txtorcon.interface.IStreamAttacher` to
        associate streams to circuits. This won't get turned on until
        after bootstrapping is completed. ('__LeaveStreamsUnattached'
        needs to be set to '1' and the existing circuits list needs to
        be populated).

        react = IReactorCore(myreactor)
        if attacher:
            self.attacher = IStreamAttacher(attacher)
            self.attacher = None

        if self.attacher is None:
            if self.cleanup:
                self.cleanup = None

            self.protocol.set_conf("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", "1")
            self.cleanup = react.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
        return None

    stream_close_reasons = {
        'REASON_MISC': 1,  # (catch-all for unlisted reasons)
        'REASON_RESOLVEFAILED': 2,  # (couldn't look up hostname)
        'REASON_CONNECTREFUSED': 3,  # (remote host refused connection) [*]
        'REASON_EXITPOLICY': 4,  # (OR refuses to connect to host or port)
        'REASON_DESTROY': 5,  # (Circuit is being destroyed)
        'REASON_DONE': 6,  # (Anonymized TCP connection was closed)
        7,  # (Connection timed out, or OR timed out while connecting)
        8,  # (Routing error while attempting to contact destination)
        'REASON_HIBERNATING': 9,  # (OR is temporarily hibernating)
        'REASON_INTERNAL': 10,  # (Internal error at the OR)
        'REASON_RESOURCELIMIT': 11,  # (OR has no resources to fulfill request)
        'REASON_CONNRESET': 12,  # (Connection was unexpectedly reset)
        13,  # (Sent when closing connection because of Tor protocol violations.)
    }  # (Client sent RELAY_BEGIN_DIR to a non-directory relay.)

    def close_stream(self, stream, reason='REASON_MISC', **kwargs):
        This sends a STREAMCLOSE command, using the specified reason
        (either an int or one of the 14 strings in section 6.3 of
        tor-spec.txt if the argument is a string). Any kwards are
        passed through as flags if they evaluated to true
        (e.g. "SomeFlag=True"). Currently there are none that Tor accepts.

        if type(stream) != int:
            ## assume it's a Stream instance
            stream = stream.id
            reason = int(reason)
        except ValueError:
                reason = TorState.stream_close_reasons[reason]
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError('Unknown stream close reason "%s"' %

        flags = flags_from_dict(kwargs)

        ## stream is now an ID no matter what we passed in
        cmd = 'CLOSESTREAM %d %d%s' % (stream, reason, flags)
        return self.protocol.queue_command(cmd)

    def close_circuit(self, circid, **kwargs):
        This sends a CLOSECIRCUIT command, using any keyword arguments
        passed as the Flags (currently, that is just 'IfUnused' which
        means to only close the circuit when it is no longer used by
        any streams).

        :param circid:
            Either a circuit-id (int) or a Circuit instance

            a Deferred which callbacks with the result of queuing the
            command to Tor (usually "OK"). If you want to instead know
            when the circuit is actually-gone, see
            :meth:`Circuit.close <txtorcon.circuit.Circuit.close>`

        if type(circid) != int:
            ## assume it's a Circuit instance
            circid = circid.id
        flags = flags_from_dict(kwargs)
        return self.protocol.queue_command('CLOSECIRCUIT %s%s' %
                                           (circid, flags))

    def add_circuit_listener(self, icircuitlistener):
        listen = ICircuitListener(icircuitlistener)
        for circ in self.circuits.values():

    def add_stream_listener(self, istreamlistener):
        listen = IStreamListener(istreamlistener)
        for stream in self.streams.values():

    def _find_circuit_after_extend(self, x):
        ex, circ_id = x.split()
        if ex != 'EXTENDED':
            raise RuntimeError('Expected EXTENDED, got "%s"' % x)
        circ_id = int(circ_id)
        circ = self._maybe_create_circuit(circ_id)
        circ.update([str(circ_id), 'EXTENDED'])
        return circ

    def build_circuit(self, routers=None):
        Builds a circuit consisting of exactly the routers specified,
        in order.  This issues an EXTENDCIRCUIT call to Tor with all
        the routers specified.

        :param routers: a list of Router instances which is the path
            desired. A warming is issued if the first one isn't in
            self.entry_guards To allow Tor to choose the routers
            itself, pass None (the default) for routers.

            A Deferred that will callback with a Circuit instance
            (with the .id member being valid, and probably nothing

        if routers is None or routers == []:
            cmd = "EXTENDCIRCUIT 0"

            if routers[0] not in self.entry_guards.values():
                    "Building a circuit not starting with a guard: %s" %
                    (str(routers), ), RuntimeWarning)
            cmd = "EXTENDCIRCUIT 0 "
            first = True
            for router in routers:
                if first:
                    first = False
                    cmd += ','
                if isinstance(router, types.StringType) and len(
                        router) == 40 and hashFromHexId(router):
                    cmd += router
                    cmd += router.id_hex[1:]
        d = self.protocol.queue_command(cmd)
        return d

    DO_NOT_ATTACH = object()

    def _maybe_attach(self, stream):
        If we've got a custom stream-attachment instance (see
        set_attacher) this will ask it for the appropriate
        circuit. Note that we ignore .exit URIs and let Tor deal with
        those (by passing circuit ID 0).

        The stream attacher is allowed to return a Deferred which will
        callback with the desired circuit.

        You may return the special object DO_NOT_ATTACH which will
        cause the circuit attacher to simply ignore the stream
        (neither attaching it, nor telling Tor to attach it).

        if self.attacher:
            if stream.target_host is not None and '.exit' in stream.target_host:
                ## we want to totally ignore .exit URIs as these are
                ## used to specify a particular exit node, and trying
                ## to do STREAMATTACH on them will fail with an error
                ## from Tor anyway.
                txtorlog.msg("ignore attacher:", stream)

            circ = IStreamAttacher(self.attacher).attach_stream(
                stream, self.circuits)
            if circ is self.DO_NOT_ATTACH:

            if circ is None:
                self.protocol.queue_command("ATTACHSTREAM %d 0" % stream.id)

                if isinstance(circ, defer.Deferred):

                    class IssueStreamAttach:
                        def __init__(self, state, streamid):
                            self.stream_id = streamid
                            self.state = state

                        def __call__(self, arg):
                            circid = arg.id
                                "ATTACHSTREAM %d %d" %
                                (self.stream_id, circid))

                        self, stream.id)).addErrback(log.err)

                    if circ.id not in self.circuits:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Attacher returned a circuit unknown to me.")
                    if circ.state != 'BUILT':
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Can only attach to BUILT circuits; %d is in %s." %
                            (circ.id, circ.state))
                    self.protocol.queue_command("ATTACHSTREAM %d %d" %
                                                (stream.id, circ.id))

    def _circuit_status(self, data):
        """Used internally as a callback for updating Circuit information"""

        data = data[len('circuit-status='):].split('\n')
        ## sometimes there's a newline after circuit-status= and
        ## sometimes not, so we get rid of it
        if len(data) and len(data[0].strip()) == 0:
            data = data[1:]

        for line in data:

    def _stream_status(self, data):
        "Used internally as a callback for updating Stream information"
        # there's a slight issue with a single-stream vs >= 2 streams,
        # in that in the latter case we have a line by itself with
        # "stream-status=" on it followed by the streams EXCEPT in the
        # single-stream case which has "stream-status=123 blahblah"
        # (i.e. the key + value on one line)

        lines = data.split('\n')
        if len(lines) == 1:
            d = lines[0][len('stream-status='):]
            # if there are actually 0 streams, then there's nothing
            # left to parse
            if len(d):
            [self._stream_update(line) for line in lines[1:]]

    def _update_network_status(self, data):
        Used internally as a callback for updating Router information
        from NS and NEWCONSENSUS events.

        for line in data.split('\n'):

        txtorlog.msg(len(self.routers_by_name), "named routers found.")
        ## remove any names we added that turned out to have dups
        for (k, v) in self.routers.items():
            if v is None:
                txtorlog.msg(len(self.routers_by_name[k]), "dups:", k)
                del self.routers[k]

        txtorlog.msg(len(self.guards), "GUARDs")

    def _maybe_create_circuit(self, circ_id):
        if circ_id not in self.circuits:
            c = self.circuit_factory(self)
            [c.listen(x) for x in self.circuit_listeners]

            c = self.circuits[circ_id]
        return c

    def _circuit_update(self, line):
        Used internally as a callback to update Circuit information
        from CIRC events.

        #print "circuit_update",line
        args = line.split()
        circ_id = int(args[0])

        c = self._maybe_create_circuit(circ_id)

    def _stream_update(self, line):
        Used internally as a callback to update Stream information
        from STREAM events.

        #print "stream_update",line
        if line.strip() == 'stream-status=':
            ## this happens if there are no active streams

        args = line.split()
        assert len(args) >= 3

        stream_id = int(args[0])
        wasnew = False
        if stream_id not in self.streams:
            stream = self.stream_factory(self)
            self.streams[stream_id] = stream
            [stream.listen(x) for x in self.stream_listeners]
            wasnew = True

        ## if the update closed the stream, it won't be in our list
        ## anymore. FIXME: how can we ever hit such a case as the
        ## first update being a CLOSE?
        if wasnew and stream_id in self.streams:

    def _addr_map(self, addr):
        "Internal callback to update DNS cache. Listens to ADDRMAP."
        txtorlog.msg(" --> addr_map", addr)

    event_map = {
        'STREAM': _stream_update,
        'CIRC': _circuit_update,
        'NS': _update_network_status,
        'NEWCONSENSUS': _update_network_status,
        'ADDRMAP': _addr_map
    """event_map used by add_events to map event_name -> unbound method"""

    def _add_events(self):
        Add listeners for all the events the controller is interested in.

        for (event, func) in self.event_map.items():
            ## the map contains unbound methods, so we bind them
            ## to self so they call the right thing
            yield self.protocol.add_event_listener(
                event, types.MethodType(func, self, TorState))

    ## ICircuitContainer

    def find_circuit(self, circid):
        "ICircuitContainer API"
        return self.circuits[circid]

    ## IRouterContainer

    def router_from_id(self, routerid):
        """IRouterContainer API"""

            return self.routers[routerid[:41]]

        except KeyError:
            if routerid[0] != '$':
                raise  # just re-raise the KeyError

            router = Router(self.protocol)
            idhash = routerid[1:41]
            nick = ''
            is_named = False
            if len(routerid) > 41:
                nick = routerid[42:]
                is_named = routerid[41] == '='
            router.update(nick, hashFromHexId(idhash), '0' * 27, 'unknown',
                          'unknown', '0', '0')
            router.name_is_unique = is_named
            self.routers[router.id_hex] = router
            return router

    ## implement IStreamListener

    def stream_new(self, stream):
        "IStreamListener: a new stream has been created"
        txtorlog.msg("stream_new", stream)

    def stream_succeeded(self, stream):
        "IStreamListener: stream has succeeded"
        txtorlog.msg("stream_succeeded", stream)

    def stream_attach(self, stream, circuit):
        IStreamListener: the stream has been attached to a circuit. It
        seems you get an attach to None followed by an attach to real
        circuit fairly frequently. Perhaps related to __LeaveStreamsUnattached?
        txtorlog.msg("stream_attach", stream.id, stream.target_host, " -> ",

    def stream_detach(self, stream, **kw):
        txtorlog.msg("stream_detach", stream.id)

    def stream_closed(self, stream, **kw):
        IStreamListener: stream has been closed (won't be in
        controller's list anymore)

        txtorlog.msg("stream_closed", stream.id)
        del self.streams[stream.id]

    def stream_failed(self, stream, **kw):
        IStreamListener: stream failed for some reason (won't be in
        controller's list anymore)

        txtorlog.msg("stream_failed", stream.id)
        del self.streams[stream.id]

    ## implement ICircuitListener

    def circuit_launched(self, circuit):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_launched", circuit)
        self.circuits[circuit.id] = circuit

    def circuit_extend(self, circuit, router):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_extend:", circuit.id, router)

    def circuit_built(self, circuit):
        "ICircuitListener API"
            "circuit_built:", circuit.id,
            "->".join("%s.%s" % (x.name, x.location.countrycode)
                      for x in circuit.path), circuit.streams)

    def circuit_new(self, circuit):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_new:", circuit.id)
        self.circuits[circuit.id] = circuit

    def circuit_destroy(self, circuit):
        "Used by circuit_closed and circuit_failed (below)"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_destroy:", circuit.id)
        del self.circuits[circuit.id]

    def circuit_closed(self, circuit, **kw):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_closed", circuit)

    def circuit_failed(self, circuit, **kw):
        "ICircuitListener API"
        txtorlog.msg("circuit_failed", circuit, str(kw))
예제 #3
class TorControlProtocol(LineOnlyReceiver):
    This is the main class that talks to a Tor and implements the "raw"

    This instance does not track state; see :class:`txtorcon.TorState`
    for the current state of all Circuits, Streams and Routers.

    :meth:`txtorcon.TorState.build_circuit` allows you to build custom

    :meth:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.add_event_listener` can be used
    to listen for specific events.

    To see how circuit and stream listeners are used, see
    :class:`txtorcon.TorState`, which is also the place to go if you
    wish to add your own stream or circuit listeners.


    def __init__(self, password=None):
        password is only used if the Tor doesn't have COOKIE
        authentication turned on. Tor's default is COOKIE.

        self.password = password
        """If set, a password to use for authentication to Tor
        (default is to use COOKIE, however)."""

        self.version = None
        """Version of Tor we've connected to."""

        self.is_owned = None
        """If not None, this is the PID of the Tor process we own
        (TAKEOWNERSHIP, etc)."""

        self.events = {}
        """events we've subscribed to (keyed by name like "GUARD", "STREAM")"""

        self.valid_events = {}
        """all valid events (name -> Event instance)"""

        self.valid_signals = []
        """A list of all valid signals we accept from Tor"""

        self.post_bootstrap = defer.Deferred()
        This Deferred is triggered when we're done setting up
        (authentication, getting information from Tor). You will want
        to use this to do things with the :class:`TorControlProtocol`
        class when it's set up, like::

            def setup_complete(proto):
                print "Setup complete, attached to Tor version",proto.version

            def setup(proto):

            TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "localhost", 9051).connect(TorProtocolFactory())

        See the helper method :func:`txtorcon.build_tor_connection`.

        ## variables related to the state machine
        self.defer = None               # Deferred we returned for the current command
        self.response = ''
        self.code = None
        self.command = None             # currently processing this command
        self.commands = []              # queued commands

        ## Here we build up the state machine. Mostly it's pretty
        ## simply, confounded by the fact that 600's (notify) can come
        ## at any time AND can be multi-line itself. Luckily, these
        ## can't be nested, nor can the responses be interleaved.

        idle = State("IDLE")
        recv = State("RECV")
        recvmulti = State("RECV_PLUS")
        recvnotify = State("NOTIFY_MULTILINE")



                                            lambda x: None))

        self.fsm = FSM([recvnotify, idle, recvmulti, recv])
        self.state_idle = idle
        ## hand-set initial state default start state is first in the
        ## list; the above looks nice in dotty though
        self.fsm.state = idle
        if DEBUG:
            self.debuglog = open('txtorcon-debug.log', 'w')
            with open('fsm.dot', 'w') as fsmfile:

    ## see end of file for all the state machine matcher and
    ## transition methods.

    def get_info_raw(self, *args):
        Mostly for internal use; gives you the raw string back from
        the GETINFO command. See :meth:`getinfo <txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.get_info>`
        info = ' '.join(map(lambda x: str(x), list(args)))
        return self.queue_command('GETINFO %s' % info)

    def get_info_incremental(self, key, line_cb):
        Mostly for internal use; calls GETINFO for a single key and
        calls line_cb with each line received, as it is received.

        See :meth:`getinfo <txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.get_info>`

        return self.queue_command('GETINFO %s' % key, line_cb)

    ## The following methods are the main TorController API and
    ## probably the most interesting for users.

    def get_info(self, *args):
        Uses GETINFO to obtain informatoin from Tor.

        :param args:
            should be a list or tuple of strings which are valid
            information keys. For valid keys, see control-spec.txt
            from torspec.

            .. todo:: make some way to automagically obtain valid
                keys, either from running Tor or parsing control-spec

            a ``Deferred`` which will callback with a dict containing
            the keys you asked for. This just inserts ``parse_keywords``
            in the callback chain; if you want to avoid the parsing
            into a dict, you can use get_info_raw instead.
        return self.get_info_raw(*args).addCallback(parse_keywords).addErrback(log.err)

    def get_conf(self, *args):
        Uses GETCONF to obtain configuration values from Tor.

        :param args: any number of strings which are keys to get. To
            get all valid configuraiton names, you can call:

        :return: a Deferred which callbacks with one or many
            configuration values (depends on what you asked for). See
            control-spec for valid keys (you can also use TorConfig which
            will come set up with all the keys that are valid). The value
            will be a dict.

        Note that Tor differentiates between an empty value and a
        default value; in the raw protocol one looks like '250
        MyFamily' versus '250 MyFamily=' where the latter is set to
        the empty string and the former is a default value. We
        differentiate these by setting the value in the dict to
        DEFAULT_VALUE for the default value case, or an empty string

        return self.queue_command('GETCONF %s' % ' '.join(args)).addCallback(parse_keywords).addErrback(log.err)

    def get_conf_raw(self, *args):
        Same as get_conf, except that the results are not parsed into a dict

        return self.queue_command('GETCONF %s' % ' '.join(args))

    def set_conf(self, *args):
        set configuration values. see control-spec for valid
        keys. args is treated as a list containing name then value
        pairs. For example, ``set_conf('foo', 'bar')`` will (attempt
        to) set the key 'foo' to value 'bar'.

        :return: a ``Deferred`` that will callback with the response
            ('OK') or errback with the error code and message (e.g.
            ``"552 Unrecognized option: Unknown option 'foo'.  Failing."``)
        if len(args) % 2:
            d = defer.Deferred()
            d.errback(RuntimeError("Expected an even number of arguments."))
            return d
        strargs = map(lambda x: str(x), args)
        keys = [strargs[i] for i in range(0, len(strargs), 2)]
        values = [strargs[i] for i in range(1, len(strargs), 2)]
        def maybe_quote(s):
            if ' ' in s:
                return '"%s"' % s
            return s
        values = map(maybe_quote, values)
        args = ' '.join(map(lambda x, y: '%s=%s' % (x, y), keys, values))
        return self.queue_command('SETCONF ' + args)

    def signal(self, nm):
        Issues a signal to Tor. See control-spec or
        :attr:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.valid_signals` for which ones
        are available and their return values.

        :return: a ``Deferred`` which callbacks with Tor's response
            (``OK`` or something like ``552 Unrecognized signal code "foo"``).
        if not nm in self.valid_signals:
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid signal " + nm)
        return self.queue_command('SIGNAL %s' % nm)

    def add_event_listener(self, evt, callback):
        :param evt: event name, see also
        :var:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.events` .keys()
        Add a listener to an Event object. This may be called multiple
        times for the same event. If it's the first listener, a new
        SETEVENTS call will be initiated to Tor.

        Currently the callback is any callable that takes a single
        argument, that is the text collected for the event from the
        tor control protocol.

        :Return: ``None``

        .. todo:: need an interface for the callback

        if not evt in self.valid_events.values():
                evt = self.valid_events[evt]
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown event type: " + evt)

        if evt.name not in self.events:
            self.events[evt.name] = evt
            self.queue_command('SETEVENTS %s' % ' '.join(self.events.keys()))
        return None

    def remove_event_listener(self, evt, cb):
        if not evt in self.valid_events.values():
                evt = self.valid_events[evt]
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown event type: " + evt)

        if len(evt.callbacks) == 0:
            del self.events[evt.name]
            self.queue_command('SETEVENTS %s' % ' '.join(self.events.keys()))

    def protocolinfo(self):
        :return: a Deferred which will give you PROTOCOLINFO; see control-spec

        return self.queue_command("PROTOCOLINFO 1")

    def authenticate(self, passphrase):
        """Call the AUTHENTICATE command."""
        return self.queue_command('AUTHENTICATE ' + passphrase.encode("hex"))

    def quit(self):
        return self.queue_command('QUIT')

    def queue_command(self, cmd, arg=None):
        returns a Deferred which will fire with the response data when
        we get it

        d = defer.Deferred()
        self.commands.append((d, cmd, arg))
        return d

    ## the remaining methods are internal API implementations,
    ## callbacks and state-tracking methods -- you shouldn't have any
    ## need to call them.

    def lineReceived(self, line):
        :api:`twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver` API

        if DEBUG:
            self.debuglog.write(line + '\n')


    def connectionMade(self):
        "LineOnlyReceiver API (or parent?)"
        txtorlog.msg('got connection, authenticating')

    def _handle_notify(self, code, rest):
        Internal method to deal with 600-level responses.

        firstline = rest[:rest.find('\n')]
        args = firstline.split()
        if args[0] in self.events:
            self.events[args[0]].got_update(rest[len(args[0]) + 1:])

        raise RuntimeError("Wasn't listening for event of type " + args[0])

    def _maybe_issue_command(self):
        If there's at least one command queued and we're not currently
        processing a command, this will issue the next one on the
        if self.command:

        if len(self.commands):
            self.command = self.commands.pop(0)
            (d, cmd, cmd_arg) = self.command
            self.defer = d

            if DEBUG:
                #print "NOTIFY",code,rest
                self.debuglog.write(cmd + '\n')

            self.transport.write(cmd + '\r\n')

    def _auth_failed(self, fail):
        Errback if authentication fails.

        if self.post_bootstrap:
            return None
        return fail

    def _safecookie_authchallenge(self, reply):

        kw = parse_keywords(reply.replace(' ', '\n'))

        server_hash = base64.b16decode(kw['SERVERHASH'])
        server_nonce = base64.b16decode(kw['SERVERNONCE'])
        ## FIXME put string in global. or something.
        expected_server_hash = hmac_sha256("Tor safe cookie authentication server-to-controller hash",
                                           self.cookie_data + self.client_nonce + server_nonce)

        if not compare_via_hash(expected_server_hash, server_hash):
            raise RuntimeError('Server hash not expected; wanted "%s" and got "%s".' % (base64.b16encode(expected_server_hash),

        client_hash = hmac_sha256("Tor safe cookie authentication controller-to-server hash",
                                  self.cookie_data + self.client_nonce + server_nonce)
        client_hash_hex = base64.b16encode(client_hash)
        return self.queue_command('AUTHENTICATE %s' % client_hash_hex)

    def _do_authenticate(self, protoinfo):
        Callback on PROTOCOLINFO to actually authenticate once we know
        what's supported.

        methods = None
        for line in protoinfo.split('\n'):
            if line[:5] == 'AUTH ':
                kw = parse_keywords(line[5:].replace(' ', '\n'))
                methods = kw['METHODS'].split(',')
        if not methods:
            raise RuntimeError("Didn't find AUTH line in PROTOCOLINFO response.")

        if 'SAFECOOKIE' in methods:
            cookie = re.search('COOKIEFILE="(.*)"', protoinfo).group(1)
            self.cookie_data = open(cookie,'r').read()
            if len(self.cookie_data) != 32:
                raise RuntimeError("Expected authentication cookie to be 32 bytes, got %d" % len(self.cookie_data))
            txtorlog.msg("Using SAFECOOKIE authentication",cookie,len(self.cookie_data),"bytes")
            self.client_nonce = os.urandom(32)

            d = self.queue_command('AUTHCHALLENGE SAFECOOKIE %s' % base64.b16encode(self.client_nonce))

        elif 'COOKIE' in methods:
            cookie = re.search('COOKIEFILE="(.*)"', protoinfo).group(1)
            with open(cookie, 'r') as cookiefile:
                data = cookiefile.read()
            if len(data) != 32:
                raise RuntimeError("Expected authentication cookie to be 32 bytes, got %d" % len(data))
            txtorlog.msg("Using COOKIE authentication", cookie, len(data), "bytes")

        if self.password:

        raise RuntimeError("The Tor I connected to doesn't support SAFECOOKIE nor COOKIE authentication and I have no password.")

    def _set_valid_events(self, events):
        "used as a callback; see _bootstrap"
        self.valid_events = {}
        for x in events.split():
            self.valid_events[x] = Event(x)

    def _bootstrap(self, *args):
        The inlineCallbacks decorator allows us to make this method
        look synchronous; see the Twisted docs. Each yeild is for a
        Deferred after which the method continues. When this method
        finally exits, we're set up and do the post_bootstrap

        ## unfortunately I don't see a way to get this from the runing
        ## tor like the events...so this was taken from some version
        ## of the control-spec and must be kept up-to-date (or accpet
        ## any signal name and just wait for the reply?
        self.valid_signals = ["RELOAD", "DUMP", "DEBUG", "NEWNYM", "CLEARDNSCACHE"]

        self.version = yield self.get_info('version')
        self.version = self.version['version']
        txtorlog.msg("Connected to a Tor with VERSION", self.version)
        eventnames = yield self.get_info('events/names')
        eventnames = eventnames['events/names']

        yield self.queue_command('USEFEATURE EXTENDED_EVENTS')

        self.post_bootstrap = None

    ## State Machine transitions and matchers. See the __init__ method
    ## for a way to output a GraphViz dot diagram of the machine.

    def _is_end_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        return line.strip() == '.'

    def _is_not_end_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        return not self._is_end_line(line)

    def _is_single_line_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
            code = int(line[:3])
            return False

        sl = len(line) > 3 and line[3] == ' '
#        print "single line?",line,sl
        if sl:
            self.code = code
            return True
        return False

    def _start_command(self, line):
        "for FSM"
#        print "startCommand",self.code,line
        self.code = int(line[:3])
#        print "startCommand:",self.code
        if self.command and self.command[2] != None:
            self.response = line[4:] + '\n'
        return None

    def _is_continuation_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
#        print "isContinuationLine",self.code,line
        code = int(line[:3])
        if self.code and self.code != code:
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected code %d, wanted %d" % (code,self.code))
        return line[3] == '-'

    def _is_multi_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
#        print "isMultiLine",self.code,line,line[3] == '+'
        code = int(line[:3])
        if self.code and self.code != code:
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected code %d, wanted %d" % (code,self.code))
        return line[3] == '+'

    def _accumulate_multi_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        if self.command and self.command[2] != None:

            self.response += (line + '\n')
        return None

    def _accumulate_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        if self.command and self.command[2] != None:

            self.response += (line[4:] + '\n')
        return None

    def _is_finish_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
#        print "isFinish",line
        if len(line) < 1:
            return False
        if line[0] == '.':
            return True
        if len(line) > 3 and line[3] == ' ':
            return True
        return False

    def _broadcast_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
#        print "BCAST",line
        if len(line) > 3:
            if self.code >= 200 and self.code < 300 and self.command and self.command[2] != None:
                resp = ''

                resp = self.response + line[4:]
            resp = self.response
        self.response = ''
        if self.code >= 200 and self.code < 300:
            if self.defer is None:
                raise RuntimeError("Got a response, but didn't issue a command.");
        elif self.code >= 500 and self.code < 600:
            err = TorProtocolError(self.code, resp)
        elif self.code >= 600 and self.code < 700:
            self._handle_notify(self.code, resp)
            self.code = None
        elif self.code is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No code set yet in broadcast response.")
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown code in broadcast response %d." % self.code)

        ## note: we don't do this for 600-level responses
        self.command = None
        self.code = None
        self.defer = None
        return None
예제 #4
class TorControlProtocol(LineOnlyReceiver):
    This is the main class that talks to a Tor and implements the "raw"

    This instance does not track state; see :class:`txtorcon.TorState`
    for the current state of all Circuits, Streams and Routers.

    :meth:`txtorcon.TorState.build_circuit` allows you to build custom

    :meth:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.add_event_listener` can be used
    to listen for specific events.

    To see how circuit and stream listeners are used, see
    :class:`txtorcon.TorState`, which is also the place to go if you
    wish to add your own stream or circuit listeners.


    def __init__(self, password_function=None):
        :param password_function:
            A zero-argument callable which returns a password (or
            Deferred). It is only called if the Tor doesn't have
            COOKIE authentication turned on. Tor's default is COOKIE.

        self.password_function = password_function
        """If set, a callable to query for a password to use for
        authentication to Tor (default is to use COOKIE, however). May
        return Deferred."""

        self.version = None
        """Version of Tor we've connected to."""

        self.is_owned = None
        """If not None, this is the PID of the Tor process we own
        (TAKEOWNERSHIP, etc)."""

        self.events = {}
        """events we've subscribed to (keyed by name like "GUARD", "STREAM")"""

        self.valid_events = {}
        """all valid events (name -> Event instance)"""

        self.valid_signals = []
        """A list of all valid signals we accept from Tor"""

        self.on_disconnect = defer.Deferred()
        This Deferred is triggered when the connection is closed. If
        there was an error, the errback is called instead.

        self.post_bootstrap = defer.Deferred()
        This Deferred is triggered when we're done setting up
        (authentication, getting information from Tor). You will want
        to use this to do things with the :class:`TorControlProtocol`
        class when it's set up, like::

            def setup_complete(proto):
                print "Setup complete, attached to Tor version",proto.version

            def setup(proto):

            TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, "localhost", 9051).connect(TorProtocolFactory())

        See the helper method :func:`txtorcon.build_tor_connection`.

        ## variables related to the state machine
        self.defer = None  # Deferred we returned for the current command
        self.response = ''
        self.code = None
        self.command = None  # currently processing this command
        self.commands = []  # queued commands

        ## Here we build up the state machine. Mostly it's pretty
        ## simply, confounded by the fact that 600's (notify) can come
        ## at any time AND can be multi-line itself. Luckily, these
        ## can't be nested, nor can the responses be interleaved.

        idle = State("IDLE")
        recv = State("RECV")
        recvmulti = State("RECV_PLUS")
        recvnotify = State("NOTIFY_MULTILINE")

            Transition(idle, self._is_single_line_response,
            Transition(recvmulti, self._is_multi_line, self._start_command))
            Transition(recv, self._is_continuation_line, self._start_command))

            Transition(recvmulti, self._is_multi_line,
            Transition(recv, self._is_continuation_line,
            Transition(idle, self._is_finish_line, self._broadcast_response))

            Transition(recv, self._is_end_line, lambda x: None))
            Transition(recvmulti, self._is_not_end_line,

        self.fsm = FSM([recvnotify, idle, recvmulti, recv])
        self.state_idle = idle
        ## hand-set initial state default start state is first in the
        ## list; the above looks nice in dotty though
        self.fsm.state = idle

    def start_debug(self):
        self.debuglog = open('txtorcon-debug.log', 'w')

    def stop_debug(self):
        def noop(*args, **kw):

        class NullLog(object):
            write = noop
            flush = noop

        self.debuglog = NullLog()

    def graphviz_data(self):
        return self.fsm.dotty()

    ## see end of file for all the state machine matcher and
    ## transition methods.

    def get_info_raw(self, *args):
        Mostly for internal use; gives you the raw string back from
        the GETINFO command. See :meth:`getinfo <txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.get_info>`
        info = ' '.join(map(lambda x: str(x), list(args)))
        return self.queue_command('GETINFO %s' % info)

    def get_info_incremental(self, key, line_cb):
        Mostly for internal use; calls GETINFO for a single key and
        calls line_cb with each line received, as it is received.

        See :meth:`getinfo <txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.get_info>`
        def strip_ok_and_call(line):
            if line.strip() != 'OK':

        return self.queue_command('GETINFO %s' % key, strip_ok_and_call)

    ## The following methods are the main TorController API and
    ## probably the most interesting for users.

    def get_info(self, *args):
        Uses GETINFO to obtain informatoin from Tor.

        :param args:
            should be a list or tuple of strings which are valid
            information keys. For valid keys, see control-spec.txt
            from torspec.

            .. todo:: make some way to automagically obtain valid
                keys, either from running Tor or parsing control-spec

            a ``Deferred`` which will callback with a dict containing
            the keys you asked for. This just inserts ``parse_keywords``
            in the callback chain; if you want to avoid the parsing
            into a dict, you can use get_info_raw instead.
        return self.get_info_raw(*args).addCallback(parse_keywords)

    def get_conf(self, *args):
        Uses GETCONF to obtain configuration values from Tor.

        :param args: any number of strings which are keys to get. To
            get all valid configuraiton names, you can call:

        :return: a Deferred which callbacks with one or many
            configuration values (depends on what you asked for). See
            control-spec for valid keys (you can also use TorConfig which
            will come set up with all the keys that are valid). The value
            will be a dict.

        Note that Tor differentiates between an empty value and a
        default value; in the raw protocol one looks like '250
        MyFamily' versus '250 MyFamily=' where the latter is set to
        the empty string and the former is a default value. We
        differentiate these by setting the value in the dict to
        DEFAULT_VALUE for the default value case, or an empty string

        return self.queue_command(
            'GETCONF %s' %
            ' '.join(args)).addCallback(parse_keywords).addErrback(log.err)

    def get_conf_raw(self, *args):
        Same as get_conf, except that the results are not parsed into a dict

        return self.queue_command('GETCONF %s' % ' '.join(args))

    def set_conf(self, *args):
        set configuration values. see control-spec for valid
        keys. args is treated as a list containing name then value
        pairs. For example, ``set_conf('foo', 'bar')`` will (attempt
        to) set the key 'foo' to value 'bar'.

        :return: a ``Deferred`` that will callback with the response
            ('OK') or errback with the error code and message (e.g.
            ``"552 Unrecognized option: Unknown option 'foo'.  Failing."``)
        if len(args) % 2:
            d = defer.Deferred()
            d.errback(RuntimeError("Expected an even number of arguments."))
            return d
        strargs = map(lambda x: str(x), args)
        keys = [strargs[i] for i in range(0, len(strargs), 2)]
        values = [strargs[i] for i in range(1, len(strargs), 2)]

        def maybe_quote(s):
            if ' ' in s:
                return '"%s"' % s
            return s

        values = map(maybe_quote, values)
        args = ' '.join(map(lambda x, y: '%s=%s' % (x, y), keys, values))
        return self.queue_command('SETCONF ' + args)

    def signal(self, nm):
        Issues a signal to Tor. See control-spec or
        :attr:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.valid_signals` for which ones
        are available and their return values.

        :return: a ``Deferred`` which callbacks with Tor's response
            (``OK`` or something like ``552 Unrecognized signal code "foo"``).
        if nm not in self.valid_signals:
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid signal " + nm)
        return self.queue_command('SIGNAL %s' % nm)

    def add_event_listener(self, evt, callback):
        :param evt: event name, see also
        :var:`txtorcon.TorControlProtocol.events` .keys()

        Add a listener to an Event object. This may be called multiple
        times for the same event. If it's the first listener, a new
        SETEVENTS call will be initiated to Tor.

        Currently the callback is any callable that takes a single
        argument, that is the text collected for the event from the
        tor control protocol.

        .. note::
            this is a low-level interface; if you want to follow
            circuit or stream creation etc. see TorState and methods
            like add_circuit_listener

        :Return: ``None``

        .. todo::
            need an interface for the callback
            show how to tie in Stem parsing if you want

        if evt not in self.valid_events.values():
                evt = self.valid_events[evt]
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown event type: " + evt)

        if evt.name not in self.events:
            self.events[evt.name] = evt
            self.queue_command('SETEVENTS %s' % ' '.join(self.events.keys()))
        return None

    def remove_event_listener(self, evt, cb):
        if evt not in self.valid_events.values():
            # this lets us pass a string or a real event-object
                evt = self.valid_events[evt]
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown event type: " + evt)

        if len(evt.callbacks) == 0:
            # note there's a slight window here for an event of this
            # type to come in before the SETEVENTS succeeds; see
            # _handle_notify which explicitly ignore this case.
            del self.events[evt.name]
            self.queue_command('SETEVENTS %s' % ' '.join(self.events.keys()))

    def protocolinfo(self):
        :return: a Deferred which will give you PROTOCOLINFO; see control-spec

        return self.queue_command("PROTOCOLINFO 1")

    def authenticate(self, passphrase):
        """Call the AUTHENTICATE command."""
        return self.queue_command('AUTHENTICATE ' + passphrase.encode("hex"))

    def quit(self):
        Sends the QUIT command, which asks Tor to hang up on this
        controller connection.

        If you've taken ownership of the Tor to which you're
        connected, this should also cause it to exit. Otherwise, it
        return self.queue_command('QUIT')

    def queue_command(self, cmd, arg=None):
        returns a Deferred which will fire with the response data when
        we get it

        Note that basically every request is ultimately funelled
        through this command.

        d = defer.Deferred()
        self.commands.append((d, cmd, arg))
        return d

    ## the remaining methods are internal API implementations,
    ## callbacks and state-tracking methods -- you shouldn't have any
    ## need to call them.

    def lineReceived(self, line):
        :api:`twisted.protocols.basic.LineOnlyReceiver` API

        self.debuglog.write(line + '\n')

    def connectionMade(self):
        "Protocol API"
        txtorlog.msg('got connection, authenticating')

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        "Protocol API"
        txtorlog.msg('connection terminated: ' + str(reason))
        if self.on_disconnect.callbacks:
            if reason.check(ConnectionDone):
        self.on_disconnect = None
        return None

    def _handle_notify(self, code, rest):
        Internal method to deal with 600-level responses.

        firstline = rest[:rest.find('\n')]
        args = firstline.split()
        if args[0] in self.events:
            self.events[args[0]].got_update(rest[len(args[0]) + 1:])
        # not considering this an error, as there's a slight window
        # after remove_event_listener is called (so the handler is
        # deleted) but the SETEVENTS command has not yet succeeded

    def _maybe_issue_command(self):
        If there's at least one command queued and we're not currently
        processing a command, this will issue the next one on the
        if self.command:

        if len(self.commands):
            self.command = self.commands.pop(0)
            (d, cmd, cmd_arg) = self.command
            self.defer = d

            self.debuglog.write(cmd + '\n')

            self.transport.write(cmd + '\r\n')

    def _auth_failed(self, fail):
        Errback if authentication fails.

        return None

    def _safecookie_authchallenge(self, reply):

        kw = parse_keywords(reply.replace(' ', '\n'))

        server_hash = base64.b16decode(kw['SERVERHASH'])
        server_nonce = base64.b16decode(kw['SERVERNONCE'])
        ## FIXME put string in global. or something.
        expected_server_hash = hmac_sha256(
            "Tor safe cookie authentication server-to-controller hash",
            self.cookie_data + self.client_nonce + server_nonce)

        if not compare_via_hash(expected_server_hash, server_hash):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Server hash not expected; wanted "%s" and got "%s".' %

        client_hash = hmac_sha256(
            "Tor safe cookie authentication controller-to-server hash",
            self.cookie_data + self.client_nonce + server_nonce)
        client_hash_hex = base64.b16encode(client_hash)
        return self.queue_command('AUTHENTICATE %s' % client_hash_hex)

    def _do_authenticate(self, protoinfo):
        Callback on PROTOCOLINFO to actually authenticate once we know
        what's supported.

        methods = None
        for line in protoinfo.split('\n'):
            if line[:5] == 'AUTH ':
                kw = parse_keywords(line[5:].replace(' ', '\n'))
                methods = kw['METHODS'].split(',')
        if not methods:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Didn't find AUTH line in PROTOCOLINFO response.")

        if 'SAFECOOKIE' in methods:
            cookie = re.search('COOKIEFILE="(.*)"', protoinfo).group(1)
            self.cookie_data = open(cookie, 'r').read()
            if len(self.cookie_data) != 32:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Expected authentication cookie to be 32 bytes, got %d" %
            txtorlog.msg("Using SAFECOOKIE authentication", cookie,
                         len(self.cookie_data), "bytes")
            self.client_nonce = os.urandom(32)

            d = self.queue_command('AUTHCHALLENGE SAFECOOKIE %s' %

        elif 'COOKIE' in methods:
            cookie = re.search('COOKIEFILE="(.*)"', protoinfo).group(1)
            with open(cookie, 'r') as cookiefile:
                data = cookiefile.read()
            if len(data) != 32:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Expected authentication cookie to be 32 bytes, got %d" %
            txtorlog.msg("Using COOKIE authentication", cookie, len(data),

        if self.password_function:
            passwd = defer.maybeDeferred(self.password_function)

        raise RuntimeError(
            "The Tor I connected to doesn't support SAFECOOKIE nor COOKIE authentication and I have no password_function specified."

    def _do_password_authentication(self, passwd):
        if not passwd:
            raise RuntimeError("No password available.")

    def _set_valid_events(self, events):
        "used as a callback; see _bootstrap"
        self.valid_events = {}
        for x in events.split():
            self.valid_events[x] = Event(x)

    def _bootstrap(self, *args):
        The inlineCallbacks decorator allows us to make this method
        look synchronous; see the Twisted docs. Each yeild is for a
        Deferred after which the method continues. When this method
        finally exits, we're set up and do the post_bootstrap

        ## unfortunately I don't see a way to get this from the runing
        ## tor like the events...so this was taken from some version
        ## of the control-spec and must be kept up-to-date (or accpet
        ## any signal name and just wait for the reply?
        self.valid_signals = [

        self.version = yield self.get_info('version')
        self.version = self.version['version']
        txtorlog.msg("Connected to a Tor with VERSION", self.version)
        eventnames = yield self.get_info('events/names')
        eventnames = eventnames['events/names']

        yield self.queue_command('USEFEATURE EXTENDED_EVENTS')


    ## State Machine transitions and matchers. See the __init__ method
    ## for a way to output a GraphViz dot diagram of the machine.

    def _is_end_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        return line.strip() == '.'

    def _is_not_end_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        return not self._is_end_line(line)

    def _is_single_line_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
            code = int(line[:3])
            return False

        sl = len(line) > 3 and line[3] == ' '
        #print "single line?",line,sl
        if sl:
            self.code = code
            return True
        return False

    def _start_command(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        # print "startCommand",self.code,line
        self.code = int(line[:3])
        # print "startCommand:",self.code
        if self.command and self.command[2] is not None:
            self.response = line[4:] + '\n'
        return None

    def _is_continuation_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        # print "isContinuationLine",self.code,line
        code = int(line[:3])
        if self.code and self.code != code:
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected code %d, wanted %d" %
                               (code, self.code))
        return line[3] == '-'

    def _is_multi_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        # print "isMultiLine",self.code,line,line[3] == '+'
        code = int(line[:3])
        if self.code and self.code != code:
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected code %d, wanted %d" %
                               (code, self.code))
        return line[3] == '+'

    def _accumulate_multi_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        if self.command and self.command[2] is not None:

            self.response += (line + '\n')
        return None

    def _accumulate_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        if self.command and self.command[2] is not None:

            self.response += (line[4:] + '\n')
        return None

    def _is_finish_line(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        # print "isFinish",line
        if len(line) < 1:
            return False
        if line[0] == '.':
            return True
        if len(line) > 3 and line[3] == ' ':
            return True
        return False

    def _broadcast_response(self, line):
        "for FSM"
        # print "BCAST",line
        if len(line) > 3:
            if self.code >= 200 and self.code < 300 and self.command and self.command[
                    2] is not None:
                resp = ''

                resp = self.response + line[4:]
            resp = self.response
        self.response = ''
        if self.code >= 200 and self.code < 300:
            if self.defer is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Got a response, but didn\'t issue a command: "%s"' % resp)
            if resp.endswith('\nOK'):
                resp = resp[:-3]
        elif self.code >= 500 and self.code < 600:
            err = TorProtocolError(self.code, resp)
        elif self.code >= 600 and self.code < 700:
            self._handle_notify(self.code, resp)
            self.code = None
        elif self.code is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No code set yet in broadcast response.")
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown code in broadcast response %d." %

        ## note: we don't do this for 600-level responses
        self.command = None
        self.code = None
        self.defer = None
        return None