예제 #1
 def call(self, agent, bindings, zexpr):
     l = [termEvalErr(agent, bindings, zitem) for zitem in zexpr]
     if not l:
         raise LocatedError(zexpr, "*list function requires at least one argument")
             temp = list(l[0])
         except TypeError:
             raise LocatedError(zexpr, "First argument to *list is not a sequence")
         return List(temp + l[1:])
예제 #2
 def call(self, agent, bindings, zexpr):
     l = [termEvalErr(agent, bindings, zitem) for zitem in zexpr]
     if not l:
         raise LocatedError(zexpr, "list* function requires at least one argument")
         result = l[:-1]
         except TypeError:
             raise LocatedError(zexpr, "Last argument to list* is not a sequence")
         return List(result)
예제 #3
파일: traverse.py 프로젝트: jbalint/spark
 def _calcChildren(self, expr):  # expr = [...]
     for task in expr:
         impKey = task.impKey
             id = impKey.id
         except AttributeError:
             raise LocatedError(expr, "Cannot process expression")
         if id == "do:":
             yield DoTaskInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "seq:" or id == "parallel:":
             for subtask in task:
                 for child in self._calcChildren(subtask):
                     yield child
         elif id == "try:":
             yield TryUnit(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "wait:":
             yield WaitInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "select:":
             yield SelectInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "succeed:" or id == "fail:":
             yield SucceedFailInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "context:" or id == "retract:" or id == "retractall:":
             yield ConditionInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "conclude:":
             yield ConcludeInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "achieve:":
             yield AchieveInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
         elif id == "set:":
             yield SetInterface(self, task, self.level + 1)
             expr = task[1]
         elif id == "forall:" or id == "forallp:" or id == "while:" or id == "forin:":
             yield LoopUnit(self, expr, self.level + 1)
             if not (False):                    raise AssertionError, \
    "Cannot handle %r"%expr
예제 #4
파일: isi.py 프로젝트: jbalint/spark
def defprocedure_exprs_name(agent, exprs):
    if not (isList(exprs)): raise AssertionError
    if (len(exprs) != 1): raise AssertionError
    pfe = exprs[0]
    if pfe.functor != Symbol('defprocedure{}'):
        raise LocatedError(pfe, "must be {defprocedure ...}")
    return pfe[0].asValue()
예제 #5
파일: taskexpr.py 프로젝트: jbalint/spark
 def tenter(self, agent, tframe, zexpr):
     bindings = tframe.getBaseBindings()
     step_fn(agent, bindings, EXECUTING, zexpr)
     value = termEvalErr(agent, bindings, zexpr[1])
     if not termMatch(agent, bindings, zexpr[0], value):
         step_fn(agent, bindings, FAILED, zexpr)
         s = bindings.constraintString(zexpr[0])
         raise LocatedError(
             zexpr, "Cannot set term %s to the calculated value" % s)
     step_fn(agent, bindings, SUCCEEDED, zexpr)
     return tframe.tfcompleted(agent, SUCCESS)
예제 #6
 def bind_result(self, agent, bindings, zexpr, result):
     if result is None:      # None does not matching anything
         return False
     output_indices = self._output_indices
     has_rest_output = self._rest_mode in ("?", "-")
     l = len(output_indices)
     if l > 1 or has_rest_output:
         # Treat result as a tuple of values
         if not (operator.isSequenceType(result)): raise AssertionError, \
                "Python function should return a sequence but returned %r instead"%(result,)
         minOut = len(self._output_range)
         actualOut = len(result)
         if has_rest_output:
             if actualOut < minOut:
                 raise LocatedError(zexpr, "Expecting python function to return at least %s elements, not %r"%(minOut, result))
             if actualOut != minOut:
                 raise LocatedError(zexpr, "Expecting python function to return exactly %s elements, not %r"%(minOut, result))
         for i in self._output_range:
             if not termMatch(agent, bindings, zexpr[output_indices[i]], result[i]):
                 return False
         if has_rest_output:
             limit = len(zexpr)
             i = self._nrequired
             offset = i - len(self._output_indices)
             while i < limit:
                 if termEvalP(agent, bindings, zexpr[i]):
                     pass            # No need to match the argument
                 elif not termMatch(agent, bindings, zexpr[i], result[i-offset]):
                     return False
                 i = i+1
         return True
     elif l == 1:                    # Exactly one output parameter
         # Treat result as a value
         return termMatch(agent, bindings, zexpr[output_indices[0]], result)
     elif result:                    # l == 0, no output parameters
         return True
         return False
예제 #7
파일: usagefuns.py 프로젝트: jbalint/spark
def termMatchErr(agent, bindings, expr, value):
    if not bindings.bTermMatch(agent, expr, value):
        raise LocatedError(expr, "Term does not match the given value")
예제 #8
파일: usagefuns.py 프로젝트: jbalint/spark
def termEvalErr(agent, bindings, expr):
    if bindings.bTermEvalP(agent, expr):
        return bindings.bTermEval(agent, expr)
        raise LocatedError(expr, "Term not evaluable")